The Shibutanis Thread 4: Ready for Paradise


Well-Known Member
I'm still shook that they did 8 revolutions in their first twizzle set. It's like they took the extra twizzle that they have done in the past 2 seasons and added it to the actual twizzle sequence itself. The difficulty and plus the balls that they have to do it to an actual count to 8 with the timing that they need is incredibly impressive to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm still shook that they did 8 revolutions in their first twizzle set. It's like they took the extra twizzle that they have done in the past 2 seasons and added it to the actual twizzle sequence itself. The difficulty and plus the balls that they have to do it to an actual count to 8 with the timing that they need is incredibly impressive to me.

I know, this is what I was talking about a few days ago, the fact that they do not get higher score in twizzles while some other teams do it is ridiculous. Plus, while this season especially, many teams are abusing of steps between twizzles, Maia and Alex don´t take a rest, it is easier regain the balance if it was lost or regain synchrony with steps between twizzles, but the Shibs have not those steps, I just can`t imagine what other team could do Shibs twizzles, let alone with that consistency.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
It's amazing that in the last 4 seasons, the Shibs have had all incredible SDs, it's admirable, because as Maia wrote on her blog, there are many limitations with all ISU requirements, but I guess they like challenges. And although I read some comments saying they chose the simple route, I actually think they took the hard way with this program, especially because the 99% of people think that Latin rhythm = sex.
In fact I can totally imagine them going to some salsa club just for pleasure. At least in my town it is relatively common to see siblings dancing, or two sisters, two female friends without any physical or romantic relationship, and among friends who just want to have fun without any intention of flirting. But I understand that sex sells, then I'm not surprised that certain people do not like the program or their performance.

And the music is beyond of words, the way they integrate it to the whole program is brilliant, never cheap, thanks Ryan.

SO MUCH THIS. Like I was always dancing with cousins and siblings and friends. This is why the anti-sibling thing drives me crazy. Latin rhythm DOES NOT have to equal sex. It's almost playing into a stereotype that I greatly dislike. Honestly I haven't seen a dance yet where I felt like the pair wants to boink each other, and that's including all the together pairs who presumable actually do want to. It's a silly argument made by people to promote their own favorites.

Mrs. P

Well-Known Member
It's amazing that in the last 4 seasons, the Shibs have had all incredible SDs, it's admirable, because as Maia wrote on her blog, there are many limitations with all ISU requirements, but I guess they like challenges. And although I read some comments saying they chose the simple route, I actually think they took the hard way with this program, especially because the 99% of people think that Latin rhythm = sex.
In fact I can totally imagine them going to some salsa club just for pleasure. At least in my town it is relatively common to see siblings dancing, or two sisters, two female friends without any physical or romantic relationship, and among friends who just want to have fun without any intention of flirting. But I understand that sex sells, then I'm not surprised that certain people do not like the program or their performance.

And the music is beyond of words, the way they integrate it to the whole program is brilliant, never cheap, thanks Ryan.

SO MUCH THIS. Like I was always dancing with cousins and siblings and friends. This is why the anti-sibling thing drives me crazy. Latin rhythm DOES NOT have to equal sex. It's almost playing into a stereotype that I greatly dislike. Honestly I haven't seen a dance yet where I felt like the pair wants to boink each other, and that's including all the together pairs who presumable actually do want to. It's a silly argument made by people to promote their own favorites.

I watched a few videos of people dancing to Perez Prado on YouTube and people are just having a good time, no sexy moves required. I'd argue that perhaps they should ham it up a little more and make their movements more exaggerated so they can play up the fun. I saw some of that today, but hope to see more of it as the season goes on.

I will mention that I live in a town that is half-Latinx and been to a few gathering where there's "Latin dance" and yeah it's definitely more of a upbeat, fun time. Yes, there is a place for steamy/sexy, but most times people are just enjoying the dancing.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
I know, this is what I was talking about a few days ago, the fact that they do not get higher score in twizzles while some other teams do it is ridiculous. Plus, while this season especially, many teams are abusing of steps between twizzles, Maia and Alex don´t take a rest, it is easier regain the balance if it was lost or regain synchrony with steps between twizzles, but the Shibs have not those steps, I just can`t imagine what other team could do Shibs twizzles, let alone with that consistency.
I know!! What bullet point for +3 is NOT hit??? Clean, seamless, great speed, great unison. I can't tell about the spacing, whether it stayed consistent, but sheesh. Why every judge doesn't give them +3 GOE nearly every time is a mystery to me.


Well-Known Member
This dance was worth the wait! Music is familiar, so well put together and stays in your head. I'll be humming the mambo all day. Impressive choreography, especially the partial step sequence. The little dance break during their non-touching step sequence engages the audience to clap all the way to the final pose. Counting to "eight" on their first set of twizzles--now that's a way to intimidate the field! I love the SD now and will love it even more as they refine it throughout the season. Let the games begin!!


Well-Known Member
Well, the SD was test overcame, now, to expect the FD :summer:, we have no clue about it, but if they are technically as good as in the SD, we will not have to worry too much.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
If you're watching the Olympic Channel, they had a small thing with the Shibutanis inbetween the Pairs SP and Ladies SP. It was very cute. Asking Alex how much he knew about Maia. Apparently the thing he can't live without and the thing he's most embarrassed by is Maia. Haha!


Well-Known Member
If you're watching the Olympic Channel, they had a small thing with the Shibutanis inbetween the Pairs SP and Ladies SP. It was very cute. Asking Alex how much he knew about Maia. Apparently the thing he can't live without and the thing he's most embarrassed by is Maia. Haha!



Well-Known Member
If you're watching the Olympic Channel, they had a small thing with the Shibutanis inbetween the Pairs SP and Ladies SP. It was very cute. Asking Alex how much he knew about Maia. Apparently the thing he can't live without and the thing he's most embarrassed by is Maia. Haha!

I'm sorry, I did not understand, the thing that most embarrasses him is Maia? why? lol

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Grr, I set my alarm wrong and slept through the SD. But I love this program for the Shibs. What makes it stand out for me are a couple things —
- how totally beautiful Maia looks. Even the earrings!!
- how they manage to blend intricacy, speed, and flow, so they’re able to make it playful and elegant at the same time - not the most obvious mix! They are oozing confidence and ability.
- twizzles!!! Lift!!!

I was afraid the music would be a little overfamiliar, but the program feels totally fresh. I wouldnt mind a little more hip action and competitive, “peacock” attitude from Alex but basically I’m loving this SD.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I'm sorry, I did not understand, the thing that most embarrasses him is Maia? why? lol
I think it's just the typical sibling thing. It may have been what bothers you most? My 11 month is in the screeching stage, so it's hard to hear well. Maia just rolled her eyes in response though.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I did not understand, the thing that most embarrasses him is Maia? why? lol

Siblings can be really embarrassing. Not on purpose just the nature of having people who've known you for either all of your life or all of their life. It's a sweet kind of embarrassing. Unless you hate your siblings and have a bad relationship, which is not the case here.


Well-Known Member
Which is why you really only see this argument on fan boards/sites.

I definitely see that. When I skimmed the comments for their Nationals SD on Facebook that got like 9 million views total (combining the video count of both videos that were uploaded on the NBC FB page) most people of the people who commented were not really skating fans and didn't know much about the competition. They were not bothered at all that they were siblings and dancing together. Most of the ones that commented negatively about it were trollish attempting to be funny. When I show skating videos to real life friends, they think the brother-sister is no issue and love their dynamic together.


Well-Known Member
I really really enjoyed that SD. They’ve grown so much as athletes and performers, I love how completely different this is from the last time they did the rhumba. I was super impressed with their rhumba pattern and the twizzles were exhilarating! The dancing breaks were fun and energetic and seemed organic to the dance rather than something included because the rules allow it and this is your only chance to make your dance look Latin. Good job Shibs!!


Well-Known Member
Two for the Ice retweeted Step Sequence blog's piece about when choreoliteralism is used for good using the Shibs' countdown from uno to ocho during their twizzles as an updated example:

The more I think about it, the more I think this move is like them screaming to the judges to pay we'll count for you so you can't miss it. Plus, knowing how some teams consistently struggle with twizzles or how some are afraid of it where they make sure to choreograph it early, the Shibs are like, we got this.
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Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, the more I think this move is like them screaming to the judges to pay we'll count for you so you can't miss it. Plus, knowing how some teams consistently struggle with twizzles or how some are afraid of it where they make sure to choreograph it early, the Shibs are like, we got this.

:rofl:, I don´t know, with those clueless judges, maybe they should count in english instead spanish :shuffle:.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Two for the Ice retweeted Step Sequence blog's piece about when choreoliteralism is used for good using the Shibs' countdown from uno to ocho during their twizzles as an updated example:

The more I think about it, the more I think this move is like them screaming to the judges to pay we'll count for you so you can't miss it. Plus, knowing how some teams consistently struggle with twizzles or how some are afraid of it where they make sure to choreograph it early, the Shibs are like, we got this.
It's also a major way to draw the audience in. I think sometimes the regular viewing public just goes "ohhh twirly things" and this is actually forcing them to recognize, hey, theses people did 8 twirly things. That seems like a lot. Let's cheer for them. Brilliant strategy.


Well-Known Member
Two for the Ice retweeted Step Sequence blog's piece about when choreoliteralism is used for good using the Shibs' countdown from uno to ocho during their twizzles as an updated example:

The more I think about it, the more I think this move is like them screaming to the judges to pay we'll count for you so you can't miss it. Plus, knowing how some teams consistently struggle with twizzles or how some are afraid of it where they make sure to choreograph it early, the Shibs are like, we got this.

I’ve rewatched their SD a few times now and every time that moment becomes more kickass. First time I watched I was still sleepy and completely missed how impressive that timing was. Blows my mind how they got almost the same GOE on their twizzles as B/S. Just why...


Well-Known Member
Charlie White's commentary here gives me life:

Not only does he think they should be challenging P/C and V/M with this SD but he says it's one of the best Latin SDs he's ever seen. I wonder if he's also including ODs as well. He succinctly explains why they're a top 3 team with his commentary. He also noted their SPEED. Charlie would know a lot about speed.


Well-Known Member
Charlie White's commentary here gives me life:

Not only does he think they should be challenging P/C and V/M with this SD but he says it's one of the best Latin SDs he's ever seen. I wonder if he's also including ODs as well. He succinctly explains why they're a top 3 team with his commentary. He also noted their SPEED. Charlie would know a lot about speed.

Thanks for that. Interesting to hear Charlie's commentary.

I like this program even more the second time around. I catch new things about it here and there that make me appreciate it even more. I also like how their gain speed and energy towards the end, especially during that final lift which was impressive to watch.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I love this program! And one thing I think will make me love it even more after tomorrow is that it is sure to make a huge contrast with their Paradise FD. It’s exciting when skaters are able to enter fully into two completely different styles, and for ice dance that is especially important. Last year both their programs were very good but neither one had zing, so to speak, IMO, and both were in a cool tonality. This SD is full of zing and heat. Can’t wait to see what they have for us tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a good draw/spot for Maia and Alex ... but, yeah, because it is a sliver-thin lead, no room for even the tiniest mishap. The backyard favors B&S, so they'll have to bring their A-game and hope the judges bring their fairness, impartiality and integrity to the table. I'm excited to finally see their FD!


Well-Known Member
I think it's a good draw/spot for Maia and Alex ... but, yeah, because it is a sliver-thin lead, no room for even the tiniest mishap. The backyard favors B&S, so they'll have to bring their A-game and hope the judges bring their fairness, impartiality and integrity to the table. I'm excited to finally see their FD!

I feel like this is asking for a lot...maybe 1 of the 3? :lol:

The Shibs have proven by now that they’re strong competitors, so I have confidence in their ability to handle the pressure and deliver a great FD. I do think it’s nice they skate after B/S though. Man, what a statement it would be if they could defeat B/S in Russia in their first competition of the season. :kickass:

Even if that doesn’t happen, it might be good for them. I have to wonder if they would’ve been quite as relentlessly focused and determined in the off-season if they’d had their ideal and expected results in Helsinki. They’ve always been hard-working people but that just seemed like a whole other level of intensity. Hopefully we’ll see the fruits of that labor all the way through to Pyeongchang and beyond. :)
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