alilou's Adventures in Wonderland 2 - all over the map


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed this post- both the memories and the history. I've never been to Australia; it's definitely on my list.


I really enjoyed this post- both the memories and the history. I've never been to Australia; it's definitely on my list.
Thanks so much Kedrin. I really enjoyed writing this post; sometimes the writing flows easier.


It's been a while! I took a little break. There's been a lot happening, most of it pretty challenging. 2023 was a LOT! :scream::yikes::eek:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for your honest, wise and humorous reflection on coming to terms with aging, @Alilou. I found it insightful and helpful. It's difficult to accept hard limits on one's life that haven't been there before, especially when they are integral to our sense of self. So sorry you have gone through so much in recent months, but I appreciate you sharing your meaning making.


Thanks for your honest, wise and humorous reflection on coming to terms with aging, @Alilou. I found it insightful and helpful. It's difficult to accept hard limits on one's life that haven't been there before, especially when they are integral to our sense of self. So sorry you have gone through so much in recent months, but I appreciate you sharing your meaning making.
Thank you; I really appreciate it so much when what I write is helpful to others. It's been a journey for sure. And not over yet (thank goodness)!


Well-Known Member
It's been a while! I took a little break. There's been a lot happening, most of it pretty challenging. 2023 was a LOT! :scream::yikes::eek:

Wonderful writing, ali! I'm sorry all of that happened to you but I love the way you're processing it and responding. The doctor only did an ultrasound? I had all kinds of other testing. I DO have significant plaque buildup in my left carotid, genetic in my case. Sounds like your intention to find a different doctor is a good idea! Sorry too the statin did not agree with you; there are a number of variations, maybe they'll find another one for you that is helpful, if they decide you need it.


Wonderful writing, ali! I'm sorry all of that happened to you but I love the way you're processing it and responding. The doctor only did an ultrasound? I had all kinds of other testing. I DO have significant plaque buildup in my left carotid, genetic in my case. Sounds like your intention to find a different doctor is a good idea! Sorry too the statin did not agree with you; there are a number of variations, maybe they'll find another one for you that is helpful, if they decide you need it.
Thanks @sk8pics. I hope they find good medicine for you, in all ways. I've had a taste of what it's like to live with an inner, hidden issue and didn't like it at all!
I'm actually feeling much better since seeing the report that the atheroma is in the early stages and does not IMO require medication, though I'm seeing a specialist at the end of the month.
Plus - statins are not what they're cracked up to be. There's a meta-analysis of 21 clinical trials involving 140,000 patients. The findings are, um, interesting:


Well-Known Member
Thanks @sk8pics. I hope they find good medicine for you, in all ways. I've had a taste of what it's like to live with an inner, hidden issue and didn't like it at all!
I'm actually feeling much better since seeing the report that the atheroma is in the early stages and does not IMO require medication, though I'm seeing a specialist at the end of the month.
Plus - statins are not what they're cracked up to be. There's a meta-analysis of 21 clinical trials involving 140,000 patients. The findings are, um, interesting:
I tend not to read articles like that because I don't have the medical training to really evaluate them properly. My cardiologist is very good and my cousin is a doctor and he advises me too at time. The lipitor worked fabulously well for me and dramatically lowered my LDL and it may have raised my HDL, and that's good. With the genetic defect I have it's important to keep my LDL as low as we reasonably can; too much LDL will only lead to more plaque buildup for me. I have relatively minor issues that may or may not be due to the lipitor; I'll discuss it with my doctor in a couple of weeks. I think statins probably work well for some people, less well for others, and of course the different statins work differently. For my case, there is no question of the value.


I tend not to read articles like that because I don't have the medical training to really evaluate them properly. My cardiologist is very good and my cousin is a doctor and he advises me too at time. The lipitor worked fabulously well for me and dramatically lowered my LDL and it may have raised my HDL, and that's good. With the genetic defect I have it's important to keep my LDL as low as we reasonably can; too much LDL will only lead to more plaque buildup for me. I have relatively minor issues that may or may not be due to the lipitor; I'll discuss it with my doctor in a couple of weeks. I think statins probably work well for some people, less well for others, and of course the different statins work differently. For my case, there is no question of the value.
I can see our situations are quite different. It helps me that Don's work life involved research for medical-legal cases so I have him verify what I find as to whether or not it's valid research or just badly researched nonsense.
I'm glad the lipitor works for you. Given my experience with Crestor I'm very reluctant to try another statin, especially as it's most likely I don't need it. One of the ironies in this is my doctor never even checked my cholesterol (which has never been high!) before prescribing the statin for me. Grrrr. I could go on and on about her, but I don't want to give myself high blood pressure 😂


Well-Known Member
I can see our situations are quite different. It helps me that Don's work life involved research for medical-legal cases so I have him verify what I find as to whether or not it's valid research or just badly researched nonsense.
I'm glad the lipitor works for you. Given my experience with Crestor I'm very reluctant to try another statin, especially as it's most likely I don't need it. One of the ironies in this is my doctor never even checked my cholesterol (which has never been high!) before prescribing the statin for me. Grrrr. I could go on and on about her, but I don't want to give myself high blood pressure 😂
Yes, and wow that your doctor did not check your cholesterol! I’ll say that my cholesterol has always been good but I still have this one particular problem. So definitely see another doctor, and make sure there really is no need for meds. BTW, a friend of mine had terrible problems with Lipitor but is totally fine on Crestor, so maybe check with a different doc!

BTW, I did not mean to come off harsh. I get tired sometimes of people, when they hear you are on a particular med or have a particular issue, immediately telling you all about how it’s bad or dangerous or wrong. Not saying you did that.


Yes, and wow that your doctor did not check your cholesterol! I’ll say that my cholesterol has always been good but I still have this one particular problem. So definitely see another doctor, and make sure there really is no need for meds. BTW, a friend of mine had terrible problems with Lipitor but is totally fine on Crestor, so maybe check with a different doc!

BTW, I did not mean to come off harsh. I get tired sometimes of people, when they hear you are on a particular med or have a particular issue, immediately telling you all about how it’s bad or dangerous or wrong. Not saying you did that.
Oh no! You didn't come off harsh at all! And I totally get how you could get tired of the peanut gallery, so I apologize for that.
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New blog post. This one is about a half day river cruise in Oz. Sweet. Peaceful. Jellyfish! Thousands of jellyfish! :swoon:



I've just published a new blog post - it's a photo essay of people in Greece.



Well-Known Member
I collect pins from places I've travelled to. I recently rearranged them- it's fun to relive old memories!


I'm so excited to be sharing this! In 1980 I was part of a 4-month trans-Africa expedition from Johannesburg to London. This is the first blog post about that epic journey.

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