"The World of Ice Dance International" film (distributed by American Public Television)


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Ice Dance International's website page about the film: http://www.icedanceinternational.org/the-world-of-ice-dance-international.html
Hosted by beloved skating personalities JoJo Starbuck and Ryan Bradley, The World of Ice Dance International will introduce public television viewers to a unique and revolutionary celebration on ice of two beloved art forms: figure skating and dance.
Shot outdoors against the mountains of Sun Valley, Idaho, Stellar Adventure Media created a program combining the repertoire of Ice Dance International, an ice ballet company with guest appearances of stars and friends from the worlds of skating and dance.
With appearances by beloved American skating icons, Dorothy Hamill, JoJo Starbuck, and Dick Button along with a master of American ballet, Edward Villella and IDI Artistic Director Douglas Webster; the audience will journey through stunning performances choreographed by Mr. Webster and Mr. Villella.
The pieces range from the classical Balanchine tradition to a contemporary work with music by Moby.
The program also includes documentary segments on Sun Valley, Edward Villella, and John Curry, the 1976 Olympic Champion who started the movement of ensemble skating over 40 years ago.
The World of IDI cast includes (copied from the website):

Ryan Bradley: US Men’s Champion
Naomi Lang: 5 time US Champion
Todd Gilles: US junior Champion
Beata Handra: Olympian representing the US
Kim Navarro: World Team Member and US medalist
Brent Bommentre: World Team Member and US medalist
Kaitlin Hawayek: 2018 4 Continents Champion
Jean-luc Baker: 2018 4 Continents Champion
Erin Reed: US medalist
Carly Donowick, Jonathan Hunt, Joel Dear, Mauro Bruni, Adam Kaplan, Neill Shelton,
Anastasia Olson, Ian Lorello, Jordan Cowan, Natalya Zaitseva, and Lauren Farr

Dick Button and Douglas Webster, 2 of IDI's founders, attended the film's premiere and spring gala on March 8th at the American-Scandinavian Foundation in NYC: https://www.instagram.com/p/BgJZzNuAUdB/?taken-by=icedanceinternational

According to Webster's FB post, the "first broadcast of the World of IDI will be on [New Hampshire] PBS on Friday April 6th at 8pm. What a coincidence that it's the state I grew up in and where I fell in love with skating in North Conway."

Check your local listings for a future TV broadcast of the film, distributed by American Public Television starting in April 2018: https://www.aptonline.org/catalog/WORLD-OF-ICE-DANCE-INTERNATIONAL-THE


It depends!
Just happened to be catching it now.

The skating is lovely, but the camera work is driving me nuts. It’s so hard to figure out what’s going on or what kind of patterns they’re making. The camera never focuses on anything.


Searching for a great dog park.
It's on the backup PBS station here in Austin right now.
I can't stand the Tchaikovsky piece that they are using. And I agree with the camera work. They've got to figure out how to film it.

Thank you Sylvia for the list of names. I thought I recognized Naomi and some of the others!

Does anyone know if Jean-Luc and Kaitlin going pro, or is this approved?
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