
Well-Known Member

• The decision taken by the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee of the Russian Anti-Doping
Agency No. 9/2023 on 24 January 2023 in relation to Ms Kamila Valieva is set aside.
• Ms Valieva is found to have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) under Clause
4.1 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules of 24 June 2021 (the Russian ADR).
• A period of four (4) years ineligibility is imposed on Ms Valieva, starting on 25 December 2021.
• All competitive results of Ms Valieva from 25 December 2021 are disqualified, with all the
resulting consequences (including forfeiture of any titles, awards, medals, profits, prizes, and
appearance money).

Please excuse the tardiness of this Christmas card. 🎅

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I am in shock but so pleased by this decision. I was sure they were going to use the protected person thing to uphold the original one day suspension she got. I'm so glad that, for once, justice was served. Now let's hope the ISU does the right thing and DQ's the ROC team from the team competition, no reason to play the numbers game and try to save a medal for ROC. I've already used the 1999 and 2000 Chinese women's gymnastics team results as an example, so let's follow the FIG's lead and just call it a DQ for the team.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
:lol: at my lengthy response to @Private Citizen getting deleted. Not doing it again but long story short I was opining about the can of worms it could open if they let Russia walk away with bronze when many a team has been disqualified and stripped of medals in previous Olympics on the basis of one member failing a doping test.

Will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out. Whether I am still alive when those decisions are finalised is another question :D


Active Member
Disgusting and disgraceful anti Russia political decision that violates Romania precedent of 2000
What precedent? Raducan’s test was from the AA and not the team event. And frankly she shouldn’t have been allowed to compete in event finals because of that…


Well-Known Member
What precedent? Raducan’s test was from the AA and not the team event. And frankly she shouldn’t have been allowed to compete in event finals because of that…
Valieva failed test is not from the Olympics AT ALL!!

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
Sounds fair to me.
I wonder what is the usual procedure with the rest of the team? This whole team event is such a nonsense, that I'm not sure there's anything to compare it to. It's not a team sport, it's not a relay; so it's like individual athletes competing, but they are independent of each other, and they represent a country, but there's nothing that actually makes them a team :yawn:

I mean if Italy was 4th I'd be all for the full disqualification. But Canada? Meh.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy that there is finally some accountability in this matter. The next big questions are how will the medals be distributed and will there be any down stream negative impacts for Eteri and company.

I'm almost hesitant to say that it looks clear that the US and Japan will step up into gold and silver respectively. The big question is does Russia get down graded to bronze or does Canada get the bronze medal.


Active Member
I’m sorry I can’t see this as a win at all. So you mean to tell me that it’s the minor and ONLY the minor who gets punished? Do they really expect us to believe that a 15 year old was acquiring and doping herself with multiple heart medications?? How is it justice when Eteri & Co get to carry on like normal? The only winner in this situation is Eteri who will continue to show up at competitions, continue to coach and be around minors and will also start to act like Kamila doesn’t exist anymore. How exactly is this fair?? And that’s not to say Kamila shouldn’t be punished she absolutely should be, she just shouldn’t be the ONLY one punished.


Sounds fair to me.
I wonder what is the usual procedure with the rest of the team? This whole team event is such a nonsense, that I'm not sure there's anything to compare it to. It's not a team sport, it's not a relay; so it's like individual athletes competing, but they are independent of each other, and they represent a country, but there's nothing that actually makes them a team :yawn:

I mean if Italy was 4th I'd be all for the full disqualification. But Canada? Meh.
it's no different from the situation in gymnastics. They all perform independently of each other there as well.


AYS's snark-sponge
I’m sorry I can’t see this as a win at all. So you mean to tell me that it’s the minor and ONLY the minor who gets punished? Do they really expect us to believe that a 15 year old was acquiring and doping herself with multiple heart medications?? How is it justice when Eteri & Co get to carry on like normal? The only winner in this situation is Eteri who will continue to show up at competitions, continue to coach and be around minors and will also start to act like Kamila doesn’t exist anymore. How exactly is this fair?? And that’s not to say Kamila shouldn’t be punished she absolutely should be, she just shouldn’t be the ONLY one punished.
This is a necessary first step.

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