US Figure Skating Television Schedule for 2021-2022


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
I don't get the Olympic Channel. :(

Jason Brown fluff during the NBC break :D (he can recite all 50 states very fast!)... NBC is showing the top 2 free dance performances now with Tanith's commentary. :)

NBC is showing from NHK Trophy (editing in names as shown on broadcast): Zhou's SP; FS of Glenn, Liu, You, Kawabe, Sakamoto' FS of Mishina/Galliamov; FD coming up then Men's FS...
Top 2 FD of Chock/Bates & Sinitsina/Katsalapov; FS of Ignatov, Cha, Zhou & Uno.
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love skating

Clueless American
Anyone watch? I forgot and was wondering how many (singles only?) full programs were shown yesterday?
I watched. Let me see if I remember... I think they showed Loena's SP, Sui & Han's FS, H&D and P&C's FDs, Yuma, Kolyada, Grassl and Jin's FS, Mai, Satoko, Anna, Maiia and Loena's FS. I may have forgotten someone, still have it on dvr so I can check later.

I'm glad pairs and dance are getting some coverage... so often we get only men and ladies.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
I caught the Olympic Channel replay of GP Italia's RD last night. Wow and yes! for Tanith and Charlie's unexpected, extended condemnation of homophobia against Cizeron and in skating. Charlie was savage in calling out a 'certain Russian coach's' remarks as pure 'bigotry masquerading as artistic critique.' :kickass:


Banned Member
I caught the Olympic Channel replay of GP Italia's RD last night. Wow and yes! for Tanith and Charlie's unexpected, extended condemnation of homophobia against Cizeron and in skating. Charlie was savage in calling out a 'certain Russian coach's' remarks as pure 'bigotry masquerading as artistic critique.' :kickass:
Do we know who he was referring to? T/M's old coach?


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Olympic Channel tonight (Eastern time):
7:00 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Women's Short
8:30-10:00 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Women's Free

Tuesday, Nov. 16:
7:00 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Rhythm Dance
8:00-9:30 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Free Dance

Wednesday, Nov. 17:
7:00 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix [Men's] Short
8:00-9:30 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix [Men's] Free

Thursday, Nov. 18:
7:00 PM NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Pairs Short
8:00-9:00 PM: NHK Trophy. Figure skating. Grand Prix Pairs Free
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Ah, I just noticed that Peacock is no longer offering “free” replays of streams to Comcast/Xfinity customers, as it had been doing. Specifically, I went into my Watch List to rewatch the NHK men’s finals & was stopped…a purple note on the corner of the Event Icon stated that replays are now only for Premium-level members…which is no longer being offered “free” to Comcast subscribers.

So now we’d have to watch events in real time, to watch for free (no additional cost to already-expensive Comcast cable TV).

I had a feeling that the free-replays option wouldn’t last forever. Sigh. 😔

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Ah, I just noticed that Peacock is no longer offering “free” replays of streams to Comcast/Xfinity customers, as it had been doing. Specifically, I went into my Watch List to rewatch the NHK men’s finals & was stopped…a purple note on the corner of the Event Icon stated that replays are now only for Premium-level members…which is no longer being offered “free” to Comcast subscribers.

So now we’d have to watch events in real time, to watch for free (no additional cost to already-expensive Comcast cable TV).

I had a feeling that the free-replays option wouldn’t last forever. Sigh. 😔
Replays are working on desktop and mobile.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
All times Eastern. Subject to change.

Friday, Nov. 19
Women's short program | 7 a.m.
Rhythm dance | 9 a.m.
Men's short program | 10:45 a.m.
Pairs short program | 12:45 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 20
Women's free skate | 7 a.m.
Free dance | 9:10 a.m.
Men's free skate | 11 a.m.
Pairs free skate | 1:10 p.m.

NBC's recap show is Sunday, Nov. 21 from 4 – 6 p.m. ET.

Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
Olympic Channel is showing the men again tonight and not the dance as advertised. 😡
They did play the FD as scheduled, though I was disappointed to hear Terry instead of Charlie. He's genial enough but doesn't add much of interest.

I think there's a replay scheduled for today, hopefully it will be the RD this time.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
The RD was supposed to be shown at 6 pm ET today but instead it's the umpteenth showing of the Men's SP. I'm thinking something happened to the recording of the RD and it won't/can't be broadcast.


Well-Known Member
I think there are 2 more shots at the listing says Rhythm Dance for NHK on Olympic Channel on my DVR. One of them better be it. Scan ahead on all the figure skating listings up until Monday night when France coverage starts. I know that happened with Italy Pairs also and I got it picked up on the last showing.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Ah, I just noticed that Peacock is no longer offering “free” replays of streams to Comcast/Xfinity customers, as it had been doing. Specifically, I went into my Watch List to rewatch the NHK men’s finals & was stopped…a purple note on the corner of the Event Icon stated that replays are now only for Premium-level members…which is no longer being offered “free” to Comcast subscribers.

So now we’d have to watch events in real time, to watch for free (no additional cost to already-expensive Comcast cable TV).

I had a feeling that the free-replays option wouldn’t last forever. Sigh. 😔

Confirming that the “free trial period” for Comcast-Xfinity subscribers, to Peacock Premium, has ended. I just purchased Peacock Premium’s no-ads option at $9.99/month and the little purple “locks” disappeared. I can once again watch on any device (TV, laptop, etc).


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I think there are 2 more shots at the listing says Rhythm Dance for NHK on Olympic Channel on my DVR. One of them better be it. Scan ahead on all the figure skating listings up until Monday night when France coverage starts. I know that happened with Italy Pairs also and I got it picked up on the last showing.
Or try with your cable login

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Confirming that the “free trial period” for Comcast-Xfinity subscribers, to Peacock Premium, has ended. I just purchased Peacock Premium’s no-ads option at $9.99/month and the little purple “locks” disappeared. I can once again watch on any device (TV, laptop, etc).
I'm not sure what you've been watching, but the regular Peacock app, which I've always used, is still very much available (and free) to Comcast subscribers on the Apps menu. All skating events are there (even on TV) and I was just able to access replays of both IdF and the Champ Series. And I've never seen any ads during live broadcasts or replays.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I'm not sure what you've been watching, but the regular Peacock app, which I've always used, is still very much available (and free) to Comcast subscribers on the Apps menu. All skating events are there (even on TV) and I was just able to access replays of both IdF and the Champ Series. And I've never seen any ads during live broadcasts or replays.

DebbieS: Where do you live? In the Wash,DC area - I’m in Arlington, VA - Comcast-Xfinity TV/internet subscribers no longer have access to the freebie Peacock, as of Monday, Nov 15. Hence, when I got into Peacock via my TV (and also tested on the computer laptop later on Monday), every rectangle (icon) had a little purple lock picture on the upper-right corner…even those that I watched one day earlier. All skating shows that were on my Watch List had that darn purple lock!

The only way that I could remove the purple locks & make them play was by subscribing to the monthly service, either 4.99 with ads or 9.99 without. The moment that I put in my credit card info, the purple locks disappeared (in both my TV and laptop Watch Lists).

Congratulations to DebbieS and others who have not yet experienced the purple locks…to be exact, purple drawings with the head of the peacock! But I am not lying. I thought that I could provide a heads-up about my experience rather than get into a spat with contrarians. Enough with this crap. I was trying to be helpful and impart information.
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Doing all the things
The skating streams don't have ads anyway so if that's the only reason to get Peacock, then don't spend the extra money. (But if you are going to watch other things that have ads, that's different.)

Btw, I also still have Peacock for free with my cable. I hope it doesn't go away until at least after Worlds!

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
DebbieS: Where do you live? In the Wash,DC area - I’m in Arlington, VA - Comcast-Xfinity TV/internet subscribers no longer have access to the freebie Peacock, as of Monday, Nov 15. Hence, when I got into Peacock via my TV (and also tested on the computer laptop later on Monday), every rectangle (icon) had a little purple lock picture on the upper-right corner…even those that I watched one day earlier. All skating shows that were on my Watch List had that darn purple lock!

The only way that I could remove the purple locks & make them play was by subscribing to the monthly service, either 4.99 with ads or 9.99 without. The moment that I put in my credit card info, the purple locks disappeared (in both my TV and laptop Watch Lists).

Congratulations to DebbieS and others who have not yet experienced the purple locks…to be exact, purple drawings with the head of the peacock! But I am not lying. I thought that I could provide a heads-up about my experience rather than get into a spat with contrarians. Enough with this crap. I was trying to be helpful and impart information.
I'm in Baltimore. I think we are talking about different things. There is a Peacock Premium app and a (regular) Peacock app. I've never used the Premium one, I just select the regular Peacock on the Apps menu and get all the skating. Do you have a non-premium Peacock app on your apps menu?

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I don’t know about “Apps.” I have cable TV and internet through Comcast Xfinity. I always watch on my big TV in the living room…the Comcast “tower” which provides TV & internet to my home, sits behind the TV.

I accessed Peacock on my laptop internet just this Monday, as I tried to figure out what was going on. Then I saw that, even on the computer, all of the figure skating icons had the purple lock/peacock head picture.

I never saw ads during the free-trial period (which was called “Peacock Premium”).So I was spoiled and opted to purchase “no ads” (Premium) version now. Now everything works just as it did during the free trial period.

Free period lasted about one year. Skate America 2020 may have been the first event that I saw on freebie Peacock Premium.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I don’t know about “Apps.” I have cable TV and internet through Comcast Xfinity. I always watch on my big TV in the living room…the Comcast “tower” which provides TV & internet to my home, sits behind the TV.

I accessed Peacock on my laptop internet just this Monday, as I tried to figure out what was going on. Then I saw that, even on the computer, all of the figure skating icons had the purple lock/peacock head picture.

I never saw ads during the free-trial period (which was called “Peacock Premium”).So I was spoiled and opted to purchase “no ads” (Premium) version now. Now everything works just as it did during the free trial period.

Free period lasted about one year. Skate America 2020 may have been the first event that I saw on freebie Peacock Premium.
Do you have a set-top box with a remote? You access apps the same way you access DVR and on-demand - hit the Xfinity button and use the arrow keys to get to "Apps" and hit whichever button on your remote means Enter. How do you access whatever Peacock version you are using? If you don't have a box/remote, however you access DVR and on-demand - you should see a bunch of apps that Comcast offers - some free, some premium. There are 2 Peacock options - the Premium and the regular (that doesn't say Premium).

In any event, here is the website for the regular Peacock app. You should be able to register using your Comcast account info and watch anything there for free (unless it identifies you as a Premium subscriber and automatically redirects you to Premium site):

It is incorrect to say that Comcast subscribers have to purchase an additional subscription to watch skating on Peacock. I don't want other people reading this thread to think they need to pay extra.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how long they will be available, but right now Americans can find videos on youtube of some of the SPs and RDs from the Internationeaux de France.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Do you have a set-top box with a remote? … …

Yes, I do.

I tried all options earlier this week, including talking with a Comcast rep via telephone, who told me that the free Peacock-premium trial period for Comcast subscribers in my area was over. That’s what prompted me to re-register online. I saw the two options; selected Premium; paid; when I refreshed, all of the purple locks (symbols with the head of the peacock) disappeared. Then I went back to my TV; used the remote - said “Peacock”; & all of the shows on my Watch List were still there, once again without the purple locks (as they were before Monday, Nov 15).

So, folks, remember that I forewarned y’all when you suddenly see the purple symbols on the upper-right corner of a show’s icon, after a year or so into the free period!

My “free lunch” could be over, but I hope not for y’all. :)

I was a bit angry as I already paid about $160/mo for cable TV 250 basic channels (2 sets) + internet for my computer (just 1 in our house)…AND about $15/mo extra for Russian TV channels…and now about $10 extra for Peacock Premium. Approaching $200/mo for our household! And we’ve never missed a payment. Those darn purple locks appeared on Nov 15!!!! I figure that I’ll keep this afloat through the Olympics then rethink cable/internet providers.

P.s. This doesn’t even count my services for mobile device or regular phone…which I keep separate…which is good as my mobile can still function whenever Comcast is down, which happens about 3-4 times a year, esp during/after storms.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
As I (and others) have pointed out, you do not need to have the Premium version of Peacock (whether free trial or paid) to watch the skating. If regular Peacock comes free with your cable/satellite, you do not need to sign up for a trial of anything. It seems like everyone else here has figured that out and is using the correct version of the app, so hopefully no one spends money needlessly.

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