Nathan Chen Fan Thread #2


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Tickets for Scott Hamilton and Friends go on sale Oct 6.

Nathan's Olympic win named one of Utah's best sports moments.


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Ms. Miki Hirai, an acclaimed interpreter and a former figure skater herself, wrote an essay about her experience when she acted as a moderator/interpreter for a fan meeting with Nathan after his book was published in Japan. At the very end of the meeting, Ms. Hirai asked Nathan as "We all go through a lot of ups and downs in our lives, but do you have any advice?" and what Nathan told really impressed the participants as many of them tweeted (posted) later "From now on, I try to follow his advice" "I will try to do what Nathan said before going to bed."

I was not at the meeting so I was wondering about what his response was. Then I found that Ms. Hirai kindly wrote up what Nathan said to her question in English in her essay, so if you scroll down the page on this link you can find his entire response.

Here's a part of his response:

"...before I go to bed think about the best thing that happened to me that day on the ice.(snip)

I think it is really easy for people to think oh what were the things that didn’t go well, what were the things I could do better, what were the things that made me feel upset or unhappy and then we start thinking that and it makes us more and more unhappy.

Whereas in his (his mental coach Eric) view was look back on the thing that made me the happiest and it could be somethings really small like you know, “I made someone smile today” or like “I made a new friend today ” or something like that. And just imagine what did that feel like and why did that make me happy and think about that right before you go to sleep and then usually you go to sleep much happier and that’s something that has been very helpful for me."
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Nathan is scheduled to perform at the annual Detroit Tree Lighting, Friday Nov 17, 7pm. It will be streamed live on the WXYZ website:

Nathan getting the opportunity to practice piano back home while on break.


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Nathan attending the American Society of Human Genetics Meeting in DC this weekend.


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Nathan in attendance at the Omega exhibition in NYC

Scott Hamilton briefly mentioned Nathan (1m38s) in a TV interview, calling him, "Probably the greatest skater ever."
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Instagram updates from the Omega event

Full set of photos from the event


Ubering juniors against my will
I'm just seeing a news program. Are they supposed to cut away to the tree lighting at some point?


Well-Known Member
I'm just seeing a news program. Are they supposed to cut away to the tree lighting at some point?
Unfortunately they were showing it but then cut away just before Nathan was getting ready to skate.

Here's a short clip

New Team Toyota ad featuring Winter Olympians


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Lots of fan videos from the Detroit tree lighting. Nathan skated two programs: It's the most wonderful time of the year and Vienna

Nathan reporting from the Grand Ole Opry


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Just got back from Scott Hamilton and Friends! I was amazed by how much I enjoyed it. Scott can really put on a good show when he wants to, and it'd be nice if he could incorporate some elements from this show into SOI, which has become awfully stale over the years. Even though I knew none of the songs or musicians the live music added a lot to the performances. Also liked that there was some kind of overarching theme instead of the hodgepodge of gala programs that is the current SOI. There was a good sized crowd and I heard some folks who had been to some of the previous shows that this was the best turnout they had ever seen.

Nathan was the star, of course, and I was pleasantly surprised by the number of audience members who knew who he was. He moves in a way that nobody else does, and it would be a huge loss if he is unable to continue performing in shows like this one or SOI in order to focus on his studies.

Supporting Team Japan has videos up from the show.

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