Retirements post 2017-2018 Season



Bychenko has said it's his last season, right? :(
And I expect Misha Ge to retire, since we know about his injury problems and he almost retired before this season.


Well-Known Member
I've been keeping a list of people who've confirmed it.

- Liam Firus
- Elladj Balde
- Kevin Reynolds
- Grant Hochstein
- Ross Miner (ETA maybe not Ross)
- Peter Liebers
- Alexei Bychenko
- Alexander Majarov
- Javier Fernandez *
* I know he's said in interviews before that this would be his last season, but Brian did an interview this season where he said he hasn't really talked to Yuzu or Javi about if they're retiring, but he said maybe Javi won't. I'd assume he would, but maybe it isn't totally decided.

Also I have Misha Ge down as confirmed, and I assume he will, but I guess you never know with him.

I also assume that Patrick Chan, Adam Rippon and Max Aaron will retire, but I don't know if they've officially confirmed it.

ETA: During SA the commentators said that Ross is retiring, and I definitely saw an article somewhere that seemed to confirm that, but I don't know if he's actually officially said that.
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Well-Known Member
In pairs, D/R and I/M have both confirmed they'll retire. That's the only confirmations I've heard.

Others who might be likely
- J/C
- S/K (so many injuries)
- S/M (especially if they win gold)

I don't think the other 2 top Canadian pairs (MT/M and S/B) will retire. I'm sure S/H want to go until 2022.

SK/K and Z/K have said they won't retire. Z/K said they want to go until 2022.

J/C had said they thought they might do another year, but they may have since said they'll retire. Someone posted that, but I never saw the article myself.


Well-Known Member
In dance, V/M haven't officially said they'll retire, but all signs point to yes. The whole point of coming back was the Olympics, and they've been talking about their last GP event, last Skate Canada, etc. They've basically said they don't want to confirm retiring because they really thought they were done after Sochi (though never officially retired) and then changed their minds.

I believe the top three US teams have all indicated they'd like to continue, but I don't know if that's changed. C/B said that in 2016. I know that H/D have said they want to, but they don't have any sponsorship and it's hard for them to train in Canada for money reasons.

B/S haven't said they'll retire, but it seems like she might at least, if not both. They said they don't want to call it their final season, so they're saying "concluding" season. They also said they might retire, she might take a year off to have a baby, he might get a new partner and continue.

I'd guess W/P will retire, though they did say something about bringing Spartacus back later (though that could just mean for shows).

I also don't know if C/L have confirmed it, but I assume they'll retire after Worlds, which is in Italy.

FB/S are definitely continuing, I assume G/P and S/B as well.

T/T have pulled out of a couple of comps after not being able to get citizenship for the Games, so I think they'll stop too.


Well-Known Member
In ladies, I believe Caroline Zhang is definitely retiring. Grant mentioned how they were both moving on to a new chapter in the interview where he confirmed his retirement after this season. Joshi retired last month.

I'd guess Carolina and Ashley are likely to retire too. Ashley has said she doesn't want the pressure of saying this is her final season.

I believe Mirai recently said she isn't going to retire. I don't think Kaetlyn or Gabby will. Liza said she won't.

Anna P might, depending on her injury, especially with such a crowded field in Russia. I guess Evgenia or Alina might if they win, though I hope they won't. I suppose Satoko and/or Rika Hongo could. I don't think any of the other Japanese ladies will.
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I don't think WeaPo will retire but it is just a guess based on V/M probably retiring and Kaitlyn always looking so blissfully happy on her Instagram.

One of the Oly channel commentators said SA was Ross Miner's last GP - I took that to mean he was retiring but don't know where they got the info.


I've been keeping a list of people who've confirmed it.
- Ross Miner
I don't recall Ross Miner being quoted directly about retiring for certain? Just that it "probably" will be his last as a competitor (that was in an "Ice Chips" show article back in April 2017). I don't recall Caroline Zhang "going on the record" about retirement either. For now, I would put Miner and Zhang in the same category as Rippon and Aaron (haven't made a definitive statement on this topic and likely won't until after the competitive season is finished).

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications šŸ˜
I also don't know if C/L have confirmed it, but I assume they'll retire after Worlds, which is in Italy.

Confirmed for a while.

Sad about Reynolds, Liebers.... wanted to see them shine more :(

@Sylvia Ross M was confirmed to retire while I was watching a broadcast of GP he was in. I believe Terry/Ryan/one of them had talked about his upcoming retirement while he was performing.


Banned Member
In pairs, D/R and I/M have both confirmed they'll retire. That's the only confirmations I've heard.

Others who might be likely
- J/C
- S/K (so many injuries)
- S/M (especially if they win gold)

I don't think the other 2 top Canadian pairs (MT/M and S/B) will retire. I'm sure S/H want to go until 2022.

SK/K and Z/K have said they won't retire. Z/K said they want to go until 2022.

J/C had said they thought they might do another year, but they may have since said they'll retire. Someone posted that, but I never saw the article myself.

I'm blanking on who Z/K are. :shuffle:


I believed in Hubbell&Donohue before it was cool
Did she announce it? She seems to be enjoying skating so much that I won't be surprised to see her compete 2-3 more years.
She hasn't officially announced, but I assume home worlds will be a good way to end a career.
Team Italy is looking rather small in the next few years with her, C/L, and I guess M/H out of the picture :(


Well-Known Member
I don't recall Ross Miner being quoted directly about retiring for certain? Just that it "probably" will be his last as a competitor (that was in an "Ice Chips" show article back in April 2017). I don't recall Caroline Zhang "going on the record" about retirement either. For now, I would put Miner and Zhang in the same category as Rippon and Aaron (haven't made a definitive statement on this topic and likely won't until after the competitive season is finished).

I have Caroline as confirmed because Grant said something along the lines of it being both of their last seasons in an interview this summer. I figured he was a reliable source since they're engaged, but I'll edit the post.
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Anna P might, depending on her injury, especially with such a crowded field in Russia. I guess Evgenia or Alina might if they win, though I hope they won't. I suppose Satoko and/or Rika Hongo could. I don't think any of the other Japanese ladies will.

Pogo also said in an interview that she wanted to come back after the injury, didn't she? I really hope she'll be able to!!:glamor:


- Ross Miner (ETA maybe not Ross)

ETA: During SA the commentators said that Ross is retiring, and I definitely saw an article somewhere that seemed to confirm that, but I don't know if he's actually officially said that.

I live in happy denial until then :D:drama:


Well-Known Member
Ziegler/Kiefer will not retire. But they have money problems. They spent a lot to practice next to Aljona and Bruno which was worth the money they said.

Aljona only talked once about retiring. She wants to go for another season and I think this decision does not depend on what they will gain at the Olympics. Maybe she wants to try something new after the big pressure is left behind in 18/19.

And 2022 still not out of rooms of possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Javier Fernandez?
Maybe not? *prayer hands*
Icenetwork: Will we have a chance to see you skate again next year?

FernƔndez: Maybe I'll throw in one more competition and go for seven European titles? You never know! Sometimes you wake up and say, "I want to achieve this goal!" Or maybe, after two weeks of vacation, I'll feel so bored that I'll say I need to go back to skating.

Seriously, I'll sit down after the [Olympic] Games, and we'll check. We'll decide. Just like in skating, step by step, right? How many (European) titles did [Karl] SchƤfer get? Eight? That's two more (he grins). And [Evgeni] Plushenko? Seven? You never know. ... It will all depend on how my body goes and on how long I feel strong enough. I don't think I'll do one more Olympic cycle, but doing one or two (more) seasons, Grand Prix or Europeans...why not?

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