The Skating Lesson


Banned Member
I listened to the Doug Haw interview while driving and almost rolled the window up on the toll woman’s hand when i heard him talk about Liza T’s weight. Then both Dave and Jonathan tried to cover it up the way a teenager would when his parents walk in on him watching porn with his hands in his pants. Lol.

I agree with Doug but he doesn’t realize his audience is primarily people that think being in shape is doing Yoga twice a week and surviving an elliptical for 30 mins at the air conditioned gym. The thought about her weight hopped in my mind viewing her Instagram this summer. She was in a bakini and looked great for a civilian but larger for a skater.
"Dave" turned off the T.V. and set both hands away from the Devil's Junction, wow this show goes lower and lower down with each time I hear about it. "Dave" has become the biggest bottom possible, there is something awful and dangerous about these skating folks giving the Show power society is in a bad place when we allow power bottoms to effect our sport's.

Hopefully this is the last time the Show is associated with a wicked and un Christian habit that I cannot use by name, the term during my Navy days used was waxing the dolphin.

Also to me this is saying that "audience" is people who are not into hardcore shaping so they do not under-stand the "weight" issue but other people who do "get it" would look at fotos of Tutkamisherva and know she is to big but is this a Oxy moron argument? I am confused no matter what, my wife agree's.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
"Dave" turned off the T.V. and set both hands away from the Devil's Junction, wow this show goes lower and lower down with each time I hear about it. "Dave" has become the biggest bottom possible, there is something awful and dangerous about these skating folks giving the Show power society is in a bad place when we allow power bottoms to effect our sport's.

Hopefully this is the last time the Show is associated with a wicked and un Christian habit that I cannot use by name, the term during my Navy days used was waxing the dolphin.

Also to me this is saying that "audience" is people who are not into hardcore shaping so they do not under-stand the "weight" issue but other people who do "get it" would look at fotos of Tutkamisherva and know she is to big but is this a Oxy moron argument? I am confused no matter what, my wife agree's.

I see that you are from “Socorro, New Mexico.” Are you mocking native Spanish speakers with your odd manner of writing (which some morons apparently find funny)? As a Latina, I find your sense of humor disgusting. Take your hate speech elsewhere. #latinlivesmatter!

As for TSL, I find their show nothing short of spectacular. Bravo!


Well-Known Member
"Dave" turned off the T.V. and set both hands away from the Devil's Junction, wow this show goes lower and lower down with each time I hear about it. "Dave" has become the biggest bottom possible, there is something awful and dangerous about these skating folks giving the Show power society is in a bad place when we allow power bottoms to effect our sport's.

Hopefully this is the last time the Show is associated with a wicked and un Christian habit that I cannot use by name, the term during my Navy days used was waxing the dolphin.

Also to me this is saying that "audience" is people who are not into hardcore shaping so they do not under-stand the "weight" issue but other people who do "get it" would look at fotos of Tutkamisherva and know she is to big but is this a Oxy moron argument? I am confused no matter what, my wife agree's.

If your bottle of wine was full when you started your post, it was empty as hell by the time you finished...


Banned Member
I see that you are from “Socorro, New Mexico.” Are you mocking native Spanish speakers with your odd manner of writing (which some morons apparently find funny)? As a Latina, I find your sense of humor disgusting. Take your hate speech elsewhere. #latinlivesmatter!

As for TSL, I find their show nothing short of spectacular. Bravo!
Hello Latina, that is a pretty name I and my wife both are one hundred percent USAmerican I have never spoken or studied any other way of talking and I never will. This county has all ready got to the point where you call a bank or party line and the first thing you hear "Dial 1 for Spanish 2 for African 3 for Jewish" ect. It is insane, like our national language is no better then these devil tongues.

As I recently said on this exact sight the idea that me having bad English is unpossible.

Deleted member 53443

Hello Latina, that is a pretty name I and my wife both are one hundred percent USAmerican I have never spoken or studied any other way of talking and I never will. This county has all ready got to the point where you call a bank or party line and the first thing you hear "Dial 1 for Spanish 2 for African 3 for Jewish" ect. It is insane, like our national language is no better then these devil tongues.

As I recently said on this exact sight the idea that me having bad English is unpossible.

You must be a troll because nobody is this dumb.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Also to me this is saying that "audience" is people who are not into hardcore shaping so they do not under-stand the "weight" issue but other people who do "get it" would look at fotos of Tutkamisherva and know she is to big but is this a Oxy moron argument? I am confused no matter what, my wife agree's.

Darling.... quit plagiarizing my punctuation style. It's been mine for 15+ years :mitchell:

Find. your. own. style. because. you. can. not. out-hyphenate. me. anyway.:smokin:


Well-Known Member
StasiyaGalustyanLove is just extremely repressed, claiming to be a simple red blooded patriotic military Merican but on a figure skating board making reference to his own walks on the wild side while enjoying an international sport filled with international languages, travel, flamboyant costumes, and references to high culture.
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Max Enchilada

Banned Member
I see that you are from “Socorro, New Mexico.” Are you mocking native Spanish speakers with your odd manner of writing (which some morons apparently find funny)? As a Latina, I find your sense of humor disgusting. Take your hate speech elsewhere. #latinlivesmatter!

As for TSL, I find their show nothing short of spectacular. Bravo!

I am still waiting for those taco trucks Trump promised would be on every corner!


Well-Known Member
The problem was that the recent Russian Test Skates did not show Tuk in the best light. The blouson or mumu style may be more comfy but it hides her fit physique. Tuk wore a more traditional form-fitting skating dress for the LP in Italy, which made all the difference in how she looks (which helps garner the extra points, even if in an unconscious manner).

I actually liked the leggings and semi-tucked shirt - she looked modern and in style. A lot of skating dresses are beautiful but are meant to please grandmothers.


Well-Known Member
Medvedeva has responded to the Eteri/"babies" comment Doug Haw claimed.

Someone on GS very kindly shared some translations:

- Is it true that your former coach Eteri Tutberidze advised you to finish your career?

"We never talked about this, neither before nor after the Olympics, and for the first time I heard about this in a questionable interview."

"....There are strange articles that are not confirmed, which are not true. I would like to take this opportunity to address the workers of the pen - please be careful and cautious with unverified information, because it can harm the reputation of both Russian and Canadian coaches and their pupils. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Sorry for the deviation from the question."

"Go have babies" to Medvedeva after Olympics LOL.

What was the context of these remarks? Who are we hearing these from? TSL?

Eteri told Medvedeva that she was done after the Olympics.

Holy crap, I knew Eteri did not handle the split well, but did not hear about this. She really said that??
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Banned Member
Still, i don’t find TSL as cringy as before; particularly Dave has gotten better at tempering his tongue

Say what!? I mean come on. DL is NOT tempering his tongue. He's just reacting to the fact he's offending more and more fans who are turned off by his excesses. And it's always not his fault. He has never fully taken responsibility. He's just been turning on a dime and using the multiple faux pas as a way to garner more attention, pretend to apologize, and to act as if, 'Who me? I didn't really mean that. Keep watching and ignore my snarky behavior. You didn't really see what you saw after all.' Dave 'Trumpster' Lease' at his best.

For example, after the Asian Open dis-fest against Starr Andrews, her mother, and the usual skaters Dave disrespects, including Bradie Tennell and Jason Brown, DL and Jonathan came back with a #clickbait show discussing Eteri's young cadre of teenybopper phenoms. DL and JB pretended to be surprised that their comments against Starr Andrews offended people. "Who us, racist???" Jonathan's eyes grew large and watery, as if he was about ready to run to the nearest bathroom and go on another useless, faux crying jag. :rolleyes: And at the same time, they both doubled-down on their clueless, overly critical comments against Starr and her programs. There is nothing wrong with Starr, her programs, or her costumes. She's a young, up-and-coming skater who is talented and growing in the sport. Why pick gratuitiously on her music in the mocking way they did? There's a huge difference between constructive criticism and tearing down for no reason except spiteful snark. DL and JB tried to pretend in the subsequent show that they weren't purposely being offensive against Starr, and that they weren't singling her out! I'm not buying it. Their negative, personal comments against Starr, and indeed against Jason, Rohene, Bradie, the Shibs, Weav/Poje in the past, et al, have been completely uncalled for, and they have never apologized. Plus, few people call them out. And simply not watching TSL has had little overall effect, as we can see.

Dave's critiques against Starr in particular are rather OTT and stupid. His and Jonathan's comments show their personal bias, motivated by whatever dysfunction is going on in their own heads, having nothing to do with Starr Andrews. DL's mocking Starr to me is equivalent to lambasting Andrew Torgashev for existing. I am having none of it! They need to recognize they were and are wrong, own up to it, issue an apology, and stop trying to downplay the fact that they were being intentionally nasty. They thought mocking Starr and her 'African-American artist' music choices was funny until some fans labeled them 'racist.' The fact they came back in the next podcast acting as if, 'There's no bias here. We also criticize the music of other young female skaters, so that proves we really aren't biased against Starr and her music choices,' is freakin' laughable, petty and obvious. After dissembling, they continued on strongly criticizing Starr and Bradie, gratuitously and pointlessly.

DL and JB are so unself-aware, it isn't funny. Just because TSL is to this point the main frequent and notorious skating interview show (built on the back of Jenny Kirk's fame and contacts), doesn't mean it's the best interview show about figure skating. But yeah, as I said before, DL knows he has control of a viable and valuable platform in the skating world, and he's hanging onto it for dear life. Some people like dealing with him for their own gossipy or p.r. purposes, some people actually like him or think he's rehabilitatable, and others just feel he's there and TSL is a platform worth following despite DL's and JB's insufferable behavior.

The sport as an institution offers nothing else valuable and frequent, much less of a professional high caliber quality in terms of fs coverage. So TSL in all it's unprofessional, snarky blather is still there and still tempting people. I try to avoid watching as much as possible. Whereas I used to listen to every episode, I'm too turned off by both of them now to even be interested in sitting through their interview with Raf, who I love. I didn't see the most recent Doug Haw interview, nor am I immediately enticed to do so, despite how much I enjoyed hearing from Doug Haw during the recent Olympics. I inadvertently ran into the recent WTF interview with Alissa Cizsny on Youtube (launched to counteract the Haw faux pas episode). I like Alissa (and thankfully JB was absent), so I watched a little of it, thought a bit about Alissa's lovely skating, and I wondered why she gives DL the time of day. Then, after getting the 'going nowhere' gist of the episode's #clickbait 'apology/not apology' purpose, I cut it off a third of the way through and moved on.

I don't care if anyone thinks Dave is trying to 'temper his tongue.' :rofl: If I ever ran into DL in person, I'd relish slapping him upside the head, but I would probably settle for giving him a glare and then cutting him dead. That would be similar to the treatment Andrew Poje once administered when DL had the gall to say 'Hi' to Andrew backstage at an event. This after DL had been tearing down Kaitlin and Andrew personally on TSL for no reason. While DL has since tried to be kinder to Weav/Poje, for me the damage is done because it's the snark I remember, not the later sucky W/P praise by DL, likely meant to appease Sandra Bezic's ire. :blah:

Deleted member 53443

Not to be a party pooper, but TASS is more or less a pro-russian state-owned propaganda site. They also have articles about what a great job Russia is doing in Syria, how the west tried to falsely paint Russian elections to be unfair and on and on. Not so many articles about Russian doping in Sochi though, go figure. Of course she will sing the song that suits the narrative in that interview. Let's not be too naive here.

For me, she can say whatever she wants, I don't really care, she will let her skating do the talking. But there is an interview with a pretty pissed Eteri saying that she heard about the coaching change on the news, and giving Orser some words about his thoughts on Trusova. A split like that is never happy, that's natural. Things might be said, and whatever Doug heard he should shut his yap.
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