Everything Pairs! Tarah Kayne on Polina Edmunds' podcast; discussing post-retirement transition challenges with Dylan Moscovitch


EVERYTHING PAIRS! Polina Edmunds chats with Tarah Kayne on her latest podcast episode (August 23, 2022):
I sit down with 2016 National Pairs Champion Tarah Kayne to chat about everything pairs skating! We talk about going from singles to pairs, finding the right partner - what qualities to look for, her timeline of success in pairs, comfort level and fearful elements in pair skating, mental training/mentality when competing with a partner, advice she would give all pair girls, all things retirement and the struggles in the transitional period, and her skating inspirations/role models!
Polina also posted a clip on her Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChnQW6DDeUt/
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Re-posting here from the Athlete Mental Health thread...
Continuing on the topic of mental health and the how emotions as a result of / the amount of time for transitioning from retirement to the next chapter(s) are very different for every individual...

Tarah Kayne and Dylan Moscovitch conversed on IG Live earlier today [July 1, 2022] and both shared the individual struggles they each had to deal with since they retired, including searching for their identities beyond skating:
Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfzHMiJDXGA/
In this IG Live I interviewed @tarahkayne about her life in skating, her perspective on it after retirement and what she’s learned about herself after having some time to reflect.
We also talked about her recent experience with us at the Inner Alchemy Program at Reunion Retreat Centre in Costa Rica.
Tarah, thank you for your courage and transparency in diving deeper into some of these sensitive topics and for sharing your story!
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Well-Known Member
I just listened to Polina' interview with Tarah. It was really interesting - I had no idea that Tarah was practically a recreational skater until high school, not long before she teamed up with Danny.

Lack of serious coaching at a younger age left her at a cometitive disadvantage in terms of basic skating quality and competitive nerves, but it's truly amazing what she accomplished despite a late start with pairs. :respec:


Well-Known Member
I just listened to Polina' interview with Tarah. It was really interesting - I had no idea that Tarah was practically a recreational skater until high school, not long before she teamed up with Danny.

Lack of serious coaching at a younger age left her at a cometitive disadvantage in terms of basic skating quality and competitive nerves, but it's truly amazing what she accomplished despite a late start with pairs. :respec:
I haven't really followed US pairs and watched their nationals winning performance. Except for her technique on the twist, I was really amazed at how good a pair skater she was and she fit really well with Danny O' Shea. It's sad that their partnership ended because they were a good match. I also thought it was interesting that she was a "recreational" skater however she did have a double axel. Maybe recreational compared to serious skaters but that is still a lot more than what a true recreational skater will ever achieve.


Well-Known Member
Good clarification about "recreational" @soogar!

I think she used the term herself in regards to not training many hours or terribly seriously, not having high level coaches, and things like rarely doing full run-throughs. She did say she had a double axel, a salcow, and a shakely toe, which she knew would not get her far in singles, and that she went to Jim Peterson initially to learn some lifts and maybe open up more touring opportunities. He definitely saw more potential in her!! It seems she learned pairs practically overnight. And she also talked about being terrified of the triple twist and never feeling completely confident in it.


Polina Edmunds' latest podcast interview is with Dylan Moscovitch (Sept. 27., 2022):
I sit down with Canadian Pairs National champion and Olympian Dylan Moscovitch to chat about his story: How he got into pair skating and who his first partners were, pairing with Kirsten Moore Towers and become National Champions in their second season, his experience at the Olympic Games in Sochi, switching partners and skating with Liubov Ilyushechkina, his decision to retire in 2018 and the details behind it, importance of fueling well for both partners in pair sports, pursuing acting and working in skating in different ways, how 2020 shifted his path -- digging deep and exploring his inner self, spending time in Costa Rica and his first medicinal retreat there, getting inspired to create an athlete retreat to help others through sport retirement, ancient ways of healing the mind, body, and a spirit with psychedelic medicine, and and his conversation about healing, growing, and evolving!


Re-posting here (looks like Tarah started this on May 8):
Tarah Kayne has been sharing some deep thoughts and emotions on her new blog:



Well-Known Member
Polina Edmunds' latest podcast interview is with Dylan Moscovitch (Sept. 27., 2022):

I am glad to have listened to the interview with Dylan. It is the first time i have heard from someone with the world of skating intersecting with psychedelic healing. I have been in that world a long time and there are very good grounded folks in there and also inflated egos and power complexes. He sounds like a person connected with the grounded folks in service to others. Thank you for sharing, really worth a listen!

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