U.S. Men 2023-24 news & updates

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Well-Known Member
Yes, there is no one in the US more reliable than Jason other than Ilia. Everyone else delivers a good skate every once in a while but never consistently. And no one else gets the level of PCS and GOEs that Jason gets.

As for Jason's chances of top 10 in the coming Worlds, he is currently 25th on the SB scores list (based on this season's Warsaw Cup), and accounting for skaters who won't be at Worlds, he would still be outside of top ten. Let's just hope he lands more than 5 triples at Worlds. Torgashev placed barely above Jason on the SB scores list but he isn't going to Worlds, Camden is 5 spots and 6 points below Jason on the list.


Well-Known Member
Most likely. He skates last in the FS so he'll know what he needs to do to win.
Seriously. What is fascinating though is that it really can go to any of the 3 top men. Ilia does have a tech advantage: If he really nails it, the TES will move him forward, but he really would need everything if the other two are reasonably clean


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Seriously. What is fascinating though is that it really can go to any of the 3 top men. Ilia does have a tech advantage: If he really nails it, the TES will move him forward, but he really would need everything if the other two are reasonably clean
That's what I'm thinking too - and I'm worried he won't have everything at his disposal due to whatever injury has been troubling him lately.


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm thinking too - and I'm worried he won't have everything at his disposal due to whatever injury has been troubling him lately.
I can't remember where I read this, it may have been on FSU or another board, but someone stated that it could be literally 'growing pains'


Well-Known Member
Injuries? What injuries? :D Ilia was awesome. What a mindboggling collection of quads and quad combos.

And kudos to Jason. That was a gorgeous program. His only mistake in the entire competition was singling that double axel. And this is why USFS wants him to keep skating.

Ilia and Jason earned three spots for the American men. I am hoping that Jason wants one of those spots and continues to compete. Because none of the American men besides Ilia have been making a great argument for nabbing one of those spots.


Well-Known Member
Injuries? What injuries? :D Ilia was awesome. What a mindboggling collection of quads and quad combos.

And kudos to Jason. That was a gorgeous program. His only mistake in the entire competition was singling that double axel. And this is why USFS wants him to keep skating.

Ilia and Jason earned three spots for the American men. I am hoping that Jason wants one of those spots and continues to compete. Because none of the American men besides Ilia have been making a great argument for nabbing one of those spots.
Someone other then Ilia and Jason has to step up Jason can't keep going forever but the other men just don't seem to want it.


Well-Known Member
What an incredible night of skating. Seeing Ilia going all out with an arsenal of quads was worth this trip to Montreal. Jason was mesmerizing in his own way too. It was a huge contrast seeing him skate after Nikolaj Memola, who had the worst spins out of the event. Then Jason came along and looked like such a polished pro. I can't believe Adam medaled but he sat in that top 3 area waiting patiently all night! Anyway, I wonder how Tatiana Malinina reacted when she found out Ilia won. What a glorious and exciting competition!
Medal ceremony:


Go Mirai!
Great skates from Jason and Ilia. I don't know when we will actually ever need that third spot but I guess at least there is a buffer of some sort. Naumov has a lot of potential if he can get consistent but that is a big if. People gripe on Jason so much but he is a special skater and the judges agree. Even if the other top skaters had hit he still would have been no lower than 7th or 8th which seems like a pipe dream for any of the other U.S. men.


Well-Known Member
Someone other then Ilia and Jason has to step up Jason can't keep going forever but the other men just don't seem to want it.

I'm sure the other U.S. men 100% want it, but the body doesn't always do what the mind wants.

Ilia was awesome. He set such a high technical standard at this year's World that even he himself might have trouble matching for the next two years. I bet he wants to put the 4flip back into his LP and perform all 6 different quads.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
My friends in Wash, DC, say that there’s no mention of this event in local TV news shows or the Today Show, which is ridiculous. Hope that the Wash Post mentioned it…I subscribe to The NY Times and checked but saw nothing.
Is figure skating that minimal or ultra-niche? Good grief.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Final Season Best scores (top 75)

1 Malinin (guaranteed 2 GP assignments)
8 Brown (guaranteed 2, but may decline)
25 Torgashev
31 Pulkinen (is in top 24 WS so if he stays there once old season data is dropped, he's guaranteed 1)
39 Hiwatashi
41 Kapeikis
42 Martynov (still junior eligible)
49 Broussard (still junior eligible)
53 Naumov
61 Strommer (aging up)
71 Ma
74 Xie (aging up)
75 Sanchez

So not a lot of guaranteed assignments for the men. The guys in the 30-41s range may get 1 or 2 depending on politicking and potentially as substitutes. I would prioritize getting Torgashev and Pulkinen two assignments. Summer monitoring hopefully will guide the selections of SA host picks after Malinin.


What an incredible night of skating. Seeing Ilia going all out with an arsenal of quads was worth this trip to Montreal. Jason was mesmerizing in his own way too. It was a huge contrast seeing him skate after Nikolaj Memola, who had the worst spins out of the event. Then Jason came along and looked like such a polished pro. I can't believe Adam medaled but he sat in that top 3 area waiting patiently all night! Anyway, I wonder how Tatiana Malinina reacted when she found out Ilia won. What a glorious and exciting competition!
Medal ceremony:
Memola really has some of the worst spinning I've ever seen in a competitor at this level. I thought he was going to stop spinning on the catch-foot camel and just balance there like a velodrome cyclist. I was just looking at the protocols to see just how much this cost him compared with Jason and the other top guys. If my math is right, Jason scored just 5.37 more than Memola across all 3 spins, value of maybe an average 3loop. Kagiyama only 4.42 more. I've always felt that the relative value assigned to great vs terrible spins nowhere near enough.

If I'm reading correctly, Jason had highest PCS, and highest totals for the spins, the step seq, and the Choreo seq. Which is how he does what he does. Beautiful job Jason! :cheer: My modest wish coming into the lp was that Jason hang on to a top 10 to combine with the almost certain top 3 of Ilia; both of them went beautifully beyond my expectations.

As far as that 3rd spot for the US guys, as a huge Jason fan, these past couple of years, I've seen it as a spot for him, if he wants to keep going, when that next US guy does step up and takes the other one. Who to me personally doesn't really look like Naumov (out of the US men's field, Torgashev to me has potential full package), but that's another conversation and it's a subjective sport after all.

And Ilia. I'm still recovering. :lol: I have no time for people focused on nitpicking after watching that incredible spectacle. It was just glorious. I became sold on Ilia as a fantastic performer (not just jumper) after seeing him live at SA 2022 (including but certainly not limited to seeing that quad axel right in front of me), and he's improved leaps and bounds in non-jump areas in the 1.5 years since. I can only imagine what the energy in that arena felt like last night.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
My projected WS calculations have Camden JUST remaining in the WS Top 24, so he should be guaranteed 1 but likely to get 2 since his SB is still pretty high. Torgashev might be more of a stretch for 2 - depends on how many men are guaranteed 2 or 1, etc.
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