Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir # 47: Come What May...


Well-Known Member
Article from Russian news with quotes from Queen Tarasova herself...

Well that was pure torture. I have wanted to know her thoughts on everything but the damn article is in Russian . Will someone please translate this? I know that Tatiana loves the French but has immense respect for the Canadians. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say


Well-Known Member
Well that was pure torture. I have wanted to know her thoughts on everything but the damn article is in Russian . Will someone please translate this? I know that Tatiana loves the French but has immense respect for the Canadians. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say

"Let's notice that if Oksana Grischuk-Evgeny Platov won two Games in a row, the Canadians, who became Olympic champions for the first time in 2010 in Vancouver, second highest title achieved eight years later, which is much more difficult (in Sochi, the Americans won Meryl Davis-Charlie White). Taking a pause after Sochi, they returned to the big sport two years later, when the dancers were already dominated by the two time world champions Gabriela Papadakis and Guillaume Catherine, who were the new direction in ice dancing. Nevertheless, the Canadians at the World Championships last year in Helsinki, the French from the top step of the pedestal have been displaced."

"Tatyana Tarasova called the performance of Canadians tremendous, which from the element to the element they collected and scored points, and about the French said that they also did not lose. "To see two such slopes in one final is happiness," she said. "And I'm very sorry that you can not give gold awards to French people either. These two pairs are celestials who talk to God. Who is the best - I do not know! "

Not the greatest translation but the main gist


Well-Known Member
"Let's notice that if Oksana Grischuk-Evgeny Platov won two Games in a row, the Canadians, who became Olympic champions for the first time in 2010 in Vancouver, second highest title achieved eight years later, which is much more difficult (in Sochi, the Americans won Meryl Davis-Charlie White). Taking a pause after Sochi, they returned to the big sport two years later, when the dancers were already dominated by the two time world champions Gabriela Papadakis and Guillaume Catherine, who were the new direction in ice dancing. Nevertheless, the Canadians at the World Championships last year in Helsinki, the French from the top step of the pedestal have been displaced."

"Tatyana Tarasova called the performance of Canadians tremendous, which from the element to the element they collected and scored points, and about the French said that they also did not lose. "To see two such slopes in one final is happiness," she said. "And I'm very sorry that you can not give gold awards to French people either. These two pairs are celestials who talk to God. Who is the best - I do not know! "

Not the greatest translation but the main gist

Thank you so much for translating. It sounds very Tarasova-ish.



Thank you, Golden1, for posting a link to the B.ESP commentary and all those other videos. Loved them all.

Shayii, Elisa, Debra, and so many others who have been posting and providing explanations for the supposed "two-footed" skating, thank you so much!

I was one of those people who didn't think that the judges would actually judge what they saw, especially not after the scores came up for the short dance. That's why I refused to stay up late last night, and I only woke up this morning to watch the footage V/M's free dance before going to work, and I was so glad I was wrong. They did it!!!!!! This victory is so sweet!

I had to shut down my emotions through out most of the day and I wouldn't allow myself to think too hard about them winning their 2nd gold medal after 8 years, otherwise I'd feel my chest tighten and I'd want to cry.

I knew that they would skate brilliantly, but to skate so well that the judges couldn't hold them down anymore? Whoever kept repeating it yesterday, that if Tessa and Scott skate the lights out, the judges can't deny them the gold. You were so right!!!

Thank you, Tessa and Scott! Love you two to bits!!!

And if they were part of a Korean drama, they would go their separate ways for a few years, and during that separation they'll come to realize just how much they are in love with one another and they'll find each other and profess their love to one another, preferably by a lake or on a mountaintop, and then...


Well-Known Member
I would also like to thank the very gifted Meryl and Charlie, even Marina Z for providing that bump in the road to legendary status, that voice in the back of their minds that nagged them to come back for another kick at the can. Without you, as well as the French Team -P/C, as the motivation to become the very best versions of themselves, dance fans round the world would have missed the most epic battle in Olympic ice dance history, as well as missing out on 2 more incredible years of Scott and Tessa's brilliance, that had the wonderful side effect of lifting everyone's gamesmanship, just to stay in the conversation...

Sometimes in life what 1st appears to be a boulder in your path, later turns out to be a gift from the universe, to motivate you to make another even greater plan that winds up leading to your true life purpose.

Dang I am tearing up yet again, thinking how much they will be missed.
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everyone who has CBC, Tessa and Scott doing their post skate interview right now! The one in the studio I mean.

Scott was crying when he was watching that montage video.

and I breathed the same air as them, too, once, at the CNE in Toronto. That's where I saw the Carmen Lift live. Simply breathtaking.

Tessa was so cute, belting out the anthem with this huge smile on her face, as if she were a child again and inside a candy shop or something. And Scott, he cried again while watching the footage of them singing the anthem. I cried too. I just love them!
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Well-Known Member
I have seen them at worlds in 2013 and nationals in Ottawa before Sochi. I would have seen them at Skate Canada but they withdrew when she had the first surgery.


Well-Known Member
POSITIVE VIBES? Numerologists, take note!

Virtue and Moir starting order is XX.
Their starting time? 11:11.

It was meant to be. The universe has foreseen it.

They drew XX again? The universe is on their side!!!

I don't agree. We don't have a comparison with VM's revamped version. The scores at the TE were very low (look at how the PCS went up from the TE sd to the IE sd) they didn't want to hand out WR. Also the score PC set at EC it's not really international, euroflation you know? They can't afford to loose any level to PC though or it's over. otherwise the margin they have can be enough. I hate to say this but it could even come down to who's the team who execute a Ch element better

Sonata and Carpis, I had to bring back these posts of yours.

Sonata, how prophetic you were :).

Carpis, I've never been so happy that I was wrong! After P/C skated and got all L4s and that monster score, I must admit I was not very hopeful. But I remembered your post and given the champions that V/M are, I kept the faith. However, I did cover the score box area on my screen for V/M's skate - I just wanted to take in every moment of their last competitive FD without being distracted and worried by the live scoring. When they were done and reacted the way they did, I was so happy because they got the Olympic moment they have been talking about and getting to experience it as the last skaters of the competition. And for that brief moment, I didn't care what score they were about to receive. But then I uncovered the score box area and saw how close their TES was to P/C's and realized they had a real shot. The next few minutes felt like an eternity - but it was all worth it, especially seeing how Scott and Tessa reacted to the win. The fact that they skated last also allowed both MF and Patrice to be there and celebrate with them. It did feel like everything was meant to be.

I'm exhausted, but happily so. And getting to share this experience with fellow V/M fans has been exhilarating. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
I have seen them live for 06 Skate Canada, a training camp for Umbrellas, 08 Canadians, 09 4CC, 10 Canadians, 10 Olympics, 12 GPF, 13 Skate Canada, 17 Skate Canada, and 18 Canadians. All privileges. My favourite live performance will be their OD at 10 Olympics.


Active Member
I am not amused at the BEsp & other's going on like if they could give out 2 gold medals they should have cause how do you chose between the 2 couples..get ****ed!

There was NO comparison AT ALL...this ridiculous comparison & rivalry has to stop...P&C are great but they are no V&M END OF STORY!


Well-Known Member
Hello, guys. Just wanted to say hello and RUN AROUND HUGGING EVERYONE. I did not think they could defeat both the judges and P/C, but they're so the very best that it happened on skill and stubbornness. Congratulations to them and to us!


You know what else brings tears to my eyes? Knowing that V/M won their second gold under the tutelage of Marie-France and Patrice. The latter pair could have gone so much farther had it not been for the injury, and I always felt like life was so unfair to them. But now, look at it. All four of them together at the Olympics and V/M win gold.

It just makes this gold medal so much sweeter and so much more meaningful.

And Tessa and Scott will be doing facebook live on the CBC Olympics page at 8pm EST.


Well-Known Member
I am not amused at the BEsp & other's going on like if they could give out 2 gold medals they should have cause how do you chose between the 2 couples..get ****ed!

There was NO comparison AT ALL...this ridiculous comparison & rivalry has to stop...P&C are great but they are no V&M END OF STORY!

Seriously? There absolutely IS a comparison and being catty is useless. There is such as thing as respect.


Look it up.

Sorry to break it to you but people don't have to agree with your opinion. I prefer V&M and wanted them to win but even I get the precision of P&C


Well-Known Member
I'm just so freaking happy for them. I had to exist in a positive bubble (ie. not this thread, haha) but I'm just elated that literally everything went so well. And now I have some stuff to say!

- Guys, remember how they had not infrequent twizzle issues last quad? And then Scott had his share of shaky twizzles last year? So, what did they do - they centered their whole freaking program on their twizzles being perfectly executed and timed to the music so much that if they messed it up, the feel of their program would be totally off. And then they nailed it every time. Baller!

- They knew they could do something special with Moulin Rouge and that it would be perfect for the Olympics. Screw everyone else saying "no" or "trashy" or "not important". They trusted themselves enough to believe in their vision and not be influenced by others. THEY KNEW!

- The judges were giving the scores to P/C over them, but they didn't concede, didn't let it phase them. They reworked their programs until they were the most effective and then went out and crushed it. Instead of worrying about the judges, they took advantage of every possible thing they could do to win.

I just love them so much and I'll miss them so much.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? There absolutely IS a comparison and being catty is useless. There is such as thing as respect.


Look it up.

Sorry to break it to you but people don't have to agree with your opinion. I prefer V&M and wanted them to win but even I get the precision of P&C
What precision? Tell them to match their extensions and skate as one, then you can talk about precision.


Well-Known Member
The french have a lovely flow and run of the blade....period.
This is why they are a one program team.
He tends to drag her around and their no touch sequences are weak because you see her deficiencies as compared to him.

I also think they are lovely to watch and have an ethereal movement.

Feel free to disagree.

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