Interview with Artur Dmitriev Jr. on switching to the USA: “In Russia, they didn’t see me as a promising athlete.”


Interview by Dmitry Kuznetsov (Nov. 10):

Machine translated excerpts:
What you returned - installed. For what purpose and in which national team? It is unlikely that we have the 2022 Olympics in mind.
AD: Of course, I will hardly be in time for the Olympics. In Russia, I was not seen as a promising athlete, and I received an offer from the American federation. I thought this was a good option. I took part in a tournament [in Leesburg, VA], and I am currently qualifying for the national championship. Now we need to prepare. I will look at my readiness, smoothly approach this competition, if possible. But I intend to return to duty. How it will turn out - we'll see. I am absolutely serious.
Did you have any questions about obtaining citizenship?
AD: When my father retired in 1998, my parents moved to the United States. He performed there in the show, my mother worked as a choreographer with Sasha Cohen, Sarah Hughes. We lived there long enough to obtain citizenship. I won't have any legal problems. It is already there.
AD: No, my father has nothing to do with this, we have not trained with him since 2018, now I work with my wife [Ekaterina Dmitrieva nee Ukolova) - they married on Aug. 26, 2020]. Through mutual acquaintances. The process started, and somehow I thought - why not try it?
I'm doing it now in Chelyabinsk, I have to find ice, train on mass skating. We go to the hall, swing. We get out as much as we can.
Re. Dmitriev's first qualifying competition in Leesburg, VA where he scored 189.24 total and currently is 6th in the Senior Men's standings; top 9 should qualify for U.S. Nationals:
AD: For the state in which I was, at the moment this is a good result. Yes, there were mistakes, there were no quads, the content is not so high. But to come out three years later and compete is already a success for me. Of course, we will continue to increase the complexity, to get into shape. I have a reserve, now I need to train jumps and return to physical condition.
... I have options where to train in the USA. When the moment comes, I will move there and will calmly continue there. Maybe I will alternate. I do not say goodbye to Russia, I think I will come here and cooperate with someone. I have an understanding of how it will look. By January I will be able to talk about it.
When will we see you at international competitions?
AD: Closer to the summer, I think I will compete more. Now that one start is enough for me, I understand in what competitive state I am, including psychological. Next season I am going to international tournaments. We will see what level they will be, but the fact that they will be is certainly.
Dmitriev Jr. has registered for a second qualifying competition in Alpharetta, Georgia, Nov. 16-20 - will be interesting to see if he decides to make another trip from Russia in order to improve his score.
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
So he will try to make the US team? Good luck! He will be competing against Chen, Brown, Zhou, and others. He had less competition in Russia. Their men's field is the weakest out of all four disciplines. He may have other reasons for moving to the USA.
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Banned Member
So he will try to make the US team? Good luck! He will be competing against Chen, Brown, Zhang, and others. He had less competition in Russia. Their men's field is the weakest out of all four disciplines. He may have other reasons for moving to the USA.
Politik? :sekret:. At least he sounds positive and energized. I'll have to go back and watch his performances from Leesburg. I wish him well!


Well-Known Member
He's probably thinking Chen and Zhou will retire after 2022 to pursue their studies and there will be an opening for an athlete like him in the U.S. He obviously feels like he'll have more support in the US than he has had in Russia. Maybe the new rivalry going into 2026 will be Malinin/Dmitriev Jr./Paniot. Any other promising intermediate/junior level men coming out?


Let the skating begin
He's probably thinking Chen and Zhou will retire after 2022 to pursue their studies and there will be an opening for an athlete like him in the U.S. He obviously feels like he'll have more support in the US than he has had in Russia. Maybe the new rivalry going into 2026 will be Malinin/Dmitriev Jr./Paniot. Any other promising intermediate/junior level men coming out?


Well-Known Member
He's probably thinking Chen and Zhou will retire after 2022 to pursue their studies and there will be an opening for an athlete like him in the U.S. He obviously feels like he'll have more support in the US than he has had in Russia. Maybe the new rivalry going into 2026 will be Malinin/Dmitriev Jr./Paniot. Any other promising intermediate/junior level men coming out?
Dmitriev will be thirty-three at the time of the 2026 Olympics. Paniot will be twenty-eight. I would be surprised, though not shocked, if both of them were still competing during the 2025-26 season. On the other hand, I see no reason why they would not want to give it another go next season.


Well-Known Member
Dmitriev will be thirty-three at the time of the 2026 Olympics. Paniot will be twenty-eight. I would be surprised, though not shocked, if both of them were still competing during the 2025-26 season. On the other hand, I see no reason why they would not want to give it another go next season.
That’s a good point. I wonder what the age ranges are for the men competing in 2022 once the entry list is finalized.


Well-Known Member
Well done to Kogan being ahead of the posse on this one, generally he tends to be unaware of any issues around skaters switching countries.

Nina Mozer has added her opinion and says that he would be getting to Euros & Worlds if he stayed with Croatia. Odd that he never represented them internationally, he’d have a good chance of making the Olympics.

Honorary President Piseev commented that ‘I don’t think that this it is a serious loss to the Russian team’ Calling it as he sees it 😂😂 but he does wish him luck.


RIP D-10
That means that Dmitriev either has citizenship or permanent-ish residency status (after one year, I think) in Croatia, because singles skaters need one or the other to represent a Member, unlike teams, where only one member needs to.


Well-Known Member
So he will try to make the US team? Good luck! He will be competing against Chen, Brown, Zhou, and others. He had less competition in Russia. Their men's field is the weakest out of all four disciplines. He may have other reasons for moving to the USA.
I think he may have a decent chance because there aren't that many guys after the top 3. I don't think Nathan or Vincent will continue after these games. I don't think he will make the Games but I think he has a good shot at a world team and perhaps the next games. Russia seems like they have a lot of politics. He hasn't really had much exposure in Russia. He's talented but I don't think he has the right look for Russia. There seems to be a preference for really polished male skaters- Kolyada and Aliev. Dmitriev a little wild with his technique. Plus there may be professional opportunities in the US for him and his wife.

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
I'm getting strong Viktor Pfiefer vibes here. :drama: Hopefully I'm wrong!

But I'm legit excited for him to compete for USA, hope he makes nationals, and has some measure of success. :cheer: I mean he has that insane 3Lz+3F combo, an iconic father, and I find him attractive, therefore he really meets all my essential criteria.


Well-Known Member
Well done to Kogan being ahead of the posse on this one, generally he tends to be unaware of any issues around skaters switching countries.

Nina Mozer has added her opinion and says that he would be getting to Euros & Worlds if he stayed with Croatia. Odd that he never represented them internationally, he’d have a good chance of making the Olympics.

Honorary President Piseev commented that ‘I don’t think that this it is a serious loss to the Russian team’ Calling it as he sees it 😂😂 but he does wish him luck.
Must be a slow news day. One of Eteri's skaters needs to remove an Instagram post pronto.


Doing all the things
Figure skating is clearly a lot more important in Russia than in the US. I don't think anyone has written an article about Artur here. Maybe a blog post. But nothing in the MSM.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Dmitriev was a good middle-rank skater in Russia as a youth. It’s not as if America has been bequeathed the next Pluschenko. I’m guessing that he’s here for reasons other than skating - such as family + work - and that he just enjoys the sport for his inner happiness.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Dmitriev was a good middle-rank skater in Russia as a youth. It’s not as if America has been bequeathed the next Pluschenko. I’m guessing that he’s here for reasons other than skating - such as family + work - and that he just enjoys the sport for his inner happiness.
Plus the idea that he will have 'freedom' in the USA and more money. The latter may be true.

He was never one of Russia's promising skaters. He has a famous name, that's all. Did he expect that they would prop him up because of his father Even though he could not land the jumps? All the Russian men are inconsistent jumpers but even in that field he was not one of the better ones. So I am not sympathetic to his complaint that they did not support him.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, he may be doing this for reasons other than skating. May be he could become a coach here and make a lot of money. A Russian name can attract skaters here. He may even become a good coach or choreographer, who knows?


Mama speaks :):

"It is premature to say that Artur will compete with the leaders of the US national team. The selection for the American national team, like in Russia, is carried out according to the results of the national championship. It is still necessary to qualify for it. For now, we can only talk about the son's desire to continue doing what he loves. We are not even talking about finding sponsors, everything is so premature," said [Tatiana] Druchinina.
"I will support any of his decisions. This is my son, and I love him very much. It seems to me that it is great when an athlete tries to go his own way in figure skating at an age when many are already retiring. He is supported by his wife, a former figure skater. from Chelyabinsk, where Artur is now training," added the skater's mother.

ETA that I won't bother linking to the editorial titled "The son of the great Russian skater has changed his citizenship and will play for America. An act bordering on stupidity?" that includes this sentence: In 2021, he was suddenly spotted at the qualifying tournament for the US Championship, where the skater scored 189 points on the sum of two programs (a terrifying low).
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Well-Known Member
I don’t really understand the obsession over whether he’s not that good or is too old coming from some of the media. He’s an interesting skater to me mostly because of the strange jumps and jump combinations he tries. If he didn’t have the support to skate in Russia because he wasn’t competitive enough, but he can support himself and give it a go in the US because he has citizenship, why not? Maybe he wants to continue because he just likes skating and competing. Who knows how competitive he can be in the US, but I’ll enjoy watching him if he makes it to US nationals.

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