
Author of the Ice and Edge Series
My sister and I were reminiscing about, and we couldn’t remember who started it, ran it, how long it lasted, etc. I could just remember listening to the music in my cubicle at my first job circa 1999. If anyone can fill in the blanks it would be great!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
My sister and I were reminiscing about, and we couldn’t remember who started it, ran it, how long it lasted, etc. I could just remember listening to the music in my cubicle at my first job circa 1999. If anyone can fill in the blanks it would be great!
It was run by the creators of the Skating, Inc. group- they first had a website (pretty sure that was it) that I frequented a lot as a pre-teen, it was a resource site and had screen caps from competitions, etc. They also got into building official websites for skaters, a few in part which I helped organize and maintain (Butyrskaya and Bellemare). Nikodinov and Yagudin also had official websites there, and many others. They also had the SkateForum message board. I think the whole set of sites was probably around from 1998 to 2005, or so, but maybe longer.

I loved SkateRadio, often I had it on in the background while doing assignments in high school and finding a lot of pieces I would’ve never otherwise known (no Shazam until 2007 or 2008 IIRC).
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
It was run by the creators of the Skating, Inc. group- they first had a website (pretty sure that was it) that I frequented a lot as a pre-teen, it was a resource site and had screen caps from competitions, etc. They also got into building official websites for skaters, a few in part which I helped organize and maintain (Butyrskaya and Bellemare). Nikodinov and Yagudin also had official websites there, and many others. They also had the SkateForum message board. I think the whole set of sites was probably around from 1998 to 2005, or so, but maybe longer.

I loved SkateRadio, often I had it on in the background while doing assignments in high school and finding a lot of pieces I would’ve never otherwise known (no Shazam until 2007 or 2008 IIRC).
Thank you! I loved listening to the music too. My sister was saying she remembered hearing Deanna Stellato’s SP music “Storm Cry” on there and loving it.


Go Mirai!
Yes I loved skateradio and The person running it was very nice and offered to host my Michelle Kwan website that I could never get completed back in the day. They had interviews, call-ins, giveaways... it was all so fun. I was disappointed when it was discontinued. I remember I won a free book after answering Tonia Kwiatkowski on one of the trivia giveaways. The wayback machine is always fun to look at the internet we grew up on.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I loved Skateradio. My current version is to line-up internet sites to listen on Monday mornings:

Dave & Jonathan (Skating Lesson)
Gina & Daphne (This Week in Skating)
Polina (BLEAVE in Figure Skating)…
…and, during the competitive season, occasional YouTube reports from CBC (Asher) and These Are the Blades of our Lives (nameless funny lady).

My Monday morning “SkateIPhone” in place of SkateRadio.

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