Big Brother 21


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Starts tonight, continues tomorrow both 8PM EST.

Cast is here:

I don't know anyone in the house this season, and I don't know how motivated I'll be to get through the three months and especially these likely slow-moving first few weeks, but I'm sure something CBS does will suck me right back in.

BTW- only one person is over the age of 31 (besides the '30ish' girl), and he's 53. There are also several people that can't give an answer to their favorite past houseguest, because they haven't seen the show.


Well-Known Member
I love people like David on these shows who think that "my teeth are perfectly aligned" constitutes a "fun fact" (and let's not even start about Jackson's shotgunning a beer ability :wall: -- I recognize Kathryn from being on a couple of seasons of CMT's "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team", but the one season she made it to training camp, she was the first one cut because of her apparent attitude/ego. Kemi calling herself a "writer" because she keeps a blog of guys she's dated/hooked up with (yeah, OK girl, sure).....


Throwing the (rule)book at them
They need to ditch the pretend shock key-finding intros. As the years go by, the contestants get worse and worse at acting surprised.


I’m enjoying things so far, but could use without the pre-existing relationship that they love to throw in every now and then. I haven’t heard about that secret being spilled yet? Maybe nobody will figure it out.

Some of the group has potential, but I am guessing I will be tired of most of the cast come mid-August. This group seems pretty cookie-cutter to previous seasons in that there are a few who will be complete non-entities and pretty invisible on the CBS broadcast until they land a power position or are placed on the block.

I did read that CBS had to comb over their rules for the Ovi’s power he won with how things were officially worded since he was placed on the block after the veto ceremony, and if he could use it at any time or if it had to be after initial nominations and before veto (which is a really short window in BB time)


A bitch from Canada
I dislike how the broadcast glosses over all the controversy happening in the house.

Do tell! I don't watch the feeds. 🍿

Guys, I don't feel at all invested in this season. I think this might be the first time I give up on BB,


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Jack's going to be the troublemaker of the season. I've crept on the live feeds a few times and he never really says anything of interest but states everything as a bit drama queen. And I think it would be helpful to show exactly what Kemi said or did that made him hate her so much- but I'm not even sure that it was anything that serious and maybe it wouldn't make any sense besides him acting crazy. I think Christie's hysterics over him bullying her into putting Kemi up were a bit much too, and she should've just put him up as the replacement after explaining everything to the others. Problem solved.

I felt bad initially for Kathryn being nominated, but I don't like the personality types that have to keep saying 'I'm usually the one who is in power and making these decisions' and 'They better watch out for me' and all of that. I read that at one point she wanted to just give up and go. That's really showing how strong she thinks she is outside of the game. :rolleyes:

Bella reminded me of Jun so much in the beginning and I thought I wasn't going to like her, but they've either selectively edited her or she's not nearly as bad.

I hope Ovi gets to stay in the house, but I really doubt it. Sounds like they were debating for a while late last night and they still came to the conclusion that it's best to get rid of him. Shortly after, he told Jack (and maybe Jackson?) of all people about his power thinking that it would buy him some time with the alliance he still thinks he's in, but rather it seems like they would prefer to get rid of the power. For as book smart as Ovi probably is, he's read just about everything completely wrong in this game so far.

Still can't really tell Nick and Sam apart. I know Sam is loud in his delivery, but when they are sitting next to each other like they were last night, I forget who is who.

Nicole is probably my favorite so far. She seems genuinely sweet and she and Cliff seem to be the only two not really assigned to an alliance at this point, so hopefully they can coast by while the others turn on each other or until they need to make a big move.

PS- the CBS teaser for tonight goes something like 'Who will be the first person voted out --- or will they be?" I don't know if it means they are going to some secluded place ('camp site', if you will like David did) or that there is another big surprise twist.
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Well-Known Member
I basically watch feeds all day. Jack is a horrible person and seems to hate Kemi for no reason except for you know...
Production had to scold Jack because he has said some really problematic things
Jackson is using Kat for sex, yet complains about her constantly.
Bella is a snake.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Yeah, whoever gets evicted is staying in the house. This sounds very Survivor previous season, and then they will at one point all fight to get back in.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
This cast is just ugh. Last year was so fun and entertaining with all the blindsides and the "Who flipped?" drama. So many of these people are either nasty or have no game playing skills whatsoever. Too many personal attacks already and too much focus on who's hooking up with who. All the people I like will probably be picked off by the "cool kids." Jack is an awful human, and I don't know if I can stand to watch this week with him as HOH. He already thinks he's God's gift.


Can anyone this season keep their yap shut or use their filter?? The edited show for last night was basically a highlight reel of stupidity.

After the show ended Michie tried to pin his hunky vote on others, and he also failed to see what kind of ripple effect it caused in the house first (as far as I could tell it wasn’t talked about too much). He’s brought it up so much that others are suspecting it was him, so #failboat


Throwing the (rule)book at them
This season is starting out way lopsided and I’m sure Nick won’t do anything big with his HOH because of the comeback occurring next week, but I’m hoping Nicole at least makes it through the week and that David can be the one to return. It was amazing to hear him figure out every single little/big alliance in the few days he was back in the house. By the end of the live show Thursday night, I’m sure (some of) the 8 will have figured out they have to start turning on each other.

Michie actually showed promise in his gameplay from what they showed last night, but if he’s going around questioning the vote that much, then I take it back. JC he is not. 😂

And WTF Cliff?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
This season is really starting to piss me off and too many of the people in the house have shown their ugly sides.

The only redeeming thing about said people being put on live feeds for 3 months is that the world sees their true colors, and they should get a reality check when it’s over.


Well-Known Member
This season is really starting to piss me off and too many of the people in the house have shown their ugly sides.

The only redeeming thing about said people being put on live feeds for 3 months is that the world sees their true colors, and they should get a reality check when it’s over.
And CBS needs to stop editing the show in a way that benefits the worst people. :angryfire


Well-Known Member
ITA Tony
The H8teful group - Jack proposed that game is not discussed with the evicted folks - and no one disagreed.
And there have been times where the people in the game are in the HOH and ignoring the evicted folks.
Good jury management there! One of them is coming back. TPTB better give that person some safety- one of the few times I am proposing giving someone safety.
The only good thing about this awful hateful alliance - will be when they completely fall apart.

So far I am impressed with David, and maybe Kemi.
Bella is such a piece of work - how can anyone trust her.
Jack and Jackson - please just go away.
Tommy - sort of like Frankie Grande - but his stuff seems more like himself and not mugging for the camera. I did not like Frankie, but Tommy does not seem bad.
Sam - why are you winning vetos when you don't personally need it? Drawing attention to yourself? And it seems like he knew about the 8 person alliance, that he was not one of the 8 and now it is 9.
Holly and Analyse - can't tell them apart.
Kat -confuses me that there are 2 bleach blondes in there - she really looks different when all made up.
Christie - wanted to root for her since we share a last name, but she is all over the place.
And at least 2 couples have had sex, if not 3 or? WTF with these people. Their parents must be so proud.

for the first time ever - and I have watched every season - I am thinking of not watching. I am not checking websites that often and feel quite disinterested.
And Sparks - yes they should show what is really going on. I chat with a coworker every year about the show and her opinions are just so different from mine.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
So they did give the whole gr8ful alliance a different kind of edit tonight. Finally Jack is seen as he typically is in the feeds-- very his way or no way, and very condescending in general. I get that Bella thinks that Nicole really is making all of that stuff up, but she didn't have to blow up as much as she did-- and that DR comment about being able to read people... please. She really has it coming when she leaves the game. At least she knows she can't ever keep her mouth shut and none of this should be a shock.

I feel bad for Nicole but it seems like the house, or at least the majority, is shifting and is going to keep her. If that happens, she will surely fly under the radar for a long while as the big alliance will be battling with each other and trying to get the numbers from the people they have previously trashed. If Christie, Tommy & co. can really pull off keeping her, I can't wait to see Bella and Nick's faces- they will have to know immediately that there was truth to what was said.

I watched the live feeds for a bit the other day when Christie was going into psycho mode about being put up. They didn't show it tonight, but Nick had to sit with her for probably 15 minutes telling her that she's crazy for even thinking that. And just when she would get calm, she'd start right back up and cry.

Hoping for Ovi to NOT come back because I don't like that Jack and Michie know about his power (well at this point, pretty much everyone does). I wouldn't mind David or Kemi coming back- the former for his skill at reading people and really laying low, and the latter because you know she'd stir things up even more with that group.

For those of you who really frequent the feeds- was Tommy specifically being nasty towards Nicole during the group meeting? CBS edited him to come across as the only one from that group that really cared/felt bad for her.

Cliff on the live feeds just seems to mope around from room to room, either trying to listen in on conversations or literally just be completely clueless. I want to like Jess but her 'I'm gonna win that HOH / I'm gonna show them when I win the POV and take myself off' DR quotes are already getting old. I know they tell them to exaggerate, but hers are awful.

This season isn't really doing it for me yet, but the demise of the nasty players is going to be delightful.

BTW- Nicole has to be one of the highest-rated/liked players ever.


Well-Known Member
So they did give the whole gr8ful alliance a different kind of edit tonight. Finally Jack is seen as he typically is in the feeds-- very his way or no way, and very condescending in general. I get that Bella thinks that Nicole really is making all of that stuff up, but she didn't have to blow up as much as she did-- and that DR comment about being able to read people... please. She really has it coming when she leaves the game. At least she knows she can't ever keep her mouth shut and none of this should be a shock.

This season isn't really doing it for me yet, but the demise of the nasty players is going to be delightful.

BTW- Nicole has to be one of the highest-rated/liked players ever.

Great post!
I was about to give up - but now their downfall should be fun.
And on Jokers - ratings - Nicole is above a 4 -- true that she probably is the highest. And 4 peoples under 1 - ha ha.
Someone on the old previously tv forum wondered whether this seasons Americas Fav Player will be a non jury member - this was earlier this week - and thinking the h8teful grp makes it to the end.
ha ha
Nicole - how can any viewer not like her! She is real and is actually nice. She is figuring out what she did wrong (not much in my opinion, other than trying) and not nasty to others - when they do deserve it. She is young and it will be nice for her once she is out when she sees her support. Tony - I hope you are right that she will be safe tonight and for a bit. I think she is smart and thoughtful and she could adapt??
I assume at some point the lying of Analyse, Holly and Christie - will come undone when they start their in-fighting. Or everyone will show that clip of them saying Nick/Bella are bullies once out of the house.
Bella doesn't even listen. Can't wait for her to realize what she has done - but probably won't get to see it.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who really frequent the feeds- was Tommy specifically being nasty towards Nicole during the group meeting? CBS edited him to come across as the only one from that group that really cared/felt bad for her.
I have not seen Tommy be nasty about Nicole. When he's talking with Bella and Nick, he just agrees with them.
The blindside is still on as of Thursday morning.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The blindside is still on as of Thursday morning.

And it’s a great time to do it. Bella isn’t exactly a comp beast, Nick can’t play in the next HOH, and two of the three powers are with people going against them with the vote tonight. And no matter who comes back into the game, I’m sure they will be against Nick and Bella anyways.

Seeing how Jack treated Ovi last night, I actually hope he is the one that comes back and then puts up him and Michie with his power.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I'm glad Tommy is on board to save Nicole. They seemed like they had a good friendship going early in the game, but lately I never see him talking to her. He's too busy being with the "cool kids." I'm sure he'll get far in the game because no one wants to put him up (shades of JC last year).


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Holly just filled Kat in on the vote but suggested to Kat that she still vote Nicole out as to seem like she’s not against Bella and Nick. But come on. Those two are going to have much bigger targets than Kat, who was never in that big group to begin with. Now hopefully she keeps her mouth shut for the next 4 hours.


Well-Known Member
Holly just filled Kat in on the vote but suggested to Kat that she still vote Nicole out as to seem like she’s not against Bella and Nick. But come on. Those two are going to have much bigger targets than Kat, who was never in that big group to begin with. Now hopefully she keeps her mouth shut for the next 4 hours.
Kat is planning on being a double agent. I'm here for it.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
They were supposed to wait until 10 mins before the live show to tell Kat. This is too much time to run her mouth and spoil the one good thing we've had all season.


Well-Known Member
They were supposed to wait until 10 mins before the live show to tell Kat. This is too much time to run her mouth and spoil the one good thing we've had all season.
She won't. She playing the dingbat role well. Meanwhile she knows exactly what's going on in the house.

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