UPDATED/CONFIRMED: Evgenia Medvedeva leaving Tutberidze for Orser


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
different strokes different folks I guess

But I will say people telling all Asians that they lack sufficient expression and projection of emotion is getting very dull. Just saying. Especially here when compared to someone who, even by Russian standards, really OTT projects all the way up to the cheap seats like a silent film star to the point that her tv camera close ups are :lol: worthy in their outdated mugging.
Oh please. Asians, like any other people have their Maria Sots and their Zhenya Meds. To me Yuna had been bland her entire career. Must I enumerate all the Asian skaters whom I love and consider passionate performers when I mention Yuna? How about just mentioning Mao? :EVILLE:


Values her privacy
Actually, Eteri did everything in her power to claim later on that Schindler’s List was her idea too, they just promoted it as Julia’s wish during the Olympic season. Julia never contradicted.
I haven’t seen anything from Tutberidze claiming that Schindler’s list was her idea. Quite on the contrary, she admitted that at that time when Lipnitskaya wanted it, Tutberidze was against it because she didn’t think Lipnitskaya was ready for a program like that.


Well-Known Member
But I will say people telling all Asians that they lack sufficient expression and projection of emotion is getting very dull. Just saying. Especially here when compared to someone who, even by Russian standards, really OTT projects all the way up to the cheap seats like a silent film star to the point that her tv camera close ups are :lol: worthy in their outdated mugging.

Oh please. Nowhere did the OP say "all Asians", so you're really stretching here.

Hanyu, Uno, Higuchi, Honda, Young, don't receive the same complaints. This criticism is very Yuna-specific.


Well-Known Member
And I don't think he's exactly taking the high road here. He's quite skilled at pursing his agenda via passive aggressive sound bites. He's getting his digs in at her prior coach, (and really, all of Russian Skating), by claiming that the skaters have no input to their programs.

I prefer my mudslingers to be straightforward, lol.

And I have to say...I wonder what Kaetlyn Osmund thinks of all of this.
This is such a weird way to take that comment. It's not a dig, it's true. He NEVER said all Russian skaters have no input in their programs. He didn't say that. He said that Evgenia told him that she had no input in her programs. How on Earth you equate that to all Russians, I don't know.

And also, that's in line with things that that had been said previously by Eteri's group. Alina said at Worlds that her coaches had picked out her music/planned her programs for next season but she didn't know what they were yet. That's how they do things. So why is it such a dig for you for Brian to have said that?

It's not even a bad thing necessarily. A lot of those girls are very young, so it makes sense for the coaches to make those decisions. Evgenia is older now, and wants to be more involved in those decisions. Perfectly normal.

Also, why would Kaetlyn Osmond particularly care? She's not with Brian/TCC, and as far as I know is very happy with Ravi Walia and has no interest in moving. She's fine.


Shut that door.
So, "Yuna wasn't expressive" = "all Asians lack expression" = racism against Asians.
And "Medvedeva didn't have artistic control over her programs" = "no Russians have artistic control over their programs" = anti-Russian horror shade evil.

In the future, if I make a comment about how it amuses me that Jorik Hendrickx has super-dramatic programs, I'm not going to include disclaimers like I'm not trying to imply that all Belgians are dramatic or all gay people are dramatic or all Belgians are gay or all Europeans are Belgian or all drama is male or all men like Titanic voiceovers.

But everyone should feel free to accuse me of saying all those things. It would be a novelty, at least, to be accused of some of them.


Kostner Softie
So, "Yuna wasn't expressive" = "all Asians lack expression" = racism against Asians.
And "Medvedeva didn't have artistic control over her programs" = "no Russians have artistic control over their programs" = anti-Russian horror shade evil.

In the future, if I make a comment about how it amuses me that Jorik Hendrickx has super-dramatic programs, I'm not going to include disclaimers like I'm not trying to imply that all Belgians are dramatic or all gay people are dramatic or all Belgians are gay or all Europeans are Belgian or all drama is male or all men like Titanic voiceovers.

But everyone should feel free to accuse me of saying all those things. It would be a novelty, at least, to be accused of some of them.

:rolleyes: Just because ONE Belgian is dramatic doesn’t mean all men like Titanic voiceovers


Banned Member
:drama: Wishing that at the very least the overt mugging/ miming and the lame overhead arm wraps are eliminated. Tanos and Rippons have little impact, meaning or uniqueness when liberally strewn around a program like candy, with bad form to boot. No matter that the sweet tooth judges appear to love rewarding such point-gathering inspired excess. :COP::duh:

I will admit that I've seen Evgenia perform some pretty Rippons on a few occasions, but the lame, limp Tano overhead arm wraps have been the norm. I'm sure David Wilson understands the importance of choreography expressing the music, rather than throwing in everything under the sun that has little to do with the music.

ETA: Does @Vagabond need an extinguisher @kittysk8ts? :p
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Well-Known Member
But everyone should feel free to accuse me of saying all those things. It would be a novelty, at least, to be accused of some of them.
i won’t. However, if you really think I said "Yuna wasn't expressive" = "all Asians lack expression" I will accuse you of missing the point entirely. :p


Well-Known Member
So, does anyone else think the multiple tanos will disappear? Brian and Tracy have both said they think more than one tano is overkill. Although I think Tursy may have had more than one in her free last season.....

Over time probably. They will work on giving her tools to generate GoE in multiple ways. But if the girl cannot learn to hold an edge and ride it on the landing, what u gonna do??


Well-Known Member
different strokes different folks I guess

But I will say people telling all Asians that they lack sufficient expression and projection of emotion is getting very dull. Just saying. Especially here when compared to someone who, even by Russian standards, really OTT projects all the way up to the cheap seats like a silent film star to the point that her tv camera close ups are :lol: worthy in their outdated mugging.

Nothing to do with her being Asian. There are Asian skaters I LOVE (Sato, Yamaguchi, Nathan) and Asian skaters I don't enjoy watching (Kwan, Kim, Arakawa). There are other Asian skaters I like sometimes and not others (Mirai -- found her more expressive and musical when she was younger, but that comes back in exhibitions, so I think it has more to do with being VERY focused on the jumps, esp the 3a). Yuzuru is growing on me -- he was pretty much just jumps four years ago, but he's starting to become really lovely to watch as he matures. I care about the SKATING, not the race.

Yuna just kind of skates like the music is there but she doesn't care -- and she never portrays a character really. The only program I even remember of hers involved her using her hands as guns -- and that's all I do remember. Just dull skating -- got the job done, but not something I find memorable or that I would pay to see.

I like skaters who project all the way to the cheap seats -- it's certainly better viewing for those in the arena who didn't get seated in the front three rows. ;) Skating isn't primarily for the close-ups -- no one present and no one judging is looking at that really. But then, I also like silent film better than most of the dull garbage Hollywood spits out these days, so...yes, different strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Oh please. Asians, like any other people have their Maria Sots and their Zhenya Meds. To me Yuna had been bland her entire career. Must I enumerate all the Asian skaters whom I love and consider passionate performers when I mention Yuna? How about just mentioning Mao? :EVILLE:

It's especially funny to throw that one on me -- I'm married to an Asian, for the love of Pete!


Well-Known Member
So, does anyone else think the multiple tanos will disappear? Brian and Tracy have both said they think more than one tano is overkill. Although I think Tursy may have had more than one in her free last season.....
This was a tug of war last yr for Brian and Tursy....She trains with Eteri's girls during off season & worked on tanos & wanted to do all her jumps like that. Brian did not want (especially since she did not do them well so it threw off her timing and balance) but she did them anyways and had lots of falls and messes and then she was injured. By the end of the season I believe she only did one tano in each program. He is well versed in training women with strong inclinations.


Well-Known Member
Yuna just kind of skates like the music is there but she doesn't care -- and she never portrays a character really. The only program I even remember of hers involved her using her hands as guns -- and that's all I do remember. Just dull skating -- got the job done, but not something I find memorable or that I would pay to see.

What about her Danse Macabre?


Well-Known Member
I don’t think Yuna wasn’t expressive; I feel all her expression was very fake and put on. Nothing seemed very organic or natural. Her SPs were good but I found most her FSs forgettable. I agree with whoever said there was a vibe she didn’t care.

Med (and Mao, and other skaters like Wakaba, Akiko, Daisuke, Shoma, Yukari Nakano) just leave it all on the ice and you can tell they really love skating. And I love that.


Well-Known Member
That's not quite how I remember it. He revealed her music, then flat out lied, pretending he had no idea skaters liked to keep their music private and reveal it at a time of their own choosing.

And I don't think he's exactly taking the high road here. He's quite skilled at pursing his agenda via passive aggressive sound bites. He's getting his digs in at her prior coach, (and really, all of Russian Skating), by claiming that the skaters have no input to their programs.

I prefer my mudslingers to be straightforward, lol.

And I have to say...I wonder what Kaetlyn Osmund thinks of all of this.

He never said that.
As for Osmond, nothing has to be said. She has to do her thing, that’s it, that’s all. You see drama when there’s not.
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Active Member
That's not quite how I remember it. He revealed her music, then flat out lied, pretending he had no idea skaters liked to keep their music private and reveal it at a time of their own choosing.

And I don't think he's exactly taking the high road here. He's quite skilled at pursing his agenda via passive aggressive sound bites. He's getting his digs in at her prior coach, (and really, all of Russian Skating), by claiming that the skaters have no input to their programs.

I prefer my mudslingers to be straightforward, lol.

And I have to say...I wonder what Kaetlyn Osmund thinks of all of this.

But... if it's not straightforward, how do you know it's mudslinging? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I was never a fan of Yuna's programs, I must admit (shocker, I know)...

Not such a shocker. I was never a fan of her programs, either. TBH I was never a fan of Yuna (was a huge Mao fan), but it sometimes happens that skaters I'm not a fan of turn me into one with certain programs - examples being Kevin Reynolds with rock'n'roll and the Shibs with 'Fix You'. That never happened with Yuna.

The commentators gushing over her got to me, as it had done with Sasha Cohen. I'm okay with gushing when I uber skaters (as I do V/M), but at other times it gets to me.

For example, when Kurt Browning commentated on the Sochi games, he said that Yuna 'had not equals' after she skate her FP. And then of course Sotnikova proceeded to win. :eek::scream:


Well-Known Member
I wasn't suggesting it's necessarily unethical. I'm just saying I don't know if they'd be quite as friendly as they are if they wanted the exact same things.

I'm confused by this. V/M, P/C, Med and Zags all wanted an Olympic Gold medal.

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