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Socialist Canada
OMG!!! My heart breaks for her and her loved ones. All my prayers and best wishes and hope for good news soon.


scratching at the light
That's just beyond awful. I am heartbroken. Adding my support and healing wishes.


fsuniverse.COM (finally)
Staff member
Oh my God this is awful awful news :(

Thankyou for letting us know Pat and sending love to the family and ((((Lee))))


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
OMG! I'm in shock. This is heartbreaking. Keeping Really and family in my thoughts and prayers. <3


Fan of many, uber of none
So shocked and saddened. Will be thinking good thoughts for her and her family. "Stable" is hopefully a good sign.


Home in England
Oh no, no, I can't believe it, just awful news, Really is such a lovely and valued person on FSU. Sending love and prayers to Lee and her family who must be just heartbroken :(


Simply looking
Oh no, this was not news I needed to hear today. Sending well wishes to Lee and her family and hopefully she will be awake and able to rejoin her family and grandkids soon.

If I had a Smirnie in the house, I'd be drinking it and thinking of you, Lee.


A bitch from Canada
Oh no!! What terrible news. I'm sending all my thoughts and prayers to Lee and her family.

Please keep us updated, @pat c


a monkey stole my title
*in shock* Sending all the healing energy I can muster in her direction, and love to her family.

pat c

Well-Known Member
From Gerry: Here is what we know as of now. You may share this.

On Wednesday morning, sometime early, my beautiful wife Lee had a cerebral hemorrhage. She was transported to Edmonton, to the Royal Alec hospital, where a trauma team worked to keep her alive through the night. Neurosurgeons placed drainage tubes to relieve the pressure in her brain, and an entire ICU team worked to support her while we waited for the pressure to subside, and hoped that her vitals would begin to self-regulate.

By mid-afternoon Thursday, her vitals had stabilized somewhat, and she was transported to the University of Alberta hospital Neurosurgical ICU unit. She was re-stabilized and supported as the specialists there continued to do tests to determine the extent of the damage and decide what the next possibilities might be.

She had a pretty good night Thursday, and this morning (Friday) her vitals are stable, and she looks better. We have had a number of hopeful signs to show she is making progress; her reflexes are better, she reacts to stimuli, and she is gaining motion in her extremities.

The schedule today shows that she will be getting more tests (right now, she is down at Imaging getting a Cerebral Angiogram to give the surgeons a better look at the damage) and hopefully they can use these diagnostics to develop some ideas about what surgical procedures will help her.

So far, she has been sedated and unable to regain consciousness or interact purposefully with us. We appreciate the gravity of her situation and are thankful for the great care she is getting, but we miss talking with her and need to see her wake up to be with us.

We are afraid, but hopeful; this is exactly the right place for her to be right now, and these are the right people in charge of her care. We are grateful for their skills and knowledge, and are appreciative of their empathy and professionalism.

Lee's prognosis is still very uncertain; as long as she remains unconscious, we won't know the extent of the damage caused by this event, and until the doctors decide on a surgical strategy, we won't have any idea about how much can be repaired.

We are heartened by the progress she has made to date, are anticipating that she will continue to improve, and are very grateful for your prayers and support.

***new data - 1:00 pm Friday.
The neurosurgeon just came in with the diagnosis and procedure.. they know which artery is bleeding, and have determined how to repair the damage.. hopefully that will happen soon, but they need to schedule the operation and assemble a team. They are optimistic about her recovery, but caution that this is a major trauma and we still have a lot to learn about the implications.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Thankyou for the update, pat.

All my strength to Really and her family, with every finger and toe crossed that she recovers well. Is there anything we can do to help Gerry during this time?
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