Richard Gauthier accused of sexual harassment (1981-85)


Well-Known Member
The only way he could have escaped these kinds of charges would be to move to a country that doesn't have an extradition agreement with Canada. Moving from Quebec to Ontario wouldn't protect him.
He didn't move to Oakville.


Well-Known Member
One should never spread that kind of gossips if you don’t know
anything about it.
Pelletier moved to Rimouski at 13 yo and then moved to Boucherville and was coached by Josée Picard.

no, you're right, I didnt intend that,it was just more a legit question based on ages, I had no idea of the where abouts and reasons, I saw PD and reversed the letters. I wasn't meaning for a rumor, just my question.


Well-Known Member
Abuse/harassment wasn't among the reasons that were rumored at the time.
If I remember correctly, the "official" reason they gave for moving to Alberta is that they felt their pairs skills were strong, but they (especially Jamie) needed help with side-by-jumps, and Jan Ullmark had helped her with her triples when she was skating singles.


Bunny mama


Doing all the things
An article in English.

That was creepy.


Well-Known Member
An article in English.

That crosses so many boundaries I can't even count them. Is this a jury trial?


Mayor of Carrot City
That crosses so many boundaries I can't even count them. Is this a jury trial?

No, a judge is hearing the case. The last article @Sylvia linked says that the trial is going to continue in May. It sounds like both the defense and the Crown have made summary arguments, but it's not clear if the judge is going to deliver her verdict then or whether there will be more testimony.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
An article in English.

If I had been assigned as his defence attorney, I would have strongly advised against admitting to...any of the things he admits to here.


Mayor of Carrot City
If I had been assigned as his defence attorney, I would have strongly advised against admitting to...any of the things he admits to here.

I wondered about that too. I can only guess that because there was a witness (the skater's roommate at the time) who was able to verify the skater's description of what went on - i.e. what the skater described to her at the time it happened - the defense decided it might be safer to get Gauthier to acknowledge what happened, and explain why he did what he did. Rather than getting into quibbling over details of competing stories.


New Member
Everything is so wrong !
Whatever his defense is , its just unacceptable in my opinion.

After reading the articles :

1) you should NEVER have as an ADULT a CHILD (your own student) naked in your private home bathroom, in your shower and than in your BED !!!

2) and that not once but many times !:(

3) he also had a woman living with him , who was aware that a child was there … in the bathroom, having showers together than in his room sleeping together … and never reacted? Or thought it was wrong ?
That I will never understand.

That is another problem in society , sometimes people prefer to close their eyes on events , they know very well they are not right , and that are actually criminal and say nothing so the abuse can go on … its so sad.

4) Than he also admits putting his head on his student’s stomach (to hear the noises) while they were both naked!
How in someone’s right mind can this be ok ? Especially once again , when he admits himself they were both naked.

Overall, those behaviors wether he will confess ALL the others as well or not , leave us all so perplexed …

don’t they realize how scared and scarred they leave those children, victims of adults very unacceptable behaviors , for a life time after that ? And I mean permanent scars without any doubts .

Shame on you for ruining a life , Mr Gauthier seriously.


Well-Known Member
It’s a relatively weakly translated article, the French one has more details, saying Gauthier denies everything the boy is claiming. He only admits to showering together (hello??) but didn’t touch him, spoon him and that the pool incident didn’t happen.
Gross and vile on so many levels.


New Member
Another article from the victim’s testimony:



New Member
It’s a relatively weakly translated article, the French one has more details, saying Gauthier denies everything the boy is claiming. He only admits to showering together (hello??) but didn’t touch him, spoon him and that the pool incident didn’t happen.
Gross and vile on so many
It’s a relatively weakly translated article, the French one has more details, saying Gauthier denies everything the boy is claiming. He only admits to showering together (hello??) but didn’t touch him, spoon him and that the pool incident didn’t happen.
Gross and vile on so many levels.
Gross and vile indeed :( , he also admits sleeping naked together , that after the steam bath they had , and the shower he slipped under the coverts naked :( thats when he admits putting his hear on the boy’s stomach which to say , all this happened while both naked again.
He claims the pool incident did happen before the shower ect but that the only thing he saw was an erection inside the boy’s speedo but that he did not touch him.
There’s nothing more sad than to clearly see how much abuse of power he used on the CHILD.

Since when a teacher with no vile intention , brings a child in his own home shower and showers naked together , than slips naked under his covers to sleep with the child?
And finds this vile excuse of doing nothing else but putting his hear against the child stomach while he was naked to hear the noises happening in there , really ????
All of it is so unacceptable :(
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Re-posting here:
An update on the status of the Richard Gauthier trial. The Judge will render her decision on January 25.
Original article (in French) published on September 9, 2022:


AFAIK, Richard Gauthier has not been sentenced yet. Updating this thread with 2 Journal de Montreal articles by Michael Nguyen in French from August 2023:

"A former star figure skating coach who sexually abused a 14-year-old athlete now works at a pizzeria, but he might be able to return to the business, according to a former Skate Canada president [Benoît Lavoie] who praised him despite crimes that continue to haunt the victim." (August 16):

"To change mentalities: a former coach must receive 18 months, says the Crown" (August 17; includes a video report):

ETA a machine translated excerpt from the end:

However, while scandals concerning sexual abuse in the world of sport and education continue to appear in the news, it is time to send a strong message that young people must be protected.

“We want to put an end to the silence, we want the victims to stop being ostracized, regardless of the notoriety of the coach,” argued [Christine] Desjarlais.

So, if the community is incapable of changing mentalities, the courts can send them a strong message, she said. And that would mean sending the 61-year-old ex-coach behind bars for 18 months.

Defense lawyer Giuseppe Battista, however, responded by asserting that if Gauthier was found guilty for actions committed in the past, “he never found himself in such a situation again” for the rest of his career. and that he understood the complainant's distress, even if he does not recognize the facts.

“He apologized, he understands the situation which should not have arisen,” argued the lawyer, who represents Gauthier with Mr. Laurence Juillet St-Laurent.

Mr. Battista then recalled that the rules at the time were different, and that Gauthier then had little experience as a coach.

“We must not ostracize people for life,” he said. People are capable of getting back up, and he did it.”

Proposing 90 days in prison on weekends or a year in home confinement, in addition to community service, he recalled that the fact that Gauthier was charged after almost four decades already sent the message that even after all this time, "a person can find themselves before the courts even if they have led an exemplary life.”

Judge Josée Bélanger took her decision under advisement.
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Needs a nap
Defense lawyer Giuseppe Battista, however, responded by asserting that if Gauthier was found guilty for actions committed in the past, “he never found himself in such a situation again” for the rest of his career. and that he understood the complainant's distress, even if he does not recognize the facts.

“He apologized, he understands the situation which should not have arisen,” argued the lawyer, who represents Gauthier with Mr. Laurence Juillet St-Laurent.

Mr. Battista then recalled that the rules at the time were different, and that Gauthier then had little experience as a coach.

“We must not ostracize people for life,” he said. People are capable of getting back up, and he did it.”

Won't someone thing of the poor sex offenders????? :rolleyes:

Private Citizen

"PC." Pronouns: none/none
Won't someone thing of the poor sex offenders????? :rolleyes:

18 months in jail hardly seems like a harsh penalty.

With the way his attorney is talking, it's as if he were facing decades behind bars. I actually agree that we shouldn't ostracize people for life, especially if it was a one-time nonviolent (i.e., he didn't rape the guy at knifepoint/gunpoint) offense from decades ago. But what they're asking for is a tiny step above being let off scot free.

That said - if he serves his time and agrees to certain conditions like monitoring, I would be open to giving him and others a path back into the sport. But let him do some hard time first, then ask for reconciliation.

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