Ermolina's interview with Medvedeva `We changed the LP after Bratislava'


Cats and garlic lover
Olga Ermolina's interview with Evgenia Medvedeva `We changed the programme after the competition in Bratsilava' for

OE: Zhenya, why have you decided to change the LP and why Anna Karenina?
EM: First we created Anna Karenina as an exhibition number. I skated it the first time in a show in Japan. The public's reaction was obvious - the programme was well accepted. I felt the character, lived it. It's a gorgeous and powerful music from the movie `Anna Karenina' which penetrates me, I melt in that piece. The whole team loved the exhibition and someone mentioned between the lines why not use it as an LP
It would be wrong to say the previous LP by Ilya Averbukh didn't work. Quite the opposite: on Ondrej Nepela the audience feedback was good and the judges marks were high. But the character of Karenina moved me so much I decided I had to change. Together with the coaches we decided `Anna Karenina' would work better for me in the Olympic season.

OE: Should the Olympic season programmes be different? And if so - in what way?
EM: I reckon the Olympic programmes should be to an easily recognizable powerful music, that would not only be obvious to your compatriots and would need no translations. Anna Karenina is such a piece. Some might had not read the piece by Lev Tolstoy, but the 2012 movie that won an Oscar with Keira Nightly playing the leading role, with such actors as Jude Law probably a lot of people have seen. All the figure skating lovers and professionals, don't spare the time and do watch the movie if you haven't yet. You'll enjoy it so much. This is what am depicting on the ice and if you watch the movie you'll understand everything.
The programme's music is the movie soundtrack and it was nominated for the Oscar as the best music. It's powerful, penetrating, gets right into your heart. It was always important for me understanding what am I skating to, what story do I tell on the ice. Karenina's theme- her love story, her worries, I understand them. Such a specific personality is unusual for me. It is very interesting working on.

OE: When was the decision to change the LP made?
EM: After the competition in Bratislava. It was decided we'll change the LP to `Anna Karenina'. The decision was not an easy one. Of course it's a risky thing to change the programme during the season. But the season had just began and we had enough time.

OE: How different is the LP from the exhibition?
EM: The exhibition number differs from a competitive programme, hence we had to make changes to match the content, added the jumps. But the general idea, the layout, the steps, the spins remained the same. Right after Bratislava till Japan Open we were working on the new LP. But the programme is so comfortable for me the work was easy and fun.

OE: Remind us please who choreographed Anna Karenina?
EM: Daniil Gleikhengauz and Eteri Tutberidze.
But let me add straight away I really liked Ilya Averbukh's LP. I did not put it away and I might get back to it in the future.

OE: The results of the Japan Open, according to the marks, proved the decision was right?
EM: The components mark for Anna Karenina were higher. And again, am very comfortable skating that programme. I love the character. The programme, I think, is a success. But it's not for me to judge - it's the judges and the audience.


Well-Known Member
I think AK works better, especially as she looks more comfortable with it - but I loved her original LP and I'm glad to hear she might bring it back at some point.

Yeah, I like it too, but it doesn't say "Olympics" to me. The simple reality is that she is most likely bringing home the gold medal at these games (and deservedly so), and I'd love to see her do it with an iconic and recognizable program, one that will be associated with her. AK is perfect -- just about everyone (and definitely everyone in her homeland) is familiar with it, but it isn't "overskated" by any means.


Fan of many, uber of none
Thank you as always for the wonderful translation TAHBKA. I loved her long program, but the mood and style were very similar to the short program; Anna Karenina is enough a departure to show a stretch between the two. And you can tell that she really relates to the music and appears to enjoy it. I just hope she returns to this year's long program at some time. The music and fluid skating were beautiful.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I liked her previous LP a lot but AK is more 'Olympic'. She clearly likes telling a story and portraying a character. Tolstoy's book is so well known that even if one has not read it, people can still relate to the character. I didn't like the movie with Keira Knightly (I am going to watch the Russian one soon). It was not really an "Oscar winning" movie, except for a minor Oscar for may be Costumes? The Bronsky character was so wrong that it ruined the movie, and I am no fan of Keira either. Jude Law was good, as he usually is.

Still, it is the story that really matters. Zhenya clearly feels it and that's the most important thing. Also she looks stunning in that red dress. Definitely the right decision for this season.

I hope she will continue to compete and I would love to see her use the Averbukh LP in 2019.


Ubering juniors against my will
You're right, it only won a costume Oscar. But that point starts a different train of thought for me. I wonder if Evgenia's team finally figured out that she's not going to have a memorable Oscar moment skating to national tragedies, and decided to emulate Julia in a different way, by portraying a movie character.
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
You're right, it only won a costume Oscar. But that point starts a different train of thought for me. I wonder if Evgenia's team finally figured out that she's not going to have a memorable Oscar moment skating to national tragedies, and decided to emulate Julia in a different way, by portraying a movie character.

She skated to a national tragedy only once, and that was last year. The year before, she skated to W.E., which was not a national tragedy, and neither was her LP choreographed by Averbukh this year, so your statement seems a bit unfair to me. The comparison with Julia also seems far fetched to me. Many other skaters have portrayed characters in their skating, so why this criticism of Zhenya? Are you just looking for ways to slam her?

BTW I am going to rent the Keira version of AK soon because I want to hear that music again, and the costumes were gorgeous. My main problem with that movie was - how could she leave her husband for someone as colorless as the Bronsky showed in this movie? However, that belongs in the movies thread.


Ubering juniors against my will
No, I like her. I just think she's had some terrible programs. AK is a big step up.


Don't spare the time and do read the book if you haven't yet!!!

I'm excited about Med as AK, I like what we have seen so far, I think it will work well for her! Good for her going with her stomach feel and skate the program she really want to skate in the Olypmic season. And Daniil did choreo :respec:(@Vash01 I agree, the movie was bad. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't Anna Karenina:lol: And I loved Pride and Prejudice with Keira and all...)

Xela M

Well-Known Member
Don't spare the time and do read the book if you haven't yet!!!

I'm excited about Med as AK, I like what we have seen so far, I think it will work well for her! Good for her going with her stomach feel and skate the program she really want to skate in the Olypmic season. And Daniil did choreo :respec:(@Vash01 I agree, the movie was bad. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't Anna Karenina:lol: And I loved Pride and Prejudice with Keira and all...)

This x 100000!! The film is unwatchable and has nothing whatsoever to do with the book, which is absolutely genius. The film is so far removed from the book, you might as well call Star Wars an adaptation of Tolstoy's Karenina.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
This x 100000!! The film is unwatchable and has nothing whatsoever to do with the book, which is absolutely genius. The film is so far removed from the book, you might as well call Star Wars an adaptation of Tolstoy's Karenina.


I have not read AK yet, but plan to, when I have the time. I do plan to see the Russian AK with Tatiana Samulova(?). I assume it's better. It is much older (I think she died last year). I liked Tatiana a lot in 'Cranes are flying'.


Well-Known Member
I actually like Med’s AK as is. I think it has an interesting music edit and I really like the direction they went with it.

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