Stolbova and Klimov Fan Thread #2: Please Don't Stop the Reign

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Contrary to popular belief, Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov have NOT announced retirement yet! They are simply skipping Worlds due to Ksenia's injured ankle ligament, but hope to be back soon. They've had a rough time lately, but they are fighters and I will continue to believe in them!

I thought I'd open up a new thread to chronicle their post-2018 career, just to keep it fresh. Wishing them all the best!

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I'm legal and happy to handle it! I almost missed this news, didn't realize there was a new thread!

Well, then, I won't stand in your way. I'd ask if he has a little brother but I know he doesn't...hmm, is Shoma taken yet?

It's okay! I made the new thread when they announced they would continue skating together at least one more year (their other thread had been running for over 3 years and if the top ice dancers deserve multiple threads, so do Ksenia and Fedor!)

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
I certainly hope theyĀ“re not retiring! He probably wants to try coaching for future purposes.

No, bless them, THEY ARE NOT RETIRING! Fedor promised us one more year at least...

All I want it a world title for Ksenia, too much of a diva (I use this word as a compliment) to not be a world champion.

I love the way your mind works!

I'd rather take it with me.....

Go ahead :ROFLMAO:


Banned Member
This cycle is should be Sui&Han and Tarasova/Morozov's dominance .

Apparently, but in fs there can always be surprises and unpredictability. With Ashtakova/Rogonov not skating (I heard she wants 'out of the sport,' or they are taking 'a pause'), my favorite top Russian pair is Stolbova/Klimov. I just find Z/E so very boring. They are nice looking with good lines and skating skills, but so bland with no spark, no connection, and forget about on-ice personality.

Meanwhile, T/M & Mozer I'm not sure I can forgive for stubbornly keeping that terrible fp all last season when it really did not work for them. It was cruel, pretentious and overbearing of T/M, their coaches, and the judges (who rewarded them for that program) to keep jamming it in our faces. The judges love T/M and over-reward them for dreck. I really hope T/M will earn their points next season with better music, choreo, costumes and overall packaging. But I suppose if Z/E don't have to earn their overscores, T/M never will either. :rolleyes:

Fingers-crossed that Stol/Klim will regain health, strength and bodacious ability to compete with badass precision and sass. I'm all in for that! :respec:

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Apparently, but in fs there can always be surprises and unpredictability. With Ashtakova/Rogonov not skating (I heard she wants 'out of the sport,' or they are taking 'a pause'), my favorite top Russian pair is Stolbova/Klimov. I just find Z/E so very boring. They are nice looking with good lines and skating skills, but so bland with no spark, no connection, and forget about on-ice personality.

Meanwhile, T/M & Mozer I'm not sure I can forgive for stubbornly keeping that terrible fp all last season when it really did not work for them. It was cruel, pretentious and overbearing of T/M, their coaches, and the judges (who rewarded them for that program) to keep jamming it in our faces. The judges love T/M and over-reward them for dreck. I really hope T/M will earn their points next season with better music, choreo, costumes and overall packaging. But I suppose if Z/E don't have to earn their overscores, T/M never will either. :rolleyes:

Fingers-crossed that Stol/Klim will regain health, strength and bodacious ability to compete with badass precision and sass. I'm all in for that! :respec:

Astakhova/Rogonov have confirmed the split :cry: but welcome to the Stolbova/Klimov fan train! Prepare for a constant soap opera of heartache LOL. They are by far my favorite Mozer pair and I can't help hoping they'll someday reclaim that top Russian pairs spot.

I am an incurable optimist when it comes to them.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Well...Ksenia and Fedor are not skating on the Grand Prix this year. No mention of injury, retirement, or splitting, so I guess maybe they just need rest?

I'm going to miss them, but all the more reason to look forward to Nationals (or whenever they decide to show up!)

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
I'm a little concerned they aren't on the Grand Prix list...

Me too, but I do have faith they might just be taking some time off. They might just need time to reevaluate life after the whole Olympic ordeal.

I'm hoping this means focusing on nationals, europeans, and worlds. Which is fine with me.

Me too! Watch out, world, when they come back in December with a fixed twist and consistent jumps!


Well-Known Member
Me too, but I do have faith they might just be taking some time off. They might just need time to reevaluate life after the whole Olympic ordeal.

Me too! Watch out, world, when they come back in December with a fixed twist and consistent jumps!
Their technique was not broken..It was their bodies...With Klimov having shoulder and arm probs. he was not able to catch her at all on the twist. She was landing it cold without a catch (often on 2 feet) no wonder she got injured. Klimov would put his arms up so he was touching her but not even breaking her momentum.It is not surprising it has taken a long time to heal.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Their technique was not broken..It was their bodies...With Klimov having shoulder and arm probs. he was not able to catch her at all on the twist. She was landing it cold without a catch (often on 2 feet) no wonder she got injured. Klimov would put his arms up so he was touching her but not even breaking her momentum.It is not surprising it has taken a long time to heal.

I was starting to suspect the same.


Banned Member
They are a beautiful pair but I am worried Klimov does not have the talent and physical strength to keep up with Ksenia who is equally beautiful but far more powerful and technically strong. I hope the rumor of her finding a better partner are true, and will always fondly remember the beautiful memories of S&K at their best if this is indeed the end for them.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
They are a beautiful pair but I am worried Klimov does not have the talent and physical strength to keep up with Ksenia who is equally beautiful but far more powerful and technically strong. I hope the rumor of her finding a better partner are true, and will always fondly remember the beautiful memories of S&K at their best if this is indeed the end for them.

I think Ksenia and Fedor are at the same place Savchenko/Szolkowy were in 2014. They are both excellent skaters but are somehow lacking whatever it takes to get up to the top. I don't think it's all Fedor's fault (he is actually pretty technically solid), but if Ksenia is going to take the Aliona Road to an Olympic medal in 2022, I will support her all the way!

I do think it would be helpful if she found a partner who is very, very big so they can have a twist with more amplitude. Fedor is trying but he simply is not the size of Massot or Vladimir Morozov. Hopefully this guy has good jumps too...


Well-Known Member
I'm sad and kinda pissed to not see them in the GP. :(:angryfire And the Unknown is killing me. :confused:

I still continue to watch their performance from "The Unknown Known" in Barcelona. What a program and what a performance. That was the year they should've grabbed that world title. Le sigh! :(


Banned Member
I think Ksenia and Fedor are at the same place Savchenko/Szolkowy were in 2014. They are both excellent skaters but are somehow lacking whatever it takes to get up to the top.

I really have to disagree with you. Savchenko/Szolkowy are 5-time World champions and 2-time Olympic medalists, so they were at the very top for years! Not to mention the important influence and impact they've had on the pairs discipline! Also, Ksenia/Fedor had their sterling run of success, earning an unexpected Olympic silver medal, a World silver medal, 3 Euro silvers and 1 bronze, along with a string of gold, silver, and bronze on the GP/GPF and senior Bs. Believe it or not, that kind of medal-winning record connotes a 'top' contending team.

Every team has weaknesses and ups-and-downs to overcome. Stolbova/Klimov are no exception. At their best, they've been great and fun to watch. Injuries can really hamper careers. If you are talking about not feeling they are that well-matched personality-wise, that's a whole different can of beans. ;)

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