Downton Abbey Season 6 - PBS broadcast

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
it's fun. but very simple. i played with it a little and found that if you put for example 3 set choices, like "Fox" for animal, "Mr. Ripley" for film, "Black" for color, then NO matter what other 4 choices you make, you still get "Thomas". Same for all other characters, there 3-4 answer choices which mark a certain character, and the other 3-4 answers don't matter.


Bunny mama
I hate to blow the penguin = Carson theory but I was playing around with it and got Carson with the peacock as animal.

I also entered Orange, Remains of the Day, quote about the gun and Guinness along with Peacock that generated Carson.

Any other 'Carsons' add in any of the above choices?

We'll crack this yet.... Lol!


Well-Known Member
Finally caught up on season 6 ahead of tomorrow's finale. As much as Mary was a total bitch to Edith I completely bawled at the graveyard scene. :fragile: I never truly bought into her and Henry but at least he was an improvement over lord Gillingham.

Sprat as Cassandra Jones- :rofl: I kinda had a feeling "she" would be a dude but I wasn't expecting that!

Lord I hope no one gets killed off tomorrow (the Dowager especially). Time for the series to end but I'm still a bit sad about it.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Changed my movie, my quote and my song and got Cora. Phew!
mazel tov! :D

As much as Mary was a total bitch to Edith I completely bawled at the graveyard scene.
I don’t know how many people took a note, given Mary is no angel, but Edith provoked Mary into bitch-mode; it was quite obvious that Mary at this point is rejecting Henry and initiating their break-up, and yet Edith intentionally stated that Henry dumped Mary and that is the cause of her bad mood. Mary paid her back, which sort of make sense, given their history.


Rotating while Russian!
But the payback soooooooooooooooooooooooo did not fit the crime, but then again, nothing justified Edith's letter to the Turkish Embassy.


Well-Known Member
They both bring out the worst in each other. I find that separately they're great until a storyline calls for them to be unlikeable.


Corgi Wrangler
I don’t know how many people took a note, given Mary is no angel, but Edith provoked Mary into bitch-mode; it was quite obvious that Mary at this point is rejecting Henry and initiating their break-up, and yet Edith intentionally stated that Henry dumped Mary and that is the cause of her bad mood. Mary paid her back, which sort of make sense, given their history.

All through that scene I was going "Edith, are you stupid? SHUT UP SHUT UP don't you know by now NOT to bait your sister?" In this case, the retaliation might kinda-sorta have been overkill (but only because Edith should have listened to her mother and aunt and fessed up as soon as it was clear Bertie was serious) but then Edith's stunt with the Turkish ambassador was nasty as well. (He knew Pamuk had died, he did not need the gory details, and Edith flat-out tells Mary he deserved to know Pamuk died "in the arms of a slut." So really, "bitch" is sort of an improvement in their communication...)


Well-Known Member
Edith is also somewhat passive-aggressive, at times....

Yeah and I feel like as the series went on the writers made the dynamic more one sided- early on Edith gave it as good as she got but lately Mary was the nastier of the two. It was refreshing to see them actually have a nice moment together before the wedding.

I got Carson :rofl:


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I haven't read this thread in a month because I missed three episodes while in Israel. Yay for the current marathon, but what a pill Carson is!


Well-Known Member
There's a #%$*& Amber alert interrupting the show- it's been going on for 15 minutes now. I have no problem with a short interruption for this, but it doesn't need to go on all evening. I'm sorry this happened, bit it's 6 hours away from here, and people in their homes watching Downton Abbey are not out on the streets.

Okay, figured out how to get rid of it- I hope they find the child.


Bonjour/Hi to everyone at Worlds!
Happy/satisfied but sad it's over - which I guess is what Fellowes was aiming for. Downton will be missed! :cheer2: :wuzrobbed


Well-Known Member
Since Julian Fellowes wrote both "Gosford Park" and "Downton Abbey I present an alternative last episode for one character:

Henry Talbot has an American investor while he raced and in his new business venture. It is none other than Morris Weissman, last seen in Gosford (played again by Bob Balaban) closeted Hollywood director and producer who visits and hires Barrow as his butler at his palatial estate in Hollywood. Morris has many pool parties during the day and enjoys Hollywood nights during the roaring 20's. Barrow realizes he is not alone in the world and finds satisfying sex, love and a great tan. He even makes appearances in a few silent films. And he keeps abreast of Downton through a series of letters with Baxter. He is finally understood.
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Well-Known Member
There's a #%$*& Amber alert interrupting the show- it's been going on for 15 minutes now. I have no problem with a short interruption for this, but it doesn't need to go on all evening. I'm sorry this happened, bit it's 6 hours away from here, and people in their homes watching Downton Abbey are not out on the streets.

Okay, figured out how to get rid of it- I hope they find the child.
Wish I'd known how to get rid of it! I missed a lot of the show. And I am also 6 hours away and unable to do anything about a missing child. I do hope someone finds him soon. Not the way I wanted to end the series.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed the last episode. I'm quite pleased, generally. A bit tidy, but oh well.

Also, Allen Leech wishing me thanks for watching the show...OMG, he is so hot! Why did they stuff him up with padding on the show!?!?

my little pony

polishing Madison Hubbell's OGM
i'm only sorry that edith didnt marry several episodes ago so i could have had some edith free episodes.

loved violet and isobel and isobel's geezer love. i only wish i could have seen that horrid daughter in law find out larry wasn't dying. and my personal favorite, evil laughs last!


Well-Known Member
Ugh. My sister called during the show. I missed the wedding and Anna having the baby and who knows what else. Is there going to be a repeat?


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed the last episode. I'm quite pleased, generally. A bit tidy, but oh well.

Also, Allen Leech wishing me thanks for watching the show...OMG, he is so hot! Why did they stuff him up with padding on the show!?!?

I'll say: They paired almost everyone up in the show and broadly hinted at relationships to come. It might be fun in a few years if they advanced the show five or ten years and revisited Downton then. I'm sure there will have been births, deaths and the challenges leveled by the Depression. Or return to it twenty years from now when the children are young adults during WWII. As long as they have good writers and stars who are willing to return it might be entertaining to see Downton through generations of this family.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
It might be fun in a few years if they advanced the show five or ten years and revisited Downton then. I'm sure there will have been births, deaths and the challenges leveled by the Depression.

.... yeap! suddenly many folks would wish they never left service, there is food and bed in a castle, rather than locked door of a factory....:D

What a cheezy super-happy ending.... BBC outdone Hollywood...... :D Glad the puppy is happy and healthy to the end. Will miss watching so many decent and well mannered people, and looking at the Estate.

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