The GAY thread


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Honey Maid: Love

I love this video! :cheer2:

Tyler Glenn, Frontman of Neon Trees, Urges Fans: 'Come Out as You'

Neon Trees is one of those bands that make me go :confused: but I definitely know Animal and Everybody Talks. :D

Ok that commercial was beautifully done. Love is love no matter where it comes from. :swoon:

OMG, he is gay? :eek: those songs were a big deal not so long ago! Good for you Tyler!

and speaking of Tylers... :shuffle:

Why is the Advocate giving that insipid little twat Tyler Oakley a public forum?

In his column he talks about feeling old and wrinkly at 24!

"So I shed it, at least for that moment, and decided 24 was going to be great. I decided to stop sitting in my birthday party hat, full of self-pity because of a couple more wrinkles..."

but wait there's more!

"Now, a year later, it took a bit more work to get myself back into the mood of feeling positive about my age with so many forces working to ensure I should resent turning 25"

Freaking 25 and the guy speaks like he's 80!!! :scream:


In A Fake Snowball Fight
Japan's first lady shines at Tokyo Pride

Japan's first lady joined the festivities of Tokyo's LGBT pride parade on Sunday.

Akie Abe, wife of conservative Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, stood on a float amid a sea of 3,000 participants marching though the Shibuya district. Abe said she was particularly drawn to participate through her work related to HIV. She joined a commission set up by UNAIDS and the Lancet medical journal last year, according to Agence France Presse.

"I want to help build a society where anyone can conduct happy, enriched lives without facing discrimination," she wrote on her Facebook page before heading off to the parade.


Well-Known Member
HBO - SUNDAY, 05/25/14 (times are EDT):

9:00pm The Normal Heart

The Normal Heart
A doctor in 1980s New York treats some of the first people in America to be diagnosed with Aids, while a gay rights activist investigates the new disease that people around him are dying from. However, they both face opposition from medical authorities, which refuse to recognise the danger. Fact-based drama, with Mark Ruffalo and Julia Roberts

11:15pm The Normal Heart (repeats)

NOTE: Check HBO schedule; show repeats at various times during the coming week.
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Well-Known Member
There were parts that felt uneven, but as a whole the movie was very good. Both Matt Bomer and Taylor Kitsch were fantastic. There were so many death scenes, my eyes hurt of so much crying.


Headcase Addict
I watched "The Normal Heart" 3 times already on HBO. I thought it was exceptional. I came out in 1984, at the age of 22, and the "sentiments of the time" were very accurate. I have to add though, I thought much of the gay community acted as though AIDS would be somewhat of a "confined kind-of-thing" to the California/New York area. We never really thought it would come to our cities, towns and rural areas. We were somewhat naive and felt impervious at the time, IMO. I've lost many good friends (gay and straight) during the '80s and '90s. I'd like to see a sequel. There's still a lot of story to tell.
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Well-Known Member
"The Normal Heart" was devastating. :( Of all the highly emotional moments, I found the speech by Joe Mantello as Mickey Marcus (when they were having the board meeting) about as raw a piece of acting as I've ever seen...he just let it go and laid it all on the line...stunning...painful...real. :eek:

EDIT: Via Twitter...

Greg Hernandez ‏@greghernandez 11m
Premiere of long-awaited film version of The Normal Heart watched by 1.4 million viewers: @NormalHeartFilm


Towleroad ‏@tlrd 2m
Larry Kramer Talks to Jane Pauley During the First Days of the AIDS Crisis in 1983: VIDEO
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Well-Known Member
In case anyone in the UK is interested - The Normal Heart will air in the UK on Sky Atlantic on Sunday 1 June at (i think) 9pm.


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Thousands of B.C. lawyers have voted for a non-binding resolution to reverse the Law Society's April decision to accredit Trinity Western University's new Christian law school.

The resolution directs the Board of Governors, known as Benchers, to declare that TWU's law school is not an approved faculty of law for the purposes of the Law Society’s admissions program.

Of the B.C. Law Society's 13,000 members, 3,210 voted in favour with 968 opposed. However, the resolution is not binding, so does not automatically reverse the existing decision to accredit the law school.

I was one of the 3,210 who voted in favour. One of the few good things I did today (I had a really crappy day at the office).

Some background:

The special vote was called after critics objected to the Christian university’s covenant, which forbids all students and staff from sexual relationships outside of marriage between a man and woman.

Victoria lawyer, Michael Mulligan, who triggered the vote, believes that covenant is discrimination.

“We are assessing an institution that wishes to discriminate based on sexual orientation," said Mulligan.


Well-Known Member
Russian memorial to Steve Jobs dismantled because Tim Cook is gay

The i-phone-shaped monument which was put up in 2013, was dismantled the day after Tim Cook (Steve Job's successor as head of Apple) came out as gay. From the article:

"In Russia, gay propaganda and other sexual perversions among minors are prohibited by law," ZEFS said, noting that the memorial had been "in an area of direct access for young students and scholars".

"After Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly called for sodomy, the monument was taken down to abide to the Russian federal law protecting children from information promoting denial of traditional family values."

How strange that Tim Cook made a call for sodomy. I almost don't believe it! :eek:



Well-Known Member
It's not for everyone. So many people say to me, "you're so anal!!!", so obviously many people don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Country Star Ty Herndon: 'I'm an Out, Proud and Happy Gay Man'

Herndon had two gold albums in the mid 90's and hit the top 40 on the country charts twelve times. Three of those songs went to #1: What Mattered Most, Living In A Moment and It Must Be Love.

I've never been a big country music fan, but I've certainly heard of Ty. Great article.

But I'm incredibly jealous. He's 51??? He doesn't look a day over 30. What a cutie.
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Well-Known Member
I am glad to hear that Vince Gill, LeAnn Rimes and Keith Urban have been supportive of Gilman, even though he says he's not sure if they knew he was gay. (I'm guessing they did.) Maybe Kenny Chesney and Hunter Hayes will also be supportive of these gay men.


Well-Known Member
Country singer James Otto posted this on facebook:

Ty Herndon & Billy Gilman both came out of the closet yesterday, both have said how hard it has been on their careers (as has Chely Wright) and I imagine living... with that kinda secret would be emotionally difficult as well. As I've been in the country music business for many years, I've had the benefit of having quite a few friends & associates that are gay and their contributions to this industry are many and great. I believe no matter if you agree with someone's lifestyle or not it shouldn't effect what you think of their work or your view of their humanity. Though I don't know Chely, Ty or Billy personally, I know they are all excellent singers and by all accounts good people and deserve the respect of their peers and the public in general and they shouldn't have to worry about the loss of their livelihood for being true to their hearts. Additionally I look forward to the day that the revelation of a persons sexual orientation isn't news. ‪#‎followyourarrow‬ yall.

Otto had a #1 country song in 2007, Just Got Started Lovin' You. What's interesting is that Otto has just released his first new single after a four-year break from the charts. Kind of a risky (brave) statement to make when you're wanting airplay for a new song aimed at a conservative market.

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