Unpopular Opinions


Well-Known Member
The narrator's mother died from eating fugu fish, a traditional Japanese dish, because she was so anxious not to offend someone she barely knew, and the distant, unloving, rather death-obsessed, traditional Japanese father who takes great pride in his samurai blood and whose business partner committed seppuku (and killed his family because he was principled) serves the narrator and his sister fish at the end--fish that may or may nor be fugu fish. And both children eat the fish in spite of being leery of it because their father tells them it's just ordinary fish, the implication being that they have taken in their father's traditional Japanese poison in spite of their attempts to avoid it and will likely die a painful death from it. I would take the story as a warning of sorts--that traditional Japanese culture has poisonous elements that can destroy individuals from within and that those elements need to be recognized for what they are and rejected.

I dunno. Is that too obvious? I did only a quick and shallow reading :shuffle:.

Obvious until the very last sentence - which I would say is a deeper meaning, and an astute one.

I can't recall what I came up with for the story, because it was a while ago. IIRC it was something about the pull of death and living in the past, and the generation gap.

I am not a literature professor; I am a writing professor who sometimes teaches literature. That's not just hair splitting; I don't have nearly as much background in lit as I do in writing theory


If it is an ESL class, then that is something different and beyond my ken. But if it is not an ESL class, then the ESL issues some students have are explicitly not my concern, as we are told that the ESL students must conform to the same curriculum as all the other students and we are not to make changes for them (although most of us do, at least to some degree).

It is not an ESL class. What changes do you make for ESL students?
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Staff member
Obvious until the very last sentence - which I would say is a deeper meaning, and an astute one.

Hmm, well, it seems obvious to me based on everything else I listed; it was a conclusion, not an insight, IMO.

It is not an ESL class. What changes do you make for ESL students?

Lowered expectations, mostly. And if they are in classes where they can choose their own reading, I direct them (as well as the non-readers in my classes) to shorter, easier works, although that can be tricky. Hemingway is very easy to read, for example, but tough for most students to interpret. Things Fall Apart is a good one for many students who have trouble reading.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, well, it seems obvious to me based on everything else I listed; it was a conclusion, not an insight, IMO.

We're really splitting hairs then.

Lowered expectations, mostly. And if they are in classes where they can choose their own reading, I direct them (as well as the non-readers in my classes) to shorter, easier works, although that can be tricky. Hemingway is very easy to read, for example, but tough for most students to interpret. Things Fall Apart is a good one for many students who have trouble reading.

That's what I'm always wishing instructors would do. . .agree about Hemingway, whom I love.

I found Revolutionary Road to be a very accessible work for a young Chinese woman.
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Well-Known Member
I never found Brad Pitt good looking.

I love the smell, but hate the taste of coffee.

I think chocolate is overrated and I dislike dark chocolate. I need my chocolate full of other non-chocolate things like nuts, biscuit, caramel, etc :shuffle:


I wasn't impressed by Whitney Houston's rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" that she performed for the 1991 Superbowl; however, I loved the rendition performed just a few weeks later by Branford Marsalis and Bruce Hornsby for the 1991 NBA All-Star Game.


Well-Known Member
Can't stand Beyonce. I don't think her voice is all that spectacular, she's not the world's greatest dancer, and she needs to invest in some pants. Or at least legitimate shorts.

I don't like pasta. Something about the texture doesn't agree with me and I gag on it, and have to chew it for a long time before I can even attempt to swallow it. I'll eat an entire bowl of pasta sauce, though.

I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies, nor do I have any desire too. I've seen Spaceballs multiple times and that's all I need.

I think Melissa McCarthy is overrated. IMO her best ever work was on Gilmore Girls, and even then she was slightly annoying.

IMO Ryan Gosling was at his dreamiest way back in the 90s when he was on Breaker High. He was never meant to be the heartthrob on the show (he was the kind of dweeb who thought he was suave), but every girl I know had crushes on him over the more 'hunky' guys. While I don't think he's ugly now, he'll never appeal to me as much as he did back then.


Well-Known Member
Where I live/work, the registered owner of a piece of real estate has to list their occupation for ID purposes. "Homemaker" is used for those who stay at home. In the olden days, you would have the husband with his job, and the wife's job was "Husband's Wife".

I thought it was "housewife". :)


Well-Known Member
I figure here is a better place to say that whilst I feel bad for family he left behind, I was not a fan of Prince, and the national day of mourning is a bit much.

Hate to say it, but ITA. I wonder how many people sobbing over his death actually have his music as a steady fixture on their daily music playlists, or if they are simply being nostalgic for the music of their youth. There are performers still alive in their 60's-80's who I WILL mourn when they go, but I also listen to their music on a frequent basis.


Well-Known Member
Do people often wonder why people mourn over a famous person's death? A lot of people were obviously touched by him and/or his music even if one personally wasn't touched by him.


Well-Known Member
I guess it just depends... of all the musician deaths so far this year, Glenn Frey's is the one that affected me the most emotionally. And he wasn't even my favorite Eagle! That just struck a different chord with me.


Well-Known Member
My unpopular opinion...

I love saying negative things about celebrities who have just died. But it takes all the fun out of it once they are buried.


(Dammit...I just liked the poster who said they weren't impressed with catty/snarky attitudes...) :revenge: to myself!!!


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but ITA. I wonder how many people sobbing over his death actually have his music as a steady fixture on their daily music playlists, or if they are simply being nostalgic for the music of their youth. There are performers still alive in their 60's-80's who I WILL mourn when they go, but I also listen to their music on a frequent basis.

I'm glad somebody else said it first so I wouldn't sound so callous. They had a report that all of his albums were sold out at a record store here yesterday and they would be getting more. I keep thinking -- if you loved Prince so much, why didn't you already have all of his albums.


Codger level achieved
I'm glad somebody else said it first so I wouldn't sound so callous. They had a report that all of his albums were sold out at a record store here yesterday and they would be getting more. I keep thinking -- if you loved Prince so much, why didn't you already have all of his albums.

As with so many things and situations, Joni Mitchell's lyrics apply:

Don't it always seems as though
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone


Well-Known Member
I don't find Tom Hardy attractive in the least. Same with Eggs Benedict Cummerbund.

I felt bad for Megan Trainor after she won her Grammy this year for best new artist, and the general public was like WTF? I mean come on - she may not go down in history as one of the greats, but her songs are damn catchy!

Miley Cyrus has grown on me in the last year or so. Used to not like her at all. Then I heard her on a show singing acoustic and live, and realized, damn, that girl can actually sing! Plus I loved her short hair.

I find Oprah to be one of the most annoying celebrities around. And speaking of annoying celebrities - Jennifer Aniston. it's hard to get me to watch anything with her in it. I did make it to the end of Friends, but definitely not because of her. I don't know what it is about her, she just grates on me.

I was a huge fan of Paris Hilton's song "Stars Are Blind". Had it downloaded when it first came out (and may actually download it again).

And I'm another one who was by no means a fan of Prince, but I can acknowledge his talent, especially as a guitarist (though I wouldn't go so far as to call him one of the greatest ever, but he was pretty damn spectacular)
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Well-Known Member
I felt bad for Megan Trainor after she won her Grammy this year for best new artist, and the general public was like WTF? I mean come on - she may not go down in history as one of the greats, but her songs are damn catchy!

I think people were :huh: over her best new artist award this year because last year she was nominated for record of the year and song of the year, so she wasn't in any way a new Grammy nominee.


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but ITA. I wonder how many people sobbing over his death actually have his music as a steady fixture on their daily music playlists, or if they are simply being nostalgic for the music of their youth. There are performers still alive in their 60's-80's who I WILL mourn when they go, but I also listen to their music on a frequent basis.

The thing I found regarding Prince's death was there were not a lot of people sobbing. I think of other deaths like Elvis, John Lennon or Princess Diana and feel there was so much more emotion exhibited when they died. I think there is enormous respect for Prince and his music but he was so private and remote that I don't feel people felt that much of a connection to him even though they loved his music. The one exception was the journalist Tamron Hall and they were buddies (and maybe more) and she was truly sad. I guess I expected to see more emotion from those gathered at his home. Maybe I wasn't watching the right broadcasts?


Well-Known Member
Ok, A bit late but I'm jumping in.

I HATED my pregnancies! Morning sickness was terrible with each one. So bad that I was puking water and need iv's. So bad that when they weighed me the morning I delivered, I weighed FIFTEEN pounds LESS than what I weighed on my 1st prenantal visit. Nasty pregnancies. Fantastic and guaranteed weight loss plan for me though. blech.


Well-Known Member
I find Oprah to be one of the most annoying celebrities around. And speaking of annoying celebrities, it's hard to get me to watch anything with her in it. I did make it to the end of Friends, but definitely not because of her. I don't know what it is about her, she just grates on me.

Oprah was in Friends? Not sure how I missed that.



Well-Known Member
I HATED my pregnancies! Morning sickness was terrible with each one. So bad that I was puking water and need iv's. So bad that when they weighed me the morning I delivered, I weighed FIFTEEN pounds LESS than what I weighed on my 1st prenantal visit. Nasty pregnancies. Fantastic and guaranteed weight loss plan for me though. blech.

Yet you did it 4 times @myhoneyhoney?! Respect!!


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
To be honest I don't know if any of those are unpopular to begin with but here is my 2nd shot at this:

I found David Letterman to be a terrible interviewer
Hate the frat boys culture
Love tight pants for men (who can pull it off)
Don't find women with overly fit bodies to be that attractive (very chiseled abs and arms esp.) and don't like extremely muscular guys either. I mean balance is key, fit is good not need to over do it.


Well-Known Member
I think people were :huh: over her best new artist award this year because last year she was nominated for record of the year and song of the year, so she wasn't in any way a new Grammy nominee.
It's because The Grammys has a 13 month cycle instead of a 12 month, which allows people to be nominated 2 years in a row, or held off until the next year. I mean, Uptown Funk was released in November of 2014. Taylor Swift's 1989 was released in October of 2014. Yet both of those didn't receive much criticism for winning this year. While Meghan Trainor's songs first came out in 2014, her actual album was released in January of 2015. According to wikipedia, she was eligible because after 2010 (when Lady Gaga was excluded, as was Jennifer Hudson) the rules were changed so that an artist can be nominated for best new artist, as long as they hadn't previously released an entire album and hasn't won a Grammy, though individual songs could have already received nominations.

Anyway, another unpopular opinion... I miss the days when an album would just be released, instead of all this ridiculous lead up and HBO specials and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
One thing about Prince I noticed is that it is really hard to find his albums and music videos on youtube. A very different style of music promotion than younger artists. His team was good at keeping them not free. There are some, but most are removed.

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