Japanese figure skating 2023-24 season news & updates


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Oda landing a 'q' quad at 36 is fascinating- pretty sure if he gets one ratified, he'll be the oldest competitor to ever (officially) land one, and by quite a distance.

That, and throwing off 3A's and 3+3 combos and sequences like he hasn't missed a day-- really remarkable.

Selfishly, I hope that he learned his math and counting if he continues to progress at this level ;)
What's inspiring is that he never really HAD a quad during his prime competitive days. I recall he landed one a few years ago at Japan Open skating to YMCA though.

First Takahashi, now Oda. When is Kozuka coming back? :D


^^^ Translation of JSF's press release by Skate Japan News:

Riku Miura/Ryuichi Kihara have withdrawn from Skate America 2023 due to Ryuichi Kihara’s lumbar spondylosis.

“This time, we have decided to withdraw from Skate America. Since August, I have felt discomfort in my back with the pain gradually worsening. Returning to Canada, our training base, I underwent a medical exam. I am now recovering to resume practice quickly. The warm support we receive from many is always a great encouragement. Thank you. Please keep supporting us from now on.”


^^^ I was hoping to read more about the young Japanese (singles) team at Skate America.

"Japan's female trio will be going up against two-time world medalist Loena Hendrickx of Belgium and United States national champion Isabeau Levito, who won the Challenger Series Nebelhorn Trophy in September, in Texas."

Excerpt re. Kaori:
"Last season the Grand Prix series didn't go smoothly for me, and I managed to return to top form only from the All-Japan Championships," Sakamoto noted. "This season I hope to maintain my best condition and deliver my best performance in both Grand Prix Series events and the Grand Prix Final."
Sakamoto talked about her new free skate to "Wild Is The Wing" and "Feeling Good" by Lauryn Hill.
"It's a genre I haven't explored before, so I'm still struggling with the artistic aspect," Sakamoto commented. "But as the season progresses, I hope to get better and better. This program is all about making a strong initial impression, so I'm consciously focusing on not diverting my gaze from the judges and I'm being mindful of how I use my free leg and arms."
Excerpt re. Yuma:
Noguchi asked Kagiyama, who will start his GP season at the Grand Prix de France in Angers next month (November 3-5), if he could cite some specific advice Kostner had given him.
"When you place your next foot, feel like it's growing from inside your body," Kagiyama stated. "Imagine putting 10 percent of your body weight on it, and start gliding without haste. If you rush, it won't lead to better speed."
Regarding upper body movements, Kostner told Kagiyama, "If you try to move only your arms, your glide will come to a halt. First, let yourself glide, and move your arms as if they are being pulled by the flow."
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Summer & Fall scores for the 6 Skate America skaters (will cross-post in the 2023 SkAm subforum):

Hana Yoshida - both in mid-August: Kinoshita Trophy, 1st (189.33) & Gensan Summer Cup,1st (198.95); CS Lombardia, 2nd (185.45); Kinki Regional, 1st (174.83)
Mone Chiba: Kinoshita Trophy, 3rd (177.25) & Gensan Summer Cup, 4th (187.09); CS Autumn Classic, 6th (160.25); Kinki Regional, 2nd (160.88)
Mana Kawabe: Nagoya City (171.46) in early July; Gensan Summer Cup, 8th (174.02); Chubu Regional, 1st (191.77)

Shun Sato - Kinoshita Trophy, 2nd (235.78); Tokyo Regional, 2nd (251.28); CS Finlandia, 2nd (261.23)
Tatsuya Tsuboi - Gensan Summer Cup, 4th (230.82); Kinki Regional, 1st (232.09)
Nozumu Yoshioka (GP debut) - Gensan Summer Cup, 6th (189.84); CS Lombardia 5th (210.46); Tokyo Regional, 4th (221.72)


Yuna NAGAOKA / Sumitada MORIGUCHI (the lone pair now assigned to NHK Trophy) will compete in the East Section Championships later this week, along with the new Junior pair of Sae SHIMIZU / Lucas Tsuyoshi HONDA. Shimizu and Honda both qualified for Nationals in Senior singles last week at the West Section Championships.

ETA from the Kiss & Cry section:

The top six athletes will be able to participate in the All Japan, but Oda is not eligible to participate because he submitted his return notification to the Japan Anti-Doping Agency later than the regulations, …”

Here’s a happy winner’s photo at least (Q&A article with Oda):

Top 7 Senior men (2nd-7th have qualified for Nationals):
Nobunari Oda 7 1 216.75
Sena Miyake 1 4 213.61
Takumi Sugiyama 3 2 207.00
Kazuki Kushida 4 3 203.83
Yuto Kishina 6 5 200.02
Haruya Sasaki 2 7 198.88
Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda 5 6 195.21

Top 7 Senior women in the West Section have qualified for Nationals:
Mako Yamashita 1 1 181.60
Saki Miyake 2 2 179.03
Sae Shimizu 3 5 161.89
Natsu Suzuki 4 4 161.88
Miyabi Oba 7 3 159.87 - her photo with the 7 that qualified: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy8UrXlJSOY/
Nana Araki 5 8 146.30
Yuna Shiraiwa 6 6 146.21 - did not compete in 2022-23 season
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Machine translated excerpt from the end of Oda's Q&A article:

--How I felt when I heard that I wouldn't be able to participate in the All Japan competition [Nationals]
“My goal was to participate in All Japan, so when I lost that goal, I was pretty depressed. I was also pretty mentally depressed. I felt like I couldn't go to practice. There was a day, but what I do hasn't changed.My goals are to do two quads, or to do a quad in the short race.My goal of performing well at my age hasn't changed. All Japan is the tournament that attracts the most attention. I was hoping that I could show my strength there and show my performance to as many people as possible. However, what I do remains the same. I think it would be good if I could concentrate on the remaining competitions and practice for them so that I can demonstrate my abilities to the fullest.''

--What are your next goals
"Right now, there will be another national polity qualifying round in Osaka in mid-November. I'll be able to compete in one national polity, so I'll be able to compete in the next one. I'd like to practice this season in preparation for that. However, if there is a tournament that I can participate in, I would like to try it out and gain the experience that can only be gained through tournaments.''

--Next year's All Japan
 “I never thought I would be asked that question, so I didn’t think about it (laughs).This time, I think I was able to move my body really well and give a good performance, but on the other hand, I also made a few mistakes. So, if I can make it through the qualifying rounds for the next big tournament, it will be the national polity, but I think it would be good if I could do it there.It depends on the results there.If I think I've really done it there, there won't be next season. I feel like I want to do more, for example, I'm still practicing my new quadruple.If that gives me hope and I want to jump in front of the fans, Maybe there will be another season next season, but I have to consult with them while looking at the results, my body, and the process of training.The reason why I continue to play is because I have consulted people around me, and I have to consult with my family. That's the most true, but I'm doing it while causing trouble. In that sense, I don't know if I can continue, but I'm not looking back.''


Well-Known Member
Ayy, Nobu

From his insta:

nobunari0325 To all the fans and family members who always support

We apologize for the inconvenience.

We would like to inform you that due to the lack of registration process for WADA (World Anti-Doping Organization) and JADA (Japan Anti-Doping Organisation), participation in the All-Japan Championships has no longer been accepted.

In October last year, I made a report to the Japan Skating Federation / Osaka Prefecture Skating Federation about the necessary procedures to register athletes, and checked the city. There were no fingerprints or checks of doping procedures at the time, and I didn't even notice myself.

In July of this year, Japan Skate Federation has not registered for doping to WADA. Since the registration period to participate in the All-Japan Championship has passed, I want you to submit your application for exemption to WADA soon," | received a message from my wife. As instructed by the federation, I submitted an application for exemption to WADA, but at the end of August there was a report from WADA that they "will reject the application for exemption".

The Kintetsu Tournament/West Japan Tournament, which is a prerequisite for participation to the All Japan Championships, participated under the permission of the Japan Skating Federation. At the same time, I have recently discussed with various locations to find out whether they can participate in the All-Japan Championship. However, the day before the West Japan Tournament, it was announced that the Japan Skating Federation would release a statement that "All Japan is not allowed to participate" to officials and news agencies.

Taking the results seriously and also reflecting on the fact that oneself and those around them failed to notice the procedure against doping.

Towards the goal of participating in all Japan for the first time in 10 years, I've been determined to prepare and put through hard training.

There were some upsets with this problem, but we managed to win the West Japan tournament. This is also thanks to your warm support. Thank you very much sir. On the other hand, I am sorry that it may not meet your expectations.

Nowadays, the doping problem is being tackled globally even in figure skating. I would like to cooperate with the relationships that started the Japan Skating Federation, so that this doesn't happen to other athletes in the future, so that they can create a support system where they can focus on the competition, and I would like to contribute to the further development of the skating world.

I want to keep getting serious about skating. I will do my best to the competition I can participate in, so l hope you will continue to support me.


Well-Known Member
I'm just popping into this thread to say that I am so happy to see how much Kagiyama has grown as a skater while recovering from his injuries. I thought his short program, long program, and exhibition were wonderful at Grand Prix France. That was such a great men's event.

I can't wait to see Shoma next week!


Well-Known Member
I'm just popping into this thread to say that I am so happy to see how much Kagiyama has grown as a skater while recovering from his injuries. I thought his short program, long program, and exhibition were wonderful at Grand Prix France. That was such a great men's event.

I can't wait to see Shoma next week!
Don't know if I should post this here or in the "unpopular opinion" thread, but I felt he is TEH BEST Japanese male figure skater.


Well-Known Member
Don't know if I should post this here or in the "unpopular opinion" thread, but I felt he is TEH BEST Japanese male figure skater.
I haven't seen Shoma's competitive programs for this season yet. But, so far, Kagiyama's are my favorite programs from the Japanese men.


Well-Known Member
Yuma's interview after the Grand Prix de France (in Japanese)
(Sports Graphic magazine, Number, Article by Akiko Tamura)

A few interesting texts/comments:

On the fellow competitors at the Grand Prix de France

"I think Shoma (Uno) has been leading us in terms of consistent performance with many quadruple jumps. In addition to that, there are now many athletes who can give consistent performances at the higher levels. Compared to the past, I feel like we have a number of Nathan (Chen) now." :rofl:

On his expressions and the step sequence for his free program:

While Kagiyama is known for his beautiful skating, he felt that the expressions he had been doing up to that point was inward-looking. Coach Kostner taught him to be more outward-oriented, to express himself to judges and spectators. As a result, his last step sequence of the free skate was more powerful than ever.

"That step sequence is one of the highlights of my free program, so I am determined to hold on to and execute it, no matter how tired my legs feel."

ETA:Yuma's step sequence at the Grand Prix de France:

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Kyodo News article in English:
Former European and world champion Kostner was by his side at Angers ICEPARC after joining his team earlier this year. The 2014 Sochi Olympic women's bronze medalist had been advising Kagiyama before he asked her to officially come on board.
Kagiyama's father Masakazu remains his jumping and technical coach, while Kostner is working on choreography and artistic expression.
"I want to improve in the areas where I'm still lacking," said Kagiyama, who is aiming for the top of the 2026 Olympic podium in northern Italy, from where Kostner hails.


Copying over some posts from the Japanese domestic competitions thread in the Kiss & Cry section:
The top 3 Novice A Men's and the Top 4 Novice A Women's finishers are "the recommended athletes for the JOC Junior Olympic Cup Tournament and the 92nd All Japan Figure Skating Junior Championships" [Nov. 17-19, 2023 in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture] as published in this Oct. 23rd document: https://www.skatingjapan.or.jp/common/img/info/nominee_jr_2023.pdf

1. 岡 崎 隼 士 蒼明学院中等部 106.73 / Hayato OKAZAKI
2. 吉 野 咲太朗 西武東伏見FSC 95.33 / Sakutaro YOSHINO SEIBU HIGASHIFUSHIMI
3. 松 本 悠 輝 LYS / Haruki MATSUMOTO LYS

Top 4 Novice A Women were invited to compete at Junior Nationals
1. 金 沢 純 禾 木下アカデミー / Sumika KANAZAWA Kinoshita Academy
2. 河 野 莉々愛 木下アカデミー / Riria KONO Kinoshita Academy
3. 大 竹 沙 歩 MFアカデミー / Saho OOTAKE MF Figure Skating Academy
4. 松 浪 ひかり 関空スケート / Hikari MATSUNAMI Kanku Skating Club
Withdrawn [Junior ice dance team] SARA KISHIMOTO Chukyo Senior High School / ATSUHIKO TAMURA SEIBU HIGASHIFUSHIMI [allowed by JSF to advance to Junior Nationals]
Eastern Section (Senior and Junior) qualifying competition (2nd of 2) was held Nov. 2-5, 2023 in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture.

Men top 5:
1. Shun SATO AIM SERVICES Meiji Univ. 1 1 284.87 - 186.99 in FS - 4Lz, 3A+1Eu+3S, 4T+3T, 4T, 3A, 3Lo, 3Lz+2T
2. Nozomu YOSHIOKA Hosei 2 2 220.27
3. Kosho OSHIMA Meiji Univ 4 3 191.61
4. Keisuke KADOWAKI Hosei 3 5 190.82
5. Kazuki HASEGAWA Science Univ of Tokyo 5 4 189.94

Women top 5:
1. Yuna AOKI Nihon Univ 1 1 179.40 (eta link to her pics - #8 with Marin): https://www.instagram.com/p/CzWLoQShDbr/?img_index=8
2. Maria EGAWA Meiji Univ 2 2 163.72
3. Maaya ISHIDA St.Paul's 6 3 151.62
4. Chikako SAIGUSA Nihon Univ 13 4 143.37
5. Marin HONDA JAL 4 5 142.12 - she confirmed she has qualified for Nationals :): https://www.instagram.com/p/CzQilW6J4rc/ (in the final spot?)

Pair (new):
1. Yuna NAGAOKA / Sumitada MORIGUCHI, both Kinoshita Academy 1 1 126.74

Junior Pair (new):
1. Sae SHIMIZU / Lucastsuyoshi HONDA, both Kinoshita Academy 1 1 116.39
Clip of Shimizu/Honda's sbs 3Lz+2A+2A in their FS (12.50 bv + 0.94 = 13.44 points): https://twitter.com/midorimoonlight/status/1721665488336441623
Both also qualified for Nationals in Senior.

The document "Number of people who passed the preliminary [Junior/Senior Nationals qualifying numbers] round" was updated on JSF's website for the 3rd time on October 10, 2023: https://www.skatingjapan.or.jp/figure/news/detail.php?id=197
Direct link: https://www.skatingjapan.or.jp/common/img/info/qualifying_2023_rev3.pdf

I haven't had time to check exactly how many Seniors have advanced to Nationals from the Eastern section and how many Juniors have advanced to Nationals from both sections.
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Ubering juniors against my will
I was curious about Kazuki's "Halston" song for his free program, so I looked it up, and I found this:

"Inspired by the downfall of the late Roy Halston Frowick, the track unfolds in bittersweet melodies informed by Moccio’s ruminations on the legendary fashion designer, who ultimately sold out his name to JC Penny and lost all creative control of his career."

... I mean, can you imagine how much fun they could have had with THAT program concept? What an opportunity wasted!

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