"On Edge" - Olympic Channel's docuseries featuring 6 teams from Ice Academy of Montreal


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I don't read it as one person secretly wishing for another to fall at all. But YMMV.
Gabriella did say that every element they wished that V&M would crash/screw up. Not necessarily fall, but definitely make a mistake (and I don't think there's that big a difference in the message tbh, whether she meant a stumble or a foot down on twizzles or a fall).
Je me souviens que je regardais leurs éléments un à un. Et chaque élément, on avait envie qu’ils se plantent, et ils ne se plantaient jamais. C’était : « Merde, ils ne se sont pas plantés sur celui-là, merde. Merde. Merde. » Ils ne se sont jamais plantés, finalement. C’était de bonne guerre d’espérer. On ne leur voulait pas de mal, mais on pensait à nous.

And that's completely understandable, given the circumstances. That quote never bothered my as a V/M fan, and I don't judge them for feeling that in the moment. But she did say it.
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Wishing Gaby and Guillaume the best for these Olympics. Worst fear is omicron for me. I hope they 1) can skate 2) skate clean 3) and enjoy the Olympics !

I will be heartbroken if they don't go home with OG but if that ever happens, I hope they (and me) will get over it eventually haha

EDIT : Oh nvm since we were talking about a 4 year old non-event about GG I thought I was on their thread, sorry. Wishing everyone On Edge the same thing by the way (except the Gold hahahah. Do not get the gold if you're not PC. Once again, you'll break my heart).


Well-Known Member
Gabriella did say that every element they wished that V&M would crash/screw up. Not necessarily fall, but definitely make a mistake (and I don't think there's that big a difference in the message tbh, whether she meant a stumble or a foot down on twizzles or a fall).

And that's completely understandable, given the circumstances. That quote never bothered my as a V/M fan, and I don't judge them for feeling that in the moment. But she did say it.
Indeed. I've seen ballerinas in school put pieces of glasses to another ballerina's Pointe shoes. Well, I didn't see the people doing it but I saw the ballerina finding them. Now, that's cruel, criminal I would say. And this was in school, just because one got the main role and smb else didn't. Secretly wishing your opponent to screw up in a competition such as the Olympics doesn't make you a horrible person or athlete.

Having said that, I do admire the athletes who are like "Bring it on! I want to compete and win against the best and skate at their best on the night." But they are a rare bread. They have to be very confident, border to cocky. ;)


Well-Known Member
I loved that too, but at first I heard « Beyoncé » instead so there was a moment where I was asking myself why Beyoncé was in the arena

Nice recap of the olys, sad that they did not use the music was of the programs but it was nice getting a bit more background shots of the Olys.

Of course I am overjoyed for PC but I thought they showed HD journey quite well, I had forgotten their mistake at the previous Olys tbh. Happy that it is behind them !

Edit : I understand why they cut the TE but it makes it look as if CB left without anything (I mean technically they have not got that medal either though…) so not a complete a recap, but close enough
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
No. Not a fan of these little morsels…extended fluff. I stopped watching after the first two episodes. Sorry. I prefer true documentaries such as the recent Meddling series on Peacock.
That fluff stuff is so annoying. I enjoy Ted Barton's format. Watch the skate without "did you know that he/she had tuna for lunch" just the skate. Then he analyzes and/or explains who did what to whom.


Well-Known Member
No. Not a fan of these little morsels…extended fluff. I stopped watching after the first two episodes. Sorry. I prefer true documentaries such as the recent Meddling series on Peacock.
Yeah .. I’m unable to watch since I’m in the wrong country.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
If anybody remembers the old ABC Olympics coverage with occasional “Up Close and Personal” fluff pieces profiling skaters in casual settings…this is akin to that - which reminds me of how fake & staged some of those old spots were, eg, the one of young Brian Orser driving around in a red convertible with his girlfriend. 1984, I think. Rotfl! Not that the general public knew any better.


Well-Known Member
If anybody remembers the old ABC Olympics coverage with occasional “Up Close and Personal” fluff pieces profiling skaters in casual settings…this is akin to that - which reminds me of how fake & staged some of those old spots were, eg, the one of young Brian Orser driving around in a red convertible with his girlfriend. 1984, I think. Rotfl! Not that the general public knew any better.
Yeah I get it lol. Yes to the girlfriend .. thank goodness THAT has changed!


Reformed Manspreader
If anybody remembers the old ABC Olympics coverage with occasional “Up Close and Personal” fluff pieces profiling skaters in casual settings…this is akin to that - which reminds me of how fake & staged some of those old spots were, eg, the one of young Brian Orser driving around in a red convertible with his girlfriend. 1984, I think. Rotfl! Not that the general public knew any better.
That is just so cringe on so many levels :yikes:
This was cute and fluffy but not much more than that . I enjoyed it though. I loved the group hugs and backstage moments at the end of the FD.
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Well-Known Member
That is just so cringe on so many levels :yikes:
This was cute and fluffy but not much more than that . I enjoyed it though. I loved the group hugs and backstage moments at the end of the FD.
It was really different times too. I’ve def seen sooooo many fluff pieces and now I just want the competition.
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