Bill Cosby Meme Generator Backfires


Saint Smugpawski
Bill Clinton was disbarred and impeached. Bill Cosby just lost air time on TV Land for a show that's been around for about 30 years. Morozov, on the other hand, has never got into any trouble with federations or professional associations or been brought up on any charges. Nobody has ever come out and claimed that he behaved inappropriately with them, which cannot be said about Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby or Clarence Thomas. I can only conclude that Morozov isn't quite the villain that he's been painted as even if he might have thrown a whammy onto Amodio's skating. A passionate fool with questionable taste in styling products? Perhaps. But that's not illegal. In ice dance those characteristics are assets, not liabilites.


Ubering juniors against my will
Interestingly, if we're comparing Clinton to Morozov, what Clinton got in trouble for was related to his most Morozov-like behavior -- i.e., abusing his position of power with a young woman. He (Clinton) never got in any trouble over the rape accusation at all, IIRC. He did what Cosby is trying to do now, ignore it. Only he did it more successfully than Cosby.


Saint Smugpawski
I just finished a novel called "Blue Angel" by Francine Prose which is a tale of a college professor who gets sexually involved with a student, and part of what made it so interesting is that it was written in the 90s when things were starting to change in the post-Anita Hill world regarding certain relationships between professors and legally adult students, but it was pre-Monica. It was also interesting for its lack of cell phones and email, but that's a different issue.

The professor's wife in the tale wasn't quite as forgiving and loyal as Mrs. Clinton was with Bill. She actually DedTMFA.


Well-Known Member
I admit I'm very confused as to why everyone is discussing Morosov all of a sudden.

Any mention of Morosov in this thread is a real a**hole move as far as I'm concerned. I know FSU doesn't like him as he's "creepy" and "icky", but to add his name to this discussion about rapists is entirely inappropriate in my opinion.

Parents of boys: what are you doing wrong?

Perhaps part of the problem is pointing a finger instead of offering a hand?


Well-Known Member
Not related to Cosby, but to the overall situation of rape and people not reporting it and the lack of investigation: I just read a Rolling Stone article on rape at the University of Virginia and it was awful. What are we doing wrong, indeed. I highly recommend it.


Ubering juniors against my will
Any mention of Morosov in this thread is a real a**hole move as far as I'm concerned. I know FSU doesn't like him as he's "creepy" and "icky", but to add his name to this discussion about rapists is entirely inappropriate in my opinion.

No one here has called Morozov a rapist. In fact, it's been specifically pointed out that he is not a rapist. There's nothing wrong with mentioning someone's name by way of contrast.


Well-Known Member

I think there are a lot of problems regarding rape; one is certainly the law. Didn't they only recently change the fact that consent under the influence isn't actually consent?
Then there's the short statute of limitation, the fact that rapists can buy their way out rather easily and false accusations. It's a tough road as it is for women to be believed they were raped, even to this day, and one false accusation is probably setting the progress back years.

To those on the internet who were asking, why didn't the women report sooner, I doubt the law regarding rape was quite as strict as it is today. Considering that wives had to ask their husband's permission to be allowed to work until the early 70s, I can't imagine that a rape report was taken seriously in 1976. ...
Add drugs to the mix and I wonder if it even was considered rape under the law back then. :(

And writing all this, I can only wonder what's wrong with our society and why there is such a low regard for women and their rights.

The worst of the rape laws (i.e., that the accused could have victims examined by shrinks; the "Lord Hale instruction", etc.) didn't begin to change until the mid-1970s -- and rape reports began to be taken seriously.

However, there are a lot of other factors in this case ... such as the delay in reporting in a case involving the drugging of a victim. Most people think that if the crime had been promptly reported, there would be some corroboration (tests showing the presence of a drug) -- so the delay raises questions (why wait until the corroboration disappears?) They ignore the fact that at the time these assaults occurred (a) the testing may not have revealed the drug or (b) if they did, it would be taken differently (much more "she asked for it").


Saint Smugpawski
No one here has called Morozov a rapist. In fact, it's been specifically pointed out that he is not a rapist. There's nothing wrong with mentioning someone's name by way of contrast.

It shows that people could be creeped out by a guy for no substantial reason solely based on appearances. But the guy who actually has had accusations of inappropriate conduct hurled at him? One gets appointed to the Supreme Court and the other got elected President of the United States. Twice. That might have a little something to do with why we have this problem in the United States. I think the question should be why did we elect Bill Clinton twice and why do we continue to elect these guys who engage in this sort of behavior? I fully cop to voting for Clinton twice. In my defense, I couldn't wait to see him go by the end.


Well-Known Member
So many people look the other way and even help bring in women or pay them off. It's a nasty business.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps part of the problem is pointing a finger instead of offering a hand?

By the time I'm dealing with them and in a position to try to make a difference, boys are already at the age mentioned in the article referenced by Jimena below...and they're not going to be listening to me. I am genuinely curious about what parents of boys can do to stop this sort of thing. Or is it the case where once they hit puberty, peer pressure and porn have a bigger influence, and they stop listening to their parents, so you give up at that point?

Not related to Cosby, but to the overall situation of rape and people not reporting it and the lack of investigation: I just read a Rolling Stone article on rape at the University of Virginia and it was awful. What are we doing wrong, indeed. I highly recommend it.

This is the sort of thing that disgusts me. In addition to the seven actual rapists, there were dozens of facilitators....frat members who knew about this "ritual", probably knew it was happening and did nothing, the girl's "friends" who did nothing and discouraged her from reporting, the administrators who tried to sweep it under the rug. How does one go about growing up thinking that this sort of behavior is acceptable? I'm going to lunch next week with about 6 men. I guess I'll be wondering which one was a rapist, or facilitated a rape, or watched one happen and did nothing, or helped cover one up.


Saint Smugpawski
From that Daily News article it would appear that many of those women didn't engage in non-consensual activity, either. Instead of gifting them with flowers the next day, Bill sent them money through an employee so they could buy their own flowers. Nothing illegal about that.

I remember when Hillary Clinton jumped up onto the television screen and told us that the allegations of her husband's consensual affair with an employee was nothing but a vast right wing conspiracy. That's not illegal, either. I'm quite sure Hillary believed what she was saying when she said it.

I think America really had a golden opportunity in the 1990s to turn the tide and do something about this awfulness against women, yet we blew it much like Bill blew his saxophone on Arsenio Hall.


Well-Known Member
So many people look the other way and even help bring in women or pay them off. It's a nasty business.

Unfortunately it is nothing new, do you know how many young actresses and actors had to perform sexual favors for producers, directors etc in order to get their foot in the door? Every one knew about the "casting couch" but no one talked.


Saint Smugpawski
So who holds the power in these situations? Is it always the person who holds the wallet?


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton was disbarred and impeached.

I don't know about disbarred but he certainly wasn't impeached.

I had not yet heard there were accusations of sexual assault against him (and I have to admit if they're from his college days I'm one who'd always be careful about believing them because, unfortunately, they could be as true as they could be false.) But regarding his affairs, that's between him and his wife and has nothing to do with his capabilities as a politician.

One thing that can certainly be done is education, education, education. Educate young people on the effects of alcohol and drugs, talk to them about the fact that just because everyone else is drinking, doesn't mean you have to drink, too and it's not cool to get drunk, punish rapists harder no matter what age, financial status and whether or not alcohol was involved and encourage women to report instead of discourage them. Educate young people who are from small towns as best as you can on sex, city and college life, prepare them as best as possible. Give them the confidence to be true to who they are.
I think a big problem is still that, once at college, many are overwhelmed, feel a need to fit in, be cool and think it's cool to do the forbidden.

The other thing is mind-set.
I don't know how much of what they show on Law and Order SVU about colleges/universities covering up rapes is accurate but if that's really happening, that's one of the first things which needs to stop. If college students who take it too far are actually going to get punished instead of let off the hook with a slap on the wrist then it's likely that others will back-off because they don't want to end up in jail.
I understand that no one wants to ruin an innocent kid's future and I'm sure there are those who accuse others when they regret what happened, realize the boy wasn't serious and it was only a one-night-stand or they find out they're pregnant. Still, covering up a rape isn't the answer and every accusation needs to be properly investigated. Once each and every accusation gets investigated, actual rapes might even decline because students realize it's getting very difficult to get off scot-free.

Of course, this only applies to college rapes and rapes at a work place. I don't think random rapes happening on the street will ever be stopped. But I think if college and work-place rapes are taken seriously, if accusations get investigated, women encouraged to report etc, they could be reduced and that would already be a huge step forward.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about disbarred but he certainly wasn't impeached.
Bill Clinton certainly was impeached - the House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment, but the Senate didn't have sufficient votes to convict him, so he was not removed from the Office of the President.

Clinton was not disbarred, but his Arkansas license was suspended for a few years.


Saint Smugpawski
Clinton was not disbarred, but his Arkansas license was suspended for a few years.

Ah, my mistake. Thank you for the clarification. All this dragging up old history and the details sometimes get a little muddled.

I heard all about the education, education, education back in the 90s and even before that in the 80s. And yet....these things are still happening.

Here in New Jersey we had the famous Glen Ridge rape case in 1989:

Here in New Jersey we now have the Sayreville football team in 2014:

Here in New Jersey we also have a US Senator who MAY have traveled outside of the country to enjoy some underage prostitutes. He's still in office, just keeps on getting re-elected the rascal:


Ubering juniors against my will
I had not yet heard there were accusations of sexual assault against him (and I have to admit if they're from his college days I'm one who'd always be careful about believing them because, unfortunately, they could be as true as they could be false.)

I'd never heard of any assault allegations from Clinton's college days until they were brought up in this thread. I was thinking of this allegation, of an assault said to have taken place in 1978:

Southpaw said:
Here in New Jersey we also have a US Senator who MAY have traveled outside of the country to enjoy some underage prostitutes. He's still in office, just keeps on getting re-elected the rascal:

Shoot, here in Northern Va. we can't get rid of a representative who throttled a little boy, in broad daylight, in front of witnesses. He's also been accused of wife-beating. (At least he's not my representative anymore, thank God, since the districts were redrawn.) It's awful what people in power get away with.
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Saint Smugpawski
And speaking of rascally Democrats, I see Marion Barry died today. Talk about walking down memory lane, I remember listening to Howard Stern rip on him back when Howard was only aired in NYC and Philly I think? Maybe Boston by that point?

"He has left a strong legacy for so many young people to follow," Bowser said. "He has left lessons about how he helped people in this city that will carry on for years and years to come."

Barry's name also became synonymous with corruption for many observers. His accomplishments are often forgotten in light of his arrest for drug abuse when he was caught in a Washington hotel room with a much younger woman.

"Bitch set me up," Barry famously cursed when FBI agents burst in, referring to the woman who helped the FBI set up the sting.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton certainly was impeached - the House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment, but the Senate didn't have sufficient votes to convict him, so he was not removed from the Office of the President.

I thought impeachment was the act of removing him from office/being impeached was being removed from office. It's how it came across in Germany. There was talk about how he could be impeached but wasn't in the end, as in he could be voted to be removed from office but wasn't.


Saint Smugpawski
Now I can hear my 10th grade history teacher in my head who used to drill into us "to impeach means to accuse." It was the Reagan years and he was a WWII vet and he adored Tip O'Neill. Not sure what he thought of the Cosby show.

Ah memories.


Saint Smugpawski
Yeah, he's a piece of work. I'd rather have a drink with Bill Cosby than Bobby Menendez if forced to make a choice, even though I'm probably much too old for Bobby. At least Bill Cosby the creepy entertainer doesn't have any power over the outcome of my life like Bobby Menendez the creepy senator does.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a piece of work. I'd rather have a drink with Bill Cosby than Bobby Menendez if forced to make a choice, even though I'm probably much too old for Bobby. At least Bill Cosby the creepy entertainer doesn't have any power over the outcome of my life like Bobby Menendez the creepy senator does.
Just don't let Bill get anywhere near your drink! :scream: :(


Doing all the things
I heard all about the education, education, education back in the 90s and even before that in the 80s. And yet....these things are still happening.
Did you actually see any education? Because talking about how we need education and actually doing it are two different things.


Saint Smugpawski
15,104 public school in the 80s I received education in the perils of drugs and alcohol and unprotected sex because of the AIDS crisis. In college in the late 80s there were some Take Back The Night type things going on. I had to drop out of college in 1990 for several years because there was a bad recession and college was expensive and loans weren't as easily obtained back then as they are now so I really don't know what happened in the rape education circles on college campuses after that.

If the NJ public school system needs to provide rape training classes maybe Sen. Menendez can pull some strings for us and get us some pork for that. I don't know if Gov. Bridge Closer would pay for that.

And at the risk of sounding like Tipper Gore, maybe these kids today need to quit looking at so much Internet porn. That wouldn't cost a dime.


Doing all the things
My kids are getting that "abstinence only" sex-ed. As my daughter puts it: Mom, they don't tell us a thing!

I never had any education on what consent was and I never saw any until recently.


scratching at the light
I went to private Christian schools and there was no sex ed at all, except for "dancing is forbidden because it leads to sinful things". My parents told me nothing either.
There were no discussions at all concerning consent, because it was a given that sex was for marriage only. Premarital sex was a huge taboo, and simply not talked about.
All I knew in high school was that if you went beyond handholding and kissing, you were automatically a slut.

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