Papadakis/Cizeron #6 - Season's Over - Let's Get Drunk!

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Well-Known Member
Here's a clip of end of the program at The Ice

According to the article that Enchanted linked, Guillaume also cut the music and designed Vanessa's costume. All that work for free. :lol: at Vanessa being amazed by Guillaume's uber preparation.

Guillaume worked on all aspects of J/C SP choreography during his vacation time, first in France to design it, then in Florida to implement it with Vanessa and Morgan. I guess some of you remember Morgan’s Instagram story showing Vanessa & Guillaume trying a lift position, commented by Morgan: “They are unstoppable, even at lunch break!”. Guillaume really took the time to work himself meticulously, with his computer, on the music to find the best arrangement. Like P/C programs, all technical elements are beautifully integrated within the choreography and combined with great transitions. It was just fab for him to work on this short program during his vacation time for at least two reasons. First, he is fully committed to bring up a top level program for J/C, bronze medal at last WC in Milan. Second, he is passionate for arts, dance and choreography.
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In A Fake Snowball Fight
@allezfred, are you going to start the new season's thread?
Maybe we should wait to know what they are skating on, it could help to find the title of the next thread.

What Miloune said.

Are we seriously gonna find out about their music 5 minutes before actual competition? It is not too much? Have a mercy :biggrinbo

Oh you haven't been following French ice dance for very long if you are saying things like that. French teams have always guarded their music choices until the last moment like it was the third secret of Fatima. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Unlike last season, a lot of teams didn't announce their music until just before their first competition, or they were so low key about it that I missed it, but it's been very enjoyable to watch most of the new FDs without knowing the music and having preconceived notions about them.

However, with Gabby & Guillaume, I want to know NOW. Just tell me you haven't been inspired by Michael Buble this season.


Well-Known Member
The NBC version of their Olympics FD has been uploaded, thank you Tanith.

I still get goosebumps watching it! I think I love them too much :D

And I trust them completly with their new programs! Whatever they want to skate to this season will be fine with me :) They will not dissapoint with the tango. And even if I wouldn´t like the music of the FD I´m sure I´ll love the FD, too. I survived Ed Sheeran and loved their SD last season besides this music, so all I do is trust their skating!


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they had have won they would have lost motivation or even missed this season? They are too young to retire and have so much more in them.Can't wait I love all the mystery ;)


Is the french master livestreamed? do you have any links to lineup?Very pretty pls :)çaise-part-trois.98463/page-9#post-5413531
Schedule for Masters

FFSG replied to an inquiry on their Facebook that there will be a stream.
Competition thread in the Kiss & Cry section:


Well-Known Member
They will skate their tango in Villard but not their FD (they will skate an exhibition instead)

Guillaume Cizeron just got his driver's licence and bought a car. Having a car "changed his life more than an olympic medal."

Dean choreographed the RD

Lambiel the FD

Started to train again at the begining of August

They envisionned skipping the start of the season but didn't

They want to make their style evolve (no piano this season)

They are working on their lifts with circus acrobats to create new stuff


Well-Known Member
They will skate their tango in Villard but not their FD (they will skate an exhibition instead)

Guillaume Cizeron just got his driver's licence and bought a car. Having a car "changed his life more than an olympic medal."

Dean choreographed the RD

Lambiel the FD

Started to train again at the begining of August

They envisionned skipping the start of the season but didn't

They want to make their style evolve (no piano this season)

They are working on their lifts with circus acrobats to create new stuff
This has the potential to be beautiful.

eta: never mind - she does have songs with the piano.

Bold choice, to have Lambiel choreograph the FD.


Well-Known Member
What songs do people hope they've picked / see them skating to of hers?

It depends on what direction they're going in. I can see them skating to anything from Elephants...Teeth Sinking into Hearts, but maybe they'll go in a different direction as her other albums since Elephants... seem to be familiar territory for P/C. Some of my favorite songs of hers like "Worn Me Down" and "Even if I Don't" don't seem folksy to me.
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