Foods you can't stand


Deleted member 221

Going vegetarian made me seem like a much less picky eater. I only really liked the "bad" meats -- pepperoni, salami, beef, venison, lamb, etc. I lost the ability to digest red meat in my mid-20s, and all meat in my early 30s. I still love when people barbecue or eat fragrant meat around me, though. :lol: I'm not even tempted to take a bite because it's poison to my body. (Not to everyone's bodies; if you can eat meat, I envy you!)

After a lot of misdiagnoses and running around in circles, I diagnosed myself as lacking in digestive enzymes. My always-problematic stomach has gotten much better since I stopped eating meat, most raw vegetables (carrots are an exception), and started religiously taking digestive enzymes. I have to really limit fried foods as well. If I forget to take my enzymes for three days, my stomach is back to its usual cranky self and takes a week to get straightened out.

I'm not lactose intolerant, so the allergy tests say, but any milk above skim milk makes me sick within an hour. (I usually drink almond milk, but can substitute skim without fear of getting sick.) With cream-based sauces, e.g., alfredo, I won't even make it an hour. Oddly, I can eat products made with full-fat milk, e.g., cheese (within moderation) or yoghurt, just fine. No need to even take a pill. Haven't quite figured this one out, but I'm not complaining.

Top three things I can eat, but can't stand:

1) Diet Coke -- for me, this was a terrible addiction that took years and 6-7 tries to stop. The withdrawal was terrible. As soon as I was "clean" for a while, I couldn't believe I ever drank it. It tastes like cleaning fluid. May God strike me down if I ever take another sip!

2) Olives -- whatever was in my Mediterranean relatives' genes skipped me. Someone once offered me a martini that I didn't realize was dirty, and I spit it clear across the room. :lol:

3) Chamomile tea. Blech, tastes like I'm drinking a flower!

I had escargot before I went vegetarian, and it was actually kind of delicious even as someone who never really ate seafood when I did eat meat.


Active Member
:huh: That's not what my cousin says. I have a ton of extended family living there. I don't see why they can't brew espresso and add milk later. They don't have frothers or lattes, you are kidding, right?

Somehow I doubt they serve instant here:

They may serve good coffee there, but having lived with, worked with, and been friends with mostly people from Latin America, I know only one who drinks good coffee, and it's because he got a taste for it in Lousiana. Espresso/Cuban coffee is usually pre ground Cafe Pilon from Publix, and regular coffee is instant. At least the Colombians put cheese in their instant coffee.

And yes, they use a ton of dairy. One of the things Hugo Chavez prided himself on was the amount of dried milk produced in Argentina.


Well-Known Member
Salmon. Yes, yes, yes, I know that it is good for me. I wish that I did like it, but I just can't stand it.

Anyone know the song "I Don't Like" from the Bare Naked Ladies' children CD? If you do, spinny rides, heights, and salmon, pretty much sums up the things that I hate the most.


Well-Known Member
@Louis , I wish I felt the same way about Diet Coke. I gave it up for three months this year and tasting it again was like tasting the sweet, sweet nectar of happiness and all that is good. I'm back to one a day, which is better than the 3-4 a day I used to have.

They may serve good coffee there, but having lived with, worked with, and been friends with mostly people from Latin America, I know only one who drinks good coffee, and it's because he got a taste for it in Lousiana. Espresso/Cuban coffee is usually pre ground Cafe Pilon from Publix, and regular coffee is instant. At least the Colombians put cheese in their instant coffee.

And yes, they use a ton of dairy. One of the things Hugo Chavez prided himself on was the amount of

Ok, I'm Colombian but I've never heard of cheese on coffee. Cheese in hot chocolate, yes, but coffee?

Why would Hugo Chavez be proud of Argentine milk production? I'm confused....


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World


Values her privacy
Snails served in a restaurant are crunchy like pork rinds.
Not here. They are soft, chewy and taste strongly like a garlic bread (well, they are done in garlic butter here so it may have something to do with that). Not sure why, but my head can't get around eating bulls testicles even though they tasted nice (while I didn't know what I was eating), but my head is quite happy with eating snails.


Well-Known Member
@Louis have you tried digestive enzymes with Betaine HCl? Seems like you may be short on stomach acids too from your description.

I can't stand pears, pine nuts(got sick with a pastry that contained them once), oranges(too many as a kid), milk(used to drink it a lot, it was slowing down my digestion so much that I had to stop, best thing I could have done for my intestines and my skin).
Meat fat that is soft and some other gelatinous foods, like boiled fish skin, or chicken skin, etc...


Well-Known Member
... I can't stand pears...

Just curious: is it the taste of pears you don't like, or the texture? I absolutely love the taste of pears, but sometimes they have that gritty texture that stays on your tongue, and I really hate that. (Again, it's about texture for me.)


scratching at the light
If I ever attend a FSU get together, looks like I'll be at a table in the corner, all by myself with my salmon. :D
(@Vagabond perhaps will sit with me :p )

I grew up with very bland food, as my father was picky and so my mom cooked according to his tastes (or lack of!) :rolleyes:

For suppers, we ate roast beef, hamburger, chicken, ham, potatoes, beans, peas, carrots and corn. We ate eggs, cereal, pancakes or cream of wheat for breakfast. Lunch was sandwiches and canned soup.
Very few seasonings, not even basics like pepper or garlic. I put ketchup on everything just to offset the blandness. :shuffle:

Dad didn't like fish either, so when he wasn't home for supper, mom would make frozen fish sticks and fries. Tasted like cardboard, but it was kind of rebellious even having it in the house and I was totally into doing the exact opposite of what my father did, so I ate it as a way to disrespect him. :rofl:

Until my dad left home we never had pizza or spaghetti, because those are Italian foods, and Italians are Catholic and Catholics are idol worshippers, and God would deny you a place in heaven for even touching such food. Rice was from China, so we couldn't have that either because it was Communist. :wall:

I figure the reason I enjoy so many foods now is because I was denied so much in my childhood. :)


Well-Known Member
Milk? That's good for you. Calcium! What about cream if you don't enjoy milk? Or perhaps mixing something into the milk to make it more like a milkshake? (I could live off milkshakes. Especially the thick ones, that are closer to runny ice cream rather than to milkshake, with a chocolate bar mixed into it)

Milk is not good for you if you are lactose intolerant. There are healthier ways to get Calcium than milk like eating vegetables that are high in calcium.


Values her privacy
ETA: I love white chocolate, vanilla fudge, cream soda and vanilla-bean ice cream. If it's white or beige I am all over it. Ordinary dark chocolate is boring. :p
Exactly! Dark chocolate doesn't make sense to me. When would you want to have some 'treat' and have 'something sweet', why would you choose a chocolate in which someone forgot to put in sugar? That's not treat, and it definitely doesn't taste sweet. It is bitter.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if some of you have never had fresh-caught Alaska salmon and halibut. They are divine. Ditto for Rocky Mountain trout (especially brown and brook trout). The most coveted food at our house, requested by everyone for birthdays, is live Maine lobster. Seafood is delicious!!!


Active Member
@Louis , I wish I felt the same way about Diet Coke. I gave it up for three months this year and tasting it again was like tasting the sweet, sweet nectar of happiness and all that is good. I'm back to one a day, which is better than the 3-4 a day I used to have.

Ok, I'm Colombian but I've never heard of cheese on coffee. Cheese in hot chocolate, yes, but coffee?

Why would Hugo Chavez be proud of Argentine milk production? I'm confused....

So am I. I meant to say Venezuela. The friend also put cheese in hot chocolate. Mozzarella, not queso blanca. The cocoa was instant too.


Well-Known Member
So am I. I meant to say Venezuela. The friend also put cheese in hot chocolate. Mozzarella, not queso blanca. The cocoa was instant too.

That's just wrong. Hot chocolate should be made by melting Corona or Diana chocolate in milk. Instant :scream:


Well-Known Member
Just curious: is it the taste of pears you don't like, or the texture? I absolutely love the taste of pears, but sometimes they have that gritty texture that stays on your tongue, and I really hate that. (Again, it's about texture for me.)
The texture mostly, especially if they are very juicy, and the smell they have when they are boiled too... there are times when I can tolerate them but it's not dependent on the characteristics of the pear.


Regular mustard, the kind people put on hot dogs and hamburgers. I can tolerate Dijon if it's mixed into a sauce or salad dressing.

And headcheese - who eats that stuff, any way? IIRC it is popular in some Eastern European countries.
I am with you on the mustard, it is the most vile substance on earth!


Oh where to begin....

Things I have tried and can't stand the taste....
seafood, other than canned tuna fish. I have tried so many kinds of fish and did not like any of them.
lobster - I liked the butter it was dipped in
bananas - blech
coffee - even the smell (I was told I would like it when I grew up, so at age 55, I have not grown up yet, which I am totally ok with)
nuts - do not like the consistency - tree bark? chocolate dipped macadamia nuts are tolerable
seaweed - salty
frozen pizza - cardboard
peanut butter, including the smell

Things I like, but my digestive system does not like (and lets me know)
beans - mexican style
onions (I can handle a small amount)

Things I just will not try, totally irrational....
Cheese curds - based on the word curd alone, I will not try

My stomach can be sensitive and I always hate asking what is in something before I eat it (at potlucks). People can act like oh you are picky - me - I don't want to get sick.

You need to come to Canada and have Poutine, you will love cheese curds, I promise!


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
They may serve good coffee there, but having lived with, worked with, and been friends with mostly people from Latin America, I know only one who drinks good coffee, and it's because he got a taste for it in Lousiana. Espresso/Cuban coffee is usually pre ground Cafe Pilon from Publix, and regular coffee is instant. At least the Colombians put cheese in their instant coffee.

And yes, they use a ton of dairy. One of the things Hugo Chavez prided himself on was the amount of dried milk produced in Argentina.
Colombia may be different from Argentina, don't you think? Latin America is a big place. :shuffle: @oleada is all coffee in Colombia really that bad? The mind boggles.


scratching at the light
The corner is the place to be. Wheeee!!

Also, I prefer a nice cold glass of Chardonnay with my salmon. Am I offending anyone??

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