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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Jamaica Farewell - Harry Belafonte

A tribute to the great singer who passed away today at age 96.

Another one
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To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I'm listening to Whitney Houston at the moment. I was still at NurseCare (Nursing facility) on February 12, 2012, the day she passed away.

I remember how devastating that was to me. My dad and stepmom came that day to visit with me. I was having the PT when they came. So they went to the residential/activities room which was located right across the PT room.

I was just learning how to walk again using a walker. I couldn't walk very far, maybe about 30 feet. But it was a milestone for me, and my dad and stepmom was so thrilled to see me out of the wheelchair and walking.

A week later, my dad got a cold and sinus congestion that he couldn't get rid of. He thought it was sinus congestion, but he ended up in the hospital with fluid build up. I received a call from my stepmom, and she told me I needed to come see him. I was in Shreveport, and the administrator of NurseCare drove me personally to the hospital so I could see my dad.

A week later, dad passed away on February 27th, 2012 of Congestive Heart Failure. He was 79 years old. It was also my stepmom's birthday and their 24th wedding anniversary. My stepmom told me that my dad had been coughing some the day they came to see me, and she felt he had been hanging on just to make sure I was going to be okay.

My dad loved Whitney Houston and had seen the movie, The Bodyguard. He fell in love with Whitney's version of I Will Always Love you. So we decided to play that song during my dad's eulogy.

I especially thought about this today (Memorial Day), and this is in memory of my wonderful dad who was a Marine in the Korean War. Happy Memorial Day everyone.

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Well-Known Member
Something mellow for the 4th: Miles Daivs "Summer Night"


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Forgot I had this old album. Listening to one of my favorite songs from it.



Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Time for some Simon Garfunkel.

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In A Fake Snowball Fight

This was the first song played on our national radio station in a special show in tribute on the evening it was announced she died. Had never heard the song as I had avoided “Wild Mountain Thyme” on the basis of the horrendous Irish accents I heard in the trailer for the film. Started crying when I heard her sing the lyrics “I’ll be singing..” :fragile:

You can listen to the entire tribute programme at the link below:


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