"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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Well-Known Member
I like Beth....even though she sucks at killing walkers. :shuffle: She's the only one keeping a journal.

I'm just shocked she managed to survive this long. Then again she rarely ever went outside the prison so I guess her chances of encountering a walker have been drastically reduced compared to everyone else. I'm hoping running with Daryl (who is AWESOME) will help her tap into her awesomeness and then maybe she will start killing walkers rather than shrieking and falling over. I like the whole journal thing but come on! Kill something already! :lol:


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
So I'm rewatching seasons one and two, and I have a couple of questions.

Atlanta got bombed, or possibly napalmed. This was shown in a flashback with Shane and Lori on the road; Carol and her abusive husband were there as well.

So, um, how come we never see any of this damage when our merry band goes to Atlanta? This, again, just makes me thing there is no show bible....

Also, at the CDC, the guy says that he lost contact with the last holdouts, the French, over a month ago. If Dr. Mullet is telling the truth, the he's been talking to people in Washington on a satellite phone, how did those people lose contact with the CDC? Wouldn't that be a priority?

Or, as some have speculated on TWOP, Dr. Mullet deliberately destroyed the truck so they couldn't continue on to DC because he doesn't actually know anything. But wouldn't Abraham have overheard the phone calls? Or did the doctor and his mullet go off somewhere to make them, due to them being classified and all?

And will Rosita ever dress properly for the zombie apocalypse?


Well-Known Member
Also, at the CDC, the guy says that he lost contact with the last holdouts, the French, over a month ago. If Dr. Mullet is telling the truth, the he's been talking to people in Washington on a satellite phone, how did those people lose contact with the CDC? Wouldn't that be a priority?

Or, as some have speculated on TWOP, Dr. Mullet deliberately destroyed the truck so they couldn't continue on to DC because he doesn't actually know anything. But wouldn't Abraham have overheard the phone calls? Or did the doctor and his mullet go off somewhere to make them, due to them being classified and all?

Equally bizarre - when Glen and Tara learn that Eugene know how 'to fix this thing', wouldn't they immediately want to know what caused the zombie epidemic? Even if Glen still wants to find Maggie before anything else, wouldn't it be an automatic impulse to get more information about such earth-shattering news?

I'm inclined to agree with you that Eugene make be faking it. He seemed to intentionally destroy the truck.


Well-Known Member
Atlanta got bombed, or possibly napalmed. This was shown in a flashback with Shane and Lori on the road; Carol and her abusive husband were there as well. So, um, how come we never see any of this damage when our merry band goes to Atlanta? This, again, just makes me thing there is no show bible....

Just another detail the producers overlooked. The audience needs to make up their own answer, in this case perhaps: only part of the city was bombed

One question I've had for a long time is why the characters aren't all using swords or cross-bows, or even pikes. Far better weapons for killing zombies. Amo seems to last for a really long time in the some of the zombie gun shoot-out scenes. . .

And the armoured gear that Glen suited up in - there should have been more of that, and more people should have worn them. Alternatively, it would make common sense to create protective gear out of various fabrics and items. For example, police train dogs with padded bite proof arm gear. Such stuff should have been available at any police station with a canine unit and a top priority for survivors.


Well-Known Member
^^Agreed. After seeing Milton's "biter jacket" (a jacket he'd covered in duct tape) I would have thought everyone would walk around in something like that. I live in GA so I know the heat is crazy here, but there should be some kind of way they can work that out.

I agree swords, pikes, etc. over guns. Michonne (katana), Daryl (crossbow) and Tyrese (mallet/hammer thing) are the only ones whose weapon of choice is a melee weapon. Everyone needs to learn how to use them especially now that they left their store of ammo back at the prison...bullets should become scarce really soon now that they are all on the road.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
So I'd heard rumors that Daryl was going to die tonight, so I had to seek out spoilers so that I could brace myself if that was the case. I won't say yea or nay in case anyone doesn't want to know.

But I will say that if the spoilers are true, this may be the stupidest episode ever of The Walking Dead. Yes, I'm still pissed that Norman Reedus is paired up with the weakest "actress" on the show (she's apparently a Disney kid? That explains a lot); I would've preferred Glenn and Daryl being awesome together trying to find Maggie, but NO, we get him and simpering twit. :lynch:

Oh, and apparently Norman Reedus was so bothered by something in this episode he made the producers change it. I'm guessing they had the two hook up, but I really have no idea.


Let the skating begin
Hmm...having skinned a rattlesnake, it's not nearly as easy as Daryl made that fake one look. It is tasty, however. Now, she's getting drunk on shine. Right.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Look, I'm as happy as the next woman to watch Norman Reedus for an hour, but that episode went nowhere. And to reveal that Daryl did "nothing" before the apocalypse is not a big deal, no matter how hot Norman looks trying to convince me of this. We all suspected that. It's not a big, shocking reveal.

Beth sucks.


plotting, planning and travelling
ETA: I had so much fun reading back through the thread for season 2! Only a little over 2 weeks until the premiere!! :D

Just wondering...

Any other fans here? :)

NO.. :lol: I was unfortunately forced to view it at my daughters last week.. I thought it was disgusting.. but I hate stuff like that anyway.. But I am surrounded by people who love it - but put me in your mom's camp with the squeamish people.. although I think my hubby would like it - I'm not mentioning it.. as exposure last week whilst visiting her was enough for me


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
It would have been more interesting if Beth's mission was to get drunk and screw.

I'm going to guess that was the episode as originally written, and Norman Reedus was all "oh hell no," so instead we get them burning down a perfectly good place to stay the night, and probably had some stuff worth salvaging, but HEY WE GOT TO FLIP OFF A BURNING HOUSE.


If they kill Daryl, I'm done with this show.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Edited: double post

But as long as I'm here, I'm worried that Beth's "you'll be the last man standing" means Daryl buys it next week. :lynch:
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Well-Known Member
Lep - so pissed she posted it twice. :lol: So, when I watch the episode, I'll be screaming at the tv for zombies to come kill Beth?


Life is a beautiful thing
Sure wasn't much of an episode tonight. Beth comes off as a little brat wanting to get drunk because daddy wouldn't let her before. I'm looking forward to Daryl being reunited with Carol so they can get it on LOL


Active Member
I disagree. The episode was actually very good. We got to see two very different personalities having to work it out together both still haunted by their "past lives". Beth is almost a symbol of what used to be normal. Someone who still has hope and still has a good heart despite all. Not everyone can or should be a badass. The thing is that she pretty much forced Daryl to deal with some of his demons. And Daryl showed her that she really has to get tougher. Beth is still young and probably frustated just like Carl.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
But that didn't need to take an entire episode. You could've shown us some other characters.

I can't believe I'm bitching about a Daryl-centric episode...

What I did like was that intro sequence, with no dialogue for like the first 7-10 minutes. That was really well done. The "let's get drunk and gaze at our navels" part? Not so much. The ONLY interesting thing that was revealed was that Daryl felt guilty for not continuing to look for the governor. The rest we already knew.

I do have to say that next week looks REALLY good, so I'm hopeful for some awesome TV.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the episode but I don't think they needed an entire episode to tell that part of the story...

I do feel like Beth was talking to me when she confronted Daryl outside about the reasons she's still alive. I think I've asked that questions several times: how the hell is Beth still alive? or what does she do other than babysit and sing? The answer is still not much, but I guess that's okay for now. I laughed so hard when Daryl bashed in the walker's head with the golf club and messed up Beth's new outfit ("FORE!!":lol:). Wearing white? While you're walking through the woods? Seriously? Come on Beth...:rolleyes:

I did like that Daryl opens up a bit and we find that he blames himself for what happened as well. It makes sense seeing as how he was the take charge guy while Rick was off playing farmer...so I guess he feels as though he should shoulder some of the blame for what happened. I hate it when Daryl cries!! I just wanted to knock Beth out of the way and hug him!! He misses his family...that made me sad.

Not surprising to find that Daryl was mostly a drifter prior to the apocalypse. I'd have been shocked if he said he was an investment banker or something like that...but judging from who he was at the beginning of the show, the fact that he tailed Meryl and did whatever he did seems kinda obvious.

Not a bad episode but it didn't really move anything forward much. Next week's episode is looking like a nail-biter...out of bullets and surrounded by zombies in fog? Yikes! I wonder if someone is going to die? From the extended preview I saw it looked like Bob was in quite a bit of trouble. Is this episode going to focus solely on Maggie, Sasha and Bob? Or are we going to see anyone else?

Guess we'll find out next week. :)


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I liked the opening of this week's episode. :)

Mainly because it had Daryl and Glenn and was Beth-free. :saint:


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Am I talking to myself here? All righty then.

Daryl in a coffin? :swoon:

Oh, hey, do you know how Beth can get away from whomever kidnapped her? By singing. They'll toss her out of that car so damn fast...


Well-Known Member
Is it wrong that I was cheering when Beth got carnapped? :shuffle: Poor Daryl - he's fallen in with scum again. Were those guys the same scum that almost caught Rick, Carl & Michonne?


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Yes, those were the same guys. :scream: I like the parallel with the opening, though, where Bob is willing to fall in with anyone just to not be alone, and happens to meet Glenn and Daryl, whereas Daryl has no choice and is forced to join scum of the earth.

I so DO NOT WANT a Beth and Daryl hook up. I will fling my teevee out the window, and I nearly did when she was all, "Don't 'mmm-hmm' me, Daryl," and then he must've given her a look and she's all "Oh, hey, Daryl...." :wall: Some on TWOP are speculating that Daryl meant Hershel is the one who made him believe in people again, but I think it's supposed to be Miss Hey, Isn't It Sweet Some Creepy Guy is Embalming Walkers.



Well-Known Member
Lep - did you see next week's previews? I'm really hoping Carol abandons creepy Lizzie to death by zombie, but it's probably a test to see if little miss psycho will actually kill something already dead. :p

You know the Daryl thing will build up to 'group of scum' trying to attack the farm/prison friends and Daryl will have to make a choice. Poor Daryl, he decides to be nice to a dog and gets a zombie pile on! :lol: But hooray for dogs finally coming around on the show. They'd be the first thing I'd have with me in an apocalypse.


Well-Known Member
:lol: But hooray for dogs finally coming around on the show. They'd be the first thing I'd have with me in an apocalypse.

Nope. Not surprised at the lack of dogs in the zombie apocalypse. Same reason as the lack of dogs during a famine. If you're hungry enough (as a starving survivor or a brain dead zombie)....them's good eatin'.


Well-Known Member
Is it wrong that I was cheering when Beth got carnapped? :shuffle: Poor Daryl - he's fallen in with scum again. Were those guys the same scum that almost caught Rick, Carl & Michonne?

You're assuming Beth got car-napped because her knapsack was on the road? I thought she might have lost it running away and be somewhere in the woods.

One thing that was ridiculous last episode was burning down the cabin and heading for the woods. In the dark. With the light and noise of the fire attracting every single zombie in the vicinity.


Life is a beautiful thing
I'm with Japanfan and assumed Beth had just dropped her pack while running away. Time will tell. How the heck did the girls catch up to Bob so quickly? Sad there is only 3 more episodes.


Well-Known Member
But hooray for dogs finally coming around on the show. They'd be the first thing I'd have with me in an apocalypse.

You'd have to teach them not to bark though, not to start. That's not a skill I've ever mastered with dogs. I've taught them to stop, but not to not ever start.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
But if Beth just dropped her pack, why didn't she call out when Daryl called for her? She's in that car.

I'm hoping the previews for next week are true. Maybe when Mika is saying, "No, Carol," it's because she means "No, Carol, let me finish off Beth! I can't stand her singing, either!"

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