ITV's Dancing on Ice 2021


October 13, 2020 press release re. the Professionals for 2021:
Dancing on Ice regular Matt Evers, who has been a part of the show since it launched on ITV in 2006 will be returning to the ice alongside series favourites Alexandra Schauman and husband Lukasz Rozycki, Mark Hanretty, Hamish Gaman, Brendyn Hatfield and Vanessa Bauer who will be taking their place alongside the class of 2021.

Former Dancing On Ice alumni Andy Buchanan and wife Robin Johnstone return to the ice. Andy previously skated with Anthea Turner (2013) and Zaraah Abrahams (2014), whilst Robin partnered Gareth Thomas (2013) and Joe Pasquale (2014).

New additions to the line-up are professional coach and Disney On Ice star Angela Egan, Klabera Komini who is joining the cast as the current reigning champion from Dancing On Ice in the Netherlands and Yebin Mok [:cheer:], who is a member of the UK coaching elite and co-founder of Ice Theatre. Yebin is married to last year’s professional skater, Doctor and Orthopaedic surgeon Tom Naylor.

Completing the line-up are former competitive skaters and Cirque Du Soleil performers Karina Manta and skating partner Joe Johnson, who will lead the professional group performances. [:cheer2:]

Includes a 30-sec. promotional video:
It has been confirmed today [Dec. 18, 2020] that the new series of Dancing on Ice will launch on ITV on 17th January 2021. The news is revealed in a new promo that shows the first glimpse of the cast of 2021. Zooming into a snowglobe, the celebrities and their professional skating partners are revealed within.

The 12 celebrities set to heat up the ice in the new year, in the hope of winning the competition, are:
-musician and presenter Myleene Klass [with Lukas Rozycki];
-actor Joe-Warren Plant [with Vanessa Bauer];
-actress, singer and presenter Denise Van Outen [with Matt Evers];
-actress Faye Brookes [with Hamish Gaman];
-Capital Radio DJ Sonny Jay [with Angela Egan];
-actor and singer Jason Donovan [with Alexandra Schauman];
-Olympic skiier Graham Bell [with Yebin Mok];
-Olympic hurdler Colin Jackson CBE [with Klabera Komini];
-TV personality Rebekah Vardy [with Andy Buchanan];
-musician Lady Leshurr [with Brendyn Hatfield];
-TV personality Billie Shepherd [with Mark Hanretty];
-actor and comedian Rufus Hound [with Robin Johnstone].

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby once again return to present the show and the expert Ice Panel of Torvill and Dean, John Barrowman and Ashley Banjo will all resume their roles as judges.

Wikipedia article (will be updated after each show is broadcast):

How Dancing on Ice is filming under COVID restrictions:
The upcoming series of Dancing on Ice will be the first without a public studio audience.
Instead, the show’s cast will become the audience as they watching one another perform from “all-new socially distanced cabaret style tables”.
ITV has added that numbers in the studio are limited and that production of the show is fully in compliance with government guidance, which specifies that people “should work from home unless [they] can’t” with exemptions for “training and rehearsal of performances, recording studios and film and TV production”.
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Bad Brit
Staff member
Yebin Mok has had an accident in training so needs to take some time out :wuzrobbed I was really excited about seeing her, such a shame.

I imagine they have someone lined up to step in - or maybe Karina and Joe are the stand in pros as they are also in the bubble?


Bad Brit
Staff member


Well-Known Member
I always complain about the show and the comments, and the judges, and, and, and I always watch it regardless of how much I complain about it :lol:

Just to add to the ridiculous drama that always goes on in British skating (despite not having much world class talent here), my coach (who is just a grass roots level 3 coach) was given a coaching gig on DOI last year just by responding to a facebook advert and the other coaches at our rink were so put out about her getting the job (despite having the exact same opportunity to apply but not bothering to do so) that she ended up having arguments with nearly all the other coaches about it :lol:


In A Fake Snowball Fight
I always complain about the show and the comments, and the judges, and, and, and I always watch it regardless of how much I complain about it :lol:

Just to add to the ridiculous drama that always goes on in British skating (despite not having much world class talent here), my coach (who is just a grass roots level 3 coach) was given a coaching gig on DOI last year just by responding to a facebook advert and the other coaches at our rink were so put out about her getting the job (despite having the exact same opportunity to apply but not bothering to do so) that she ended up having arguments with nearly all the other coaches about it :lol:
If only British skating’s current results were matched by the drama their coaches provide....


Here's Yebin's message today:
Absolutely gutted I won’t be able to skate on @dancingonice with Graham these couple of weeks.
Graham and I had a freak accident during our practice on Monday where his blade went into my shin.
Such unlucky timing but also counting my lucky stars as I cut through the muscles, and not nerves, bone, vessels or tendons! How I didn’t cut any of that they say is a miracle. ✨
Just insanely bummed about not being able to showcase Graham’s amazing journey together after such long hard months of training, but I know he’s in great hands with @karinamanta to step in until I can get back on the ice, and I know he’s a fighter so he will do all he can to do his very best! ⭐
Continue to vote for @skigraham and Karina! I’ll just be a nervous mom at the side of the rink with multiple devices to vote for them!💕💕
I’ll do my very best to heal and recover as quickly as I can with our physio, Sharon who is the best of the best, and if anyone can get me on the ice, it’s her! And I’ll be ready to skate with Graham if the fate allows it, so keep voting for him and here’s to hoping for the best on this unexpected bumpy road. 💗
ETA Karina Manta's reply to Yebin:
You have given me the warmest welcome onto your team! ❤️ Will do my best to show off everything you have taught @skigrahambell until you are healed and back at it!!
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Bad Brit
Staff member
Did anyone watch? It looks like the performances can be watched on the free app, including the group numbers. It was lovely to see Karina and Joe in the professional performances.
Also a relief that Yebin says she is healing well.

I actually quite liked there not being an annoying audience :lol: They just had the other contestants and pros and US Nats style fake applause.
I don’t have much of an opinion on any of the partnerships yet (they all did well considering they had less training time than a normal year) but I am looking forward to seeing Mark and Hamish start next week :kickass:


Bad Brit
Staff member
Joe Johnson is now competing as well, as a celeb has pulled out injured so he will partner stand in celeb, gymnast Amy Tinkler from this weekend.

Karina is still standing in for Yebin and did her first routine with skier Graham Bell on Sunday:

Karina and Joe also did an exhibition by themselves on Sunday choreographed by Christopher Dean. To me it was awful to watch because they filmed it twice, once wearing purple and once wearing yellow and then edited them together changing between the two :scream:


Joe Johnson is now competing as well, as a celeb has pulled out injured so he will partner stand in celeb, gymnast Amy Tinkler from this weekend.

Karina is still standing in for Yebin and did her first routine with skier Graham Bell on Sunday:

Karina and Joe also did an exhibition by themselves on Sunday choreographed by Christopher Dean. To me it was awful to watch because they filmed it twice, once wearing purple and once wearing yellow and then edited them together changing between the two :scream:

Thank goodness Van Outen has skidaddled. She was crap anyway even with the dodgy shoulder. We've been saved 5 weeks of winks to camera, shimmying and not a lot of skating. Not really sure why Tinkler was a stand-in anyway? She's been to hell and back with British Gymnastics this year so there's definitely a human interest story. It will be interesting to see how she does.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some mention that the Coronation Street actress (who was pretty good on Sunday) may be booted off the show for making promotional posts on her Instagram that used the DOI name without permission.


I've seen some mention that the Coronation Street actress (who was pretty good on Sunday) may be booted off the show for making promotional posts on her Instagram that used the DOI name without permission.
That's not good because she was quite good and has loads of potential! Is there are second reserve?


Bad Brit
Staff member
I really don’t think it will go that far. It sounds like she did break the rules of the contract and was asked to take the posts down but DOI have used both their reserve professionals and one reserve celeb, one of the pros is injured, one of the celebs is out and another is having to isolate which could also happen to any of them given the current situation. Hamish is also really popular after the awful way he was treated last year. I just can’t see them kicking them out over this - maybe if she had posted something awful/unacceptable then yes, but over promoting a clothing brand? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I really don’t think it will go that far. It sounds like she did break the rules of the contract and was asked to take the posts down but DOI have used both their reserve professionals and one reserve celeb, one of the pros is injured, one of the celebs is out and another is having to isolate which could also happen to any of them given the current situation. Hamish is also really popular after the awful way he was treated last year. I just can’t see them kicking them out over this - maybe if she had posted something awful/unacceptable then yes, but over promoting a clothing brand? :confused:
Did you see the post and can you tell us what brand it was for and how it used DOI? I ask only because this seems quite surprising - many of the celebs and definitely the pros regularly have paid promotions and sponsorships with various brands that are clearly connected with their roles on Dancing On Ice & post about it on Instagram all the time. It doesn't make sense this would be over promoting a clothing brand on Instagram. I agree that unless it was crazy serious, I don't see them booting a Corrie St actress that is Hamish' partner anyway - though they do love to create drama unrelated to the skating.


Well-Known Member
Did you see the post and can you tell us what brand it was for and how it used DOI? I ask only because this seems quite surprising - many of the celebs and definitely the pros regularly have paid promotions and sponsorships with various brands that are clearly connected with their roles on Dancing On Ice & post about it on Instagram all the time. It doesn't make sense this would be over promoting a clothing brand on Instagram. I agree that unless it was crazy serious, I don't see them booting a Corrie St actress that is Hamish' partner anyway - though they do love to create drama unrelated to the skating.
The posts were deleted as soon as DOI complained about it so I didn't see them but the article I read said there were two deleted tweets one that mentioned MyBodyFitPal (a massage thing) and Roxy Joggers (a clothing brand). She apparently mentioned DOI in both tweets which amounted to a breach of contract.

The issue was around using the DOI name without express written permission. I imagine there's a mutually beneficial arrangement where both the celeb/brand and DOI both get positive things out of promoted tweets/Instagram posts, but maybe DOI are tied in with certain brands exclusively and can't promote a competing brand which is why they will want to give express written permission to any use of the DOI name.

I just saw a headline from the Sun (so take with a pinch of sale) that was along the lines of "ITV bosses back Brooks" saying she won't be booted despite breaching her contract.


Well-Known Member
The posts were deleted as soon as DOI complained about it so I didn't see them but the article I read said there were two deleted tweets one that mentioned MyBodyFitPal (a massage thing) and Roxy Joggers (a clothing brand). She apparently mentioned DOI in both tweets which amounted to a breach of contract.

The issue was around using the DOI name without express written permission. I imagine there's a mutually beneficial arrangement where both the celeb/brand and DOI both get positive things out of promoted tweets/Instagram posts, but maybe DOI are tied in with certain brands exclusively and can't promote a competing brand which is why they will want to give express written permission to any use of the DOI name.

I just saw a headline from the Sun (so take with a pinch of sale) that was along the lines of "ITV bosses back Brooks" saying she won't be booted despite breaching her contract.
Does sound a bit like a DOI tempest in a teapot😉 Especially as Faye's day job is also a contract with ITV, and likely even posts for those products would have been fine if she didn't tag DOI. Just not buying ITV would consider booting her over that - especially as the Corrie St actors are generally treated really well on DOI. They are ITV family, after all.

Without seeing the post and the contract, it's all just tabloid stuff anyway. DOI may have included something in the current contract, but really everyone on the show has other sponsorship and promotion deals - and it is posted on their personal social media - so I don't see how DOI can do much more than say don't tag the DOI account. Even that makes little sense because anyone can tag the DOI account, the celebs and pros always get swag from companies - and are "asked" to post about it on their personal social media, and those posts are not typically tagged as paid partnerships, etc. You can see how it gets murky. People choose to do the show for these deals with other companies too, and the agents will seek deals for you once they know you have been asked to be on the show as either a pro or celeb. I know they don't all get written OKs for each, and I'd assume Faye has a savvy agent.

The flip side is that DOI does say you must have this or that social media account, and share the content they send you. But, if you get flagged for say, a copyright violation for reposting it - yes, that has happened - you're on your own to resolve it.

Anyway, a lengthy, disorganized way of saying that even if there was a little slip up, she clearly fixed it quickly, and it's hard to believe there is really more to it than that.




Yebin Mok shared clips on her IG ("Absolutely devastated that @skigrahambell Graham’s journey on @dancingonice had been cut so short. He had so much more to show that were in the works and in our goody bag! Such a shame. But I can share them with you now."):


Bad Brit
Staff member
I agree with Yebin, it was a shame, because he was too good to go so soon, also we didn’t really get to see Yebin, but I can’t say I am surprised. Despite making a visible error the other celeb in the skate off is a tabloid favourite who the show wouldn’t want to lose so soon. It’s always been an entertainment show first, not a skating show. That’s why I used to hate it and stopped watching for years until Mark joined and I grudgingly started again :lol: But with so little else to do at the moment it’s quite nice to have an entertainment show to watch with a few skaters I like in it :D


I agree with Yebin, it was a shame, because he was too good to go so soon, also we didn’t really get to see Yebin, but I can’t say I am surprised. Despite making a visible error the other celeb in the skate off is a tabloid favourite who the show wouldn’t want to lose so soon. It’s always been an entertainment show first, not a skating show. That’s why I used to hate it and stopped watching for years until Mark joined and I grudgingly started again :lol: But with so little else to do at the moment it’s quite nice to have an entertainment show to watch with a few skaters I like in it :D
I would totally have put Graham through - although he is very annoying - and thought there was no contest between them. But yes, Vardy is tabloid AND social media fodder so they'll keep her for as long as they can milk publicity out of her.


In A Fake Snowball Fight
Hadn’t realised Rebekah Vardy was in this. Hopefully she makes the final and the winners announcement is something like “It’s.........” :saint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was screaming at the tv when they all saved Vardy, the decisions couldn't been based on the skating because Graham was so much better than her.


Yeah I was screaming at the tv when they all saved Vardy, the decisions couldn't been based on the skating because Graham was so much better than her.
I honestly felt like T&D were gaslighting me! I mean, Banjo and Barrowman - meh whatever - but I think I know enough about skating to recognise the stronger skating between the two performances and then they voted for Vardy unanimously!

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