Japan's Hanyu fumes at rival for 'intentional' collision


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'll ever comprehend "fans" sending death threats or wishing another skater terrible things. It's not only Yuzuru's fans who are sending horrible messages but also Denis's supporters too. Both sides are equally guilty of this. It's quite unbelievable. :slinkaway

In any case, I'm glad Yuzuru and Denis talked things out like the grown up exceptional men that they are.


Well-Known Member
Lol!!! Kazakhstan is NOT a poor country! It's extremely rich. And Denis being one of Kazakhstan's few international stars can have anything he wants

@Xela M

You are right in the sense that Kazakhstan is not as poor as I thought, but it still does not make it acceptable to wish the livelihood of someone away.

Kazakhstan has a per Capita GDP of about $24,000 per year (ranked 51) while South Korea's about $35000 (ranked 30), Equatorial Guinea's about $36000 (ranked 29), Japan's about $37000 (ranked 28), and the United Kingdom's about $39000 (ranked 27).

It is still horrible to wish the livelihood of someone away after reconciliation has been made, even if they do not come from a poor country.

That being said, I hope all the fans will follow the good example of the skaters and forgive.
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Xela M

Well-Known Member
@Xela M

You are right in the sense that Kazakhstan is not as poor as I thought, but it still does not make it acceptable to wish the livelihood of someone away.

Kazakhstan has a per Capita GDP of about $24,000 per year (ranked 51) while South Korea's about $35000 (ranked 30), Equatorial Guinea's about $36000 (ranked 29), Japan's about $37000 (ranked 28), and the United Kingdom's about $39000 (ranked 27).

It is still horrible to wish the livelihood of someone away after reconciliation has been made, even if they do not come from a poor country.

That being said, I hope all the fans will follow the good example of the skaters and forgive.

Oh, I love Denis and only wish him well! I was just saying that Kazakhstan is not poor AT ALL. It's an oil state with a very small population (relative to its enormous wealth and huge territory) and Astana is like a version of Dubai.


Active Member
Is this reliable?

"...expressed its apologies to Olympic Games champion Denis Ten" Uhm.

"Recall that foreign mass media reported that the sportsmen ran into each other on March 30 during morning practice. Later, Hanyu supposed that Ten intentionally smashed into him, to injure him." I thought it wasn't about a collision (which by no accounts happened), but the impeding of Hanyu's way?

“The Japanese Figure Skating Federation claimed it never requested any punishments.” I already thought it was established the JSF were petitioning for a warning, not for a punishment?

"...a message on Ten’s official community account in VKontakte reads" Is this really the only source, no Japanese media sources?

Well, if it's done with then I'm glad they won't be going further with this case because unfortunately I think the backlash has punished both of them plenty, especially Ten. Sucks that it couldn't have been resolved the first time around and had to get even worse before it got better.


Well-Known Member
Lol!!! Kazakhstan is NOT a poor country! It's extremely rich.

Omg, lol what.

Norway, Switzerland, Canada and Japan are extremely rich, Poland and the Czech Republic are reasonably well off and Kazakhstan is more in their league.
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Xela M

Well-Known Member
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
This is going to be delightful. Will we hear about it ad nauseum like the infamous almost-collision between Jamie Sale and Berezhnaya/Sikharulidze in SLC?

While it's clear that Hanyu had right of way, I'm not sure how Ten was supposed to notice in the midst of a spin that Hanyu was setting up a 3A in his direction. But maybe I'm missing something.

It wasn't an 'almost' collision between Jamie and Anton. It actually took place.
Luckily no one was injured.


Well-Known Member

A thoroughtly confusing message here from Denis Ten, posted along with the handshake photo. And to whom is he addressing the "parents" comment? To Yuzuru? Why?

Thinking and knowing are two different things. Everyone always thinks that they know, but nothing more.
"Good", "bad", "you're this!", "he's that!" — all these are just assumptions with no connection to reality. These assumptions are correct. But only in a closed off world of an individual.

So think your thoughts and don't try to understand mine. You may read, or don't — it's your life, so live it, enjoy it. I write for "my family" and I don't make personal remarks. You got personal yourself.

Speaking of this, text and context are also two separate things. That's why I'm posting a photo. There's no message here. What it was and how it happened, it no longer matters. The sky is peaceful.

Hopefully, this piece ends here.

Think about something more important.

Like parents, for example.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
A thoroughtly confusing message here from Denis Ten, posted along with the handshake photo. And to whom is he addressing the "parents" comment? To Yuzuru? Why?

Thinking and knowing are two different things. Everyone always thinks that they know, but nothing more.
"Good", "bad", "you're this!", "he's that!" — all these are just assumptions with no connection to reality. These assumptions are correct. But only in a closed off world of an individual.

So think your thoughts and don't try to understand mine. You may read, or don't — it's your life, so live it, enjoy it. I write for "my family" and I don't make personal remarks. You got personal yourself.

Speaking of this, text and context are also two separate things. That's why I'm posting a photo. There's no message here. What it was and how it happened, it no longer matters. The sky is peaceful.

Hopefully, this piece ends here.

Think about something more important.

Like parents, for example.

He's talking about the media and Hanyu's crazy fans who have been hounding and threatening him since the story broke


Well-Known Member
A thoroughtly confusing message here from Denis Ten, posted along with the handshake photo. And to whom is he addressing the "parents" comment? To Yuzuru? Why?

Hopefully, this piece ends here.

Think about something more important.

Like parents, for example.
To fans, to himself. Denis's father has not been well for the last few years, and Denis interrupted his training repeatedly (according to Frank Carroll, but my info is from last year, I do not know the current status) to spend time with him. So I think the message is to be read as written- there are more important things- like parents...
Denis in interviews calls himself an old philosopher, so his messages are in the same spirit as he usually posts.


Well-Known Member
Yuzuru did talk to Denis after the second time Denis crossed his way. I don't know what happened after the third time (aka the punching board time). However a Japanese fan told me they have seen some news with Orser complaining about this before the short program event started.

Seriously???, I mean, I have been watching very close figure skating since 2007, 9 years, I know, this is not much compared with many people at this forum but still NINE years, and I only remember something similar. Yuna Kim accusing japanese skaters of interfering with her practices. I can´t help to note both are/were coached for Brian Orser. It is like Brian inflates his/her student ego at max, and they can accuse someone just like that.

ok, Yuzuru has nothing to lose, he has a lot of fans, contracts and a federation who, yes, is not the most supportive federation, but at least they are more powerful than the federation of Kazajistan. This can affect Denis invitations to shows at Japan, why japanese people would want to see a corrupt skater?, who just want to hurt to poor prince Yuzu?

it is not correct, he can yell all he want but why accuse openly to someone? Yuzu says that he think Denis did this intentional, ok, YOU think, YOU, that is not prove, he has thousands of fans and knows it perfectly, and of course the most of them will be agree with him. This is gross and inconsidered of Yuzuru.

Denis reputation is in doubt now. Look at this video hating Denis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWH2_Y0tJRo 23,000 views at only 2 days. And you can see at this same thread how many people are supporting to Yuzu and how many are supporting Denis, why? because Yuzu is right? no, it is just because he has more fans.

When Yuna did this I thought it was very low, too far, but at least she did not accused to someone directly.
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New Member
Well, Yuzuru at least tried to solve the situation at first, to talk to Denis after the second time Denis crossed his way.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
And you can see at this same thread how many people are supporting to Yuzu and how many are supporting Denis, why? because Yuzu is right? no, it is just because he has more fans.

I am not a Hanyu fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a skater. And I am supporting Hanyu and against Ten because of what is right and what the rules are. It is a basic etiquette of practice ice - the skater in the music has absolute right of way. It is so from the lowest levels to the highest. That Ten seems completely incapable of acknowledging that he was in the wrong - refusing to apologise to Hanyu after the second incident - and did it three times in two practices doesn't just look bad, it looks intentional. At best, Ten is an egotistical brat who thinks he doesn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else; at worst, he was doing it on purpose, to spook Hanyu. I've lost respect for him either way.


Well-Known Member
Quick question: I know the skater with his music on has the right of way - but a spin takes a good 10+ seconds to do, so are other skaters supposed to predict how the skater with the right of way will travel in the entirety of the spin before starting one?

I am not sure if Denis has a history/ reputation of being in the way in practice like Fumie did, but I suppose I am willing to believe whatever he did wasn't intentional and he was probably shocked that Yuzuru was so furious. Anyways, glad both moved on.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Quick question: I know the skater with his music on has the right of way - but a spin takes a good 10+ seconds to do, so are other skaters supposed to predict how the skater with the right of way will travel in the entirety of the spin before starting one?

They are supposed to figure out where the skater may go, yes, and avoid spinning in that area. In fact, during practices on Tuesday night, I noticed that most skaters refrained from practicing spins during others' programs.

Hanyu doesn't exactly do his 3A tucked away in a corner. Ten was spinning in a place where you would expect that most skaters' programs would cut through, by all reports.


Active Member
Quick question: I know the skater with his music on has the right of way - but a spin takes a good 10+ seconds to do, so are other skaters supposed to predict how the skater with the right of way will travel in the entirety of the spin before starting one?
According to Hanyu I believe he said that Denis could see him and conciously began spinning in his path, and that's why upon reviewing his own footage of the incident, he said it was probably intentional. I know according to Frank Carroll's take he said Denis was midspin and that Hanyu should've easily been able to change his path, so it's basically he-said-he-said.

Just from what's gathered including that video posted upthread, I'm tending to lean more towards Denis being self-preoccupied or a bit negligent than intention to injure or spook. Although Hanyu seeming to be very on-edge all week couldn't have helped.

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