Royalty Thread #11: Putting the "Fun" in Dysfunctional

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Barbara Manatee

Well-Known Member
Flunky also says that when Charles retires William will be in control of the Duchy of Cornwall income, and seems to imply that William might not be inclined to continue whatever support Charles is giving H&M from the Duchy money.
That's how its supposed to work. The monarch uses the income from the Duchy of Lancaster to support his/her family. The heir to the throne gets the proceeds from the Duchy of Cornwall to support himself and his family while he waits his turn. So the Queen pays for her kids with Lancaster money and Charles pays for his kids with Cornwall money. When Charles moves up, he can move Harry onto the Lancaster payroll, while William takes over Cornwall for himself and his children.


Mayor of Carrot City
If they mean to include ascending the throne as a form of "retirement," that will be one hell of a retirement party! 👑

He'll get a lot more than a gold watch - he'll also get a crown, a mace, and a lovely fur-trimmed robe :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I wonder why Harry would have challenged the Mail on this as it seems a no brainer to me that if you post photos on a public Instagram, the press may comment on them. Clearly the Mail did its homework and discovered there was more to the photos than Harry let on, so they reported that. That is what newspapers are supposed to do.



Well-Known Member
A Spring wedding is always nice. The gardens at Buckingham Palace should be at full bloom
for the reception.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood provides L.A., with enough flakes. We don't need these two, as well.

If they go to L.A. for six months then
I wonder why Harry would have challenged the Mail on this as it seems a no brainer to me that if you post photos on a public Instagram, the press may comment on them. Clearly the Mail did its homework and discovered there was more to the photos than Harry let on, so they reported that. That is what newspapers are supposed to do.

I wouldn’t have either if it hadn’t been restrained somehow lol. No offence to the elephant but they are huge lol.


Mayor of Carrot City
PEOPLE magazine on Vancouver Island:

With its beaches, wilderness parks and quaint local shops....Vancouver Island is a tranquil oasis. "It's ridiculously beautiful" says local gallery owner Douglas Reynolds. "Taking the ferry, you might see a killer whale". Adds Kristen Butler, owner of the island's Modo Yoga Nanaimo (Meghan is a fan of the chain): "People are always outside being active".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, it has all these things, but Vancouver Island also has two of BC's larger cities (including the provincial capital) major highways, and a higher homeless rate per capita than Vancouver in the largest city. And the city where that yoga studio is located used to have more malls than any other city in North America - plus it's a two-hour drive from H&M's neighbourhood, on a highway that has terrible traffic jams during rush hour. I sincerely doubt that Meghan is going to be making that commute.

There are some really pretty parts of Vancouver Island, especially if you have the $$$ to live in a waterfront multi-million-dollar estate, but this description is so misleading. Not all of it is a charming rural idyll.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
No Chamber of Commerce points out the downside of their city. Those are not the types of things that would have attracted H&M to Vancouver. Or anyone else. When I visited Baltimore no one made me aware of the crime rate.

I read today that H&M were asked to be presenters at the Oscars tonight but they turned it down. If they wanted a high-profile glamorous celebrity life like their naysayers insist I think they would have accepted.


Well-Known Member
PEOPLE magazine on Vancouver Island:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, it has all these things, but Vancouver Island also has two of BC's larger cities (including the provincial capital) major highways, and a higher homeless rate per capita than Vancouver in the largest city. And the city where that yoga studio is located used to have more malls than any other city in North America - plus it's a two-hour drive from H&M's neighbourhood, on a highway that has terrible traffic jams during rush hour. I sincerely doubt that Meghan is going to be making that commute.

There are some really pretty parts of Vancouver Island, especially if you have the $$$ to live in a waterfront multi-million-dollar estate, but this description is so misleading. Not all of it is a charming rural idyll.

I believe they are staying there for free.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Megan and Harry might melt into the crowd in LA? They could be more anonymous there?
Nope.. not enough crowd for them. They will live in a star filled area and go to all the latest restaurants where the wait staff gets a tip when they call the tabloids.


Well-Known Member
According to this Harry recently was a speaker in Miami at a JP Morgan summit.
No photos or comments from H&M about the speaking engagement.

So what would Harry talk about in a speech like this? I read that Meghan introduced him and basically just said how much she loves him. Would he talk about his time in Afghanistan? There he would have some expertise and experience. Other than that, I am not sure. I suppose his travels representing the Queen? I feel the same about William by the way. When they are giving a speech at a charity and talking about the good work the charity does, that is one thing. But it is not like Harry has had amazing jobs with huge responsibilities, or is an athlete who has trained his entire life and over come huge obstacles. So what would he talk about? Or do they just want him because he is a Prince?


Well-Known Member
^^^ I read that too. Maybe he spoke about the importance of his mental health charities and mentioned his own experience to personalize his speech but AFAIK it is only speculation.


Well-Known Member
I heard he talked about his mental health and how he's been in therapy for 7 years.
Maybe he spoke about the importance of his mental health charities.

Okay, that makes total sense. It is great that he is speaking out. Maybe some companies will start to develop programs to help employees with mental health.

@kittyjake5 I do wish we could get away from mental health being considered an issue for charities. It is an issue for society and government and needs to be taken seriously by both. It helps everyone to have a society where people are mentally healthy so it makes sense to spend tax dollars on it.


Well-Known Member
Okay, that makes total sense. It is great that he is speaking out. Maybe some companies will start to develop programs to help employees with mental health.

@kittyjake5 I do wish we could get away from mental health being considered an issue for charities. It is an issue for society and government and needs to be taken seriously by both. It helps everyone to have a society where people are mentally healthy so it makes sense to spend tax dollars on it.

I guess there are mental health charities too though. Anything that brings awareness is good though.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, that makes total sense. It is great that he is speaking out. Maybe some companies will start to develop programs to help employees with mental health.

@kittyjake5 I do wish we could get away from mental health being considered an issue for charities. It is an issue for society and government and needs to be taken seriously by both. It helps everyone to have a society where people are mentally healthy so it makes sense to spend tax dollars on it.

It makes sense that he talked about mental health with JP Morgan because I knew several people in banking/finance who became seriously depressed and one contemplated suicide. And part of the issue was the same as Harry's -- people looked at their six or seven figure paychecks and considered them "privileged." And they were, financially. But the long hours, extremely top-down management style, and nonstop performance reviews made them a wreck. So I could see Harry being an effective speaker for this sort of thing.

I agree with you that i wish society would stop looking for people to "advocate" for mental health awareness. It should be treated as the cold or flu -- a medical disease that needs prompt treatment.


Well-Known Member
PEOPLE magazine on Vancouver Island:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, it has all these things, but Vancouver Island also has two of BC's larger cities (including the provincial capital) major highways, and a higher homeless rate per capita than Vancouver in the largest city. And the city where that yoga studio is located used to have more malls than any other city in North America - plus it's a two-hour drive from H&M's neighbourhood, on a highway that has terrible traffic jams during rush hour. I sincerely doubt that Meghan is going to be making that commute.

There are some really pretty parts of Vancouver Island, especially if you have the $$$ to live in a waterfront multi-million-dollar estate, but this description is so misleading. Not all of it is a charming rural idyll.

My niece is living and working in Victoria (boyfriend training there for 2 years for the Navy). My sister lived in Vancouver but when I visited we never had the time to visit the Island. I will hopefully get to visit her though 😁.


Rotating while Russian!
Hypothetically, if I did work for a JPMorgan entity, I could say that there is a huge company wide push to improve employee mental health. But if I did, I wouldn't, because employees aren't supposed to discuss anything company related online.


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically, if I did work for a JPMorgan entity, I could say that there is a huge company wide push to improve employee mental health. But if I did, I wouldn't, because employees aren't supposed to discuss anything company related online.

Clever i see what you did there.


Well-Known Member
There are charities for medical issues too. And to pay for kids who get behind in their lunch money, and a host of other things that I think people shouldn't have to depend on the charity of strangers for.
There are charities for medical issues too. And to pay for kids who get behind in their lunch money, and a host of other things that I think people shouldn't have to depend on the charity of strangers for.

there are charities for everything, small, medium and large. Community etc.


Mayor of Carrot City
No Chamber of Commerce points out the downside of their city. Those are not the types of things that would have attracted H&M to Vancouver. Or anyone else. When I visited Baltimore no one made me aware of the crime rate.

The point is that PEOPLE is totally mischaracterizing Vancouver Island. It has pretty rural areas and wilderness, but it also has major urban areas and urban problems. It's not a little idyllic oasis. H&M are at the end of the island that is the most urbanized.

It's also not a little island, which PEOPLE failed to mention. It's almost 500 kilometers long.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
The point is that PEOPLE is totally mischaracterizing Vancouver Island. It has pretty rural areas and wilderness, but it also has major urban areas and urban problems. It's not a little idyllic oasis. H&M are at the end of the island that is the most urbanized.

It's also not a little island, which PEOPLE failed to mention. It's almost 500 kilometers long.

So PEOPLE prettied up Vancouver for their article. I've never heard of such a thing.
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