
Well-Known Member
I think this has been a really strong season so far and I've enjoyed it more than the last few normal seasons.

Britta really got on my nerves and she was pretty deluded about how good she is. There was something about the way she was always commenting on where someone had studied or how much they paid for their musical theatre degree that really rubbed me up the wrong way and I was so glad to see her go.

I know Heidi really does not have great make up but there's something about her that I just love - but this week both in the infomercial and on the runway her make up was terrible (!).

Jaida was hilarious in the infomercial challenge and she always has incredible make up.

I get the critiques of Gigi's infomercial but I didn't think it was that bad.

What the hell had Chaka Khan smoked before going the show? :rofl:

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
So glad Crystal won this week. She really is very funny and it is hard to do physical comedy well. And I thought Jackie's story was really great. She made it very obvious when she became her mother.

I think Heidi's time was up. She had been in the bottom too many times. But she is very funny. Will be sad to see her go.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Heidi's probably going to come out of the season far and away the most popular queen as far as opportunities. She was refreshing in a world of almost formulaic queens that now go on the show. Gigi was great in the beginning, but from the week where she made her whole video about how much she was winning, she's basically been pretty meh since. Crystal is the one gaining all the momentum and I would think she may even be the favorite to win now. I've always liked Jackie. Jaida did have a good track record in the second half until this week, but now it's really been all Crystal building in the last 5 or so weeks.

Now, do they take the 5th place finisher into the finals granted it's not Sherry? If Sherry had a spot in the final 4, which I think the procurers were basically telling us she did from the beginning of the season, I would think Ru edits the next episode to make it seem like there was a toss-up between two people over who gets the final spot in the 4, and then they could say that since it was so close, both are going in the wake of Sherry's DQ.

ETA- and how exactly are they going to do the finale? Lip sync in your living room?
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Well-Known Member
There is a building movement of people who are asking for them to delay the finale until it can be done properly. I really hope that happens-- I am fine with having the finale be the opening of Season 13. These queens work so hard, and they deserve their 'live' (not virtual) finale.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have really enjoyed this season more than I have for a long time. I loved the top six and echoed Rupaul's speech about them being one of the strongest top six in a while.

It's a shame that Sherry Pie effed up so badly in real life because she's obviously one of the strongest queens this season and I realised that through the re-edit we've not actually got a sense of her as a person because when they did the puppet challenge the only thing they showed was that she was called out for always playing an old lady (which they'd shown on the runway already) and i did wonder if we'd even get what the queens said about her given that we've not really been able to find anything out about her from the show.

I can't imagine a virtual finale being done - they might do a virtual "catch up" episode as that is more formulaic and not done in the same live way. But the queens have basically been waiting nearly a year since they filmed the season anyway so even a six month delay is hardly going to be problem. They would want to use the finale as springboard to get bookigs and work anyway and that can't happen right now so delaying it so they keep the marketing opprotunity makes sense.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Heidi's probably going to come out of the season far and away the most popular queen as far as opportunities.
Major city venues being closed is costing her and the other top queens major $$$. I see that there's a lot of Twitter traffic trying to keep these gals front and center until they have opportunities.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Tom & Lorenzo tweeted that the finale will be Zoomish. Blech!


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I’m not sure how I feel about the choice of the 4th finalist. The queen who had to sashay away has been one of my favorites since the beginning. I hope they bring her back to replace Sherry.


Go Mirai!
I feel great Jackie finally left. She was the most annoying person to me besides Brita. I don't think Crystal has done enough to win the whole thing but getting to the finale is good enough for me.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I feel great Jackie finally left. She was the most annoying person to me besides Brita. I don't think Crystal has done enough to win the whole thing but getting to the finale is good enough for me.

Can’t agree. Crystal’s track record in the second half of the season is by bar better, and in line with Akeria even. Gigi started out super strong and then had several weeks of really mediocre performances all-around.

Second, none of that is even going to matter. If it did, Brooke Lynn would’ve easily won last season.
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Go Mirai!
I'm not sure what you aren't agreeing with. Crystal's track record far better than who? I would prefer Crystal winning over Gigi 100%. I'm just glad Crystal made the finale so I'm happy for her at least. I would have preferred Heidi in the top 5 instead of Jackie by a long shot. I wouldn't mind Jaida winning either even though she has been the rich basketball wife for every single runway. This would have been one of the best seasons if [redacted] hadn't happened. [Redacted] probably would have won too.

Regarding last season Brooke Lynn had a boring personality even if she could dance and had good looks. I wasn't surprised Evie won even though I didn't find her appealing I could see why she won. Season 11 was so bad IMO. I was only entertained by Akeria and endeared by Shuga.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I'm not sure what you aren't agreeing with. Crystal's track record far better than who? I would prefer Crystal winning over Gigi 100%. I'm just glad Crystal made the finale so I'm happy for her at least. I would have preferred Heidi in the top 5 instead of Jackie by a long shot. I wouldn't mind Jaida winning either even though she has been the rich basketball wife for every single runway. This would have been one of the best seasons if [redacted] hadn't happened. [Redacted] probably would have won too.

Regarding last season Brooke Lynn had a boring personality even if she could dance and had good looks. I wasn't surprised Evie won even though I didn't find her appealing I could see why she won. Season 11 was so bad IMO. I was only entertained by Akeria and endeared by Shuga.

Crystal’s second half momentum is definitely higher than Gigi’s even with the results this week. She’s also probably slightly ahead of Akeria even with less wins. If anything, she has the story of building from the beginning and quickly becoming a fan favorite after not being talked about as a threat in the early stages. Akeria doesn’t quite do it for me, and Gigi had that week bragging about her prior results in her video challenge, and she’s been a bit downhill since then. I actually think it’s Crystals to lose rather than just having done enough to get to the finals.

But again, Ru will pick who she wants and it won’t necessarily have to make sense ;)

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I think what will work for Crystal is she seems genuinely nice and goofy but haven't heard her say anything bad about any of the contestants. Not sure if that is the just the editing, but maybe they couldn't find anything either and there is nothing to show. Also because she is so kooky (in a good way), when she does do it well, she really does it well. Her look and make up in the musical, particularly the scene in the dressing room, was really good. She looked fantastic. She has been a constant surprise in a very good way.

In fact while there has been some shade thrown, everyone in the top group seem to get on and there is no real conflict which hasn't happened in the past.

I always like Gigi and Jaida has grown on me. In fact the election episode was the one that she cracked me up. "Look over there!" I am disappointed Jackie had to go. I loved her looks. Very classic.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Your reply had me notice that I transported myself back to 2019 and keep calling Jaida Akeria. They really resemble each other sometimes!

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Your reply had me notice that I transported myself back to 2019 and keep calling Jaida Akeria. They really resemble each other sometimes!
I can't remember Akeria :). And then when you wrote Akeria I was thinking of Aquaria.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Last night’s reunion was fun. I got the sense that it was done a few weeks ago before some areas relaxed restrictions as Ru didn’t even attempt any makeup... RuPaul Charles or full on RuPaul. Ru stirred far less sh!t and was less preachy than usual. Heidi’s look was perfection and, to my eye, was better for Zoom than anyone else’s although Widow and Jan looked spectacular.

Gigi and Crystal acknowledged that they are dating


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Welp. Gigi was my least favorite of the three going into the finale but for me she was the clear #1. Crystal, who was my favorite, was a distant 3rd for me.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Welp. Gigi was my least favorite of the three going into the finale but for me she was the clear #1. Crystal, who was my favorite, was a distant 3rd for me.
Crystal really struggled and may have taken the DIY aspect too literally. Her look for the closeup and final lip sync didn’t work that well with the lighting she had.

I was following @tomandlorenzo on Twitter in real time. If, BIG IF, the finale ever has anything to do with who gets the crown, Jaida’s orange look might have sealed the deal. After all, 50% of a lipsynch is to get people to focus on you. Gigi’s Dorothy felt like a repeat and didn’t really stand out against the metallic disco curtain. I had round 1 with Jaida and Crystal tied, round 2 with Gigi slightly edging ahead, then round 3 with a Jaida slam dunk.

Then there’s the matter of who Ru & Co wants most as a co-worker. True, some folks might pay extra to see Gigi, but the Vegas budget might make her cost of ownership prohibitive. That, and her maintenance cost. I think they chose wisely.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
I really enjoyed this season, there were three amazing finalists. They each brought something different to the table. I think the right winner was chosen, although I admit I love Gigi's looks and Crystal's sense of humor!

Sherry Pie is an amazing performer. It's sad her dark history has come back to bite her. Karma will always follow.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
It would have been good to have the final live but I did enjoy it. Jaida ended up being the strongest with the last lipsynch. Loved seeing a bit of Dolly. And Heidi's PSA was funny.

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