Figure skater & team retirement announcements in 2021-22


Machine translation of Elizabet Tursynbaeva's official retirement message, posted on Sept. 20, 2021:

Dear fans,
I decided to end my career as a professional athlete. It is not easy for me to share this news with you ...
Many of you know that my back has been bothering me for a long time. Unfortunately, I did not manage to overcome this injury to the end, and therefore full-fledged training became impossible.
For me, the completion of this chapter in my life means the beginning of a new one.
At the moment I am in Kazakhstan, and until the end of the year I will work here, helping children, inspiring them and sharing my experience with them. I have always wanted to develop figure skating in my country, and I finally got this opportunity.

I am infinitely grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me and continue to do.
Thanks to everyone who helped me become stronger and always supported me: the leadership of the Kyzylorda region, the National Olympic Committee, the Ministry of Sports and Culture.

I would also like to thank the entire coaching staff of Tutberidze: Eteri Georgievna, Sergey Viktorovich and Daniil Markovich for the work done with me, for the historical moments in my career, for faith in me, for the best programs.
I want to thank every coach I have ever worked with.
Now I have invaluable experience that I can share with the future generation.

My first start in the international arena was in 2011, exactly ten years have passed since this tournament, more than 50 international starts (Asian Games, Youth Olympic Games, World Winter Universiade, Championships of four continents, World Championships, Olympics and other international starts) and 39 medals of various denominations.

Sixteen years in big sports ... there was everything: the joys of the first victories, and despair, and injuries. But all these years you have always been there, my dear fans. Your wishes and sincere support inspired and inspired me, I felt that you, my people, needed me, and this gave me tremendous energy. Your faith in me and in the future will help me to reach new heights in various fields.


Ivett Toth posted on her Instagram last week:
Empty what is full.
Fill what is empty.

Thank you coaches, choreographers, supporters and everyone else who were a part of this journey💛

Link to her GSD thread: Ivett Toth discusses her retirement


Re-posting from the OES News thread...

Switzerland's Noémie Bodenstein, 19 in December, posted her retirement announcement on August 19, 2021 and wrote that she "will be starting University in September":
After 10 years of skating I have decided to retire from it due to a hip injury. We recently found out that my previous injuries were related to my hip. I will therefore get surgery in January and although it’s been difficult to accept it I have to put my health first this time.
I’m so grateful for all the opportunities my federation has given me such as representing my country in multiple international competitions and traveling to beautiful places around the world. I also want to thank all the coaches I’ve been working with for their support, their hard work and for believing in my goals. Thank you to my friends who were there for me in my good and bad moments and to my supporters. Finally and most of all I can’t thank my family enough for always having my back and for financing this expensive and sacrifice demanding sport for me. I’m so grateful to have had my little brother skating as well and having achieved things together such as our Junior National Gold Medal in 2017. I definitely look back at my career as a beautiful path that lead me to great things and to meeting some amazing people. I’ve learnt so much and I will for sure miss being on the ice every day. I will be starting University in September and I’m excited to experience many more things outside of skating🙏🏽💔
Her ISU bio:


Well-Known Member
In the post-win interview at Italian National Championships, Nicole Della Monica announced her retirment at end of the season.
Matteo Guarise is considering continuing and will try to find a new partner.
I watched them performs at Italian National Championships and although they performed well enough, she seemed a bit off. Anyone knows if she is struggling with sports related health issues? She was not her usual athletic self ...


Rejected by Krasnopolski
I watched them performs at Italian National Championships and although they performed well enough, she seemed a bit off. Anyone knows if she is struggling with sports related health issues? She was not her usual athletic self ...
Didn’t she have shoulder surgery a couple of seasons ago? I don’t think she’s been as good since…


Well-Known Member
Didn’t she have shoulder surgery a couple of seasons ago? I don’t think she’s been as good since…
Nicole and Matteo have had a rough couple of seasons, she dislocated her shoulder in the summer of 2019. Then, last season they had a twist-related accident and she split her eyelid/eyebrow (you can see it taped in the videos of the Gran Premio), as well as Matteo suffering a family bereavement.

I really hope they can have a good second half of the season, and Nicole can conclude her career on a high note.


Well-Known Member
Nicole and Matteo have had a rough couple of seasons, she dislocated her shoulder in the summer of 2019. Then, last season they had a twist-related accident and she split her eyelid/eyebrow (you can see it taped in the videos of the Gran Premio), as well as Matteo suffering a family bereavement.

I really hope they can have a good second half of the season, and Nicole can conclude her career on a high note.
That's rough! It might also explain why their twist seemed small, at least to my uneducated eyes. I wish them all the best for the rest of the season!


Well-Known Member
I want Matteo to have try-outs with Marissa Castelli, Deanna Stellato, Aljona Savchenko, and Caitlin Yankowskas. The Olympic channel can do a cheesy documentary for our entretainment. ;)

They already had a try-out when for several weeks while Caitlin was looking for a new partner. She ended up choosing Hammish Gammon of the Great Britain.


Lea Johanna Dastich (GER) on Jan. 5:
The biggest comeback is making yourself happy again🤍

For the past 19 years skating was my life. I loved it with my whole heart. However during the past 2 years my joy in skating started to deteriorate.
I've struggled with injury and depression. And honestly I no longer felt welcome at the rink in Mannheim in recent months. I have decided that I need to focus on my physical and mental health. Thats why I decided to announce my retirement from competitive figure skating. It's a decision I did not make lightly. I wanted to come back so badly but I have to realize that my body can't do it anymore. However I can look back with no regrets. I gave it my all. Since I was two years old skating was my identity, my purpose and my favorite part of the day.
I know that the ups and downs I got to experience while skating shaped me into the person I am today and will help me in the future. I am grateful for the memories I made and the amazing people I got to meet during my career.
There are so many people who supported me unconditionally and had my back at all times.
Thank you especially to @anettpoetzsch and my parents. I owe everything to you. I wanna thank Tracey @solomonshenn and National Team Coach @robb_r_d for their guidance and advice.
Also my amazing medical team, physiotherapists, @deutsche_eislauf_union , @sporthilfe, @sportstipendiummrn and everyone else. Thank you to my fans and supporters. The support and encouragement I received even while injured is something I will cherish forever.

Dastich's ISU bio:

Emily Bausback (CAN) on Jan. 14:
10 countries, 2x Jr silver medallist, 4CC competitor, 2x National & World Team, One Senior Canadian Title.

Today I officially announce that I am retiring from competitive sport.

Firstly, I’d like to thank @joannemcleod_8rinks for coaching me into the skater I am and turning me into a champion. Big thank you to my parents for sacrificing a lot to make my dreams happen. Thank you @champsinternationalskating & @thescotiabarn @canlansports for giving me a second home and a place where I fell in love with the sport. Thank you @skate_canada & @skatecanadabcyk for supporting me tremendously and believing in me throughout the years. Thank you @cyclonetaylorfigureskating for giving me my first (& last!) pair of skates and everything in between. Shoutout to @jackson.ultima & @mkblades for providing me with the perfect equipment. Thank you @pitrainingburnaby for conditioning me into a BEAST on the ice and for the nutritional guidance. Thank you to @canfund & @150women for welcoming me with open arms into a community of incredible athletes. And lastly, a HUGE thank you to all the friends I’ve met along the journey and the OG Champs elites (y’all know who you are😉)

It’s been a ride since 2011 and I’m so grateful for everyone’s love and support. I’m excited to see where my future takes me!

-E ❤️

Bausback's ISU bio:


Nam Nguyen has also said this will be his last season.
It feels like Nam has been around forever, however he's actually only 23 years old!
From an article published after 2022 Canadian Nationals:
Nguyen had said a few weeks ago that he planned to retire following this season, but he is rethinking that decision.

“Obviously, I’m very sad with what I put out this week in programs, I wanted to finish on a really high note,” he said. “I did say that this could be my last season, however I was in a different mindset back then. And a lot has happened from then until now. So, I’m not quite sure yet what my future holds. I really do not want to leave it on such a bad note like I’ve done this week.”


Alysa Liu (April 9, 2022):

Satoko Miyahara (March 26):

Danielle Harrison (GBR) posted her retirement message today, April 18:

ETA from the British news thread on March 6:
Last edited:


U.S. pair skater Brian Johnson (April 3, 2022):

Today is a day that I always knew would come but was never sure when it would really happen. I am announcing my official retirement from competitive figure skating.

I realize that many people will be shocked by this, but I feel the need to move on with life. Skating has been a wonderful, thrilling, emotional, and heartbreaking experience and is a time that I will reminisce upon with smiles and gratification.

Throughout my journey there have been many people that without whom I could not have made it to where I am today without. To the most important, Mom and Dad. Thank you for supporting my dreams and ambition for so long. To Todd , Jenni, and Christine for your wealth of knowledge, unwavering support, and ability to put up with my shenanigans. You are the best coaches in the world and I’m glad to have spent the last 8 years with you. To Jess Calalang for the best 4 years with a partner I could have asked for. I wish you the best in whatever endeavors you choose to pursue and I apologize that I can not go on. I hope our friendship will last long into the future. To Calvin Lefebvre, without whom I physically would not be skating. Thank you for the countless hours you have spent fixing any manner of ailments. To Tracy Moore for giving me the kick I needed to go to CA and thus realize my dreams. To all the old coaches and partners, friends and fans that I’ve made lasting relationships with, thank you for being a part of it all. Leaving skating and the tight knit group of people it encompasses will definitely be a change, but one I feel I’m ready for.

All the best to him! :)

He and Jessica will skate their farewell ice shows in Colorado this weekend (April 22-24) - link to event info/tickets here:


Miriam Ziegler posted this 4 days ago:
Some time has gone by since we stepped on the ice for our last competition and I still struggle to put my feelings into words. In summary I really couldn’t have asked for a better event to close this amazing chapter in my life. Thank you to our whole team for getting us to where we are and for taking this incredible journey with us. ❤️
Even though change can be scary I feel amazing and ready to face my new adventures! ✨


Re-posting here from the Japanese news thread - Keiji Tanaka posted this on April 11 after the Japan SOI shows in Osaka & Toyko:
Keiji Tanaka has announced his retirement. Best of luck to him in his future endeavors.

Tanaka's first international was when he won the Junior gold medal at the 2008 Asian Open FS Trophy in Hong Kong:

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