The Skating Lesson


Well-Known Member
This was one of the first TSL’s where I disagreed with what they were saying about last weekend’s competition.

Hubbell/Donohue- The short dance, where they ripped off you know who’s music, I don’t feel anything Latin about this dance. Zack is not really in character to me and Madison’s face is the same as it is in every other dance that they do. I think that this dance should be scintillating with a sultry feeling and it’s not there for me. I’m not sure if what I described is within their range anyway. The free dance is just ok but nothing special(yet). I think that Madison should be the full on star of this team, even more than she is.One thing that bothers me about them is that Zack brings a bit of a corniness to this team that makes me feel like he’s not quite matured yet. TSL described it as “ the guy that would drink milk right out of the carton in front of the fridge”. I know what they meant. The masculine assertiveness is not there on the ice. I actually think that Zack holds the key that unlocks the door that gets them to the next level. You hear of powerful women playing an alter ego on stage. Men can as well. Zack needs to. We have seen when his energy is TOO much and he cannot control (Olympics) it while other times, i wonder if he’s mentally present while he’s performing. I’m sure the name of the game at this point in the season is just getting the material out there but where i do NOT see the needed improvement with these two is in their body line and posture or their ability to be convincing in the delivery of their manterial. Also, Zack should consider another male dancer for inspiration because when he copies Cizeron, it doesn’t work for him. I guess i think that the free could be nice but i’m still struggling to see who they are as a team. They may also consider creating a narrative about the free that uses R&J as a non conventional Romeo and Juliet. Almost like “ we choreographed this listening to what we hear in the music without trying to tell the traditional story people are used to.

Guignard/Fabbri- TSL almost talked about them as if their performance was a fine time for a bathroom break but I thought it was a marked improvement from last season and I liked both pieces. These two look like they’ve worked ALL summer and look ready to tangle it up with the top 5 in the world. The Tango was lovely, to me and the free looked like it will be memorable. Seeing Barbara Fusar-Poli was good as well. I’m glad they’re sticking with her.

Shoma- sigh. Well, now that Daisuke is coming back, now who’s he gonna copy? I don’t like the suggestion that Dave and Jon gave of him going to Benoit, at all. I don’t find his work to be sophisticated in the least and he’s made a career for himself of working with the less capable and choreographing to where they are as opposed to making them step it up. I’m already puzzled as to why Dai went to him but I’ll wait to judge. I love Marie France’s choreography and voice in dance but to me, her singles and pair’s choreography leaves a lot to be desired. First of all, the Moonlight Sonata looked like a whole bunch of back crossovers. His jump landings that don’t flow bother me as well. They look painful! I could not hear the short program because of copyright but i’m doubtful. We shall see. All in all, I don’t think his skating is memorable nor do I think that he trains consistently. He does seem really likable as a person. He has awesome qualities but it’s like what the hell with the programs. Lori doesn’t have a top man right now... just saying. I also think he needs a more refined point of view. I know who Nathan is. I know who Yuzuru is. Shoma... not so much.

Gabby Daleman- I do agree with TSl on her. Listen, she does jumping better (in practice) than the other ladies and should own that. It’s a gift. Gabby should be blasting a Lutz/Toe and probably a Triple Axel or a Quad of some type but she seems to have regressed since her world’s performance where she medaled. The vocals in the Carmen are unbearable and her phrasing to the music is worse. There is way too much going on in the music for her interpretive ability anyway and it’s the wrong Carmen for her. I get why they chose the free music but Gabby CLEARLY never studied the character; that pink dress, the crinkly ponytail. WTF? I know that nobody else cares but the Edea’s look like casts on her feet and because they’re so bulky and HIDEOUS with the X-Men Wolverine gashes, they also detract from her already questionable line and elegance. She seems like the nicest person when i see her on social media and, she CLEARLY has the whole seductive thing down. Why that does not translate to the ice is beyond me. Given the amount of time she says she’s in the gym, the altitude was killing her at the event as she was gasping so hard waiting on her scores i wondered if she could even hear them. She should indeed own her inner Tonya Harding and go for it. She can jump +5 scores, for sure.

Cain/Leduc- they look better trained but he’s so kind of silly and feminine/soft that it looks like two friends working on a cheer routine. I do have to say, the side by side Loops are brilliant. While TSL thinks they cannot go far, i think that if they keep working they will! She needs to clean up her lines and really crank up her presentation. He does as well.

Elizaveta Tuk- she’s clearly thought long and hard about what she wants because she looks like she’s gunning for Russia’s 3rd spot and is willing to do the work to get there. This was in my opinion her best attempt at skating all the choreography of a program. She desperately needs the Triple Axel and a Lutz/Toe to be competitive.


Banned Member
You must be a troll because nobody is this dumb.
Back in my navy daze we did "Fleet Weak" in New york city and there was several bars near the river where my seamen met "trolls," part of a culture I no longer belong to which but it was a time.

I was not thought of as troll but now I feel sad to have been insluted on-line here, my wife says that I should feel fine even so because there are lot's of hetero sexual men whom find me attractive.

I wonder how "Dave" deals with the negative thing's said about them, maybe hot wax?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Dave makes a lot of technical comments (re Medvedeva's jumping for instance or how her posture and edges got weaker from 2016 to 2017) as if he knows what he is talking about...?
On one hand Dave is knowledgeable, on the other hand, when discussing "early start", how can he (and many others) forget that last season 2017, with an injury lurking since that Summer, Medvedeva was perfectly ready and skating great by the time of Nepala event, or at least she skated 99% clean and looked great.


Well-Known Member
It's quite common in the Olympic season for skaters to push themselves relentlessly through injuries. Then quite common for them to take time to slow down and heal post Olympics.

There's no point in exacerbating an injury in the post Olympic season by training through it. But plenty of incentive to push your body to the limit in the lead up to the Olympics.


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
Dave makes a lot of technical comments (re Medvedeva's jumping for instance or how her posture and edges got weaker from 2016 to 2017) as if he knows what he is talking about...?

I used to think the same thing, considering that he posted videos of himself skating and he was horrendously bad. Embarrassingly bad. He might have knowledge of who placed top five at worlds in 1989, but him talking technical expertise about edges is laughable.

He's also pretty knowledgeable about gymnastics too, and I would bet money that he could not do a decent cartwheel either.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I used to think the same thing, considering that he posted videos of himself skating and he was horrendously bad. Embarrassingly bad.
Not sure if, as an adult skater, I should be offended by this or not. I am not a fan of Dave or TSL but I've seen a couple of his skating vids and I didn't think his skating was bad for an adult. Those who learned to skate as adults are going to look different than those who learned as kids. I don't agree with Dave's technical analysis most of the time but his actual skating, for Adult Bronze level, was fairly good.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Can someone please explain what did Dave mean when he said these phrases, which do not correspond to any "inside knowledge" about "issues".. what are the "stories" behind these comments? (towards the end, @50+ min)

- "it is the passive aggressive Canadian tactic"?
- "Kirk vs. Nikodinov dead-mom points"?
- "that Jordan, from On the Ice Perspective, who seems to be kissing the butt of all skaters"?


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
Can someone please explain what did Dave mean when he said these phrases, which do not correspond to any "inside knowledge" about "issues".. what are the "stories" behind these comments? (towards the end, @50+ min)

- "it is the passive aggressive Canadian tactic"?
- "Kirk vs. Nikodinov dead-mom points"?

The reference to Angela's dead mother is so crass, but totally consistent with him as a person. I don't think my memory is failing me, so I admit in advance I could be wrong, but I don't think Angela ever competed again after her mother was killed. So I have no idea where he thinks Kirk got screwed in the judging over Angela on account of her dead mother. How disgusting.

Also, if they did compete against each other again, and I can''t remember where they would have, Angela was 1000 times the skater Jenny Kirk was. Jenny had weak skating skills, very weak, and was basically a gymnast on the ice. Weak edges, weak spins, just weak overall except for her tiny muscled jumps that she consistently landed until she started falling multiple times per performance and had nothing else to hold her scores up.

Or was Dave referring to Jenny's dead mother?? Implying she got higher scores because Pat died of cancer? I can't imagine he'd go so low, well I can and he has, to say that Jenny's marks were higher due to her Mom's death. Or did Dave and Jenny have a major falling out when she left TSL and he was just being his tactless bitchy self?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
The reference to Angela's dead mother is so crass, but totally consistent with him as a person. I don't think my memory is failing me, so I admit in advance I could be wrong, but I don't think Angela ever competed again after her mother was killed. So I have no idea where he thinks Kirk got screwed in the judging over Angela on account of her dead mother. How disgusting.

Also, if they did compete against each other again, and I can''t remember where they would have, Angela was 1000 times the skater Jenny Kirk was. Jenny had weak skating skills, very weak, and was basically a gymnast on the ice. Weak edges, weak spins, just weak overall except for her tiny muscled jumps that she consistently landed until she started falling multiple times per performance and had nothing else to hold her scores up.

Or was Dave referring to Jenny's dead mother?? Implying she got higher scores because Pat died of cancer? I can't imagine he'd go so low, well I can and he has, to say that Jenny's marks were higher due to her Mom's death. Or did Dave and Jenny have a major falling out when she left TSL and he was just being his tactless bitchy self?
I do know about the loss of mothers tragedies for both Kirk and Nikodinov (may they RIP).
But i am not sure how it links to "points". Did he mean "sympathy from the judges"? or was there some "confrontation" between Angela and Jenny, which required "a judgement with points"?

Deleted member 53443

Not sure if, as an adult skater, I should be offended by this or not. I am not a fan of Dave or TSL but I've seen a couple of his skating vids and I didn't think his skating was bad for an adult. Those who learned to skate as adults are going to look different than those who learned as kids. I don't agree with Dave's technical analysis most of the time but his actual skating, for Adult Bronze level, was fairly good.

I'm with you. How you skate (especially starting as an adult which nobody who hasn't done it can know how effing hard that is) would not exclude being knowledgeable about technique.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure Dave was saying Angela got better scores because she played up the tragedy of her mother dying. I don't think that's accurate and I remember hearing the story of both mother's passing on tv by commentators. There is no issue that I know of between Kirk and Nikodinov.


Well-Known Member
Dave makes a lot of technical comments (re Medvedeva's jumping for instance or how her posture and edges got weaker from 2016 to 2017) as if he knows what he is talking about...?

As a former high level skater I don't find Dave's technical comments far off. To me it's things I know or see from years and years of skating. He has done a lot of homework. My mom who watched me religiously for almost 20 years could tell my jumps apart, but is iffy on other skaters. Agree with him or not, I do have respect for people who learn the sport on their own or just because of love of the sport.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
I used to think the same thing, considering that he posted videos of himself skating and he was horrendously bad. Embarrassingly bad. He might have knowledge of who placed top five at worlds in 1989, but him talking technical expertise about edges is laughable.

I hate Dave Lease, but this is offensive and wrong. Adult skaters face a raft of different challenges to skaters who are younger. And you don't have to have reached a high level to know. Can I do a rocker? No, but I know damn well what one looks like, what makes one good, what makes one bad. Can I twist myself into a pretzel position and spin so fast I turn into a blur? No, but I know what counts, what doesn't, how many features you need for a level, when to call a V. Can I land a quad? No, but I know when one is under-rotated, downgraded, taken off from the wrong edge. I know good technique, and bad.

You don't think I wish every day that I could download all of my technical knowledge about skating into my legs? Because if I could do that, I could skate at the highest level. But that's not how this works. For some of us, ours is not to do, but to know.


Why is summer so hot omg
FWIW, I think Dave was referring to Tcherkasskaia and Jenny's mom. Angela's mom also passed but that was later. Such an unnecessary topic of discussion in 2018 though, and even at the time I didn't find it at all noteworthy in relation to their scores. I don't ever recall a time when Angela was overscored, personally.


Well-Known Member
As a former high level skater I don't find Dave's technical comments far off. To me it's things I know or see from years and years of skating. He has done a lot of homework. My mom who watched me religiously for almost 20 years could tell my jumps apart, but is iffy on other skaters. Agree with him or not, I do have respect for people who learn the sport on their own or just because of love of the sport.

Being able to tell jumps apart is a bit different from knowing about jump technique though? I could be wrong but i have a bit of a difficult time believing that he possesses enough technical knowledge to make some of the comments he does with regards to jumping


Well-Known Member
Being able to tell jumps apart is a bit different from knowing about jump technique though? I could be wrong but i have a bit of a difficult time believing that he possesses enough technical knowledge to make some of the comments he does with regards to jumping

It's possible to be knowledgeable about something without having the practical experience. Jump technique can be explained step by step, so it's possible for someone to know the correct technique of a jump without ever having done it themselves. Of course someone who has practical experience is a better source, but just b/c you can't physically do something doesn't mean you have no room to speak on it.

I've never done a triple lutz but I know the basic mechanics it. That comes from 20+ years of watching the sport, of watching it done correctly and incorrectly. I don't have the practical experience but I know enough about what it's supposed to look like to have a valid criticism of someone who executes it wrong.

Dave, love him or hate him, is a very educated fan who has some experience in skating. His opinions on technique aren't automatically dismissible IMO.


Well-Known Member
Dave, love him or hate him, is a very educated fan who has some experience in skating. His opinions on technique aren't automatically dismissible IMO.

Not dismissible? Are you in his fan club? I remain unconvinced that someone who is not a coach and has no practical experience performing these jumps has any idea of what is supposed to happen or can comment on what the skater is supposed to be doing. .. like what was that with regards to Eteri skaters having a certain technique where they use the upper body in their take off or Medvedeva having worse edges in 2017 than 2016?


Well-Known Member
Not dismissible? Are you in his fan club? I remain unconvinced that someone who is not a coach and has no practical experience performing these jumps has any idea of what is supposed to happen or can comment on what the skater is supposed to be doing. .. like what was that with regards to Eteri skaters having a certain technique where they use the upper body in their take off or Medvedeva having worse edges in 2017 than 2016?

Lol, no I'm not in his fan club muffin ;). All I'm saying is that knowledge is not exclusively limited to experience. Obviously you'd place more value in an opinion that is derived from experience (a high level skater or coach); however, that doesn't mean the person who knows the theoretical application yet lacks the practical knowledge is wrong in their critique.

Some of Eteri's skaters do have flawed technique. That's a fact. All you need to do is compare some of her skaters to the ISU demo of the proper execution of the jump to see it. The evidence is quite clear. As to Evgenia's edges, I'd disagree with Dave. I didn't see any decline in her skating skills from 2016 to 2017.

I'm not saying everything Dave says is gospel and that he's 100% right all of the time. He has an educated opinion on most matters but in no way is he the authority on anything.


Well-Known Member
The reference to Angela's dead mother is so crass, but totally consistent with him as a person. I don't think my memory is failing me, so I admit in advance I could be wrong, but I don't think Angela ever competed again after her mother was killed. So I have no idea where he thinks Kirk got screwed in the judging over Angela on account of her dead mother. How disgusting.

Also, if they did compete against each other again, and I can''t remember where they would have, Angela was 1000 times the skater Jenny Kirk was. Jenny had weak skating skills, very weak, and was basically a gymnast on the ice. Weak edges, weak spins, just weak overall except for her tiny muscled jumps that she consistently landed until she started falling multiple times per performance and had nothing else to hold her scores up.

Or was Dave referring to Jenny's dead mother?? Implying she got higher scores because Pat died of cancer? I can't imagine he'd go so low, well I can and he has, to say that Jenny's marks were higher due to her Mom's death. Or did Dave and Jenny have a major falling out when she left TSL and he was just being his tactless bitchy self?

wait wait wait. He said " dead mom points"? you know what, Dave is the classic example of a man that was teased growing up becoming the one that is cruel, mean, negative and bullying to others. Did he forget what it felt like as a young feminine gay boy having people say things that hurt his feelings? To be talked about in front of everyone about something personal that most wouldn't understand? This little hurt boy turned skating critic that rips people apart has not been very therapeutic from what i can see. He knows no limits at all. I truly hope that you misheard... i do because that is so ****ing evil to say. It's a new low. I don't care if Dave and Jenny did fall out, some things are off limits. Dead mom points?

This is what makes Dave untrustworthy. His favorite coaches and figures are always the mean evil bitch! He's drawn to it.

i recently this week said " oh, he's learned to temper his tongue"... i was wrong. He is a vat of filth!


Well-Known Member
I used to think the same thing, considering that he posted videos of himself skating and he was horrendously bad. Embarrassingly bad. He might have knowledge of who placed top five at worlds in 1989, but him talking technical expertise about edges is laughable.

I cringed more reading this post than over anything that Dave Lease has said on TSL. I went on Youtube and watched his skating program and like his skating. He's pretty good for an adult skater and he's probably not putting in the hours that an elite athlete does.

In general, I like watching adult skating videos and it bothers me when people post horrible comments about the way Bronze level adult skates. The goal is fun and fitness. It's inspiring to see regular people try to tackle such a difficult sport.

Deleted member 53443

I was with my wife at a competition with both young levels and the adult levels. I watched Bronze, Silver and Gold levels with adult ladies. I respect the hell out of these ladies, words can't describe it. They do stuff that it takes years and years of perseverance to do, getting up at 5am to be at the rink 6am and skate before work. They have obviously more weight to carry through their skating than a teenager, and they put themselves out there and perform, and they do it well. 100 political activists can't make me respect women more than these skaters could. That was real girl power. That Dave is out there actually trying to work though the Bronze-Silver level, kudos to him.


Well-Known Member
Being able to tell jumps apart is a bit different from knowing about jump technique though? I could be wrong but i have a bit of a difficult time believing that he possesses enough technical knowledge to make some of the comments he does with regards to jumping

No I am not saying he can only tell jumps apart. Most of his technical comments aren't wrong. Dave is very knowledgeable about skating. Whether you like his other commentary or not, he does know a lot about skating. He has obviously done a ton of research. That's all.. Being a skater doesn't make you an expert. My sister skated for years and could do all her doubles but quit when she was 12 or 13. She can't really comment well on technique. She really doesn't watch or care about skating anymore. She could tell you jumps but doesn't care/know enough to comment further and she took from Christa Fassi most her life. I guess my point is you don't have to be an elite skater to know technical aspects, but it takes a lot of hard work to study it the way dave has. It's a blog he does for free. He gets to say whatever he wants, offensive or not, but I wouldn't knock his technical skills. I don't feel like he is off on that.


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
To be fair, unlike Mr. Lease, I don't remember how long ago I watched his video. I stopped watching TSL years ago, right after Jenny left. So maybe he has improved? I started skating as an adult older than he is, and maybe I was super exceptional, but I never looked that bad. I certainly did not have my own snarky skating channel criticizing others. I think adult skating is great and I commend any adult whether good or bad who embarks on that endeavor. I was just shocked that with all his criticisms about not just skating but gymnastics that he looked totally devoid of any coordination. When he showed himself skating, and I believe it was before a test skate, I could not believe how embarassingly bad he was. Again, I cut others some slack when they are just beginning, but not someone who constantly criticizes others. So yay for adult skating. I'm not putting down anyone else but Mr. Lease.


Well-Known Member
Dave's comments on technique are generally on point. Let's not forget, he has lots of skater friends who he's in touch with. Someone like Duhamel is obviously going to tell him a lot about jump technique if he asks her and it certainly seems like he listens to what she and others tell him.

There are lots of things to criticize Dave over, but technical knowledge isn't one of them.

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