Just Had to Ask: So If You Won A Billion Dollars


Well-Known Member
I don't think I could get my head around that amount. And if money was never an obstacle would you change a lot about your life?

Would I become one of those awful people who buys political candidates? Maybe--just to try and even the playing field for liberals. And maybe not....I have no idea what I would do with that kind of coin. I hope I would be very, very charitable.

Is there some sort of dream you KNOW you would fulfill as soon as the check arrived?


Well-Known Member
I'd set up my parents for life ('cause they have supported me for so long and I'd love to be able to give back to them), make sure my granddad's comfortable and probably give a million each to a couple of very dear friends who I know could need a cushion. I'd keep enough for me but the rest I'd probably give away to charity - probably those usually neglected or those which aren't too popular.
And I know it sounds lame but I've spent so much time listening to my parents worry about money, and while I know money can't make anyone happy, it can take away certain worries and I'd like to do that for the people I care most about. Because they all have other things to worry about. :)


Well-Known Member
A billion? You know that outdoor park that turns into the longest ice rink in the winter? Mine.

I can't imagine not having day to day money worries.


Well-Known Member
A Billion is a real game changer. Taking care of loved ones and education and houses and all that is pocket change. The first thing I would do is set up an appointment with my accountant and have him put me in the picture. I do know I would try to keep it as quiet as possible. I don't want my basic lifestyle to change. Security could/would become an issue.

Trust funds
Charitable activities
Getting the picture on taxes
Finding people to trust to take care of it.

You can change peoples lives with that kind of money - for good or ill. I would go to more skating competitions, sit in great seats, and stay in great places with transportation available at my whim. I would also look at sponsoring skaters.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I would buy a place in New Mexico if I could convince hubby to move there, and give the rest to nuns of all stripes. They do such incredible work, live modestly, praise God, and work until they drop.

And on that note, if I may: RIP, Janith McNabb, RSCJ, who died exactly 24 hours ago, age 93. May perpetual light shine upon her. She had a special ministry of counseling the dying. The last time I saw her, about two years ago, she was gallivanting all over the Bronx by public transit to visit a dying priest. She was a tiny fountain of brightness and hope. For some Godbeknownst reason she turned to me when her own end was approaching. Thanks be to God for her life and example.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Well, first I would buy my own place. And then make sure my parents were set up for a beyond-comfortable retirement. Then I'd buy a few investment properties - family homes, mostly, but priced at a very reasonable rent. Then I'd build the damn ice-rink that our local government insists is too expensive to build (while they splash around millions upon millions on junk nobody wants or needs). Some for my siblings, some for my close friends. And some charity donations, too. I'd do my research carefully, though.

And there would be so much travelling! All of the skating, all of the racing, all of the sports! I could go anywhere I wanted to go, and never have to worry. It would be so nice.

The rest of it would go into various investments, trusts and anything else secure I could do with it that meant it would keep growing.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I'd set up a medical and educational trust so my family would never have to worry about health care or school costs. Then I'd fund full arts programs in my current and former towns so that any kid interested in music, art or dance could try them and continue with private lessons if they wanted to. I'd fund scholarships for kids who plan to study the arts, humanities or social sciences. What might give me the most pleasure would be paying off random people's student loans.


Celebrity cheese-monger
I would set up some kind of annuity for myself and trust funds for my mother, all my siblings, and my nieces. I'd also set up a foundation to fund skaters who are struggling with training costs. The rest would go to various charities and AIDS/cancer research.


Well-Known Member
I would immediately book a huge vacation!! And then another one!! :)

I'd buy a retirement home for my parents in New Mexico/Arizona, and a small condo for them to stay at when they visit us. I'd either finish renovating our house or possibly buy a somewhat bigger house. And probably a vacation home on a lake in Maine. Then I'd set money aside for my daughters' future. And of course, there would be money to attend lots of skating events! :)

In terms of charity ... if I really had a billion dollars ... I'd give a very large amount to USFSA. An "angel investor" kind of amount. I feel American figure skating needs that--a big infusion of money to help rebuild the rink infrastructure in the U.S. and better support promising skaters. In terms of other charities, there are so many, and all of them are worthy, but like @Spun Silver, I would give to retired nuns & priests. Also I would donate to conservation funds dedicated to saving the natural habitats of large cats (tigers, leopards, jaguars, lions).


Well-Known Member
Years ago, we used to say if we won the lottery (millions) we'd build a skating rink and not allow hockey (they really chewed up the ice before our adult club skate!).

Now - I'd buy homes in lots of different climates and move to different ones if I didn't like the weather in one at the time. (Not much different than my relatives in Tucson who had a home in the mountains 6 months out of the year.) Then giving to relatives and charities. I wouldn't even need a whole billion, one million would do - with good investments to keep it going.


Well-Known Member
I'd buy property in different parts of the world so my family and I can decide where to live during the year.

Pay off my sister's college loans. Then she can finally learn to relax and not fret about paying it back.

Traveling is a must. It's my number one hobby after all.

Lastly, donate to the local skating club. They could really use some money to renovate the rink.


Well-Known Member
Buy a house. Let my husband buy a collector car or two. Travel.

And give some away to worthy causes.


Sekret Custom Title
i'd have ALL the cats

I've always thought that if I won the lottery, I'd get a bigger house than I needed and set aside a couple of rooms for senior cats (the ones who never get adopted because of their age), so that they'd have a home for the remainder of their lives.

But with a billion? Probably my charities would be animal shelter, travel and lodging funds for patients with cancer who need to go to a treatment center far from their homes, a training fund for skaters...

And I'd probably finance a small, independent movie or two.


Well-Known Member
Set up my own small but high quality thoroughbred racing stable and a retirement farm (like Old Friends home) for them when they retire.
My family would be taken care of ( not in the bad way that sounds ;). Give more to the charities I already support.


Well-Known Member
Family, including covering the education for my nieces and nephews (have no kids and my parents unfortunately are dead). Charities that I already support (including -- if possible -- 20 million or so to set up a full time emergency shelter in Ventura, where I live). Travel.


scratching at the light
I love that this is your response to winning a billion dollars :lol:
Well, while getting my first ever mani/pedi, I would be thinking of all the other ways I would use that money! ;)

Like others here, a great portion would go to looking after animals :cat: and also the homeless.

For myself I would buy a grand, old, rambling, gothic, Victorian home and spend even more time rummaging about in thrift and antique shops. (And mess up my manicure :shuffle:)
I would also travel, Scotland, Austria and Prague are my top three wishes.


Home in England
I'd want to be anonymous, but I would share lots of it with my mum and siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles nephews and nieces. I'd buy another house, one with lots of character and space that I could make over and give this house away to a big family.

I'd buy state of the art equipment for my local hospitals and pay for the extra nursing staff and training to make sure it's run every day, I think just the interest on so much money would pay for that! I'd like to fund some of the social services which have had to be cut because of spending cuts at the local Council. I'd check the local newspapers to see how I could help people and groups. I'd buy another Toyota Previa just because I love driving them (I used to have one when I had my four kids to transport around).

I don't think my life would change too much other than knowing that I wouldn't have to worry about paying the bills anymore. It would be great to know that if I needed something I could buy it :)


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
With that much money you could set up a trust that would never run out of money. Of course I'd take care of my family but most would go into the trust & most of that would be for education. And skating. And animals.

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