German Skating News 2017/2018



Great achievement of Savchenko/Massot:
They are sportsmen/woman/pair of the month (February):

They won with 43,6% vs Laura Dahlmeier (38,7%, 2gold, 1 x bronze at olympics) and Friedrich/Margis (2x gold at olympics).
Given the 'low' popularity of FS in Germany this is quite an achievement.

Imho they have good chances of making Top3 at 'Team of the year 2018' in December.


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Hess has just finished as 10th (unexpectedly due to withdrawal from American skater Krasnozhon) with new PBs in both segments, totaling in 195 pts, about 30 pts higher than his previous PB. He should be very proud :respec:. So Fentz better get back this 2nd spot at Euros next year.

Thomalla/Kunkel scored only PBs, too, finishing 7th. So two spots next year. They improved a lot compared to last year.

I liked Schwendinger/Wunderlich this year better than last year. They are a true Sinicyn/Skotnicky team :encore:. It's a pity that they most likely have a subscription to 10th place and about 130 pts. Next year they move to senior. Then we will have 4 teams competing for 1 spot at Euros. We need a 2nd spot.
My favourite FS this season by a German team:
(I'm a Sinicyn-Skotnicky program uber :swoon:)

So far a good event for the German fed. The Ladies should hold on to the 2 spots. Marold was a nice surprise yesterday, her performance was lovely.


Agree, kudos to the entire German junior team :respec:
Great outing in Sofia, with los surprise finishes.

T/K - Finally there is some presentation in their programs, I like. Beside her growing, the lifts and throws do not look bad, I really fear though with her jumping. There is a long way to go though :shuffle: Do they have a another year in juniors? Is she age-aligible for seniors next season? (I will never get the age-rules, never!)

Hess - Holy crap yes :respec: Him securing 2 spots was a total surprise. He is a delight to watch, so happy with his scores; great development, great season, great result to top it at the end! Good boy! A shame Fentz lost the 2nd Euros spot :drama:

M/P - I guess it was a success making the FS cut :respec:
S/W - Good lord, we could not disagree more @text_skate :rofl: I am thanking every skating god out there that I don't have to see that FD anymore. It was so bad in every possible way imho. You can stand out with voidy programs if you have the charisma or the skills. Both is lacking for me. Either way, great for them to remain Top10 (after a really shit season), getting that 2nd spot an somehow getting these tech marks again in the end. I agree, we need 2 dance spots at euros, we really do. Maybe with the retirements and some luck next season the pair sent (whoever it might be) might make it. I want to remind, we have 5 teams next season (though S/W are not in contention for the spot at all imho) with L/P, M/D, K/N and U/S additionally.

Dastich - As @alchemy void already mentioned, great achievement by Dastich, especially swith the growth spurt. Now someone please pays attention to get the girl some decent skills and go on mixing that senior scene up a bit.
Marold - Solid outing, lots of promise!


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What an event for German skaters at junior worlds last week. Not used to good skating news.

T/K really improved in their skating. Robert came a bit out of his comfort zones. Puberty depression might have ended. Sometimes I believe that German men totally lack in self-confidence when I watch Robert or Nolan (so does Bruno). It seems not to be easy to be teen male figure skater in Germany if you share the same class with football or ice-hockey players.


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Last week in Berlin based newspaper Tagesspiegel was an article about the state of German figure skating. Anne Armbrecht reflects, that for a long time, no German women have made it to the top of figure skating. Can the Olympic victory of Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot change that now? She talked to German figure skater an two-time Olympian Marina Kielmann

At the moment of the greatest triumph [S/M's OGM], it was Katarina Witt, who found thought-provoking words.

Who else is left after S/M will retire?

Here are some quotes via google (edited) translate.
It may not only have been thoughtfulness, but also a little hurt pride. After all, this is about her legacy: the tradition of German figure skating, especially that of women, was shaped in the Witt era. She herself benefits as a high-earning television expert and advertising medium today. On its website, the German skating Union (DEU) refers to it naturally and self-confidently: Germany is still one of the top four nations in the Olympic Games. Only the succession is not well ordered since the 90s. The listed successes, at least those in medals in the individual, are still from the 60s and 80s. The last top ten finish of the once successful women came from Lillehammer in 1994, when Tanja Szewczenko became sixth.
It wouldn't be tragic, if not so much depended on it: Because with the top-level sport reform, the tradition of funding is put to the test. Funds will no longer be distributed according to past successes but for future prospects.
Many of the concerns of figure skaters in Germany are hardly different from other sports. Some are also very special. There is too little money, too few trainers, too few rinks. Above all, fewer and fewer talents - or at least less ambitious.
Marina Kielmann can not confirm, that ther is less talent in absolute numbers.
The clubs could only partially be blamed, says Marina Kielmann. [...] "We do not have ice rinks everywhere." In the few places, the figure skaters are often outnumbered by ice hockey and opening hours for the public. At school, skating does not matter. Often one can only hope that children discovered figure skating on the skating rink of the Christmas market for themselves. [...] Today her children telling her in training, they also have a horse or a piano at home.
Kielmann: Traveling was an incentive for us. That we could meet friends, to whom we were only allowed to write postcards. We knew that if you can not make it to the competition, you'll never see it again. But today it does not count anymore. My first World Cup in New Zealand was something very special for me. Today the kids are just going on vacation.
DEU only has bases in Dortmund, Berlin, Oberstdorf, Mannheim and Chemnitz.
Kielmann: And then the sport is training intensive. Two hours of ice time a day, plus endurance, ballet, bounce training. Twenty hours per week would already be there for ten to twelve-year-olds, says Marina Kielmann. Actually, as you have done yourself, you have to start with three or four years. At ten, the double jumps should sit, with twelve triples.
Kielmann: The US and Russia, for example, allow home schooling while we have compulsory education. Maybe you should think about loosening the boundaries in favor of the sport. Society also has some advantage, when children live more actively and are less ill, she says.
A recent study by the Goethe University Frankfurt, for example, shows in table tennis that although German athletes such as Timo Boll are more successful than ever before, their membership numbers have been steadily declining for years. "Successes can motivate those who are involved in sports," says sports sociologist Jan Haut. "But that they also attract new people to a sport is not automatic.


Well-Known Member
Stuttgart is a good choice (it was organized well there last time and only around 2.5 hours from where I live). Too closse to Christmas for my liking though.


There was some footage before worlds in 'Sportschau' about Aliona/Bruno heading into worlds:

S/M mentioned being tired, both physically and mentally. But they want to go on to worlds and win that title.

Aliona reflecting on olympics: she could always find little things to do better or thinks she could have enjoyed the moment a bit more but overall she is sure, that in that exact moment on february 15th (she mentions the date :D ) she would/could not have done anythting different.

She praises her coach Alexander König and doubted the partnership would have lasted longer than a month without him.

They will decide about their future after worlds: Her dad thinks they have still much more to give and did not already show their true potential as a team.
I quote what she says about her husband (in funny german :p ): 'Liam is saying: make me a child and then you can go on skating as long as you want to.' :rofl:

(I love the wrong term she uses of 'make me a child', as it was so funny in the moment, especially as König was laughing out loud in the back).

Slay Empress! All the way!


There was some footage before worlds in 'Sportschau' about
I quote what she says about her husband (in funny german :p ): 'Liam is saying: make me a child and then you can go on skating as long as you want to.' :rofl:

(I love the wrong term she uses of 'make me a child', as it was so funny in the moment, especially as König was laughing out loud in the back).

I actually think she used it correctly. It's Aliona after all, it's much more believable this way than the other way around. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Aljona and Bruno look both very relaxed. I expect Thema not to do many mistakes in Milan. How can they faip now.

The German TV broadcasting is rediculous as always. 23:30 on thursday night after all the competiton has finished. Everything but live!!


The German TV broadcasting is rediculous as always. 23:30 on thursday night after all the competiton has finished. Everything but live!!
Taking into account, that neither ARD or ZDF showed anything live the past years, this is at least some improvement to have some footage on the big stations (and not only the smaller like ONE).
We can't expect that medal to change everything (that fast).


Well-Known Member
S/W - Good lord, we could not disagree more @text_skate :rofl: I am thanking every skating god out there that I don't have to see that FD anymore.

This is because you have poor taste:p. It was a great program. The best they have had. I will miss it. She is fabulously in character. So glad to see them stick with it despite a tough early season & prove that the risk & unique performance quality were worth it. Had a great time seeing them grab that top ten berth.


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Just in case anyone has not heard: in addition to the Sportschau/ARD interview on Thursday (23.30) Aljona/Bruno will be at ZDF Sportstudio on Saturday.
In today‘s mixed zone interviews both said it is a bit hard to get back into competition mode. They had one week of training after Art on Ice. Bruno still is not rid off his cold, but it won‘t affect the elements, he assured everyone.


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Our pairs almost got us 3 spots. Who'd have thought, that H/B will end up 13th. H/B had good luck making the final, but took the opportunity to the heart. I'm glad, that Ruben has found another German lady, who has his potential. I was really sad, when Annabelle (had to) quit pairs skating. I liked this team very much. His next partner Mari, which has a lot of qualities, but had always issues with landing jumps and throws.

I watched the live recording on German television. They brought Kilius/Bäumler in. The presenter asked them:
What have H/B still to learn?
Kilius: They have to learn to believe in themselves, and have to envision to be World Champions. Then it will work. They have the talent, and what it takes ("das Zeug dazu") to be World Champion


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Daniel Weiss did a short interview with S/M after FS.
Where did you find the energy for today, after OGM, shows.

Aliona: family, friends, and coaches, the audience, because we were really running low.
Bruno: First with head, then with heart (it was not clear, which way round, or both together first, second..:biggrinbo), family, friends, the audience was incredible.

Aliona was asked
...about skate: not just cherry on the cake, cherry with extra cream :encore:
...about future plans: I have to think about it. We had a perfect performance. But the best is yet to come :rollin:.
- Where?
- I don't know. But the best is yet to come. :respec:


Well-Known Member
Our pairs almost got us 3 spots. Who'd have thought, that H/B will end up 13th. H/B had good luck making the final, but took the opportunity to the heart. I'm glad, that Ruben has found another German lady, who has his potential. I was really sad, when Annabelle (had to) quit pairs skating. I liked this team very much. His next partner Mari, which has a lot of qualities, but had always issues with landing jumps and throws.

I watched the live recording on German television. They brought Kilius/Bäumler in. The presenter asked them:
What have H/B still to learn?
Kilius: They have to learn to believe in themselves, and have to envision to be World Champions. Then it will work. They have the talent, and what it takes ("das Zeug dazu") to be World Champion
Listen to Kilius is in of the most embarrassing things I have ever done. This woman has no clue about today's Figure skating. Talking about H/B as future world champions.... This is so silly. She said about herself that she dies not understand the judging system.

Just imagine soccer Fans has to listen to someone who did not get the soccer rules.


Shoutouts to Dastich and Weinzierl, giving IG shoutouts to the german pairs at worlds!
Love the 'new' team spirit :encore:


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L/P with SB of 62.08 points :encore:. Best ever scored points in a senior A event. Pleeeeaazz, skating gods, let them make the cut. I fear for them, because of early skate.

(So, now, I'm back to work, best remedy for worries ;))


L/P with SB of 62.08 points :encore:. Best ever scored points in a senior A event. Pleeeeaazz, skating gods, let them make the cut. I fear for them, because of early skate.
No way they miss it with 62pts.
No way.
Best skate of the season by them :respec:


Kudos to our single skaters as well :encore:
Top13 for Schott, Top15 for Fentz!

They hold it together; hope both get 2 GP's next season. Schott more likely I think.

Fentz will keep his GoT-FS, not sure I like that :D


Well-Known Member
Fentz will keep his GoT-FS, not sure I like that :D
I will ... Only if he really works on his spins, steps and transitions, speed, stamina ... It's an excellent series, in all aspects, therefore exellent skating is required. Quite simple :D.


Aliona/Bruno were guests in 'Das aktuelle Sportstudio', the most famous/traditional sports tv talk show here in Germany


Loved how Savchenko, Massot and König always spoke of 'our team'.

Best question: Are your real life partners kinda jealous of your skating partner?
(Kinda tragic, Blommaert was not here either :p)

Q: Quitting when on top, this would be now, or?
A: Who says this us now? There can be even better times. This is just a beginning! (Aliona kick-arse answer :respec: )
B: We need holidays in the next weeks and then we are thinking about it and decide with our team.

To me, they seem not to have the common sense here :rofl:

As much as I wish Aliona to be there forever, this was her year. Finish on that. What legacy that would be.


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Shhh... shhh...
As much as I wish Aliona to be there forever, this was her year. Finish on that. What legacy that would be.

More Aljona, more fun! I wholeheartedly support her wish to stay for a few more competitive seasons :D. Plus she and Bruno do not have the Euro title, let them win this one, as well :D.

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