Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Tuktamysheva


Well-Known Member
Liza is toe jumper, obviously, as opposed to an edge jumper. Part of this is Mishin's fault because he taught her technique developed with men's competitive strategy in mind.


Values her privacy
Liza is toe jumper, obviously, as opposed to an edge jumper. Part of this is Mishin's fault because he taught her technique developed with men's competitive strategy in mind.
Being toe jumper is not Mishin’s fault. Many skaters prefer either just toe jumps or just edge jumps. Leonova had a few season when she struggled with Salchow and loop in the past, whereas her toe loops, flips and Lutzes were solid.


RIP D-10
I don't think anyone has called for Tuktamysheva to retire. Voicing concern that she may be staying in skating because she doesn't have anything else planned in response to her direct answers in an interview is legit, IMO. And it should be familiar, because how many of us are in jobs and/or professions because we don't have a plan to do/train/transition to something else?

I've long loved her, so I hope as long as she wants to skate, she does, and I get to see her.

And if we can support Menshov into his 30's -- he only retired because of a shoulder injury -- I don't see why Voronov needs to go anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Medvedeva never competed a 3lutz3loop combo. Loop combos were unusual until Zagitova and Trusova came around and were called UR most times. For a while only Asada was doing it and everybody thought she should learn a toe combo instead. This is no reason to fault Liza. That being said Mishin has lost grip on choreography and it affected Liza's success. The ones producing the best jumpers get to dictate choreographic trends. Mishin isn't that person anymore.

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