What is better for an ice skater to use for outdoor exercise, a Jackson inline or a Jackson outdoor quad pair of skates?


Active Member
I am an adult ice dancer who would like something to do outdoors. I thought skating in the greenway paved paths would be good. Which would be more comfortable to use?




Mayor of Carrot City
I think it really depends on your own body shape and build, and whether you feel more secure on quad skates or inline skates. Is there a sporting goods store near you where you could try on both kinds?


your faves are problematic
Never used quad skates, but I have Picskate inlines. I used them for 2 years in the pandemic and they massively screwed with my sense of balance when I went back on the ice. Everything is more or less "back" but I now struggle with some really basic things on one side, which was never the case before.

I thought I was losing my mind, but I've spoken to a few other skaters that have run into a similar issue post-pandemic.

Not to sound alarmist, but definitely a word of caution. I would use them in small doses and be prepared for a readjustment period if you spend any significant amount of time on them.

ETA: I would find a more traditional inline skate if you're looking to just skate on paths. The figure roller seems to be best suited to a rink environment, but that was my experience. Also, wear protective gear! I learned that the hard way.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Quads have a very different feeling to inlines. You cannot get the same lean on quads that you would on a single blade.


Active Member
Hmmmm….I remember having to really loosen the trucks on quads to get any feeling like the lean of an edge. I’ve been on rollerblades once, and it went well, but I sort of wondered if growing up on quads before changing to ice would make outdoor quads safer.

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