Unpopular Opinions


Well-Known Member
Speaking of liver, my mom and I got into a small huff once about pate spread on a banh mi. I was on the side that thinks a banh mi with cold cuts and cilantro, pickled carrots, and pickled daikon with creamy butter spread needed pate.

My two favourite banh mi places in town both offer liver pate as an option, and it seems to be popular, going by what I've observed other people ordering. I've never had it -- but I'm a vegetarian. :D (What makes these two places my favourites are the awesomeness of their vegetarian offerings.)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
darn...... i've been trying to post something in this "unpopular opinion"....... and there are a lot!!! of things i don't like. but each time i think of something that might be "unpopular", i keep asking myself "it's unpopular where???!!! in what country? in what age, economic, social group? in what group in general?".

For example, i don't like most of the pieces by Beatles, Elvis Presely, Mozart (except of Requiem/don Giovanni).. And then i know 20+ countries where general public does not know/remember who those musicians are.
Champagne does nothing for me, unless its laced with vodka, and i don't think it is romantic to drink it with strawberry dipped in chocolate. I think it is cliche, banal, and mass culture and most important: it does not taste good.... and if a guy brings me roses and champagne, i would think he is an idiot without imagination... Bring me Kalles and Wasa Crisps, or Cornelian Cherries in garlic schezchmande soup, just as an example, on the first date, and then we can talk.... because a box of chocolates will kill his presence in my life after 1 hour.
But then there are so many places in this world where "champagne" is not gifted or considered "romantic" and so many places which serve variations of salted or marinaded fish or schezchmande soup, or soups that are hot and sweet/sour...

A ring with a diamond, or 3 top gemstones, or anything that is "estate style jewelry" is a relationship killer for me, unless it has a very unique modernist two-level design with industrial elements. And then still..... it's better be alexandrite or iolite or even herkimer diamond rough which is a crystal that can be set in geometric patterns quite well.... But then there are so many other forms of jewelry, there are places where shells are as valuable as gemstones.....

There's got to be a disclaimer to the term "unpopular"...... "unpopular WHERE??"
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scratching at the light
Lol.....Tinami....the last piece of jewelry my husband gave me that he chose himself was a necklace and earring set made from broken Depression glass, and that was maybe 15 years ago.
He bought me a copper wire wrapped piece of Labradorite for my last birthday, but I picked it out. If I want any sort of gemstone, I will have to buy it myself. But I sure don't think I'd ever end the relationship if he did ever buy me a diamond!! :huh:
And he's never bought me champagne or a box of chocolates. I did get roses. Once.
If my husband really wants to show me his love....he cooks me salmon, wild rice and fresh green beans, with a nice bottle of Chardonnay. Then we have dessert.......;)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
He bought me a copper wire wrapped piece of Labradorite for my last birthday, but I picked it out. If I want any sort of gemstone, I will have to buy it myself. But I sure don't think I'd ever end the relationship if he did ever buy me a diamond!! :huh:

I LOOOOVE labrodorite! You will love these then!

Look at these too.... all TOPAZ.... :lol:

i would not ditch a long time relationship over a diamond gift, but if i just met a person and he comes up with "cliches", it would be a deal breaker. I don't mind diamonds, as long as it is NOT like this..

but like this..

Topaz, if you like semi-precious gemstones set in silver, art-jewelry handmade, do you want a good link on ebay, inexpensive?... it's from India and Thailand and some are very modern.. and under 20 USD (silver and stones).


Well-Known Member


scratching at the light
My Facebook feed is full of people celebrating their moms, every single person apparently has the "best mom ever"; moms on pedestals, moms bring worshipped and adored, claims of "I want to be just like my mom." It's awesome that so many people love their moms, but I can't join in the chorus.

I don't like my mom and I have spent my life trying to be as different from her as possible. I didn't even get over to the nursing home to see her today, and it's three minutes away. Meh.

I am also not the type of mom that is really all about being a mom. My kids aren't overly sentimental. I got some chocolate, a potted mum and an LCBO gc from my son, and he says, I didn't get you a card cuz they're 8 bucks. :D
My daughter is working a double shift today and she called me on her break to tell me she loves me. Which is nice, but she does that even when it's not Mother's Day.

Not a fan of Mother's Day. It's just not something I want to celebrate.


Having a great day!
I have a great mom, but my husband's mom failed to protect him from some horrific abuse as a child, and she probably spent a good part of the day with his abuser. I certainly don't expect my husband to celebrate today either.

My kids visited me today, but if any of them did a "best mom ever" post on Facebook, they'd probably get some mockery from the rest of us. It's not our thing either.


scratching at the light
Yeah, I don't like Father's Day either. I keep thinking that I should just grow up and get over my bitterness towards my parents, and most days, I can. But these special days just throw it right in my face that I don't have parents that Hallmark makes cards for.
And of course I do the self pity thing and wonder what sort of person I would have become, had I had parents who supported me and gave me love and praise instead of telling me how horrible I was.

Sorry for the self absorbed melancholy :drama:......work sucks, my allergies are making me miserable, my knees hurt, and I'm just generally disgruntled. :drama:
I'll have a glass of wine or two and smack myself back into sensibility. :nopryde:


Well-Known Member
My Facebook feed is full of people celebrating their moms, every single person apparently has the "best mom ever"; moms on pedestals, moms bring worshipped and adored, claims of "I want to be just like my mom." It's awesome that so many people love their moms, but I can't join in the chorus.

I don't like my mom and I have spent my life trying to be as different from her as possible. I didn't even get over to the nursing home to see her today, and it's three minutes away. Meh.

I am also not the type of mom that is really all about being a mom. My kids aren't overly sentimental. I got some chocolate, a potted mum and an LCBO gc from my son, and he says, I didn't get you a card cuz they're 8 bucks. :D
My daughter is working a double shift today and she called me on her break to tell me she loves me. Which is nice, but she does that even when it's not Mother's Day.

Not a fan of Mother's Day. It's just not something I want to celebrate.

My feed today features five mothers who posted self-congratulatory posts about what great mothers they personally are. Makes me want to puke.

I think all "celebratory" days are exclusionary by nature.
Not everyone has a great mom (dad), not every person who wants or desired to be a mom was able to, not every mom has great kids, on and on....

Social media makes it easier for people be acutely aware of these things....

This. So much this.


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
To add to the choir, I do not get Valentine's day and all those special yet so artificial celebratory days. I just care about birthdays because this is truly personal.
Personally, I do not even celebrate our wedding anniversary. I just prefer being randomly nice to people when I feel like it. And I like everyday little attentions which shows the person actually thought about you.
I also am one of those cheesy (or some people might see it as cheap :D) person who like hand made and really small gifts: home-made jam, cards and crafts from kids, field flowers, coupon for unlimited massage (love this one) .... Don't like the consumerism which goes along those mother's day and other special holidays.


Well-Known Member
I think all "celebratory" days are exclusionary by nature.
Not everyone has a great mom (dad), not every person who wants or desired to be a mom was able to, not every mom has great kids, on and on....

Social media makes it easier for people be acutely aware of these things....

Eh..............Saturday the female checkout person said Happy Mother's Day to me when I was leaving with my groceries. I said "uh-huh". The male bagger!!!! said you don't sound too happy about that. I said I'm not a mother. The checkout person said "you're not?" like it was a crime or something. And on the radio they kept mentioning the holiday weekend. Huh? Yeah, people who aren't Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but why would something like Mother's Day be a holiday for everyone. I don't have a mother anymore either. Sorry - rant off..........


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
I think this thread is the best thing ever for the off-season. We can rant all we want without being judged and even finding kindred spirits in the process thus not feeling the odd one out. So I say thank you to @RockTheTassel for this great idea :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
I think of Mother's Day not for adopted and birth mothers but for every woman who has "mothered" someone. For example, I have an aunt who did not have children - but she stepped in after my mom died and gave me support (emotional - I was an adult). Or a coworker who gives me sound advice. Or the teacher / coach who steps in the help make my child a better person. I see it in so many women - regardless of them physically being a mom.


Well-Known Member

Even though my mother is no longer living; there are many women who have been inspirational, helpful, and "motherly" to me.
I honor them.


Well-Known Member
My unpopular opinion is related to mother's day. I do love my mother, though we tend to have issues. However, I have no desire to ever be a mother myself. It is out of the question now since I had my hysterectomy, but still.

I saw all these posts from friends and family saying how much they love being a mother and how their kids are the greatest accomplishment. Maybe I'm just nuts, but I don't think I could ever make that statement. I'm proud of what I have done academically and professionally. I am proud of my volunteer work. I am proud of the books I have written and the screenplay that I am writing. I just can't imagine being proud of having sex that resulted in a child. Yes, raising a child is hard work. And I hear people say that it is the best job ever. I'm just not a believer in that.


Well-Known Member
I think that it is like anything, you can't really imagine it if it isn't your experience. Or if you have the experience, everyone experiences it slightly differently. Like traveling to a country that is different from your own - some people love it and want to be immersed, some by day three are looking for a McDonald's and complaining that the Big Mac is different from home and there is this wide divide where people fall in ranges.

I don't think parenting is "the best job ever" - that is sort of like a dad saying he babysat his kids while his wife went to the grocery store. It's kind of a bent statement. It can be intensely rewarding, surprising, terrifying, sorrowful, joyous, etc. But no one pays you, there is no guarantee of a happy ending and you will lose money on that "job". Especially if you have a skater. :D

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I think of Mother's Day not for adopted and birth mothers but for every woman who has "mothered" someone. For example, I have an aunt who did not have children - but she stepped in after my mom died and gave me support (emotional - I was an adult). Or a coworker who gives me sound advice. Or the teacher / coach who steps in the help make my child a better person. I see it in so many women - regardless of them physically being a mom.
That is how it is always referred to in every Catholic parish I have attended, and all of them celebrate Mother's Day. (It may come out of an old tradition we have called "spiritual motherhood.") Basically every woman who wants one gets a flower.


Well-Known Member
my little princess took a check I gave her for the doctor's office co-pay and wrote it out instead for prom tickets when I told her she needed to work for the money. I smacked her IPhone out of her hand as she was texting her friends and not listening to me tell her that was illegal and immoral. I am ashamed that I raised a self centered, entitled, spoiled brat (that has a 3.986 GPA). If I had done that my parents would have kicked me out of the house. I am mortified beyond belief. These millenials aren't worth a $hit. And I helped create it. I have been waiting tables since 13 years old, skated 20+ hours and week and still got a 3.7 GPA. Please kick my a$$ now. :(


Well-Known Member
I think of Mother's Day not for adopted and birth mothers but for every woman who has "mothered" someone. For example, I have an aunt who did not have children - but she stepped in after my mom died and gave me support (emotional - I was an adult). Or a coworker who gives me sound advice. Or the teacher / coach who steps in the help make my child a better person. I see it in so many women - regardless of them physically being a mom.

There was a post on Facebook for mothers of four legged kids. I don't even have one of those anymore, but she did used to give me a mother's day card every year. And she gave a separate birthday card to each of her grandparents too. They always had dogs on them. Just rambling.


Active Member
How old is she?? Motherhood is tough and nobody on this earth knows or understands the deep pains/fears mothers carry around (except Jesus). Be encouraged and stay strong.


Well-Known Member
my little princess took a check I gave her for the doctor's office co-pay and wrote it out instead for prom tickets when I told her she needed to work for the money. I smacked her IPhone out of her hand as she was texting her friends and not listening to me tell her that was illegal and immoral. I am ashamed that I raised a self centered, entitled, spoiled brat (that has a 3.986 GPA). If I had done that my parents would have kicked me out of the house. I am mortified beyond belief. These millenials aren't worth a $hit. And I helped create it. I have been waiting tables since 13 years old, skated 20+ hours and week and still got a 3.7 GPA. Please kick my a$$ now. :(
It's often the smartest ones who do the sneakiest stuff. Hang in there--pushing boundaries is part of what they do at this age. Just remember to push back much harder :D


scratching at the light
It's often the smartest ones who do the sneakiest stuff. Hang in there--pushing boundaries is part of what they do at this age. Just remember to push back much harder :D
Yep. This was my kid in high school. Straight A student without doing homework or studying for tests. Smart, sassy and REBELLIOUS. I won't go into details in this thread, but it was bad enough that at one point removing her from our home was being considered. I aged 10 years when she was 15-18.
A year ago she graduated university with her BScN in Nursing. She has been working full time ever since, is saving up to buy a house and is the joy of my life.
@skatemommy, you probably feel like you are living in the middle of a tornado, walking on eggshells, and wanting to kick her butt to the curb all at the same time. And it's hell while you are going through it, but she really will grow up at some point. ((((Hugs))) and do something really nice for yourself.
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