"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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Headcase Addict
:lol: Do explain...

:lol: Rick tells Carol to leave because she killed two sick people to protect the group from the illness spreading. But his evil spawn son Carl shoots a teen in cold blood...and that's just fine? Why didn't Rick send Carl out on his own? The new counsel is suppose to decide what happens in the group....not Rick. Rick even killed Shane because his evil she-devil of a wife instigated him to.

Rick makes most of the bad decisions. If he had killed the governor earlier, the governor wouldn't have been able to shoot so many people and Andrea would have still been alive. He's a sanctimonious idiot.

I'd feel more comfortable joining Carol than Rick and his crazy kid. I don't expect too many people to be happy about Rick sending Carol away. Especially Daryl... who was close to getting laid. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Rick tells Carol to leave because she killed two sick people to protect the group from the illness spreading. But his evil spawn son Carl shoots a teen in cold blood...and that's just fine? Why didn't Rick send Carl out on his own? The new counsel is suppose to decide what happens in the group....not Rick. Rick even killed Shane because his evil she-devil of a wife instigated him to.

Rick killed Shane because Shane was about to kill Rick. Lori was an idiot, yes, but Shane basically told Rick, "yeah, I tricked you into coming out here with me so I could kill you."

In recent events, both Rick and Carol made the same error: they made huge decisions without consulting anyone. Carol killed two people (essentially for nothing...they might have survived the illness, and by then it had spread anyway), and Rick booted Carol from the group. These decisions were not theirs to make; the group should have decided.

I'm actually Team Rick here. In this sort of environment, I would try to err on the side of humanity/society/not being a sociopath. Rick, as broken and flailing in the dark as he is, represents law and order. When that goes away, things get very bad for the weak, very fast. You're sick? Knife to the head. You're slow? You get eaten by walkers, we're not coming back for you. You're female? You're chattel. I'm waiting for the Walking Dead to show that last one. They alluded to it a couple seasons ago when Rick and Hershel met those other people in the bar. But....lawless apocalypse is a really bad place to be female, unless you're born with the ability to kick serious @ss.


Well-Known Member
But....lawless apocalypse is a really bad place to be female, unless you're born with the ability to kick serious @ss.

All hail Michonne! Queen of the female ass kickers! :lol:

I agree with you. I'm Team Rick too.

I think Carol jumped the gun in killing those two people. If killing the infected would have knocked out the disease and they knew that for a fact, I don't think Rick or anyone else would hold it against her as much.... But she basically murdered two people on the assumption that killing them would save everyone when in fact everyone still got sick which basically means she murdered two people for nothing. I don't fault her for acting but I do fault her for acting on her own. Seeing as how they're running the prison by committee right now, I don't think it was her place to make such a huge decision without consulting anyone.

Similarly, I don't think Rick (who isn't even part of the committee officially) should be kicking Carol out (again) without consulting with people first. The situation needs to be presented to everyone and, by committee, they need to vote on what should happen to Carol.

I really can't wait to see how this one is going to pan out.

No way AliasJohnDoe! Daryl can't leave the prison! :) I think Carol will come back at some point soon but there is still the little matter of the loose cannon aka Tyrese. What the hell is he gonna do when he finds out sweet little Carol stuck a knife in his girlfriend's head and then set her on fire?


Well-Known Member
:lol: Rick tells Carol to leave because she killed two sick people to protect the group from the illness spreading. But his evil spawn son Carl shoots a teen in cold blood...and that's just fine? Why didn't Rick send Carl out on his own? The new counsel is suppose to decide what happens in the group....not Rick. Rick even killed Shane because his evil she-devil of a wife instigated him to.

Agree about Carl, and about the counsel.

I can understand Carol's actions and think she was motivated to protect the group. These were the only two sick alive people at the time, and she believed she might contain the illness. But there is a logical problem with her actions: the two people she killed were already quarantined, and so did not pose any further danger to the group. Someone would have to check on them and kill them if they died or turned, and that one person would be exposed. No one else need be.

Of course, the assumption is that Carol believed the two continued to pose a danger. She wouldn't have otherwise killed them. But this significant detail was overlooked.

susan6 said:
In recent events, both Rick and Carol made the same error: they made huge decisions without consulting anyone. Carol killed two people (essentially for nothing...they might have survived the illness, and by then it had spread anyway), and Rick booted Carol from the group. These decisions were not theirs to make; the group should have decided.


And although Rick may have aimed to avoid unrest among the group and ultimately dividing it, he may divide the group anyhow. I think Darryl and perhaps Hershel are going to be extremely angry at Rick. Darryl might even go out looking for her.

From a practical viewpoint Carol is of more value to the group that Ty Reese, who is just moping about thinking about suicide anyway. I would have had the group forgive Carol and emphasize a collective decision-making process. Ty Reese could have been booted if he didn't accept the decision, he is not much use to the group anyhow.


Well-Known Member
I agree to an extent about Carl, but don't forget Carl is still a kid. Not to lessen the fact that he shot a kid in the face but he was in a high pressure situation (Woodbury attacking the prison) and was faced with a split second decision: shoot or don't shoot. At the time I fully agreed with Carl shooting. To me, the guy was taking too long to drop the gun. If I was running away and someone pulled a gun on me, I'd have instantly dropped the gun, got down on my knees and put my hands up to show I wasn't a threat. That guy was staring Carl down like he was trying to work out a way to get the gun or fight back. Only after the fact did I realize Carl actually killed someone...

As for Carol, I don't doubt she was doing what she thought was in the best interest of the group but her methods were way too extreme. And like Japanfan said, the two people were already quarantined. I think she went too far...what's more, her level of remorse is so low it kind of makes it seem like she didn't care. She does care (as evident by the mini-breakdown she had after Tyrese implored her to check on Sasha) but it seems like she doesn't. It's like, "Damn, that didn't work. Oh well, I need to go get some water..."

Carol really doesn't seem like the same person. It's good that she's fearless and strong now, but all of that stuff can't come at the expense of your soul, which is what is happening to her. She's completely cold: she's emotionless, she lies, she kills...these are things that may be necessary to survive but at what point do you draw that line between surviving and becoming an unfeeling, detached shell of a person who will do anything to survive? Look at how she reacted to being kicked out of the prison. If I'd been with a group of people I considered my family and was asked to leave, I'd beg/plead/fight to remain. I wouldn't allow myself to be kicked out of my home without any kind of protest. Carol just rolled over and took it. It was unnerving how calm she was about it. I don't understand that...it's almost like she didn't even care enough to fight back.

I'm sure she'll be back. I'm thinking everyone will be upset when they learn that she's gone but I'm wondering how/if their feelings will change once they find out what she did. The way she killed and disposed of those people was pretty shocking...that could change a lot of people's perception of her.


Life is a beautiful thing
When someone is written out of the show they appear on "the talking dead" afterward. This didn't happen with Carol so I assume she'll be back :)


Headcase Addict


Well-Known Member
There is no way Carol is off the show. She will definitely be back. Probably just in time to save the day and kill the Governor, thus redeeming herself.


Well-Known Member
Nowhere near as awesome as the episode before it but really interesting insight into what the Governor has been up to.

One of the reasons I find his character so fascinating is b/c he can switch from suave to savage, from unfeeling to completely emotional, from homicidal psycho to caring father figure...David Morrissey is so wonderful. I think it's interesting that he's found this new (tiny) group of people to care for, though IMO he's more concerned with Megan (the little gir)l than the other women. He's latched onto her and I think that's pulled him back into who he was prior to losing Penny. The whole "I'm a pirate" thing was really sweet and it's clear he's to the point now he's going to do anything to protect her. The downside to that of course is that if something happens to Megan my guess is his world will shatter (again) and he'll descend rapidly into who he was at the end of season 3.

I'm interested to see where in the timeline they are. They start right after the Woodbury massacre and then show him several months out. I'm assuming the shot we see of him standing outside of the prison is the "now"...so the question is what happened between then and "now" to get him to the prison? And which Governor is that standing there? The newer, nicer Governor who has found a new purpose in life...or the evil Governor who still wants revenge on Rick, Michonne and the rest of the prison?

I'm thinking next week's episode will probably be another Governor episode and will bring us to that point...I'm really interested to see where they're going with this. :)


Life is a beautiful thing
Yes, it was an interesting episode. I'm hoping next week ties everything back together. I'm betting it the evil Governor coming back to keep things interesting. I agree with BigB08822, Carol will save the day. There's no way she's off the show completely.


Headcase Addict
David Morrissey was on "Talking Dead". It seemed as if he was trying to convince the host and audience that the governor has changed.


Well-Known Member
The Governor is past redemption. Even if he does act nice from now until the end of the show, he will still not be trusted by the people at the prison OR the viewers.


Well-Known Member
David Morrissey was on "Talking Dead". It seemed as if he was trying to convince the host and audience that the governor has changed.

He's always defending the governor. :rolleyes: :lol: I think he really likes his character and tries to rationalize the shit that he does...but we fans know better.:D

I still think something is going to happen to push him over the edge again...just a matter of time.:scream:


Well-Known Member
So we go through all this crap with the Governor to find out he is exactly the same psychopath he was before? What a waste of time. Oh, and now we get to see Governor vs. Prison Part 2. Is this show all out of ideas or are the comics this repetitive as well?


Life is a beautiful thing
I haven't read the comics but you're right, looks like we're heading down the same path again. I sure hope there are some new twists added soon. I really enjoyed last season and the start of this season but the last couple episodes haven't been exciting at all. Hopefully the "mid season finale" perks things up a bit :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the comics but you're right, looks like we're heading down the same path again. I sure hope there are some new twists added soon. I really enjoyed last season and the start of this season but the last couple episodes haven't been exciting at all. Hopefully the "mid season finale" perks things up a bit :)

I agree. While it's fine to show what the governor has been up to, more time than necessary has been devoted to it IMO. Introducing a whole new cast of characters doesn't hold my interest, especially since they've already thinned out the characters with the new additions to the prison community.

I'm much more interested in finding out how the folks at the prison are doing, and what's up with Carol - whereas I really don't care about the new characters and their romances at all.


Well-Known Member
What did everyone think?

I knew Herschel was a goner so was not at all surprised when he was killed. Still upsetting, though.

Glad that the Governor is finally dead.

Is the baby actually dead? I know the carrier was empty and had what looked like a lot of blood in it but they left it open enough to bring her back. The blood could have gotten there after someone took her out and left the carrier behind.

I let out a really loud cheer when the girl shot that woman right in the head. How can she kill a person but she couldn't hurt a zombie? I am confused by that, really contradictory character development but I guess the point is that people make really weird decisions in this world.


Life is a beautiful thing
So sad about Hershel. Going to miss him.
Couldn't be happier about the Governor.
I don't think Judy is dead. I'm sure someone got her to the bus with the other young children.
Glad Carol trained the sisters well. The older one sure is a bit of a head case but she sure came thru when it counted.
Do they all have a meeting place? There are at least 5 different splits ~ Rick, Maggie, Daryl, Tyrone, the bus with Glenn ... maybe more that I'm not thinking of.
I hope the girl with the pigtails who wouldn't fight for the governor makes friends with a good group.


Well-Known Member
I would be shocked if they don't have a meeting place. That would be a really big mistake to have planned for so much and not thought about where to meet up. It may take some longer to get there, though. Some may not make it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the focus on the rest of the season. I am just so darn glad they have to leave that prison!


Well-Known Member
I would be shocked if they don't have a meeting place. That would be a really big mistake to have planned for so much and not thought about where to meet up. It may take some longer to get there, though. Some may not make it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the focus on the rest of the season. I am just so darn glad they have to leave that prison!

Yes, they do have a habit of dragging out things that the audience would prefer to be resolved sooner. When Sophia went missing, it occupied about six episodes.

I would think they do have a meeting place, but that place could easily be overrun. As indicated by the last shot, the noise of the battle is going to attract any zombie within hearing distance.

I loved the talk/interaction between Rick and the Governor. Although the Governor's major melt-down could have been predicted, his level of destruction was nonetheless quite something to witness IMO.
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