Japan's Hanyu fumes at rival for 'intentional' collision


Values her privacy

I think your point is reasonable, given their speed and proximity, although stopping is different than changing direction.

I did consider the contrary opinions of others, including @antmanb , who suggested other footage. I found three different kinds of extended footage in order to see as much of the session as possible and I still have the same opinion. Clearly my opinion is controversial, and only the skaters know for sure. I am fine with others disagreeing with me because clearly many never even considered it given the greatness of their injuries. I personally think they underestimated the consequences of the outcome (ie how badly they could be injured) before taking the risk.

That's not what I call controversial, because to be controversial you would have different opinion than others, but you would still be thinking within reality. Whereas your opinion is deluded. Completely discards any physical law about movement two objects. If you are suddenly dropped in the middle of motorway and there is a car moving towards you in speed which is 10 or even 20 meters away, by the time the driver realises what is happening (how did the person appear here), steps on the break and the car stop, you will be already run down. If they saw each other only when they were just several metres away from each other,that millisecond from seeing someone, the information getting to their brain and them being able to react while they are still moving towards each other (no matter if the reaction would be to stop or change directions) meant that they never had a chance.

If you ask me, were they careless, I will agree that they were. They should have looked, both of them. Was it done from ignorance, hoping that 'I don't have to look because other will move away for me'? That's hard to say because you can't read their thoughts. It might have been, or it may have been plenty of other reasons, including stupidly, selfishness, carelessness, or just being momentary distracted. But continuing with the claims you are making is just plainly stupid. You may as well move towards fiction if thinking within reality is too hard for you. For example, they didn't have to crash because they could grow wings and fly away.


New Member

I open my computer to get distracted from the overloaded season. Fortunately, it's coming to an end soon. Aside from the junk littering social media, my inbox is being filled with threats to personal
safety, people (who I don't know) resort to personal insults, get racial and accuse me of something. I ask myself one question: what happened?

No point of talking about it. AFP, Japan Today, Nikkan Sports, NBCSports, Xinhua, Kyodo News, Daily Mail and other international media
have covered this informational festivity very well, although on a unilateral basis.
While this virus is being processed in my head and my body struggles with the not yet healed injuries, the Championship is coming to an end.

I don't like to discuss scandalous topics that are based on fantasies. I grew up in an intelligent family and prefer to deal with such situations face to face,
at least based on relationship ethiquette, even when the overall picture is distorted and falls outside of professional ethics.
So, considering the most popular questions, here are my answers:
Yes, the situation did throw me off my stride, although I tried hard to think otherwise.
And, yes, I'm a Korean Kazakh and Koreaphobic insults have scared neither my great-grandfather nor me.

To all other accusations, my answer is no.

The only apology I want to make is to my support team for the fact that this season has been so difficult.
It does hurt to skate, but it hurts even more not to meet the expectations of my fans.
I find it deeply unpleasant that you also had to face incoming negative messages.
To recoup for the emotional distress, it would be an honor for me to invite you to my next show, if I will come to organize the gala again.

Otherwise, a small indemnity will be provided on behalf of the fan-club.

We'll contact you in instagram.

Thank you for your loyalty.



Well-Known Member
If you ask me, were they careless, I will agree that they were. They should have looked, both of them. Was it done from ignorance, hoping that 'I don't have to look because other will move away for me'? That's hard to say because you can't read their thoughts. It might have been, or it may have been plenty of other reasons, including stupidly, selfishness, carelessness, or just being momentary distracted.

Hmmm ... The selfish mindset you say, "I don't have to look because others will move away from me," that Yuzuru Hanyu and Han Yan may have both had at the same time at 2014 Cup of China is something to consider, but I do not think it is ignorance to think like that after their type of experience. At best, it is self-importance, disrespect for their competitors, and still not unintentional, but, of course, we can't know their thoughts. I hope they both were not a danger to everybody on the rink that day, rather than just themselves, but it should be considered.
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Well-Known Member
yeah, one is silver and one is 11th. Such bad ending of the season for both.

yes it was..11th...with a bad skate..hanyu left his skate on the practice rink quad after quad..He had nothing left for the actual long..Could be because entire mess was bothering him so much or trying to make up for botched practices..who knows but if Tens garbage was deliberate then he won as Hanyu was thrown off his game...sorry but I was glad Ten had a bad skate....his behavior and that of his coach did not belong at this championship and I say this giving Ten the benefit of his behavior not being deliberate just being stupid, then ignorant and obnoxious.


papillon d'amour

Yes, the situation did throw me off my stride, although I tried hard to think otherwise.

The only apology I want to make is to my support team for the fact that this season has been so difficult.

To recoup for the emotional distress, it would be an honor for me to invite you to my next show, if I will come to organize the gala again.

Otherwise, a small indemnity will be provided on behalf of the fan-club.

We'll contact you in instagram.

Thank you for your loyalty.


Uhhh ... what? Is this something Denis posted publicly?

Yes, these skaters are celebrities, but ... can't they just handle this personally if they find all the public outcry distasteful? This message reminds me of an American politician saying something like, "Unfortunate things were said ... I'm sorry people misinterpreted them ... my people will contact your people."

While it's kind to acknowledge one's fans, I would feel so odd ever thinking I had "fans". And that they'll do something for me. I would feel embarrassed and humble.


trying to ignore rod and find the eurosport feed
Regardless of CoC, Hanyu's behavior was a disgrace and made me lose a lot of respect for him. Screaming at Denis, punching the wall, and just having a plain old temper tantrum isn't sportsmanlike.
Neither is not respecting the run through .... Any one who skates knows when they play a skaters music for run through you watch and give them the ice.... And by this point you know the programs too !!!


I see the sea
Why would you know a program you had never competed against or shared ice with ever before?
Not to mention that programs get changed throughout the season, so even if you think you know where and when someone will be...

This reminds me of 2009 Worlds where Chan and Joubert got involved in a quad controversy and Lysacek swooped in and won the title. I don't think Ten was in the running this year to begin with, but having a practice disagreement turn into a media-involved distraction probably didn't do Hanyu any favors.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
I can't believe that statement from Denis. No acknowledgement that he was in the wrong at all. Unbelievable. I've really lost respect for him.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention that programs get changed throughout the season, so even if you think you know where and when someone will be...
This reminds me of 2009 Worlds where Chan and Joubert got involved in a quad controversy and Lysacek swooped in and won the title. I don't think Ten was in the running this year to begin with, but having a practice disagreement turn into a media-involved distraction probably didn't do Hanyu any favors.
How does this look to you then: https://twitter.com/CYathanasy/status/716308518479876096


I see the sea
I read on Twitter that Yuzuru Hanyu almost ran into Shoma Uno at practice, was that also Denis Ten's fault?

Seriously, I give it until the end of the weekend before the inevitable Yunabot-Maobot style "everyone hates Denis Ten evil fixed score plastic surgery king" videos pop up online. If they haven't yet.


Well-Known Member
I read on Twitter that Yuzuru Hanyu almost ran into Shoma Uno at practice, was that also Denis Ten's fault?
Seriously, I give it until the end of the weekend before the inevitable Yunabot-Maobot style "everyone hates Denis Ten evil fixed score plastic surgery king" videos pop up online. If they haven't yet.
That was Yuzuru's run though


I see the sea
That was Yuzuru's run though
Wait a minute - even a fellow Japanese skater doesn't know where Hanyu will be at any given point in his run-through?

I'll go watch some porny pairs skaters instead of continuing here; I will reiterate that I think the distraction of having a practice incident blown out of proportion was far more harmful to Hanyu than anything that happened on the practice ice.


Retired by Frank Carroll
So people are saying Hanyu is over reacting and what not, but it's funny how soon people forget 2014 Cup of China, if I were him after an incident like that I'd support my federation making a move like this. Not saying that Denis Ten is evil and did this on purpose, Im sure he had enough going on with himself at this competition to be worrying about sabotaging others. I just don't think this was an outrageous action from Team Hanyu Like others do, I think fans are just turning this way more ugly and dramatic than it ever had to be.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute - even a fellow Japanese skater doesn't know where Hanyu will be at any given point in his run-through?
I'll go watch some porny pairs skaters instead of continuing here; I will reiterate that I think the distraction of having a practice incident blown out of proportion was far more harmful to Hanyu than anything that happened on the practice ice.
First: No one say they must know where a skater went in practice, except their coaches.
Second: Skater might cross each other 1 or 2 time in practice. I do think it is normal. But 3 times in a row, it is a bit borderline.
Third: After the 2nd time they talked. But it still happened.
Forth: there is this happened last year (I think it was unintentional) https://twitter.com/CYathanasy/status/716308518479876096

Finally: I do think all of this are just coincidences and no one means any harms. But for a person who had to suffer nasty collision, all of these might trigger some frustration and anger in his mind. You can't blame him for having doubt about the intention of someone who has crossed his ways several times (even though that was not intentional).
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what to make of this situation. On one hand, I think that Denis should be more alert on practice, but Hanyu is sounding and acting like a bit of a prima donna.

Side note but I wonder with all of the quads Hanyu is doing in practice (according to reports) if it will eventually catch up to him. His body must be taking a real pounding with all those quads.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
I read on Twitter that Yuzuru Hanyu almost ran into Shoma Uno at practice, was that also Denis Ten's fault?

Now that was the definition of a pure accident. It happened right across from where I was sitting. Hanyu fell off a jump and slid across. Shoma had gone for a line next to the board, thinking it was safe, and saw Hanyu sliding late. That's just normal practice stuff.

I'm not sure what to make of this situation. On one hand, I think that Denis should be more alert on practice, but Hanyu is sounding and acting like a bit of a prima donna.

I'm not the world's biggest Hanyubot, but Denis is bang out of line here and Hanyu had the right to feel and act the way he did. By all accounts after the Tuesday night practice where Denis baulked Hanyu during his runthrough twice, Hanyu talked to Denis. It then happened again a third time on Wednesday morning. At that point I'm not at all surprised that Hanyu came to the conclusion that Denis was doing it on purpose.

It's not just about Denis being "more alert", it's about him following the rules that everyone else on that practice ice is subject to. That the skater in music has absolute right of way is one of the oldest rules in the book, one you will see being followed on every practice session at any rink. What makes Denis think he is above this rule?


I see the sea
Finally: I do think all of this are just coincidences and no one means any harms. But for a person who had to suffer nasty collision, all of these might trigger some frustration and anger in his mind. You can't blame him for having doubt about the intention of someone who has crossed his ways several times (even though that was not intentional).
I don't blame Hanyu for being concerned - he's not a robot, and I imagine that the CoC collision could have been on his mind. I do feel disappointed with how he chose to handle matters, however, because I consider him a classy competitor and my expectations are in line with that. As Rafter wrote, this situation could have been better handled by all involved (including the coaches). When is it ever a good idea to let something that happens in practice become a distraction outside of it? And at the biggest competition of the year, no less?


Well-Known Member
Is that a joke?

Yes. I can assure you that Denis is most certainly not getting pelted by poop. :kickass:

Seriously, I give it until the end of the weekend before the inevitable Yunabot-Maobot style "everyone hates Denis Ten evil fixed score plastic surgery king" videos pop up online. If they haven't yet.

Complete with super dramatic and ominous music in the background! :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
I don't blame Hanyu for being concerned - he's not a robot, and I imagine that the CoC collision could have been on his mind. I do feel disappointed with how he chose to handle matters, however, because I consider him a classy competitor and my expectations are in line with that. As Rafter wrote, this situation could have been better handled by all involved (including the coaches). When is it ever a good idea to let something that happens in practice become a distraction outside of it? And at the biggest competition of the year, no less?
Well the coincidences have happened from WC 2015 to 2016. The 1:50 is a new footage I haven't seen. http://youtu.be/jWH2_Y0tJRo


Well-Known Member
From those videos it does look like Ten is actually following Hanyu on purpose, instead of being too focused on his own skating to notice others. If that is true, it's disappointing. And Hanyu being angry is understandable, but the way he handled that was wrong too. That was a surprise.

But they're still young and learning lessons. These things happen. Nobody is perfect all the time.

Unless you're Kwan. Sorry to bring her up, I know many people get annoyed, but I remember stories from around 2002 about Cohen getting in the way of Kwan intentionally to psych her out. Kwan never made a big deal out of it. Instead she just focused on her skating. I'm not sure if that really was the case, but if Cohen really behaved that way, then Kwan handled the situation with unmatched grace. And medals in different colours. :)

Just found an article on that:

She bumped Kwan not once but twice and bird-dogged the national-champion-for-life throughout the warm-up.

Every time Kwan turned around, the 17-year-old Cohen was right there, Velcroed to her costume.

Backstage after the event, everyone was abuzz over Cohen's performance — and I'm not talking about her long program. Apparently, this was not a once-in-a-lifetime effort from Cohen. "She does this all the time," was the refrain from several skaters and coaches. Kwan and Nikodinov even had a little chat about Cohen at a practice Friday after she nearly checked another skater into the boards.

And of course you had Witt, skating to the music of other people during practice sessions, making new choreography on the spot to the music of her rivals, while her rivals were practising their programs. Or her famous stare towards her rivals on the ice during their competitive programs.

This kind of unfortunate behaviour seems to be part of figure skating too. Maybe Ten really was psyching Hanyu out. It is possible to handle people like that with grace. Maybe gender plays a part in this, to become old fashioned, do females handle this differently from males?
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Banned Member
Oh boy, this is still dragging on? Can't everyone involved just kiss and make up and get along? :p

Some one mentioned prima donnas? I blame the must-have quads pressure; the must be perfect with quads pressure. And just the fact that athletes are human, and humans have good days and bad days, and real life sometimes gets in the way of being an athlete.

Apparently (as Hanyu mentioned during the sp press conference) Hanyu did not feel comfortable even when he first arrived at the rink in Boston. He was probably feeling a lot of self-imposed pressure in addition to his admitted uncomfortable feelings for some reason with the building atmosphere or whatever. And if Hanyu does carry any ill-effects from the past collision during a GP warm-up, then feeling out of sorts and under pressure surely did not help the way he responded to the "incidents" in the practice rink with D10. Under different circumstances, Hanyu may have been able to control the way he responded, even if he felt anger.

I didn't witness the incident, but I doubt D10 was intentionally trying to disrupt Hanyu. Obviously, Denis has his own dramas, injury traumas, and poor season pressure hanging over him. I would not hold what happened against either Hanyu or Denis. Fans going after Denis and Japanese fed filing any kind of protest seems a bit much. Not feeling confident and at your best as an athlete probably can lead to outside distractions affecting your focus and preparation.


Not Impressed.
This is all not so scumpdiddlyumptious.

You never have the opportunity to use that word..

Anyways it's Denis Ten and Friends, so everybody just needs to calm down and watch Javier Fernandez. :psoty: :saint: He was just outstanding in that LP and
is a two-time world champion. :respec:

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