Nathan Chen Fan Thread #2


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Nathan's adventures in Madrid
Nathan and Florent Amodio received Real Madrid soccer jerseys.

Nice acknowledgement from Blue Edge FSC in Connecticut
As we are gearing up for the 2023-24 season (more details coming soon !), we took the opportunity to look back at some pictures that captured our last season. And when we looked at the pictures that our members had shared with us as their happy skating memories, we realized that our club is full of Nathan Chen fans !!!! We are lucky that so many of us get an opportunity to interact with Nathan Chen as he skates in area rinks. Not only do the skaters discuss how awed they are by Nathan's on-ice skill, power and sheer athleticism, they can't stop gushing about how kind and courteous Nathan is on and off-ice. On ice, Nathan always makes an effort to share the ice with all skaters and off-ice you will find Nathan signing autographs and posing for pictures with a smile. Thanks for being such an Awesome person Nathan Chen ! We really hope that we can have Nathan on our Club ice someday soon 🙂.

Nathan's sports psychologist who was mentioned in his memoir is publishing a book, due out next Feb.
Stories, interviews, quotes and examples from a broad range of top performers, including, but not limited to: elite military operators, professional athletes, first responders, a neurosurgeon, a big wave surfer, a Cirque du Soleil acrobat, an assistant district attorney, a former Congressman, a 2x World Cup Champion US Woman's National Team soccer player, a cliff diver, an esport athlete, a world class snowboarder, an Olympic figure skater gold medalist, a retired CIA analyst, an NBA 2x World Champion Head Coach, a former military pilot, an aerobatic air racer, a 2x World Champion ballroom dancer, Fortune 500 executives, a World Champion Wake Boarder, and a retired Navy SEAL Admiral.
A special thank you to all the book endorsement blurbs that are already coming in from Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google), Erik Spoelstra (Head Coach, Miami Heat), Jocko Willink (Retired SEAL Officer), Nathan Chen (Olympic Figure Skating Gold Medalist), just to name a few.


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Feature on Yale's athletics director, Vicky Chun:
Nathan on the assistance she gave him:
“Vicky said to me, ‘Anything you need, ask us. We will help you,’” Chen said. “Without Vicky, honestly, it would have been challenging for me to get anywhere.”

More from Javi's summer camp


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Huge collection of photos from The Ice

Video of Vincent visiting with Nathan and Ilia at SOI


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Nathan visiting a rink in San Francisco (Brian Boitano skates there)

Nathan uploaded the Toyota video to his IG
Some behind the scenes footage from the promo


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Nathan visiting Utah before his Sun Valley show this weekend.

ETA: Small recap of Javi's summer camp
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Video of Nathan's "coronation"

Thoughts on Sun Valley:
--Gorgeous resort. Not cheap but very classy! The neighboring town of Ketchum is equally delightful.
--The Sun Valley rink is the most intimate skating venue I've been to. Practices are free and open to the public. It was so cool being able to walk right up to the edge of the rink to watch. After practice a horde of fans lined up to meet Nathan as he left. That's where the "coronation" video was filmed.
--Nathan seemed very relaxed during the show. His skating had a lightness to it that I hadn't seen in awhile. For my money he has the most expressive arms in the business!
Some of my favorite parts:
Opening of HOT
HOT combo spin
Opening of MBS


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Nathan in print:
Nathan has an entry in the book, A to Z of Elton John.
Philip Glass Piano Etudes: The Complete Folios is available for pre-order. Nathan is supposed to have contributed an essay but at that price I'll try to find it in a library. LOL

Tangentially related: Fellow Air Weave ambassador Mao Asada and her sister Mai paid a visit to Raf at GPI this past week. Japanese fans are hoping she invites Nathan and Raf to the grand opening of her upcoming ice rink.


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Uploads of Nathan's televised performances from The Ice Morioka


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Nathan's interview on the TV broadcast of The Ice
Flash back to when Nathan landed 6 quads in his free skate run through at SA 2021.

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