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Well-Known Member
It never really bothered me that Trenary never had the lutz or loop. Her 3toe and 3sal were perfect. Not just great, PERFECT. Perfect height, air position and flow.

But it did bother me big time that her programs were always made up of incoherent and at most times random music pasted together. It's like she believed in the Lysacek School of "music doesn't matter and is just used to gather cheers for my step sequence".


New Member
Trenary did skate beautifully at that Sports Festival in 1986 in Houston. Out of Africa is gorgeous music. Too bad ESPN didn't show Tonya Harding in the LP. She skated great too. Technically she was fantastic. Trenary ended up beating Harding on a 4-3 split in the LP.

BTW, the only time I ever saw Trenary attempt a lutz jump was in the SP in 86 when it was the required double jump in the SP that year. At Nationals she fell out of it.


Well-Known Member
Too bad ESPN didn't show Tonya Harding in the LP. She skated great too. Technically she was fantastic. Trenary ended up beating Harding on a 4-3 split in the LP

Jill is two years older than Tonya, but they emerged onto the international scene about the same time, competing at junior and senior B events. They had a rivalry for about 5 years, which ended with the death of figures that coincided with Jill's "ankle injury".

Jill, obviously, had the political upper hand, being coached by the producer of 3 OGMists. I always contend that the results of 1989 Nationals had more to do with Jill's rivalry with Tonya than Yamaguchi's rivalry with Tonya. I don't even think that Tonya thought of Kristi as much of a rival in 1989 because she could do everything Kristi could do in freeskating with better quality technique (ie no flutz, better edges, etc.) and her figures were at an entirely different level.


New Member
In 89 Yamaguchi was most definitely a rival to Tonya Harding. They met a few times that year had club events and Pacific Coast Sectionals. Every time Tonya would win the SP but then Kristi's consistency would come thru and she would beat Tonya in the LP. Yamaguchi skated lights out at Pacific Coast sectionals that year. Harding skated nowhere near as well at that event. By the time Yamaguchi got to Nationals in Baltimore she was most definitely a USFSA darling.


Well-Known Member
Jill, obviously, had the political upper hand, being coached by the producer of 3 OGMists. I always contend that the results of 1989 Nationals had more to do with Jill's rivalry with Tonya than Yamaguchi's rivalry with Tonya. I don't even think that Tonya thought of Kristi as much of a rival in 1989 because she could do everything Kristi could do in freeskating with better quality technique (ie no flutz, better edges, etc.) and her figures were at an entirely different level.

Interesting that in 1990, ABC sports did a Jill Trenary and Tonya Harding profile piece before their Nationals coverage. Perhaps they based this on the results of the 1989 Skate America competition.


Well-Known Member
In 89 Yamaguchi was most definitely a rival to Tonya Harding. They met a few times that year had club events and Pacific Coast Sectionals. Every time Tonya would win the SP but then Kristi's consistency would come thru and she would beat Tonya in the LP. Yamaguchi skated lights out at Pacific Coast sectionals that year. Harding skated nowhere near as well at that event. By the time Yamaguchi got to Nationals in Baltimore she was most definitely a USFSA darling.

Thanks. This is great info. I would not know how to find results for Club, Sectional and Regional Events from back then, but those competitions must have sure been exciting.


Watching submarine races

For some reason, the youtuber who posted that performance chopped off the first couple of minutes of it, which was done to Delahunty's hornpipe, and left only the Seachran part. It's all too good to miss!

Here's the second place couple, Olga Volozhinskaya & Alexandr Svinin.

BTW, I believe that is the same Svinin, who coaches dance with Irina Zhuk, and who were the former coaches of Khokhlova & Novitski and Guerreiro and Pushkash. From this video, we hear that V&S toured with Torvill and Dean. Coincidentally, Svetlana Liapina, the mother of Jonathan Guerreiro (coached this last year by Svinin & Zhuk), also was part of the Torvill and Dean tour.

Here she skates with partner Gorsha (Georgi) Sur at 1987 NHK

Sur of course, later skated with Rene Roca (and is currently an international arbitration lawyer).
Ice dance is a strange world.

Here are Roca and Sur skating to I'll Be Seeing You at a tribute to Carlo Fassi:
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Watching submarine races
It's an odd one-I had the whole clip up and was notified that in some countries there might be an issue with copyright but not some others (presumably not the US, because they didn't take it down), and don't do anything about it, just be aware. So I'm aware :laugh: The problem is definitely with Delahunty's Hornpipe, but why the owners of Delahunty's don't just stick an ITunes link on the vid, like the owners of Seachran do, I don't know.

I can see 3Axel96 being careful-hasn't he/she lost their youtube uploads once or twice before? and he/she has thousands.


Well-Known Member
It's an odd one-I had the whole clip up and was notified that in some countries there might be an issue with copyright but not some others (presumably not the US, because they didn't take it down), and don't do anything about it, just be aware. So I'm aware :laugh: The problem is definitely with Delahunty's Hornpipe, but why the owners of Delahunty's don't just stick an ITunes link on the vid, like the owners of Seachran do, I don't know.

I can see 3Axel96 being careful-hasn't he/she lost their youtube uploads once or twice before? and he/she has thousands.

It's sad when happens but 3Axel96 did a clever thing to save the trouble and keep his/hers precious collection :respec: .
Thank you for posting the link for Olga Volozhinskaya & Alexandr Svinin videoclip.I,ve seen some clips from the time they skated with All Stars/Irina Zhuk was also part of it/ but never in competition and i like their performances from 1984 /posted by 3Axel96 as well/.


The Pathe film clips are astonishing - what treasures.

And how beautiful is the outdoor footage from Davos? Peggy Fleming seems to be skating at dusk, she's almost in silhouette, like a b&w art film. Gabrielle Seyfert's aggressive style, even her knee action, her posture (and her glittery costume!) looks so like Katarina Witt's would 20 years later.


Watching submarine races

In the same vein, here's Elaine Zayak's SP at US Nationals in 1994-what guts-even when she was competing, she wasn't doing the 3Lp in combination! And she landed it here, 10 years after her last previous nationals.

And how nice to hear Peggy actually say something nice about Elaine.

Polymer Bob

New Member
I will admit I haven't read through all 650 notes, but have Mirai's 2 Olympic programs been taken off YouTube? I can't seem to locate them.


Were Nagasu's Olympic programs ever on youtube? IOC/NBC don't want Olympic programs to be posted on youtube due to copyright... they want U.S. viewers to go watch the videos at


I will admit I haven't read through all 650 notes, but have Mirai's 2 Olympic programs been taken off YouTube? I can't seem to locate them.

You can still see them (and every other skater of every event) on the NBC olympic site under their full event replays.

Ladies short
Ladies long

You need Silverlight installed, and I found it plays smoother in IE than Firefox. Firefox kept having small pauses.


Watching submarine races
In honor of one of the greatest unknown skaters ever, Robert Wagenhoffer:
Robert had really lousy figures, and had to compete with Scott Hamilton, David Santee, and the young Brian Boitano. He really came into his own as a pro skater, though.

1990 US Open "Birdland" (tech program)

1990 US Open "Steamroller" (artistic program)

Robert Wagenhoffer 1994 COI, "Crying"

1981 US Nationals LP

1982 US Nationals SP (Robert won this phase of the competition)

1982 US Nationals LP

1980 NHK LP

Vicky Heasley & Robert Wagenhoffer LP Worlds

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