2017-2018 Dress Thread - Couture and Comically Bad


Well-Known Member
I wanted to create a place to discuss the costumes this season (the best and the worst). The dresses are one of my favorite parts of skating (and it's always fun to make fun of bad costumes). It's also fun to see which dress-makers and designers are in vogue with skaters.

This year I'm loving Maria Sotskova's FP dress in particular! Jason Brown's SP costume is great, but his FS one is pretty... unique? It's also awkward how similar most if not all Black Swan costumes are - today I was having trouble telling Osmond and Pogo apart on practice ice!

As for who's dressing who this year (As far as confirmed by skater/designers' instagram):
-Ximena Davalos - Courtney Hicks (SP, LP)
-Lisa McKinnon - Maya Shibutani (SD), Karen Chen (Carmen), Dabin Choi (??), Aljona Savchenko (SP), Starr Andrews (SP)
-Brad Griffies - Karen Chen (New LP), Mae Berenice Miete (LP), Alexa Scimeca (Ghost LP)
-Ladu Designs - Tomoki Hiwatashi (LP), Jason Brown (SP), Max Aaron (US Classic), Mariah Bell (SP)

Ashley Wagner usually gets her dresses from Lisa McKinnon (though it's not confirmed for this season). Mirai Nagasu and Caroline Zhang used to use The Well Dressed Skater, but I don't know who they've been using recently. I think Mirai's SP dress is Brad Griffies?

Tania Bass has done dresses for Katelyn Weaver in the past, but she hasn't posted anything about top skaters this season. She used to dress a lot of top skaters, so I'm a bit surprised.
Ladu Skatewear has done a lot of memorable costumes (Ashley's Moulin Rouge white dress & Hip Hip Chin Chin dress, Starr Andrews' Pink Panther, Jason Brown's Riverdance). Last year they dressed Jason SP, Mariah SP, Max SP/LP, Denney/Frasier SP/LP, Nathan's LP, Starr Andrews SP, and Dabin Choi.

What costumes do you love/hate this year?

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Check out the fashion awards thread too


I like the free skate costumes for The Knierims this year. Do you know whom created that? Understated and ethereal. http://figureskatersonline.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Alexa4.jpg

And whomever designed Shibs SD (LISA MCKINNON I believe) and Mariah free did a great job.

Im usually not a fan of Mirai's designer as I feel her dresses need a round or four of edits.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
I'm surprised to see Ladu listed for Max; my understanding was that he designed his own costumes because he wanted the hate for them directed at himself rather than a designer. Though perhaps Ladu are the ones who make them.


Well-Known Member
@misskarne I think some skaters do a more collaborative process (like Ashley), so maybe Max does the design with the help of Ladu (ie. so he knows what's possible to make and what fabrics are available) and then they make it?


Well-Known Member
More costume pictures/designers:
Ladu- Hannah Miller (?Program)
Another view of Savchenko's SP dress from Lisa Mckinnon. Also a close-up of the rhinestones Maia Shibutani's SP dress. I really appreciate the great pictures she takes of all her skaters' costumes to show them off.

In other news, who the heck is doing these SD dresses. There's so many awful ones this year.
I love everything about Tessa Virtue's SD dress except that awful cheetah print. Like, did they get the dress and send it back saying "Nope, we need more late '90s tackyness here"?
I usually am super jealous of Cappelini's dresses, but her SD dress looks like it's from a high fashion version of Toddlers and Tiaras (or perhaps high school proms in the late '00s). I mean, I swear I tried on that exact dress when I wanted something for prom.
Maybe @Sylvia could elaborate on this, but I interpreted the rules as not allowing as much actual skin as Sinitsina's dress? Like, I thought that had to be covered in illusion mesh to prevent any wardrobe malfunctions? Or maybe it's different in international competition. Either way, it looks cold.

But the most pressing question by far is who the heck approved this dress. What were they thinking? I cringed so hard when I saw all the fringe, especially the leg fringe (the arm fringe is bad, but at least interesting enough not to be awful). It's so painful to look at. How do you even lift her when she's wearing that? On the bright side, it was kinda creative how they taped some of the tan fringe down so it lay flat on the leotard?


Well-Known Member
More Designers:
-The Well Dressed Skater - Romain Ponsart, Daisuke Murakami
-Costume House - Megan Duhamel (early season dress/official practice dress)
-Tania Bass - Denny/Frazier, Annabelle Morozov (FD), Alexia Paganini, Bradie Tennell,

I was surprised The Well Dressed Skater had been doing few top skaters in the past few seasons (when they've previously done a lot of Mirai's and Caroline's dresses), but it looks like it's mainly the men using them this season? Tania Bass changed her instagram handle, which is why I didn't notice how many dresses she made.


Watching Skate America SD: I have a couple of questions about Sinitsina's dress. I get that it's a Latin/Rhumba dance and those dresses are bikini-ish and bare, in ballroom dance.

But how do the bikini, crop tops, or extreme cutaways stay in place during an athletic program? I mean: HOW? Sinitsina looked like she had a bare belly (and great abs, congratulations to her)

what's the secret? sticky tape, glue?


Well-Known Member
@viennese I totally thought it was against the costume rules (at least as I read them). I'm surprised to see no costume deductions. Also, the color is so drab for a samba program. Black and grey are fine for some programs, but not for something so energetic at the end of the program.


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy about Haven Denney's new LP costume. :)

The unitard look isn't for everyone.
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Well-Known Member
The SD dress of Betina Popova :eek: I believe she designed it herself.I think it is the big white spots. Love this team by the way.:)


@viennese I totally thought it was against the costume rules (at least as I read them). I'm surprised to see no costume deductions. Also, the color is so drab for a samba program. Black and grey are fine for some programs, but not for something so energetic at the end of the program.

Right! The metallic fabric looks grey. They are an attractive pair. I think the Latin dances call for more brightness and daring, though maybe not so much bare skin.


Well-Known Member
@cbd1235 On cue, Lisa Mckinnon posted the pictures of the new Skate America dresses she made. I love the good pictures she posts! It's cool to see the dresses in detail.

-Ashley Wagner SP
-Aljona Savchenko FS

ETA: Looks like Veretto Sport did Adam's SP costume as well. They're also making rhinestone "witch" fangear for Adam fans! You can buy it here for $30. (With options for bling, extra bling, and no bling)

Edit: Looks like Ashley's got another new FS dress. It seems she's used Ladu for all her past Moulin Rouge dresses, but based on the style (and who she's been using lately) I'm wondering if it's a Lisa McKinnon?
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Well-Known Member
I like Ashley's SP dress.

I loved Piper Gilles' FD dress (and it was until the end that I noticed a 'police badge' on Paul's belt).

And speaking of added touches, I enjoyed that Roman Sadovsky had a red, white, and blue badge on his FP costume for Les Miserables, just like the "Friends of the ABC" wear.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
@cbd1235 On cue, Lisa Mckinnon posted the pictures of the new Skate America dresses she made. I love the good pictures she posts! It's cool to see the dresses in detail.

-Ashley Wagner SP
-Aljona Savchenko FS

ETA: Looks like Veretto Sport did Adam's SP costume as well. They're also making rhinestone "witch" fangear for Adam fans! You can buy it here for $30. (With options for bling, extra bling, and no bling)

Edit: Looks like Ashley's got another new FS dress. It seems she's used Ladu for all her past Moulin Rouge dresses, but based on the style (and who she's been using lately) I'm wondering if it's a Lisa McKinnon?


The free... I don't like grown women in pink.... I just don't. Worst offender: Maria Sotskova.

SLIGHT EXCEPTION to Alissa Czisny.. because it was tailored Audrey Hepburn-ish and I did quite like it.


Well-Known Member
@AngieNikodinovLove I don't mind a soft, feminine pink like Alissa Czisny or Ashley have. I do hate hot pink like Anna Cappelini has. It's the double whammy of pre-teen girl and eyes burning from the look of highlighter colors on the ice. One year, 7/12 teams at a synchro competition had hot pink dresses. I couldn't watch - my eyes hurt too much by the end.


Well-Known Member
@AngieNikodinovLove Like these dresses. (At least the lights were low so the ice wasn't bright white?) Seriously what is it with Synchro and highlighter colors?

In other synchro dress news, Hayden's FS dresses look awful. Their SP dresses aren't much better. Also, they need to take a lesson from NEXXICE about how to make a male skater blend in without making him wear a feminine costume - he seriously could've done without the rhinestone necklace in the SP. From far away they look uninspired and a little boring; close up I have no idea what is supposed to be going on. I feel like they've had a lot of misses lately on dresses. I liked the risks they took with the Lady Gaga and Hip Hop dresses, and their elegant dresses are amazing, but those Prince dresses last year and the ones from this year are just so bad. (Seriously though wtf is up with the velvet coattails not matching everything else?) NEXXICE's dresses may always be boring, but they're never awful. Well maybe the Die Fliedermaus ones, but otherwise...
I'm loving Paradise's dresses, like usual. Team Surprise, Les Supremes, and Marigold are looking good as well. I love Marigold's FS dresses!

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
^^^^ LOL, Yes!!! I don't like this pink.....

But the pink Maria Sotskova wore.. I was like.... Really? Someone on her team had it out for her. LOL

I haven't watched much synchronized before.. maybe I should.....


Well-Known Member
I feel like Ashley's LP dress is more of a peach or pale blush color than pink. It is a different shade than Sotskova's dress, which is more cotton-candy-like, or Satoko's SP dress.

I really like Ashley's dress, it's a nice & different color on her, the cut is restrained, and the sequin detailing amazing. It has a very luxurious look.
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Well-Known Member
I love everything about Tessa Virtue's SD except that
awful cheetah print. Like, did they get the dress and send it back saying "Nope, we need more late '90s tackyness here"?
Why "late 90s tackyniss"? You may not like animal prints and think them tacky, but they keep coming back into fashion all the time. Actually, they have never really gone out of fashion. They're almost like a classic now.
I usually am super jealous of Cappelini's dresses, but her SD dress looks like it's from a high fashion version of Toddlers and Tiaras (or perhaps high school proms in the late '00s).
I do hate hot pink like Anna Cappelini has. It's the double whammy of pre-teen girl and eyes burning from the look of highlighter colors on the ice.
Cappellini's dress is actually the same one she wore for the latin SD in the 2011/2012 season, only with slight changes -
https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=63s&v=MW1RwX_jY8s. I remember that people here loved it a lot then. I think there was not even one negative comment. But it seems like the underskirt portion of her skirt had slightly more of that orange fabric then, making the skirt look slightly more "orangey" and a bit less hot pink. Anyway, I think this means that we are going to see a new SD dress for Cappellini in the second half of the season.
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Well-Known Member
@lauravvv Yeah Cappellini's dress looks 100% better with the different skirt color. More couture and less homecoming.

As for the animal print, yes it goes in and out of style, but large, chunky, in your face animal print was most prominent in the late 90s. I remember going to the department store and whole sections would be filled with merchandise featuring it. Heck, one of our couches that hasn't been re-covered since the late '90s (it's the dog couch) is covered in animal print. I've noticed the runways are having a bit of a comeback in that regard, but not retail stores or the mainstream. (Although there was that highly regrettable jovani prom dress line for a while...)


Well-Known Member
Somehow Tessa's SD dress got worse... Usually she's very fashionable in a good way. This time it looks like her dress got covered by those massive and gross and incredibly wet spiderwebs you find in the jungle. Can she please, please just do the black and gold with no other frills? That would look amazing!


Well-Known Member
Not sure I like Gabriella's new FD dress.I don't like the metallic looking material at the top.Prefer the previous one.


Well-Known Member
Gabriella's new FD dress is beautiful with a dégradé of colour but I agree the new colour is too muted compared with the previous deep blue one which I loved. I love her SD dress so carnaval !

I'm totally against the asymetric bare back dresses we are seeing. I think it is not becoming and show too much skin. The two Maddies should change their SD dresses as well as Sinitsina.

Tessa's new sd dress is ok for me in terms of form and concept the body underneath with the transparent dress over it but the material with the print and stones is way too much and the colour doesn't work. The FD red dress would be perfect if it were not for the asymetric overly bare on the side back.

I like the Shibs costumes in the FD but for the SD I would choose another top colour instead of the nude one.

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