Female Sportscasters/Journalists and their Tweets


Well-Known Member
I'm a casual gamer and honestly half the reason why I won't game online anymore is because I don't want to deal with the abuse, my username is very obviously feminine and I won't change it. The other half is because I'm really not the best gamer out there and because they've made games way more complicated with online play now. I'd need to start getting into Call of Duty games again.

When I first started working at my current job I met a guy who was also a fan of Doctor Who. Because my favourite Doctor is Matt Smith not David Tennant he told me that I obviously couldn't be a real fan of the show because I didn't like the same Doctor he liked. I literally had to prove I knew more about the show than he did to get him to back off. It took around 3 months and he drafted other guys we worked with to try and convince me I was wrong too. Fortunately the other guys, while they did have different opinions, didn't care as much that mine was different and let it go. I still find it insane that I had a 3 month debate with a guy over a TV show.
This should work but if it doesn't link directly to the right part of the page just click on number 4.
"Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them."

This comic illustrates why we need Feminism really well.
Glad you mentioned that quote (always heard it was from Margaret Atwood). It always sticks with me. Another is from Heather Mallick at the Toronto Star to women: "Never underestimate how much you are hated".


Well-Known Member
When I first started working at my current job I met a guy who was also a fan of Doctor Who. Because my favourite Doctor is Matt Smith not David Tennant he told me that I obviously couldn't be a real fan of the show because I didn't like the same Doctor he liked. I literally had to prove I knew more about the show than he did to get him to back off. It took around 3 months and he drafted other guys we worked with to try and convince me I was wrong too. Fortunately the other guys, while they did have different opinions, didn't care as much that mine was different and let it go. I still find it insane that I had a 3 month debate with a guy over a TV show.
This should work but if it doesn't link directly to the right part of the page just click on number 4.
"Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them."

This comic illustrates why we need Feminism really well.

Another unknowing, ignorant female who must not be a real fan of the show because Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor Who. Love the comic you provided because it also shows how guys can get caught in this loop of what is "expected" of them as males.

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