Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Tarasova/Morozov


Cats and garlic lover
Elena Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov for
(please click the original link...)

EV: Evgenia, the first question is to you. You were so upset after the LP when you received your marks - you looked as if you had just lost the biggest thing in your life. Surely you realized your skate was, to put it mildly, not the best. What were you expecting? A higher marks?
ET: Of course not. Even before the marks were shown it was clear we had lost. But indeed I was so upset. I understand it was my miss out. I let Vladimir down. I screwed the elements which we can do so easily and do any time. And at the most important moment, when it mattered the most I didn’t make it.

EV: In 6 years you and Vladimir you are skating together have you ever voiced dissatisfaction with each other?
ET: No
VM: We are good enough in criticizing ourselves. If there was a mistake you first think what you have done wrong, where you haven't worked enough, missed something. You search for a reason in your skating, not in your partner.

EV: I think in every `team' work there are always situations when it's hard not to kick your partner. Not necessarily in public. Have that ever happened?
VM: Things happen, but kicking, of course, is an exaggeration. We have a rule: first calm down then discuss. The only thing would happen if discussing things on the spot is making them worse. We try to forget the bad things fast and not keep them in our minds. As for the Olympics - all I can say is of course, it was a certain point, a sum up of the whole 4 years. You do conclude things after the Olympics, think what are the next plans, whether you are to stay for the next 4 years, do you need it or not.

EV: Have you won it - would you retire?
VM: I doubt. We would have stayed for another couple of years as the champions usually do. Now we will certainly stay. At least because we still lack the World champion title.
ET: Besides, we are still young.

EV: There are so many rumours about your team here. About how hard it is for Vladimir to skate, how the recovery takes too long and that was the reason you did not skate the LP in the team event. That your pair will break up after the Olympics. Am trying to understand: is there any truth behind all these rumours?
ET: We heard those rumours after the LP. Previously there were no questions and all of the sudden we were constantly asked whether we are breaking up.
VM: Of course it's the usual joke that we are breaking up. I don't know who came up with that and what for. Think about it: what's the point? We get high components, we can and do compete with the leaders. I.e. we are competitive. Yes, we lost the Olympics but we lost it because we made mistakes, not because we lack something! A change of partners would be a huge step back.

EV: What about your unability to recover fast after the skate?
VM: It's news for me. Yes, it was hard skating this very fast LP at the beginning of the season, but as the season progressed I got used. Now when I finish the skate I feel fine. When I was sitting in the K&C after the LP I thought I could skate the programme again if I were given a chance. I would have enough power.

EV: Speaking of which: were you offered to skate both the SP and the LP in the team event?
VM: No.

EV: How would you react if you were?
VM: We saw the Olympic schedule at the beginning of the season and thought there is not much time between the team and the individual events. Besides, it all took place when we all were sure there is another pair in the team who can take it - Stolbova/Klimov. It happened that they were not allowed to participate at the last moment but it was too late to change things.
ET: It wasn't about Vladimir and I not recovering on time, that was never a problem. But recovering emotionally from one competition and getting in the right mind to the next - that could be a problem. It is our first Olympics after all.

EV: Did you feel any difference between the Olympics and any other competition?
ET: First of all the atmosphere is different. When you are in the Olympic village and surrounded by so many athletes from so many sports you start feeling the Games are indeed a special event. But once you get to the rink - it's all the same. The same ice, the same volunteers, the same fans. Though I think those who skated in Sochi had a much harder time.

EV: Why is that?
VM: The audience kept shouting there all the time, they were drumming and making as much noise as usually in hockey or football. Korea is more calm - it's hot Japan. The half empty venue, just the Russians are supporting us. It really feels just like any other competition.

EV: Before the Olympics there were many who said it would be hard for you to aim even for the bronze medal. And then suddenly after the SP you are in a situation when the whole country expects you to win a gold. What went through your minds between the SP and the LP?
ET: The day after the SP all was calm. We knew we got the marks that we were getting throughout the season. The other teams made mistakes, hence we had a gap.

EV: Did your SP skate feel as any other skate or was it exceptional?
VM: Well... we did skate well. We changed the entry into the jump a bit so now it's more comfortable, free and the programme looks less labored. It was an emotional high. All the elements were well executed and we were super confident. We went into the LP with the same mood. When I heard the Chinese team were 2nd I knew we had a chance. If we execute all we can we'll be first.
ET: I was nervous before the SP, but it was a usual nervousiness, just like at any other competition. However, when we went into the LP all went wrong starting the warm up. There were moments I almost bumped into the other skaters - I was so not focused. Then I took the skates off, ran and jumped a bit, calmed down and thought I was back into the focus. Perhaps I was too calm. That's what, I think, usually is called `burnt out'

EV: An apathy?
ET: No, just as if all was in a slow motion. I did a double jump instead of a triple. I snapped back when I touched down after the throw jump. As if something switched in my head. Not that I started skating out of my skin, but all went well after.

EV: What happens when you go into a triple and land a double? What is the cause of the mistake?
ET: In my case the take off was wrong. I didn't push hard enough and the jump was too small. I wouldn't be able to rotate 3 revolutiosn there. Though it would be better if I didn't open too early.

EV: Have you rewatched your LP?
VM: No. Had no will.
ET: Am can't rewatch it yet. I remember the whole programme now as if I left the ice 2 minutes ago.

EV: Do you follow the other teams during the season?
VM: I knew who skated how at the Olympics. I didn't watch the broadcast, but I knew who landed what. When you know what the others' elements are you start following professionally: how many points did they get, is it possible to beat?

EV: Does it happen you remember someone's programme? The choreography, some small details?
VM: I loved the Sochi Olympics programmes of our pairs. Volosozhar/Trankov's Waltz in the SP and Stolbova/Klimov's LP was quite nice. As for Aljona Savchenko - the only programme which I actually recall is when she was still skating with Robin Szelkowy. The `Pink Panthere'.

EV: But that was ages ago!
VM: Ages, but it's still memorable. But it doesn't happen now that I would remember someone else's programmes so much.
ET: Most important is to remember our own.

EV: Your LP of this season, as well as those yellow polka dot costumes were criticized. Do you agree with any of that?
VM: The programme is such that if we skate it fast, powerfully, with the right mood and with all the elements - it will look great. Otherwise sure, it will be criticized. We performed it well enough at the Europeans, and I know many had changed their minds. But there was a reason we chose boogie-woogie. It was obvious pretty much all the teams will be skating in the same style. We do stand out: the rest skating to something slow and calm so it would be more comfortable to perform the elements.

EV: I wouldn't agree the other teams' programmes are easier than yours.
ET: It's not about how easy the programme is, but the rhythm. No one dares skating a fast programme in the Olympic season.

EV: Does it give any additional points?
ET: Most importantly it is remembered.

EV: Trankov once said in the interview he couldn't practice with Stolbova/Klimov on the same ice. How do you practice with them?
VM: We also work on the different ice. We hardly ever skated together with Stolbova/Klimov, even when we were the beginenrs.

EV: Is it so hard sharing the ice with your rival, or is it something else?
VM: When you skate together you start competing in the practices and it bothers.

ET: It's not just that. Our training plans, of all team Mozer senior teams, are not so different. Hence it would be impossible to put your music whenever you need to or want to. So there would be arguments whose music is when. It's easier not to share an ice.
EV: Can you measure what is the input of the tree coaches: Mozer, Hekalo and Szelkowy in your results?
VM: First of all it's of course, Nina Mikhailovna. She works with us, decides which programmes we'll skate, which elements we'll put and decides on the working plan. Robin and Hekalo are more about the technical details. Szelkowy is an ex pairs skaters and he didn't retire that long ago. He taught me so many professional things I would never come up with myself.

EV: For example
VM: He helped me a lot with the throws. Before he joined the team our throw jumps were always double footed. Now Evgenia lands them perfectly. He also helped us with the lifts.

EV: When in the autumn Mozer said it's her last season did it come as a surprise?
VM: I still don't know how to take it, frankly. I don't plan to retire yet, and think neither is Evgenia.
ET: I think we'll be talking about it. If Nina Mikhailovna indeed decided to retire I guess she has some thoughts about the team. Just that they were not yet voiced out

EV: If the pairs skating will keep going towards the more complicated elements can you integrate something into your programme except for the quad split twist?
ET: Quad throws.

EV: You do them?
ET: Not yet, but we tried it. It's not nice to perform, but it's not that hard. The quad split twist gives the right experience and this season we performed id much better. I now try to lift my hands in the split twist, i.e. I understand when do I have to open up so it'll be easier for Vladimir to catch me. Think it will help us with the throws as well.
VM: Frankly, we had the quad throw in our plans last season. And we did successfully try it. But then we decided to focus on the split twist and not attempt too much, because integrating two quad elements in one season would be too risky. Not because we wouldn't endure it physically, but there would be too much `dirt' in the competitions. And it was an Olympic season. Hence we decided to leave the same elements set from the last season.
It is not that easy just to put a quad into the programme. Not only you'd have to deal with the mental state of the competition but the tough physical and coordination preparations. If you add the both quads at the beginning of the programme it means you must move some other elements to the 2nd part and you've never done that before... It's just such a mess and there is no clue when it will all start working out. But we'll see the next season. We’ll see how will the rules change. For now it looks the ISU will decrease the base value of the quads, so not sure whether there will be a point doing those elements.

EV: Aljona Savchenko once said skating with Robin she always had to save the throws and other elements. She admitted it was unusual at first with Massot that she doesn't have to work hard on the split twists and the throws, just open up in the right time. Are there moments in your programme where Evgenia can afford not working?
ET: No. Aljona and Bruno's height / weight difference is huge. In our team it's not that big. If I allow myself not to work on the pair elements Vladimir will not make it till the end of the programme. I can stop moving for a split second in the lift, but sometimes you don't even breath up there.

EV: Why?
ET: It's hard breathing when you're upside down. In the lasso lift where am lying on my hip I haven't breath for a whole year. Vladimir was quite surprised to learn that.

EV: What about the throws and split twists?
ET: It happens too fast , no time to think.

EV: Is it ever scary?
ET: No, never. A couple of times it happened we did a triple split twist, I would open up after the 3rd revolutions too high and understand am still flying towards Vladimir. There I indeed feel `woooow!'. But it was `wow', not fear

EV: During the medals ceremony Meagan Duhamel told Savchenko `Aljona, you deserve it!'. Would you repeat her words.
ET: I think so. Aljona went for that medal for so many years, she wanted it so badly. To skate for so many years, win 5 world championships, change a partner and start from the scratch... I would probably tell her she rightly earned her gold medal. She suffered enough for that gold.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Elena Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov for
VM: We get high components, we can and do compete with the leaders. I.e. we are competitive. Yes, we lost the Olympics but we lost it because we made mistakes, not because we lack something!

Judges, it seems you are sending the wrong message with your component scores. :shuffle:

EV: Your LP of this season, as well as those yellow polka dot costumes were criticized. Do you agree with any of that?
VM: The programme is such that if we skate it fast, powerfully, with the right mood and with all the elements - it will look great. Otherwise sure, it will be criticized. We performed it well enough at the Europeans, and I know many had changed their minds. But there was a reason we chose boogie-woogie. It was obvious pretty much all the teams will be skating in the same style. We do stand out: the rest skating to something slow and calm so it would be more comfortable to perform the elements.

EV: I wouldn't agree the other teams' programmes are easier than yours.
ET: It's not about how easy the programme is, but the rhythm. No one dares skating a fast programme in the Olympic season.

Interesting to see what they were going for with this program: speedy and exciting. They could have found a better musical vehicle for that, though. The only thing about this interview that gives me hope that their packaging will improve next season is that if Mozer retires, a different coach might choose better musical selections for them.

Thanks for the translation @TAHbKA


Well-Known Member
Rumours of them splitting? That’s really surprising. Were people wanting to pair her up with Klimov or Enbert?


Well-Known Member
I just think of a quote from Seinfeld and how Russians believe that skating programs are worth it even if everyone hates them! “Revulsion is a valid form of attraction!”


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why rumors of T/M splitting would be going around. That is odd. (Unless their personal relationship broke up maybe.)

I think this is the first interview where I've seen any acknowledgment that they were aware of some of the criticisms of the LP.


Cats and garlic lover
Rumours of them splitting? That’s really surprising. Were people wanting to pair her up with Klimov or Enbert?
No, there were just some rumours on some russian forums. Am not quite sure what is the sourse.

I think this is the first interview where I've seen any acknowledgment that they were aware of some of the criticisms of the LP.
It's kind of a tough question to ask - `do you think your LP is an utter shite?' `oh, yes, we do, our coach is an idiot'. You can't really expect the skaters to say that, hence I don't think they were ever asked.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
They seem oblivious to how poorly perceived the program was. I know people think that the program looked awful because it wasn't skated well. True, true. But IMO, it wasn't skated well partially because of it's awful pacing and unreasonable tempo. Yes, judges have been sending them a wrong message. Tarasova & Morozov seem a bit unsophisticated. They need a coach that can provide that element for them. And no, this is not a cultural thing (i.e. in Russia this looks fine). Stolbova would retire on the spot if given this program.....

ps. Have they split up off the ice? The dynamic in k&c was not the same...


Well-Known Member
It's kind of a tough question to ask - `do you think your LP is an utter shite?' `oh, yes, we do, our coach is an idiot'. You can't really expect the skaters to say that, hence I don't think they were ever asked.

True. I remember they were definitely asked about criticism of the "Music" LP last year. But, as in this case, I think that happened after the season ended last year. ETA: I guess it's easier to ask about it when it's all in the past. (Although, I assume we'll see this LP again at Worlds.)


Well-Known Member
RE the first question asked to T/M, why the hell would anyone think Evgenia was upset in the KnC because she was expecting better marks? Is she trying to create a little storm?


Well-Known Member
I thought it was a very tough (even unfair) first question and had me worried for what was to follow but the rest was fine. As with all Russian skaters they came across very thoughtful and considered.

I can only imagine their disappointment after the free skate but I think what they say is somewhat true. If they landed their elements they would be on the podium, maybe even first? I guess we will never know exactly what went on behind the scenes in their group but I doubt publicly blaming some of their coaching staff would be of benefit to either of them. I thought both their short performances were outstanding, it showed their true qualities and their true potential. The long did not play to their many strengths but it was getting the PCS and that is all that matters in the sport.

The one thing that has disappointed me is the level of vitriol directed towards them this last season, the internet can be a very tough place. They seem to be well aware of what was said about the programme but we will be seeing it once more in Milan.

I really like this couple, they have huge potential it just needs the right vehicle to showcase their many wonderful qualities. I look forward to cheering them on their journey for the next quad.

Thanks for the translation TAHbKA.


RIP D-10
I found their program explanation interesting, because it worked so well for Gritshuk/Platov in 1994. It might have been a miss of a program, but the strategy and reasoning were fine.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes think people are a lot harder on Russian skaters who try something different than skaters from other nations. Obviously the program didn't work, but there is a pattern there that is a little disconcerting.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes think people are a lot harder on Russian skaters who try something different than skaters from other nations. Obviously the program didn't work, but there is a pattern there that is a little disconcerting.
No one would want Kostner skating to Aguilera candyman. It’s wrong for her. There’s fun lively upbeat music for every dramatic classical skater but you must stick to fun classical. It’s hard to think of non Russian skaters who go so badly as Russian skaters do after establishing a style or image. T/m must be classical. They have no options for divergence. They can’t do it. That’s not criticism. That’s just something that’s been demonstrated.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
They seem oblivious to how poorly perceived the program was. I know people think that the program looked awful because it wasn't skated well. True, true. But IMO, it wasn't skated well partially because of it's awful pacing and unreasonable tempo. Yes, judges have been sending them a wrong message. Tarasova & Morozov seem a bit unsophisticated. They need a coach that can provide that element for them. And no, this is not a cultural thing (i.e. in Russia this looks fine). Stolbova would retire on the spot if given this program.....

ps. Have they split up off the ice? The dynamic in k&c was not the same...
I thought that program ., costumes, etc was. Just horrible. Exhibition maybe. Ok.

And worse after some of the best pairs skating EVER to have them come out cute
And bee bopy highlighted the program's short falls.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
I sometimes think people are a lot harder on Russian skaters who try something different than skaters from other nations. Obviously the program didn't work, but there is a pattern there that is a little disconcerting.
I think it's a complement. Russian tradition of excellence in figure skating creates high expectations. If Volosozhar & Trankov represented any other country, they would be a more celebrated pair. If Savchenko & Massot represented Russia, they would receive more criticism. Is it anti-Russian bias? IMO, it's not. I expect perfection from a nation that gave us G&G, M&D and B&S. Nothing else is good enough.


Well-Known Member
No one would want Kostner skating to Aguilera candyman. It’s wrong for her. There’s fun lively upbeat music for every dramatic classical skater but you must stick to fun classical. It’s hard to think of non Russian skaters who go so badly as Russian skaters do after establishing a style or image. T/m must be classical. They have no options for divergence. They can’t do it. That’s not criticism. That’s just something that’s been demonstrated.

I don't think it's that can't do it with the right program vehicle. It's just there are so few teams with their qualities. They could be giving us true beauty. The short showed us that.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's that can't do it with the right program vehicle. It's just there are so few teams with their qualities. They could be giving us true beauty. The short showed us that.
Maybe it could be demonstrated with coaching by someone else.

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