The Dance Hall 10: The Saitama Samba 2022-2023

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Well-Known Member
It should have been 1) Chock/Bates, 2)Guignard/Fabbri, 3) Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen for me, with C/B lower and closer to G/F. G/P felt flat to me today and their levels showed that (and were generous along with the GOE they got), Fear/Gibson were great in the performance but not at the levels of skating that Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen showed.
I also think Carreira/Ponomarenko should have placed higher while Turkkila/Versluis should have placed lower given the levels of basic skating and the complexity of choreography (I would have Taschlers 8th, Carreira/Ponomarenko 9th, Turkkila/Versluis 10th).
And I feel really bad for Lopareva/Brissaud, Gui's choreography did them no favors this season and it just took any spark they had last season and made them bland.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
As a C/B uber, I'm so proud of them and yay for being in first. With a 3.7 lead, I might be able to breathe while watching them tonight/early tmrw. Or maybe not.

The biggest headscratcher for me was F/G ahead of FB/S. I felt FB/S were better than GilPoir. They should not be 5th. But we still have the FD so who knows what will happen. And I do like F/G.


AYS's snark-sponge
As a C/B uber, I'm so proud of them and yay for being in first. With a 3.7 lead, I might be able to breathe while watching them tonight/early tmrw. Or maybe not.
Yes this. Really though it does improve conditions. :lol:

I was impressed with GuiFab. I've thought their RD was really good this season and I think they skated great. I'm not a judge and I'm glad of that. I also think their FD is super this season. I really hope they get silver here; they deserve it (if not gold but I'm not a judge so I don't have to go there :shuffle: )


Well-Known Member
oy, this is the best both c/b and g/f have skated their rd's this season... charlene's body rolls were just perfect and the speed in those twizzles :smokin: having seen the top three performances now, i definitely would have had g/f ahead of c/b. and i really don't think g/p should be so close to g/f, my annoyance with piper's hyper o-faces notwithstanding. even compared to c/b, g/p's strokes seem so short resulting in much less glide and speed across the ice (though i'm watching from home and know that things can look much different in the arena).

gonna make some time to watch teams 4-10 this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
I loved Gil/Por and Gui/Fub. They skated as one. Brits are just jerking to the music as well as Finns. C/B super generic and bland programs. Judges just do not differentiate jerking vs dancing.


Well-Known Member
I am also an uber fan of C/B. I am so happy for them being in first place and I hope they win. Interesting that someone upthread referred to C/B as generic. I think the opposite. They always seem to develop a unique theme for their programs. I really loved the snake/snake charmer program and I grew to love the alien/astronaut program.

Much of the talk this season has been about G/P, and they had momentum until her appendicitis. They moved really slowly across the ice in their RD. It was like they were skating through three inches of peanut butter on the ice.

G/F were lovely.

Should be an awesome free dance. I'm pulling for C/B to win their first world gold 🥇


Well-Known Member
I didn’t intend to but stayed up watching past 3 am (Eastern). I just missed G&P and then died and left before the final two. I was loving the dance couples though ..and the music. A bit brain dead today though.


Well-Known Member
Well I thought the GOE given to C/B was an embarrassment.

Charlene/Marco are the best skaters(as a team at this competition) in my opinion. The difficulty in their programs was finally rewarded today, finally.
Laurence/Nick skated well. Nick has improved this season and Laurence is Laurence, aka an exceptional skater, dancer, performer.
Piper/Paul - They looked slow at time and tenative. Sucks for them.
Lilah/Lewis looked much improved and we all they are going to PERFORM.

I like so many teams in the top 10, however the Fins are really ready for primetime. Both are very good skaters, performers and GREAT packaging.

The Tashlers are incredible. The ice coverage is simply exceptional. I hope they are get two spots for Czechia because this country deserves it.
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Skating season ends as baseball season begins
I'm glad G&P can blame appendicitis for the loss of stamina/momentum... My memory could be wrong, but I think they have struggled to maintain any early-season momentum/placement/scores in plenty of years' past.

I have no kind words for the unacceptable scoring & 5th spot for the Danadians. The Brits are great, but there is no reason to be ahead of FB&S. Honestly, I blame their being Canada's #2 team. Politically, they need G&P to retire for fairness to return to Canadian ice dance. :p ;)


Well-Known Member
can't find the finns or reed/a on youtube, unfortunately.

fb/s were on fire. thank goodness for a mistake-free rd. should've been AT LEAST third, possibly second behind g/f but i'm suddenly blanking on c/b.

gr/par and f/g had so many mismatched lines and mismatched timing throughout their programs. neither team demonstrated 'two skating as one' synchronicity. i don't understand how either scored so high, though again i can't find the other top 10 teams on yt rn 🤷‍♀️ i did love gr/parts lift, though, as well as caroline's energy and michael's expression.


Well-Known Member
Thoughts from the RD:

I am going to need Barbara to get a new top team when Guignard & Fabbri are done. Her reactions are too much fun to miss. Anyway, a great skate and this despite the rules being rewritten to not reward the athletes that hit the levels on the pattern.

Taschlerova & Taschler. I've got to tip my hat. This is a team I was never a fan of on the junior circuit, but they have worked their butts off. Everything total commitment and sold to the hilt. They are developing that level of expression you don't get with dancers who just look naturally gorgeous and don't have to work at it.

Demougeot & LeMercier. They really have the best French RD this season, IMO; and I'm really proud of them for how far they've come this season.

Green & Parsons and Reed & Ambrulevicius. Both good skates and this is a big battleground here below the top 5. One step at a time.

Oh, and smiles for that performance from Muramoto & Takahashi. The judges gave them no cushion whatsoever over Lopareva & Brissaud so M&T will probably lose that place, but it was a great moment for the Japanese crowd. And that's good for ice dance as a whole, IMO.


Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Not really, no. It was much more common for them to have problems in the early going and be stronger in the second half.
No, I don't think so. Some years that would apply, like 2018 when they switched FDs, but as recently as last year they couldn't hold it together at the Olympics or worlds. Or '18/'19 when they couldn't overtake W&P who didn't even compete on the GP. I was thinking of '15/'16 when I thought they were going places with their stunning Saudade program, but by worlds it was... different.

YMMV, but I don't think they're exactly known for peaking at worlds. This year there was definitely good reason, though I'd hoped it would have helped them in a weird way. Ah well.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
No, I don't think so. Some years that would apply, like 2018 when they switched FDs, but as recently as last year they couldn't hold it together at the Olympics or worlds. Or '18/'19 when they couldn't overtake W&P who didn't even compete on the GP.
They didn’t have much in the way of early season momentum in either the years you cite.

The first part of the 18/19 season was a big disappointment with them taking bronze at both Grand Prix events and not making the Final — they were stronger in the second half, putting up a tough fight at nationals (including winning the free) and delivering their best of the season at 4CC. Worlds was an underwhelming finish.

Last season it was pretty clear the judges weren’t with them by their second Grand Prix (though obviously we’ll never know how things might have gone at the Final that never happened). That season was a bit atypical in that things continued to go downhill throughout, though.
I was thinking of '15/'16 when I thought they were going places with their stunning Saudade program, but by worlds it was... different.
2016 Worlds was their best ever Worlds RD showing pre-2021, though they dropped back in the free because (among other things) the judges didn’t really like that program.


Whippet Good
Just finished watching the rhythm dance. Laurence's arms are to die for. Piper needs to tone down the facial expressions. They were faintly disturbing and reminded me of Angelika Krylova, and not in a good way. Madison and Evan were fantastic and just radiated joy. Charlene and Marco were fabulous and regal. Lilah and Lewis seemed a bit frantic but that spinny move towards the end was amazing.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I was going to say judges finally got it right when G/F surpassed Gi/Po, then they gave C/B nearly 92 points. Whatever, I guess.

C/B's 53.33 RD TES is actually the new World Record (P/C got 53.16 at last year's Worlds). I know the elements this year are different, but still...
repeat for FD


Well-Known Member
Americans have become the biggest cheaters in ice dance buying off the judges behind the scenes with the help of blumberg and rettstatt, Madison chock still can`t skate, Piper and Paul were robbed should have won the fd by at least 5 points, and the suspect scoring of the canadanes needs to be investigated.


Well-Known Member
Americans have become the biggest cheaters in ice dance buying off the judges behind the scenes with the help of blumberg and rettstatt, Madison chock still can`t skate, Piper and Paul were robbed should have won the fd by at least 5 points, and the suspect scoring of the canadanes needs to be investigated.
It’s about time the US Fed understood how to play the game. It must irk you that Skate Canada is just so inept at it when they’ve tried so hard with their own cheating tactics too! See Jean Senft 1998 Nagano.

At least Skate Canada learned a more effective method of playing the game… when they get played, they scream “cheating!” Nice to see you’ve been conditioned to do that as part of your nature too. It’s a better method than Russia’s full blown cultural acceptance of unfair play and deciding to take it a few degrees further to the point of sloppiness ever since Sochi to where it has now somewhat bit them in the butt. The US Fed realized it just needs to do what Americans do best… exploit institutional rules and creating structures of cheating through “legal” means as it is the most effective and is the least resistant to calls for change for “justice” and “equality” or “equity”… words many Americans seem to hate now.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think that next year's worlds the over level will rise a lot? So many strong juniors are moving up, and with the way the spots worked out this year, there will be a new Czech, Great Britain, South Korea junior team joining in, an extra Canadian and Finnish team next year... If no one gets injured, 5 more strong teams at Worlds, plus if Russia comes back, there will be another team too. 20 teams for the Free Dance really is tough.

It would be really ironic if the first year the Russians come back it will be on Canadian soil....


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think that next year's worlds the over level will rise a lot? So many strong juniors are moving up, and with the way the spots worked out this year, there will be a new Czech, Great Britain, South Korea junior team joining in, an extra Canadian and Finnish team next year... If no one gets injured, 5 more strong teams at Worlds, plus if Russia comes back, there will be another team too. 20 teams for the Free Dance really is tough.

It would be really ironic if the first year the Russians come back it will be on Canadian soil....
Russian ice dance very weak at this point.
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