The Shibutanis Thread 4: Ready for Paradise


Well-Known Member
I love Paradise. the spin and the last sequence especially, touching,effective moments. at first the trilogy thing seemed to me a little forced and self-referencial, hence limited, beneath them and their potential. but now i think its cool they made Coldplay their brand, their music is well representative of their generation, you cant have Shibs without Coldplay and this is nice, cute. they will be remembered as the Coldplay kids. the voice of the youth. of course i hope they dont quit this year and give us more of their brilliance.
its like we continue to grow close to them, getting to know them better through their skating year after year. Paradise is about Maia (the fragile butterfly) and Alex joining in her dream. and its about a lot of young people who escapes reality closing their eyes and entering the paradise they have created for themselves. how important is this for everyone who saw their lives not going in a certain desired direction, infact going wrong in many ways. life indeed gets heavy but love and self-respect help you stand still. this has been their message in Fix you, That's life. Paradise differ as it doesnt describe life ordeals,but shows the next stage, the soar of the spirit towards better places and towards a much needed peace. so many can relate to this, i feel their message is universal. they're telling many stories in one. with every step and move their undermark each word of the song,they take this task at heart. when i first watched i sensed they were depicting something beyond skating itself. they started to do the same thing last year with that sublime free dance.that sublimity cannot be told in words, its transcendent. they succeded in making their new fd transcendent. i read some commentary on the song lyrics and ended up understanding and loving the dance even more ( ) sometimes dreams come true,sometimes not. that's why we travel with our mind to unlimited fields of joy.

And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "Oh, I know the sun must set to rise."

Maia and Alex, two remarkable human beings.


Well-Known Member
I love Paradise. the spin and the last sequence especially, touching,effective moments. at first the trilogy thing seemed to me a little forced and self-referencial, hence limited, beneath them and their potential. but now i think its cool they made Coldplay their brand, their music is well representative of their generation, you cant have Shibs without Coldplay and this is nice, cute. they will be remembered as the Coldplay kids. the voice of the youth. of course i hope they dont quit this year and give us more of their brilliance.

Really hope this isn't true, as I'm a fan of the Shibs, but alas, not of Coldplay.


Well-Known Member
I do think if they continue, they'll branch out. Right now they decided that they wanted to really portray a certain look and image to the Olympic audience. I think they really want a natural look and they want the audience to see "Maia and Alex" thus seeing them and feel that they are watching them rather than two skaters portraying a character or trying to do a theme dance where their real selves don't shine through. I think that's rare in ice dance as dancers want a big concept/character/theme to do and we viewers get a sense of the ice dance team's personality through those dances. The Shibs are being more blatant with it, which is a lot more common in singles skating, I think.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Their SDs were pretty well-regarded and none of them were Coldplay! When people say they can't do different types of music/dances, I just want to point them there.
Oh, absolutely, Coppelia, Perez Prado and That’s Life make a brilliant set for sure. But Fix You is still their Bolero.


I'm very pleased they have such an excellent SD for the season. Rhumba (and Latin in general) is not a rhythm that one would have said favors them over their competitors the way waltz or foxtrot favors them, and I felt a little worried about that before the season, but the expression is great.

Sue me, I actually love the song Paradise and love the program. More importantly, though, they love it. It's clear if you follow them on social media that this is a very personal and passionate choice for them. They are in a 100X better place with this FD than they were going into the Sochi season, let's just say that. The main thing I want to see develop moving through the season - exactly the same thing I thought at the outset of the last 2 FD debuts - are the 2 footwork sequences. More musicality, more impact. And one more level in each. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm very pleased they have such an excellent SD for the season. Rhumba (and Latin in general) is not a rhythm that one would have said favors them over their competitors the way waltz or foxtrot favors them, and I felt a little worried about that before the season, but the expression is great.

Sue me, I actually love the song Paradise and love the program. More importantly, though, they love it. It's clear if you follow them on social media that this is a very personal and passionate choice for them. They are in a 100X better place with this FD than they were going into the Sochi season, let's just say that. The main thing I want to see develop moving through the season - exactly the same thing I thought at the outset of the last 2 FD debuts - are the 2 footwork sequences. More musicality, more impact. And one more level in each. :)

Agreed with all of this.

At the last Olympics, by the middle of the season, it seemed like they realized how it was going to turn out so they focused on making the Olympic team and enjoying their experiences there even though they probably thought on the outset that they may have had a chance to move up a few spots from their last Worlds 8th place finishes. At first, they were so excited about hiring an orchestra to do an instrumental version of "Ben" by Michael Jackson. They even wrote (when they used to blog) about how they chose Michael Jackson although it seemed like an off the wall choice (see what I did there?), it was something they wanted to do. They even consulted Michael Jackson's choreographers. However, after NHK, it was sort of clear that it wasn't working. They scrapped the "Ben" section that they worked hard on, interjected "Man in the Mirror" which should have been an emotional high but it wasn't because they didn't re-choreograph any of the FD to fit the new song, and lacked the danceability, choreography, and elements to make that program work. In the end, they were just sort of lost in the shuffle.

This time around, they are in much better physical shape, seemed to have addressed some of the critiques directed at them last season, really worked on translating what they learned from their collaborators and experts to the ice, are much more confident in who they are and their abilities as skaters, and learned which critiques they want to listen to and which ones they realize aren't going to help them this season. No matter what happens in Pyeongchang, the past few seasons have really been a high for them and for us fans as they've blown up in ways I did not expect after Sochi, and now we have programs that they seriously believe in and that we can tell they believe in. That wasn't the case with Michael Jackson or even their Buble SD, even if you could tell they enjoyed skating that one.
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Well-Known Member
I agree. I don't know how they conviced Marina to go from Blue Danube to just take creative control of their programs, but I am SO pleased. I am guessing they wanted to experiment in 2015-2016 because it's the right moment to do so, and it's also necessary for a skater's evolution. Well it turned out more than nice haha :p


Well-Known Member
I agree. I don't know how they conviced Marina to go from Blue Danube to just take creative control of their programs, but I am SO pleased. I am guessing they wanted to experiment in 2015-2016 because it's the right moment to do so, and it's also necessary for a skater's evolution. Well it turned out more than nice haha :p

I think it was clear to them when they saw the difference between the audience reception that their "O" exhibition received compared to what their competitive routines received. Now, what I'm wondering is, what made them go to Peter Tchernyshev to do an exhibition for them that season to inspire "Fix You" in the first place? I don't think they ever really answered that question. Maybe it was just something simple as trying something new with Peter because why not? I didn't even know they knew Peter to ask him to choreograph for them until that exhibition back in the summer/fall of 2014.


Well-Known Member
So I’ve watched the FD a bunch of times but I guess my musical ear sucks because I can’t really identify music from “O/Fly on” at all lol. I love the idea of including the lyric “fly on” right before their twizzles, that would sound awesome and triple the impact of that already glorious element. And some figure skating fans don’t do well with subtle so maybe it’s necessary :lol:.

Their dance spin is beautiful and I love all the positions Maia hits with it, but I don’t like that it’s the first element. I agree that makes it look too much like Evolution in the beginning, which their detractors have been leaping to criticize them for. I love the concept of “Easter eggs” referencing their past work and I think they pulled it off masterfully with the “stuck in reverse” line during their first lift. But I feel like the first 1/3 of the FD references Evolution too heavily and doesn’t manage to stand on its own yet.


Well-Known Member
So, has anybody actually went ahead and watched all three FDs in a row to see how the programs work as a trilogy?

Mrs. P

Well-Known Member
I haven't watched them back to back, but I did watch Fix You and Evolution today to look for callbacks.

Here's my initial thought -- maybe I'll have more thoughts when I actually have time to watch them back-to-back. Fix You's strength was its raw emotional power. However, if you compare the step sequences from here to the ones in Evolution/Fix You, they are far less intricate. Even if you have never seen a single Shibutani program or had any sense of their background, they were able to express their past struggles and their efforts rise above them -- and I think it was a breakthrough because I don't think the Shibs ever connected with people that way in any of their previous programs. Evolution, I think was a quiet display of their technical strengths - their unisons, their lines and it's clear they worked on more complexity in their choreography. This FD seems to want to combine the technical prowess with the emotional/feel good energy of Fix You. I think they have the technical part down, now they need to have the emotional power, especially in the later half.

I think they learned their lesson from Sochi. I think they wanted to do MJ to show they could have more range than what they were doing up to that point (Nat King Cole, Glenn Miller, Geisha -- all classic ballroom/soft), but I think the FD proved to not really play to their strengths and it came off as two kids playing dress-up (you guys should really watch Patrick Commentates Skating take on the FD. I have to say I kind of agree with him -- back in the day we were excited they were doing something different, but now we look back and we're like, OMG....). Maia mentioned in her blog that they were not prepared for the Olympic season and the expectations their programs would I think this time around, as VGT pointed out, they decided to be true to themselves and the image they wanted to portray to an Olympic audience. Keep in mind that during Sochi, they were only about a year into their YouTube channel, they didn't have near the contacts they have now -- there was no RyaniMay, Mai Quynh and so on. They really have built a great support network to help them craft how they want to present themselves to the world and in the sport


Well-Known Member
I think it was clear to them when they saw the difference between the audience reception that their "O" exhibition received compared to what their competitive routines received. Now, what I'm wondering is, what made them go to Peter Tchernyshev to do an exhibition for them that season to inspire "Fix You" in the first place? I don't think they ever really answered that question. Maybe it was just something simple as trying something new with Peter because why not? I didn't even know they knew Peter to ask him to choreograph for them until that exhibition back in the summer/fall of 2014.

Really good question. Peter has some kind of relationship with someone in Canton?. I can't help to think it coincided with Massimo's arrival to Canton, maybe he suggested him.


Well-Known Member
Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva just posted a few pics with her, Nikita Nazarov, and the Shibs with a few other young skaters here:

Her caption is absolutely precious. She called sharing the ice with them a dream come true and even better than seeing their dances live.

I’ve noticed that despite what some online commentators say, actual skaters and coaches have publicly said how much respect and/or love the Shibs, including coaches of their current close competitors. I think that says a lot about their skills. It also gives me life that Tarasova apparently loves the Shibs.


Well-Known Member
Evolution, I think was a quiet display of their technical strengths - their unisons, their lines and it's clear they worked on more complexity in their choreography. This FD seems to want to combine the technical prowess with the emotional/feel good energy of Fix You. I think they have the technical part down, now they need to have the emotional power, especially in the later half.

I think this is true and I watched this program again and P&C's program back to back and I think Shibutani's is more intricate. Also, I think if we (those of us that are) stopped focusing on the trilogy, it plays better. The program can stand on its own. The trilogy makes it seem tired.


Well-Known Member
I was rewatching some of their competition vlogs from last season and one thing that struck me was how much love they get from fans all over the world. No matter where they compete there are tons of people with shibsibs signs and banners cheering them on. And they seem to have really good relationships with lots of other skaters across all the disciplines. People always seem very happy and excited for a chance to be in there vlogs. So yeah, there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary of what some “online commentators” would have us believe :)


Well-Known Member
When I said online commentators, I meant their skating, not their personalities. I only seen two things that tried to make a comment about their personalities in a negative fashion and I suspect they came from the same source, which is why I no longer watch that source’s videos.


Well-Known Member
of course Maia and Alex has a marvellous body of work and in no way i meant to limit it to their Coldplay programs. i was thinking of the way in which an other great sibling team, the Kerr's, put their mark on Muse as they famously skated to two songs by them. probably no other team could do justice to that music the way the Kerr's did. this is definitely true for Shibs&Coldplay. they absorbed the lyrics, the spirit, even the atmosphere of Coldplay's concerts, and at the same time the stamped their own personalities on those songs. they bring out the qualities from that music because they identify in it and at the same time because the power of their personalities forge their unique interpretation of it. the same mixture of maturity,warmth and innocence they clearly exude in their Coldplay routines can be perceived in all of their programs. Coldplay sold 80 millions of albums, its obvious that young people around the world connect with them,and on a deep level. this increase the magnitude of the Shibs association to the band. through their meaningful dancing, they represent the innocence and vulnerability of today's youth, the struggles they face growing up in a lost world, the desire to find an identity,to seek a shelter in themselves and in sincere relationships with other human beings. only the Shibs can skate to that music and send such message in this powerful way.certainly, the point here is not to label them and limit them,but to celebrate the deep connection between them (as dancers and people) and Coldplay's song themes.


Well-Known Member
I just watched their SD again, and in the best way possible, it looks like they’re dancing in the movie “Strictly Ballroom.” It’s got some of the over-the-top facial expressions so many have referenced for Latin Ballroom, but also the soul of an *exuberant* celebration of ballroom dance.


Well-Known Member
I just watched their SD again, and in the best way possible, it looks like they’re dancing in the movie “Strictly Ballroom.” It’s got some of the over-the-top facial expressions so many have referenced for Latin Ballroom, but also the soul of an *exuberant* celebration of ballroom dance.

This is one of the things I liked about their SD. They really looked like they were enjoying themselves out there. Ballroom dance and ice dance can sometimes come across as very fake in terms of facial expressions. But with the Shibs, this is not the case. To my eyes anyways.


Well-Known Member
I love her designs for Ashley. And what do you think about Alex´s costume?, I don´t love it but it seems that many people have problem with it. I just can't imagine what other thing he could wear.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking maybe altering the color of Alex’s shirt so it looks gold rather than beige. Or even just changing the material to something with a silken sheen even if it’s in the same color. I also still like the idea of changing the ribbon lining to a color that matches Maia’s skirt. What do you guys think?

Personally I don’t really get all the fuss about his top. I think it’s rather colorless and could be better but people seem actually personally offended by it somehow :confused:.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking maybe altering the color of Alex’s shirt so it looks gold rather than beige. Or even just changing the material to something with a silken sheen even if it’s in the same color. I also still like the idea of changing the ribbon lining to a color that matches Maia’s skirt. What do you guys think?

Gold has the same appearance as beige in costumes on the ice. (It appears to disappear). Look at Kaitlyn Weaver's dress from last season. You have to put the gold over something like the dark green in Piper's costume in order to make gold show up.

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