The Carolina Kostner Thread


Well-Known Member
I think it's incredible how much less frantic Carolina seems now as compared to some of the earlier videos. She's always been one of my favourites but it seems these past two seasons she's been skating with a maturity and serenity we haven't seen before. She just glows in her performances lately. :swoon:


Well-Known Member
She just glows in her performances lately. :swoon:

I agree, she just seems to have found her inner balance.
I guess some skaters just need to take their time and develop at their own speed and I think Carolina is one of them. She was thrown into the senior circuit so young and everyone was expecting fast development and great results straight away. I think in the end that backfired a little and the pressure actually delayed her development artistically. Every person deals with these situations differently but early pressure can really damage a young skater. We have seen it happen to a lot of skaters and it pains me to see how it continues to happen (Gracie Gold being one of them, she seems to be doing well so far, but oh boy I don't want to be in her shoes, just let her develop at her own speed, but of course that is not going to happen).

I think Carolina has found a way to deal with expectations very late in her career. It seems like now, all the weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she only skates for herself. It looks light, free and joyful.


Well-Known Member
Here it is, Carolina's Black Swan program from Skate Canada 2008:

She performed this program only two times, first time being at Karl Schäfer Memorial in Vienna.

I think there are several reasons why she dropped this program, but I think Ele is right that there was definitely some outside pressure for her to go back to her old program. There were rumors that the judges did not like it. And it was obvious in her PCS as well, she received 53 in PCS at Skate Canada which really isn't much for someone who had just won the silver medal at Worlds a couple of months before.

To be honest and I don't like the program that much. While it might have improved with some adjustments and changes, I don't find Carolina to be a skater who can portray characters that well. She is much better with a neutral piece of music around which she can construct a program and in which she can accentuate her speed, flow and musicality. She rarely had a program in which she was portraying a character or telling a story (Memories of a Geisha is the only one I can think of at the moment - I did like that program though), also in her exhibition skates.

I think it's because Carolina doesn't feel entirely comfortable portraying someone else. She said herself in an interview that when she was working with Stephane on her "Carmen" program for Opera on Ice, it was rather hard for her to really get into the character and perform it to its fullest. I think she still did a great job, I just find her to do much better when she can be herself and just let the skating speak for itself.

Thanks for the link !. I enjoyed watching it again.
I may get slated for this but the ONLY thing that I have not like about Carolina over the years has been some of her costumes.
Too much fake-skin. Her skin tight suit she wore this year showed what an amazing figure she has & I think she could have had some better outfits in years gone by.
Her SP dress for this season was nice but could have been with straps rather than fake-skin :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link !. I enjoyed watching it again.
I may get slated for this but the ONLY thing that I have not like about Carolina over the years has been some of her costumes.
Too much fake-skin.

I agree with you on some costumes. I thought most of her dresses had a good idea/design but could have been executed better. Some looked kind of ill-fitting and I agree about the fake skin. Those are the ones I could have lived without:

2005/2006 SP:
2007/2008 FP:
2009/2010 FP #1:
2009/2010 FP #2:
2009/2010 SP:

I loved these ones though: gala/caroShowPiter05esFly2p.jpg

My favourite has got to be this one:


Well-Known Member

I LOVED the dress she wore at the 09' Europeans & Worlds too !. Very classy.
I also liked the yellow/blue dress she wore for the 2006 Obersdorf gala.
It would be nice to see her wear a trouser suit.


Well-Known Member
So, we don't know yet whether Carolina will retire or not. If she keeps skating competitively, what music would you like her to use?

I personally loved her Riders on the Storm SP and would love to see her go into a more "jazzy" direction again ... your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
So, we don't know yet whether Carolina will retire or not. If she keeps skating competitively, what music would you like her to use?

I personally loved her Riders on the Storm SP and would love to see her go into a more "jazzy" direction again ... your thoughts?

I would like to see her try something really different next season. Non-classical.
Maybe a Beatles medley or Rolling stones. Just do something that she has never done.


Well-Known Member
Actually I would like her to keep classical programs. While I usually like skaters showing their versatility (not saying that Caro is not versatile), I think she does the classical themes so well that I want to see some more of them. In addition she doesn’t skate to overused classical music, but some rare pieces, which is great. But I’d love to see her doing something completely new and unexpected in exhibition numbers. :)

Referring to the costumes: Did anyone else like her dress for this year’s LP much better than the body suit? I think that dress was one of the prettiest she ever wore (not sure about some of her choices in the past). Wish Caro shows up in similar style next year. :cheer:


New Member
Actually I would like her to keep classical programs. While I usually like skaters showing their versatility (not saying that Caro is not versatile), I think she does the classical themes so well that I want to see some more of them. In addition she doesn’t skate to overused classical music, but some rare pieces, which is great. But I’d love to see her doing something completely new and unexpected in exhibition numbers. :)

I completely agree with you.

I think this piece of music is incredibly beautiful but perhaps not as suitable for skating as other pieces. But still it's worth listening.


Well-Known Member
Actually I would like her to keep classical programs. While I usually like skaters showing their versatility (not saying that Caro is not versatile), I think she does the classical themes so well that I want to see some more of them. In addition she doesn’t skate to overused classical music, but some rare pieces, which is great.

I agree with you here, it just works really well for her and I can imagine her picking something classical again for the FP. However, I would love to see her experiment even more in the SP. I think Shostakovich was a signature piece for her and it showed that she can really rock programs like that. PashaFan mentioned the Rolling Stones. I think she could totally pull it off!

On a sidenote, Carolina debuted her new exhibition to Björk's "It's Oh So Quiet" last night at Champions on Ice in Rimini. She is going to skate to it at All That Skate in Seoul this week as well. There are no videos out yet but I can't wait to see this program! Björk + Carolina must be like a match made in heaven :swoon:


Active Member
Actually I would like her to keep classical programs. While I usually like skaters showing their versatility (not saying that Caro is not versatile), I think she does the classical themes so well that I want to see some more of them. In addition she doesn’t skate to overused classical music, but some rare pieces, which is great. But I’d love to see her doing something completely new and unexpected in exhibition numbers. :)

Referring to the costumes: Did anyone else like her dress for this year’s LP much better than the body suit? I think that dress was one of the prettiest she ever wore (not sure about some of her choices in the past). Wish Caro shows up in similar style next year. :cheer:

that dress by Cavalli was an old one, she wore it for the 2007 Worlds SP (Canon D by Pachelbel program). The body suit is the new one from the series she designed by herself this year with a new sponsor.
I like them both but I have to say that the blue dress is simply stunning! One of the most beautiful skating dresses ever imho.

I agree with jiggs I would like to see her skating something jazzy, but also, as a big fan of cuban music I'd love if she tries this one:
"Como siento yo", instrumental version

there's one with lyrics as well (but I cannot find it on YT) and I love this song, is so romantic and melanconic, but actually the instrumental one would be perfect for Caro imho, even if she already tried some (alternative) latin music, this one's different, very classy :)


Well-Known Member
Here it is, Carolina's Black Swan program from Skate Canada 2008:

Kostner was a little awkward to be skating to ballet music, but I really liked the way the music was arranged and the choreography was done.
I don't remember that program, so I'm happy to rediscover it !
But I agree with Marco, she looks a bit awkward. Maybe this is because it was unusual for her and the beginning of the season. There are some brilliant moments and I guess it would have been a very beautiful program few month later.


Well-Known Member
If she does decide to compete until Sochi I think next season would be the time to try new things.
I LOVED her free this season & thought she was very much at peace with the program. So maybe bring the free back for Olympic year or one like it.
I agree that classical does suit her best & she seems to really like skating to it.
Fast pace music seems to distract her & she gets in a mess.
I think she could still win an Olympic medal without the Lutz but she needs consistent events until then.
Maybe romantic music that she could be into would help her. Butyrskaya with Otonal did wonders for her.


Well-Known Member
On a sidenote, Carolina debuted her new exhibition to Björk's "It's Oh So Quiet" last night at Champions on Ice in Rimini. She is going to skate to it at All That Skate in Seoul this week as well. There are no videos out yet but I can't wait to see this program! Björk + Carolina must be like a match made in heaven :swoon:

Here is a bit of it
and with Plushenko
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I remember watching Caro's first Worlds in 2003 on live stream and the Italian commentator going on about her speed and how she should do what she does best 'lascia volare.' I always loved her speed, but am glad she finally figured out a way to maintain ice coverage -just not at the expense of control in her jumps.

I was at the GPF and got a little worried when she was wondering around visibly upset about Mao's mom during practice (she apparently found out when a reporter asked her to comment on her passing on, ugh!), but once she took the ice for her run-through, she looked so in control and focused, it was like she knew it was her season to shine. And I'm very happy I got a chance to see part of it live. Her edges and power are :swoon:-worthy in person.


Well-Known Member
She certainly has come into her own and I hope she sticks around for a bit longer. It only goes to prove that the "older" skater can definitely improve (not that she is very old at all :)). She seems to have settled into a comfort zone.


Well-Known Member

Here is another fancam version of the same routine:

I must say that this has got to be one of Carolina's best exhibition programs! I usually was never a big fan of her up-beat gala programs, I just like her lyrical much much better, but this is such a fun, charming and entertaining program! I hope we can get an HQ vid from All That Skate soon.


Well-Known Member
^ No, she said in several interviews that she will take her time to decide whether she will keep competing or not. I don't know when she will have the time to properly relax and reflect though, her schedule for the next couple of weeks is super busy and she has been very busy since Worlds too. I guess once GP assignments are released, we might hear something concerning her decision.

Here is a HQ version of "It's Oh So Quiet" at All That Skate. Brilliant, she totally rocks it!!!


Well-Known Member
^ No, she said in several interviews that she will take her time to decide whether she will keep competing or not. I don't know when she will have the time to properly relax and reflect though, her schedule for the next couple of weeks is super busy and she has been very busy since Worlds too.[/url]
I like the idea of her being too busy to make a decision as I so badly want her to stay eligible. :)

YEAH! Congrats! :respec:
Will the winners of each month compete against each other for kind of Athlete of the year award? :confused:

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